Idea for a new SG (just to see what people think)




Yeah, really wish they'd stick in certain enemy costume parts or all of them into the invention system. Carnival of shadows female mask, Clockwork parts and the like.

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I want a carnie mask!



Yeah, really wish they'd stick in certain enemy costume parts or all of them into the invention system. Carnival of shadows female mask, Clockwork parts and the like.

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I want a carnie mask!

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havent i told you off IC about this before?
those things steal your soul.

Bad Echo, bad!



Stop giving me ideas for alts, I have enough of them as it is! I can feel a character concept growing in my mind as we speak.

Devouring Earth.... mutant origin right? Or science....?

Argh! Must resist temptation!

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



I got a bit bored so I thought I'd see what I could make. The PP I hate, but the other 3 are alright.
I'd probably be up for this. Maybe anyway, it seems interesting


Bassai, Canadian Kid, Alruna, Kahi

Mistress Rad, Culpeo, Ms. Demeanor, Celsius

If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. Let's go to work.



Oooh the Sky Raider guy is awesome. I want him now. Haha. First priority gotta be the Raptor Pack though



seems like i started a little craze in making villain costumes in the character creator.

Really like them Crius

Now for the hardest challenge yet.

A decent looking Carnival of shadows lass.

Go on...give it a know you want to.

(really hope seeing this topic inspires Cryptic to stick some villain costume pieces in here, shows how much people want them...hey Bridger over here! Take a look and have a whisper in the Devs ears, see if you can shift them in for Issue 10...go on...please )

Edit: If someone pulls this off and it looks pretty good i know you'll have one very happy Echo, just need to tell her how it's done and she'll be off.

Also looking at Crius's family/mook guy it looks like one of the boss level mobs (specifically the Capo one) perhaps have different sub-sections of each group within the SG and assign them titles based on the group.

Example: Leaders of the Family/Mooks factions of the Reformed SG would be granted a Capo title, The Carnival of shadows faction leader would be granted the Ring Mistress title and so on.

Of course only people within the SG can see your titles and i'm not quite sure how titles work so this probably is an outlandish idea.

Also predesignated 'friendships' are already established within the group as well as predesignated 'enemies'. Skulls, Trolls and the family are connected in the 'Superadine cartel' and would be more likely to get along with people from those factions than say a reformed Warrior, Outcasts and Hellions who fight against them.

Heh just running off a few ideas and rambling on, sorry about that, the ideas just came to me while i was out having a cigarette after re-looking at Crius's work (which i'm still in awe of, as i am the work done by Doc Toxin).

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Hmm i think make the eyes and lips a medium/dark blue and you'd be as close as we could get.

Looks good though, much better than i could do myself

Heh go for the Strongman without the helmet, after all you'd need both sides of the carnival in there to make their little sub-faction of the Reformed SG work.

Edit: I'll let Echo be the judge of this one, she's the one that really wants a Carnie style mask, she'll sell her soul to get one you know.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Heh very nice

Might go back and edit my first post with all the links for all the costumes designed so far and group them under peoples names

Wait...just realised, can't edit old posted...doh! silly me. So Doctor T what do you think of the titles idea and is it doable?

Actually i might be able to...still not sure how theses things work.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



You mean is the idea for the SG doable? I think so. Just need enough people. Just have one night a week where we all try team and RP on said characters for a few hours. No point doing it with 2 or 3 people though, lol ^^



No the titles, idea few posts up.

About if it got large enough each 'leader' of the sub-sections of the reformed would get their own special title, like Capo for the head of the Family/Mook factions etc.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Oh ja of course sorry *slaps forehead* Missed that because you edited it in, lol. Yeah I'm not sure how the title thing works either, never led a SG. How many titles can you give? Is there only 5? one for each rank? Not really sure >< Would be a great idea though.

Also....what about some kind of leader for the team? someone who isn't a reformed villain? Because lets face it, they would more than likely all still be a bit nuts. Someone to bring them together. Maybe a Longbow agent? *shrug*



Not sure how they work either, need some authority on the subject to post.

Keep up the good work on those costumes everyone.

So far they've all looked stunning

If you want to create the SG anyone just go ahead, especially if you got a case of altitis :P

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



On the flip side of this, has anyone seen a Rogue Longbow or a Longbow Infiltrator over on CoV yet? Would be awesome with a Assault Rifle/Traps Corrupter.



I saw a villain called 'Rogue-Longbow' or something like that :P Blue and white outfit.



Damn this thread. I'm supposed to focus on one character this weekend but now I want to make a Zombie Longbow agent named Longbone.
Hell, I think I have to now. That'll be fun to RP something fierce.



Unfortunately i don't think you can give people specific titles and it's done merely by rank.

Perhaps the rank mirror the ingame bad guy rating system, seems fitting.
Minion - Just joined the guild
Lieutenant - standard rank
Boss - For those who are 'bosses' of their own little sub sections in The reformed.
Elite Boss - Admin and guild leader.

Could also be used to reflect their old standing within the gang they use to belong to. Someone could stay a Minion if they feel it suited their character better.

Shame there isn't more people interested, would really like to see this idea flourish, some real creativity has gone into those costumes designs, be a shame for people not to use them.

Still the whole point of the thread was just to see if people were interested in the idea and we've seen some amazing work by several people on the costume creator front.

Also thought about linking it to something else, i remember a character of Cindersnap and the behavior modifications for young offenders topic that a company had produced (not sure who it was that had the original idea, if it was you, please speak up) but have the fact that the people in the SG are also being monitored by the same system just incase they decide to slip into old habits (perhaps they got early release for volunteering for the operation and now being forced to 'work for the system' and have been lumped together, dirty dozen style).

Still hope someone takes this up and runs with it.

Edit: On a side note, following the parts used by Dr T for everything but the face i found that Masks with hair>Sightless>Makeup2 does a pretty good job of making up the mask and an as close to replica as we can get of a Carnival lass.

Colours: Pure white for the mask (obviously) and blue for the 'makeup' i used 5th coloum along, 12th row down for the blue. I would take a screenshot but i don't know how.

If i could find some way of covering up the neck area decently without obscuring the face then the hair would do the rest and it would look like a Carnival lass.

Could someone with screenshotting facilities take a picture for me. I also used Long layers 1 for the hair (i think...).

Echo, go on, give it a go, you know you've wanted to look like a Carnival of Shadows lass for ages now, trust me it looks good...try it..i dares ya, would also make for an interesting RP with Echo going all Carnival on us

(wish i'd stop having random ideas about this, seems the fact i'm editing post after post with new and crazy things about this SG doesn't help).

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Bah can't edit the post anymore...damn them.

Fine here's the image of the Carnival lass with mask i tried, looks ok i think

Carnival lass with mask

Only the mask is in addition to the other costume parts picked out by Doctor Toxin (he's the originator of this particular outfit choice, check earlier posts, trust me, his designs are really good, as are Crius's).

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



With the Double XP weekend, I did indeed try to make a new character. While I'm sure it could be more accurate, I designed the zombie Longbow character with the intent that his costume would be an older variation. Sort of like from the 1960's or something. Check out my baby: