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  1. Dr_MechanoEU

    War Stories

    Edward winced as he peeled off his clothing, having put two layers over his chest to stop people worrying about him. He had already made a choice that he would run this fleshy body of his to destruction if he had to, besides, there were others worse off than him. Antipode had only just been recovered from the rubble around the Golden Giza. She had been missing since Zero hour.

    He remembered back to that moment. Recieving the SOS and tracing it back to it's point of origin. Himself and members of EVIL that had followed arriving just as the sky darkened once more and the now familiar sound of bombs falling reached their ears. The frantic defence as himself, TerrorRat and Ben formed around Big game and held off the Rikti assault, along with a large group of gathered villains, fighting the Ritki simply for their own survival, while Game frantically heaved through the rubble to recover her, dragging her inside the Giza.

    It brought a smile to his face, "we may have been only rescuing one of our own...but for that moment...I felt like a hero..." he chuckled and winced, gritting his teeth.

    He peeled off the first layer. The shirt seemed normal enough but the 2nd, the one closer to the wounds, was soaked in blood.

    Even through the morphine injection the pain refused to numb.

    "You don't take hits like that and walk away unharmed..."

    Having been hit full on by one of the blasts from the bombers the only thing that had kept him from being completely annihilated was raising his personal forcefield in time...but it still wasn't enough.

    He slowly peeled away the 2nd layer, wincing as it took some flesh with it, revealing a mass of bloody and burnt flesh, the smell was something he'd never forget. He knew that he would have become crispy fried if it hadn't been for that forcefield.

    He picked up another syringe of Morphine and injected it. The pain slowly ebbed into a dull ache. Taking out a roll of bandages and slowly applying them to the wound, taking deep but painful breaths as he did so, gritting his teeth as the bandaged touched the wounds, causing the dull ache to become a spike of pain every now and then. Placing the unblemished shirt back over the top.

    Standing and begining what seemed like the long walk to the teleporters, "you're too old to be playing war with these guys...should have done like you did last time...just hide," he shouldered his pulse rifle, using the Blackwand he'd gotten from Archmage Tarixus as a walking stick, helping to keep his balance. He dialed up the coordinates for Nerva.

    "well I've got one thing in my favor..." he smirked, "...I'm just too stubborn to die easily..."

    With a flash he was gone.
  2. Dr_MechanoEU

    War Stories

    Gizelda and Arhnuld were out salvaging what they could from the battlefield that use to be Mercy Island, Ritki armor and weapons to take back to the Doctor in order to hopefully reverse engineer a few choice parts.

    Having evaded Ritki assaults and patrols for the most part, Gizelda hauled up one of the arms from a Heavy assault suit of one of the Ritki, looking the weapon over.

    "Think this will do nicely..."

    She looked up and scanned the area...warning signals going off...the Ritki we're approaching...and fast.

    "Arhnuld we've got company...and lots of it..."

    If they took off they'd be shot down before they could even get clear. Gizelda quickly moved behind the ruins of wall, once belonging to a house, Arhnuld doing the same. The Ritki continued their advance, perhaps ten in number.

    Arhnuld begun uttering the words of his idol, the one from which he had been granted a name.

    "Crom, I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it. No one, not even you, will remember if we were good men or bad. Why we fought, or why we died. All that matters is that two stood against many. That's what's important! Valor pleases you, Crom... so grant me one request. Grant me revenge! And if you do not listen, then to HELL with you!"

    Gizelda simply shook her head and sighed.

    "Ok...on my count...1...2...3!"

    The two moved from the ruins, laser fire piercing the air. taking the Ritki patrol by surprise, knocking one off their feet. Seeker drones deployed from the two robots backs and flew towards the Ritki. The bright flashes illuminating the nights sky, a few Ritki stumbling back.

    The large, more well armored Ritki begun his advanced, running at full pelt, knocking Arhnuld to the ground and levelling his rifle...

    ...there was a bright flash as a glowing blast of Plasma took the Ritki's head off.

    "You want to live forever?"

    Succubus towered over in the biggest of the Ritki, hauling Arhnuld to his feet.

    "Come on...today is not a good day to be shutdown.."

    Engulfing the area infront of them in flame, giving them enough time to fire their rockets...they begun their retreat back towards EVIL HQ.
  3. Mechano after being told he would have to share a bed with Big Game in the EVIL base since his own home in Darwins landing isn't secure (Where Big game was also staying) is under threat.

    Mechano, "I'm Bert, Your Ernie.."
  4. Dr_MechanoEU

    War Stories

    Edward Johnson. Better known as the villainous Doctor Mechano stepped outside his house, just in time to see Big Game running the other way. Wondering what all the fuss was about he turned to see the hordes of Ritki and let out a sigh.

    He flicked his wrist communicator on.

    "Elise...download a copy of your intelligence back to your body NOW! The rest of you outside now..."

    There was heavy metal footfalls as his family, as he called his robots, formed up infront of him. The three smallests, Gizmatron, Gigaflux and their AI commander Grunt stood infront of him, Arhnuld and Gizelda formed either side of him, there was a flicker of energy as they applied the shields to each other and the other three.

    "I always did want to go out with a fight..."

    He gave a maniac grin. There was the the loud clank as his largest creation, the AI originally named Succubus but since renamed (by Echo) Elise stood behind him, towering over them all.

    "We've got to make our way to Pocket D's, from there we'll take the battle to them once we've regroupped...let's go ladies..."

    As the Ritki advanced there was a battle-cry from Elise.

    "LETS ROCK!"

    The sound of laser and plasma fire filled the air and they begun a steady advanced towards the Mercy ferry...hoping they could reach Port Oakes before the Ritki managed to sink the Ferry.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    As for the debate on issue 10 ruining Roleplay, unfortunatly the bottom line is its coming, you either adapt or you dont. Ive adapted myself, like i said in a previous post, i'm actually looking forward to it now, but i do understand people who arent looking forward to it, but as said its coming. So instead of whining, maybe try to think of the positive sides and try to see if a fun and satisfying plot can be made from it. If its THAT bad to the point where its totally destroyed your fun, hate to say it, you may be better off taking a break from the CoX world.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well said Echo. As Agent Smith says, "It's inevitable" and unfortunately it's now a case of adapt and survive or stagnate and die with regards Issue 10. That was a little overdramatic I know but it brings up the point nicely.
  6. On a lighter note.

    Food shortages, looting, riots, martial law...

    It's good to know Mercy will stay the same even with the invasion
  7. Very well said Sitriel and i have to agree with you on all points.

    It's not about going, "Issue 10 will ruined my RP/RP style" it's about looking at it an seizing the opportunities wrought from the event and beyond.

    Don't get me wrong I can understand why you feel I10 will ruin a few things but I personally see it as a great opportunity to expand my character.

    As for the 'war game' comment, come on, CoX will hardly be a war game. It's not about tactically choosing where and when to strike the enemy using your squad of highly trained commandos in order to stop a breakthrough in your battle line or picking out the right weapon for you to take out that tank that may have just rolled around the corner. It's not exactly Tom Clancy's advanced war fighter or even one of the Rainbow Six games.

    As mentioned this is still very much about the heroics/villainy because that is what the game is about. Comics frequently echo with the sounds of war, heh, right now Marvel is running it's 'Civil War' storyline. You've had battles against alien invaders. In the early years the heroes were actively involved in World War 2 (The famous cover of Captain America punching Hitler in the face kind of makes that point fairly clear) along with Superman urging people to 'buy warbonds'. Heroes and war have gone together for a very long time, infact one could say that war CREATED the best known heroes of today.

    It makes little sense to have one and not the other.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    (While IC in PD's) DR Mechano: "Finding a straight woman around here seems to be a miracle in itself."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Heh I'd forgotten that one...made me lol...again

    Doc: You sir, are a small lawn mower!
    Brit: And that means what?
    Doc: Exactly how it sounds, you're a small lawn mower
    Brit: riiiggghtttt....

    Doc: How dare you say that about my robots...they're 99% washing machine free...well there is that one component you really can only find in a washing machine...

    While in Pink catboi form after a long winded explanation on his evil, if random and quite crazy plan:
    Lunk: You're a fruit doc.
    Blanscher: well he definitely is 'fruity' if that's what you mean.

    and OOC:
    Me: hmmm kittens...
    Me: hmmm cake...
    HH (i think): ok...
  9. in the response to villains vs criminals thing. Each tends to have their own view on what = what.

    After taking $5 for selling information about the TLF (very basic information that they could easily have found out themselves to be honest) to a lady from the militia ($5 was all she had) he gave her a basic rundown of information but then said.

    "Tell you what, i like your face, first piece of informations on the house, I couldn't be seen leaving a beautiful woman broke now could i?"

    her response "you sir are a gentleman"

    Mechanos response, "My dear it's what seperates Supervillains from Superthugs, I have some class and some manners my dear...Superthugs do not."

    Each person obviously defines what THEY see as a villain, to someone like Mechano to be called a villain is considered a compliment as it's a very large step above being a 'thug' (It's why i use the 'villain' badge title with him).

    So just as even villains themselves define villain as a very much personal specific things, so to do heroes. One cannot force a specific way of thinking upon another individual. To blankly say ALL heroes shouldn't go into PD's because it contains villains is a fallacy and a blanket statement.

    Besides where else are you going to go to use those snappy one-line comebacks against villains?(to which the doc has been a victim of many a time...damn witty heroes and they're comebacks).

    Obviously your character objects to the idea of milling about with villains on a personal level, that's fair enough but don't suggest that every other hero should act the same.

    In that case the ideal place for you would be GG or SG RP as Echo suggested.

    But i did see grey steel in PD's the other night :P.
  10. Dr_MechanoEU

    IC rumours

    ((fair point, though Brit's aren't prophcies, considering Brit owns a construction company, it's more than fair them to notice that reinforced steel is in short supply and doesn't directly link to the Ritiki Invasion (i'm thinking Faultline needs a lot of reinforced steel, perhaps the city is splashing out on finally pushing through it's rebuilding...see there is another explanation, so don't be so quick to judge old Brit. If you comment wasn't aimed at Brit, please ignore this comment...)).
  11. fair point, it hasn't been a one-sided earbashing against Krank.

    Could i atleast force him to sit in the comfy chair though?
  12. poor Krank

    posting details about his SG. I doubt he expected this kind of Spanish inquisition.

    *waits for the inevitable respone*
  13. Hmmm...

    Let's see...

    Realism vs Escapism discussion:
    Not getting involved on that one...i play a shapeshifting Mad scientist who tinkers with his genetic structure on a daily basis...he has no place in the real world.

    Targets for Anarchist type people:
    Black Ops is pretty much the work of Malta, they are THE shadowy government agency, they are the Men in Black. Orphaned kids are taken at an early age and trained to be proficent killers, especially when dealing with Meta's but i imagine outside their clashes with heroes and villains they're doing the standard black ops things. Plus the history on Paragon Wiki makes mention of the infamous Black helicopters so often said to be used by our worlds 'men in black'.

    So if you want Conspiracy then Malta (and the Knives of Artemis (KoA) who seemed to be contracted to work with Malta) is the one to go after.

    As already mentioned they are the company who is everything every anti-globalisation protester has nightmares about, animal testing, human testing, animal-human testing, really dodgy faceless 'heroes' (paragon city protectors) who tend to be that bit more brutal and do whatever the company tells them, even if it's actually quite nasty.

    The Council:
    Fascists (not Nazi's like the 5th Column but fascists (Nazi we're a specific party, not a catch-all term for those of similar beliefs)) who do evil and rather nasty experiments...need i say more?

    As an Anarchist surely these are bit more high up on your 'todo' list than the American government, even if it was really doing nasty things...it's doing it through Malta and the KoA, so they'd be the ones to go after.

    State of the nation:
    With the government in a state of dissary after the Ritki war. Just go take a look at Faultline, though progress has been made (changing from a Hazard zone to a City zone) it's still pretty much a disaster area. The Hollows is another one, the city just hasn't got the funds or the manpower to take the area back from the gangs and make them liveable again (as shown by the understaffed and underarmed police in the hollows, who are pretty much pinned down to the entrance to Atlas park).

    The fact that gangs, both mostly super-powered (Trolls) and mostly not (Skulls, Hellions and Warriors), rampaging cybernetic behemoths of destruction (Freakshow), a circus which SUCKS SOULS (Carnival of shadows) are the ones genuinely trying to destroy order so THEY are the terrorists in this world, for one there's just so damn many of them and no matter how many you arrest, they just keep coming.

    Those who lack superpowers themselves often feel very bitter towards those who do so turn to cybernetics, making deals with demons, Superadine or selling their soul to be a man locked inside a helmet for the rest of their lives in order to feel that they too are 'somebody' people fear them and that makes them feel better about themselves. Lets face it locking yourself inside a Bronze/Iron/Steel helm for the rest of your life is a pretty big commitment to make in order to feel better about yourself and only the desperate would resort to such a tactic.

    They ARE the people who feel oppressed not because they feel they have been marginilized by society (to quote Terry Pratchet, "Black and White isn't a problem when you're both teaming up on Green") but because they feel insecure about not being able to feel like they're worth something in society, whether it be awe or fear, it nolonger matters when they reach the state of signing to one of the many gangs.

    An army of Freakshow can reduce large city blocks to rubble in a couple of hours, causing rampaging fires to run riot, destroy more property than a hurricane hitting the city, steal the stuff they don't blow up, knock the PPD senseless and even give Longbow a hard time...these are the people who hate the government, they are the people who blow up buildings, cost the lives of Civilians, Police Officers and heroes alike, they are the terrorists of the CoX world.

    If you want Religous nutjobs we've got that covered too, The Luddites in CoV are anti-technology quasi-religious group, though they do attempt mostly peaceful protests until a villain stumbles in and tries to knock them silly. Circle of Thorns, they deal with demons...enough said.

    So Terrorism is a threat yes, but when you've got gangs that can gather into a rather large army and that can turn several square miles of city block to rubble within an hour, a single bomb really doesn't hold as much terror as it does in our world.

    In short: Yes terrorism exists in the CoX world, it's an ugly fact but it's done by those who either seek to prove themselves to their peers in various gangs or by the gang enmasse (Skyway Rave style).

    So i doubt there's a place to keep those who seek to 'destroy the american way of life' since pretty much every punk you fight is looking to do that, super-powered or not!

    phew...that was a long one...
  14. I was joking about creating him, i think Ash from Bare Knuckle 3 is probably about as stereotypical as you can get.

    Biker hat, bushy beard, vest top, thong, stockings and high heels.

    ingame he giggles like a girl, has the woman 'death scream' (once his energy hit's 0) as opposed to the male one and cries once you've beaten him...oh and he minces when he runs...

    Hey if you want a go at creating an Bare Knuckle 3 Ash (not to be confused with the uber-cool Evil Dead Ash)then be my guest.

    I reserve the right to require a 5 minute break from the game for laughing so hard though, think it would be wonderfully hilarious to see for quite a few reasons but i think the image Ash portrays of a homosexual male kind of went out the window in the mid-90's.
  15. heh if you want to go for something really stereotypical homosexual perhaps creating something like this guy:

    Ash from Bare Knuckle 3

    He was cut from the European and US version of Bare Knuckle 3 (better know as Streets of Rage 3 to us in Europe) for obvious reasons.

    Have been tempted to make him ingame, but males can't get the stockings and high-heels options...
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Dr_Mechano: The [censored] aspect sounds fun, I hope you post screenies soon!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Working on it Blackdove. Always thought of using it to create interesting roleplay in that only ONE of his forms is homosexual the others are straight...and considering he's going to begin shifting through them at random instead of under his own control (genetic tinkering really does have a down side) it's going to create some enjoyably awkward moments to RP.

    Mechano is already in a relationship with Misty Logic his female assistant, not quite sure how she's going to take to the new side of him popping up at random. Though the word 'open relationship' really much covers Mechano and Misty's relationship so hopefully wont be too much trouble there.
  17. well to be honest Mechanos catboy form was homosexual before this topic even appeared, infact turning him into a Wuzzle (Pink catboy with butterfly wings) has been on the cards from before this topic turned up as well (just ask Lunk).

    I like to play the forms as varying sides to himself. His younger self is the more serious and slightly more sane than his older self, whose prone to ranting and off-the-cuff comments. His dragon form is the form he takes when threatened since its (RPwise) more powerful than any of the others. The Catboy form would be considered his feminie side given shape.

    Mechano is not strictly speaking a [censored] character, just happens that one of his forms is.
  18. Is making one of your characters costumes a pink catboy with white fur and fairy wings (also 2 different shades of pink) just going that little step one to far in the opposite direction to be just a tad tasteless with regards this topic?

    I'm comfortable with my sexuality enough to be able to play out one of Mechanos forms 'swinging the other way' and i also think catboy and homosexual technically covers two taboos in one hit (Furry and Homosexuality) but hey i just felt the needs to make the costume.

    So far i think the highlights have been asking a former Nazi if he wanted a hug.

    Screenshot of the costume coming soon!
  19. Seems like this event is bringing out the Aliens quotes in everyone

    and that's a good thing
  20. hmm on the PD's front, yes it will be flooded with tools unfortunately.

    But RPwise PD's has one major thing going for it against SG bases.

    it's literally a Pocket Dimension and so safe from any form of attack. That and since Zero is supposedly an uber-mutant with insane powers...any Ritki walking through the door would just be instantly left to float outside the club stuck in a void until winter comes around and they can finally get back in through the ski chalet (they'd be playing rummy until then...so if you see aliens float past the window of D's playing cards, you'll know what happened).

    Mind you the same theory could technically be applied to SG bases, since you have to teleport to get there, most, since they have no windows to the outside world, could be considered bunkers so they too warrant a safe-haven.

    I do like the idea of Coalition chat being used as a sort of makeshift communications, especially if all of a sudden, the other end goes dead and all you could hear was static.....
  21. i'm just waiting for following conversation after getting a defeat all rikti mission.

    "So what is it we got to do?"

    "Awww man...it's a bug hunt..."
  22. well actually if you have Omega clearance you know all about the Rikti, where they came from, what they are and like.

    But you need Zeta clearance to know about Omega clearance (or look it up on Paragon Wiki...once you start fighting the Rikti...look back to the Lost...soon you're eyes will be opened).

    I have said too much already...WATCH THE SKIES...

  23. The odd thing about Mechano is his forms if he stays in them too long (besides his young self and old self) slowly begin to alter his personality. His Draconic form is more feral and his catboy form well...i'll use a quote from Lunk when he saw it.

    "There's only two types of men that wear a mesh shirt, and you don't look like a latino gangster..."

    Also i've used a quote from Plunket and Macleane when asked at Edwards prefence in that form.

    "So you erm...swing the other way then..."
    "Darling when i'm like this i swing every way.."

    So it all depends which form you catch him in as to what his preference will be.
  24. Well i'm not sure how Edward is going to react but Succubus the assault bot would say one thing...

    "LET'S ROCK"

    This'll allow me to bring out my Aliens quotes like never before and for them to be appropriate, as for what happens to Edward...well...Ritiki tech salvaging looks to be the way!
  25. aye tell me about it.

    Spines, Broadsword, Katana, Mace and Battle axe all really don't lend themselves well to the whole 'arrest' thing.

    "Here you go...here's the bad guy..."

    "erm...son...he's got no legs..."

    "it was to stop him running away...but i arrested him i did..."