Idea for a new SG (just to see what people think)




Sadly with my Main being in EVIL and levelling i get very little time to play alts (sorry TLF). So i wont have a chance to do this myself but if anyone else out there thinks they want to use this go ahead.

Name: The Reformed.
Background: Gangs are rife in the city of Paragon, everybody knows this. Most that join these gangs throw themselves full hearted into the life of decadance and crime but others regret their choice of life and instead of being cursed at every opportunity by people in the street they seek to change their ways, reform from their life of crime and make something of themselves.

These ex-gang members band together, even if the group has tensions already within it. Together they will show the city that even the most 'evil' of people can come through in the end.

OOC bit: Basically, as much as the costume creator would allow, all characters a former gang members of the main villain groups. Tsoo, Warriors, Trolls, Capos, Mooks and the like with power sets matching what was their former minion or higher status.

Freak juicer: Elec/Elec blaster.
Freak swiper: Claws/SR Scrapper
Capo hitman: Rifle/Traps blaster.
Supa-troll: SS/Inv Tanker.
Tsoo ink man: MA/Regen Scrapper.

And so on and so forth.

There is already pre-tension built in (Mooks and Capo's have a strong dislike for each other, each of the villain groups has atleast one other they don't like).

The idea for you consideration and whether you want to use it or not. Like i said, i unfortunately haven't got the time to found such a group but anyone has free reign to form it and use the ideas presented here as they wish, even altering the background to something better (it was a quick thought off the top of my head and isn't great).

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Nice dea tho



The TLF accepts your apology. If you ever do get time, feel free to stop by. Our numbers are small, but our hearts are huge and our addiction to RP missions is vast.

On topic, Not a bad idea. I like the idea of reformed villains, particularly in this context. The pre-established group tension just seems far too fun. Still, I think the problem will be with costume somehow. If only you really could get the assymetry of a renegade freakshow in the character designer.



Nice idea, I'm tempted to make a Supa-Troll. Dyne o' Might (The Troll) was one of my favourite Pocket D characters when he was around. I think some of these are do-able, I'm gonna hit the Character creation tools and see what I can make... I shall post any successes here.

Oooooh. Change of heart, Dibs on a Tsoo Sorcerer! *Teleport* *Knockback* *Heal* *Teleport* *Knockback* *Heal*

It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.



sounds like a good idea dude but sorry already trying to cut down on my commitments otherwise i would join you, hope it gets going for whoever wants to do it =]




Oooooh. Change of heart, Dibs on a Tsoo Sorcerer! *Teleport* *Knockback* *Heal* *Teleport* *Knockback* *Heal*

[/ QUOTE ]
as i told mech, if it wasnt for the lack of time, thats the one i was going to choose.
Shame you cant have a dark/storm controller to make it 100% right.



Oooooh. Change of heart, Dibs on a Tsoo Sorcerer! *Teleport* *Knockback* *Heal* *Teleport* *Knockback* *Heal*

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm never going to see you on Villains again, am I?
That's awesome. Even better, I think that's one of the ones you can do 100% with the character builder. At least, I think you can.



With tonnes of messing around today and some cool characters I've discovered you can easily make:

Tsoo, Warriors, Hellions, Skulls, Lost, Trolls, Circle of Thorns and Family characters.

Which, if you have one of each on a team would make for a great excuse to RP the most Famous Villains of all, and get away with it. I've made these characters below so far then ran out of slots and throw-away alts to delete:

"Herculus" Warrior Slasher - Natural Scrapper - Broadsword/Invulnerability
"Found" Lost Pariah - Mutant Defender - Radiation/Mind
"Desert'r" Damned Hellion - Magic Tank - Fire/Fire
"Blue Hand" Tsoo Sorcerer - Magic Defender - Storms/Archery

It's pretty easy to make these guys if you take the original design of one of the gang members and make it your own, and hero-ise them a little. You can use for any reference to costume designs, Gang Names or powers you might need by looking up the gang you wanna recreate. Eg:

Shame you cant have a dark/storm controller to make it 100% right.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah some builds aren't perfect, but getting close is good enough. When I made the Sorcerer, I just made a combination of Tsoo Bosses, the Archer and the Sorcerer. Eh Voila! Blue Hand. Who's hands are Blue instead of Red, see what I did there? No longer to be caught Red Handed, oh-no-no-no.

Desert'r has Deserted his Hellions and weilds the Flames of the Desert. He's got blonde hair and gold horns too, making him look sandy desert type of a fire Tank instead of the classic red/orange inferno fire.

Found (the character who I've developed the most), is a Reformed Lost Anathema, who was originally a Hero before becoming Mutated by the Lost Mutagen, then he was freed by a Psychic Empath Heroine. He manage to absorb a portion of her Powers giving him a weird version of Empathy which is represented by Radiation Emission.

Herculus is a classic Warrior who decided, after witnessing the untold destruction of the Rikti War, that he'd change his ways... he gave up being a gang member for a few years and now he's decided to pick up his broadsword, and a few Armour pieces lying around to get back on the streets to fight for the good guys instead. (He just likes to fight, much like Desert'r and being a Hero is a legal way to do it.)

If anyone wants to use the costumes, names or backstory's for Herculus and Desert'r ask me for em and I'll free them up for you to use, so long as we team up.

I'm never going to see you on Villains again, am I?

[/ QUOTE ]

No, not ever. ^_^

Ah the curse of wanting (to do) everything and getting (to do) nothing! I believe I have a dastardly plan however. All I'll need is a clone, a second account, a cheap gaming laptop and some duct-tape... To the Hatesmobile! *Logs into Villains*

It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.



Heh nice going Hates, glad to see people viewing my idea with interest and making rather cool looking characters.

If the pieces were in the Costume Creator i would love to add a renegade clockwork to the mix (yes i seem to be the only one that wants to create a clockwork character...odd and sad i know).

I have seen someone get pretty close to a freak though it wasn't perfect it was as good as you could get with the character creator and i was pretty impressed. Obviously it would help if you could somehow get certain costume parts from the enemies but that's a thing for the suggestion forum section (anyone else want Freak tank style armor?).

Obviously since they're reformed, as Hates mentioned, you could alter them, an Ex-Carnival of shadows woman would not doubt have managed to free herself of her mask (quick explanation) just hope someone looks at this idea and decidess to give it a go.

I can already think of one former Troll aka High Burn (or Burnie to her friends) whose hero side, be nice to have an RP group band together.

Anyway, thanks all for your opinions and creations, Once Mech gets to 50 and i have a little more time free, i might invest in creating something like this.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



I just want fish armor/parts so I can play the rogue Coralax.



Yeah, really wish they'd stick in certain enemy costume parts or all of them into the invention system. Carnival of shadows female mask, Clockwork parts and the like.

But since when is that EVER going to happen despite the demand for a lot of people for the enemy costume pieces.

Still anyway, we make do with what we have for now.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Don't worry Mechy, i've always wanted to make a clockwork man too...



Heh glad i'm not alone in that quest.

Thanks Enty.

But seriously anyone can take and use the idea if they want, it's not perfect but great for a group all starting out together.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

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I have to say Phantasm, that... damn sweet, you pretty much got an ordinary freakshow down to a T there and i love it.

very well done

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

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Changed to my proper name, Doctor T now :P

But thanks ^^



Heh any chance you could work your magic on attempting to make a clockwork style character using just the character creator? You seem pretty talented at using it to the best of it's abilites Dr T.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Nice not bad at all actually and about as good as we can get with the costume creator as it stands now.

Which parts did you use, if you could list them, can't quite make it out as the picture is a tad dark.

Your a villain costumey creating machine Dr T.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Sure..I set all physical attributes to small,

Head was Full Helm>Steel Helm>Double Comm>Techno>Filter Guard

Upper Body was Tight>Tech Crey/none>Mangler Gears 2>Skeletal Robotic>Metal links

Lower Body was Monstrous>Monstrous Small>Tech Crey>none>Small Robotic Claws>None

Colour was err...second column, 4th row down I think ^^ with grey secondarys.
Hope that kinda makes sense...O_o



heh makes perfect sense to me...i might off to try it out myself now infact.

Man this makes me want to level faster so once i get to 50 on my MM i can start this SG up.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

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Three words for you...

Double Xp Weekend



heh i hope it's some use to me.

I play on villainous since i play the game to relax, yes i blitz through most things but hey.

Already having to run paper missions on Sharkshead since i've used up all the contacts (including the guy you need the lorekeeper badge to unlock). Really should up that difficulty.

I'm thinking about posting a list of parts to create, roughly each villain group as a character, to help those out who want one even if they're not up for making the SG.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



If there is another 4 or so people up for this, I'd be up for playing em one night a week. I want the Freakshow now. He would be fun to roleplay, all twitchy and nervous. Like a caffeine addict. :P



well that's one for certain.

Any other takers?

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!