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  1. day later

    Edward was prowling the streets of Brickstown, growling to himself, he still wasn't happy with the whole Chrissie situation, he still thought of her as a spoiled brat but she had to be kept here unless she was used as a human bomb by the Freakshow.

    Good thing he had people to take out the frustrations on...in a legal manner.

    He grunted as he hoisted the Freakshow tank up off his feet, eyes glowing intensely...his true demonic form, his skin burnt black, cracks spreading here and there with an inferno raging within.

    "Listen...I want to know where Shad00w is...you don't tell me and I swear by all that's holy I shall rip you apart to see how you work then remodel you into a toaster!"

    He yanked hard on the Tanks arms, ripping the cybernetics from their sockets, tossing them to the ground, "that's just the start, so get talking or lose your legs pal...I'm not in the best of moods."
  2. Edward looked down at the text message, speaking outloud to himself, as he often did, a habit from his mad science days, "right so we got a name...of both the Freak in question AND the meat doc that built him...hmmm so it was magical prosthetics...oh dear...this means we have another Super-Freak on our hands...someone was stupid enough to actually try to recreate that uncontrollable jugganaught..."

    He boarded the Sub back to Paragon, "listen I don't like dealing with you guys but you get me in and out of the isles safetly...now I got a favor to ask..."

    The Longbow officer just grunted and turned away, Edward had injured over a thousand longbow officers in his time in the isles ((has the badge to prove it )) so they were understandable non-too-willing to help him.

    "Fine I'll look myself...hmm...Micheal, our resident security officer has contacts in the PPD...I'll ask him if he knows of any meat doc named Slashshade."
  3. Edward was paying a visit to the Rogue Isles, visiting an old 'friend'.

    "Hey Doc, I gots a question for you"

    "Ah if it isn't Doctor Mechano, back in the isles, heard you turned traitor, so tell me, why should I answer any of the questions you're going to ask?"

    Ed sighed, "because if it weren't for me that botched experiment of yours would have killed you...and I could tell you're failure to some of your Freakshow friends..."

    Doc Buzzsaw hissed, "alright, what is it you need to know, if it's something too importaint I still ain't telling you..."

    Ed smiled, "good girl Doc, listen I know you've made Nictus shard imbude freaks, there was one used in an attack on Paragon, now I ain't saying it's yours but you know any of the Paragon Meat docs that would do that?"

    Doc Buzzsaw thought for a moment, "Sorry Doc but I ain't got a clue, I simply showed mine to the assembled Meat Docs for my presentation, the ones you rescued I might add, so any of them could have passed on the info..."

    Ed sighed, "Thanks Doc...oh and here...payment for info..." Ed tossed her a finely crafted cybernetic arm, "just don't tinker with it too much..."

    He begun heading back to Agincourt, "next stop...The Council...Striga Island"
  4. I can't find the quote from BaBs (may have been Hero 1) from the US forums but he has said something along the lines of:

    "I'd really like to do a co-op zone where the heroes are forced to partake in morally questionable actions to help stop a threat, actions which a villain wouldn't think twice of doing."

    Also with the new system of branching dialogue their testing out, Imperious does say different things depending on your side with heroes he gives the usual guff of honor, reclaiming homeland etc. with villains he mentions that sometimes things need to get violent and that together, he and you, would spill the blood of his enemies so it ran awash in the streets.

    The Vanguard mission arcs came along before this branching tech was in place, so expect a lot more contacts to talk to you differently depending on your villain or hero origin.
  5. might be a little late tonight, should be there by 9:15 but yes we're still on
  6. Dr_MechanoEU


    one and only 50 so far dinged 50 off of beating Tyrant.

    Yeah I organised it so that was his level 50 ding, earning just the right amount of XP so I would definitely level up from downing Tyrant.

    It was my first 50 so I wanted it to be spectacular
  7. hmm for Timeless Blade (Immortal time wandering swordsman) I could think of only one song that would fit him

    Warriors of the World by Manowar
  8. Ok the Bare Knuckle Brawlers had their first meeting. Everyone made level 6 (it was a quick missioning together).

    There's still some spots open.
    Here's a group shot of all of us. Also had this on repeat while playing
  9. for my DM/Regen scrapper I use One of Kind

    The fear I leave in the back of your mind, makes you believe I'm.....ONE OF A KIND = Touch of fear
  10. aye sorry about not turning up last night, completely forgot, was forcing my housemate to watch a Uwe Boll film Bloodrayne.

    It's what he gets for saying "Uwe Boll can't possibly be THAT bad can he?"

    By then end of it he had seen the truth. Though we had fun taking the mickey out of it for all of it's mistakes, of which there were many (such as a complete lack of any kind of character developement, the fact the swords looked liked giant butter knives complete with rounded point, someone sharpening a blade with a wetstone wrong to the point where he'd actually be grinding down the blades edge, not sharpening it, fight scenes that had about as much force and impact put into them by the actors as a wet towel).

    Then we watched George A Romeros Diaries of the Dead which is such a far superior film and all was right with the world.
  11. hmm.

    Suggestion has been made quite a few times but it's one that crops up often enough that it does deem thinking about.

    There are a couple of problems with it.

    1) Why only the team leader getting this? You said it was a story arc which then lead into a taskforce. So I would assume the story arc is merely like unlocking a contact in the style of Ernesto Hess or Katie Hannon.

    If the reward only comes from the Taskforce then everybody should get the option (like the roman costume or a rare recipe or a respec trial respec), otherwise, apart from a bog standard respec, what's the point in running it in a team?

    2) Stopping you getting your powers thing, I've read a LOT of bios and yes there are standard things of lab accident, experimentation, finding magic talisman but there are also things like being from another planet (the abilities are natural to them) or being very highly trained (natural), being a creature from the netherworld summoned into our realm of existence (Magic).

    People don't like it when you actually force their background on them with no choice, it miffed a few people with the whole explanation of powerset prolifiration.

    Plus would it make any sense for the villain to be trying to stop you getting a magic talisman if your a demon from the netherworld who doesn't get their powers from said magic talisman...

    2) Being level 1 ISN'T fun, it's a pain in the [censored], one attack and one ability from your secondary (three attacks if your a 33+ month vet) and the horrible endurance drain means your struggling every fight for no real good reason.

    3) Exploitability, so you level something nice and easy but then switch it to something a lot harder. Yes I would love to be able to switch powersets but I reckon there's probably a better way to do it.
  12. Vox can't make it until after 9pm most nights (I'm idly wondering if he works in Blockbuster) which is good for me also as I tend not to be able to make it home until 9pm (because that's when Blockbuster close).

    By this extension Vox and Morgana come together (awww!) so everyone ok with 9PM?
  13. He nodded and took it, "I'll have a go at analyzing it myself along with Bodicias help...one of the joys of being a scientist and a catholic..." he chuckled softly.

    "You take care now...if you need me...here's my card," passed Jane a card which his Kings Row address on it, "if you need anything analyzed off the record, you can use my lab...it's a bit of a mess though.."

    There was a flash and Ed disappeared off into the distance at speed.
  14. He applied the last rites to the last dying Freak and stood up, his expression switched to one of deep sorrow to a small smile on his face in an instant, "Eloise is her name, she's a member of the Unity Vigil, a warshade if I remember correctly...she never told me what her exact relation to Ellie was, I just assumed Preatorian doppleganger gone good..."

    He chuckled, "yeah...the Unity Vigil is an odd mix of people, including myself as you can see...it's safe to send her the information, she only has Ellies best interests at heart though the two of them don't get along with your 'normal' Kheldians like Sunstorm..."
  15. Ed nodded and begun his duty, shifting into human form he walked over to the dead freakshow, putting their eyes closed and saying the last rites over each of them, putting the sign of the cross on their forehead, "God show you mercy," he added after each one.
  16. "slow down Eloise...first off, most of this was done by the Freakshow, second of all Ellie here seemed to have gone over her power limit, I only caught glimpses because I was too busy saving a reporters hide but energy started arcing from her, purplish tinted at the edges..almost warshade-like."

    He looked at the scattered remains of the helicopter.

    "She used her power to blast an out of control chopper out of the sky before it crash landed onto some innocent people, the Freakshow used this odd kind of bomb which ate metal, the idiot tossed the thing like a freaking grenade as some nether-energy using Tank sped off in a Truck, they'd smashed up the office building pretty bad and it didn't hold, the rubble collapses on Ellie and then she went all glowie and started spewing energy..."

    He smiled, "there...that help as an explanation...Eloise...I recommend you ask Bodi for an emergency medical base teleport for Ellie before the media start gathering, Ellie has enough bad press as it is with her past..."
  17. Edward lept off the rooftop and landed next to Ellie, "Ellie, Ellie, Ellie...what have you been upto?"

    He looked a Phoenix, "she'll be alright...still I've not seen her do something like that...hell even the tiger thing was new to me..."

    The covering on his arm was regenerating quickly now the gas had gone, molecules being collects, wiring being resoldered. He flexed the arm...

    "Oh...names Ed by the way, thanks for helping out..." He slowly shifted into his Angel form, the metal arm replaced by flesh, "the media wont look too kindly on seeing a Demon at the scene...even if they did just catch my Demon form on camera..."
  18. Edward looked up, his arm reparing itself, "oh great...newshounds in trouble..." he quickly got to his feet, flaring his wings and taking off at speed to the Helicopter, bitting his tongue as he went through the gass but the draft of his wings keeping the worst at bay.

    He quickly judged his moment before landing on the spinning chopper, "need a hand?" he grabbed hold of Jack Carter and the pilot, making sure to cut the pilots seatbelt with this claws so he could pull him out.

    Heaving one over each shoulder he jumped out of the helicopter, waiting until he knew he'd be clear of the blades, he opened his wings and glided down to a nearby rooftop far enough away from the carnage to set them down safely.

    "That gas destroys metal, you were lucky the entire chopper didn't get it, not to mention your camera," he looked at the flailing chopper and shouted out.

    "SOMEONE WITH SUPER STRENGTH STOP THAT THING!" Edward wasn't strong enough on his own to hold up a chopper, he could slow it but it would still crash.
  19. Woo it's all coming along nicely.

    Need to get a day (well evening more like) when everyone is good to play, how are thursdays evenings for people?
  20. Brawl comes with a variety of different animations all for the same power BUT these could be powerset coded rather than individually codes, I'm not sure if you get a different version of brawl if you choose one of the powersets effected or whether it's the same power with different tags telling it to animate a certain way when X is happening.

    Normal brawl does left fist, right fist, include weapon (since you can brawl with your Broadsword drawn etc) and Kick (used in Dual blades case).

    So, you could, in theory, have a drop down list given the options (if your not a weapons set) of having brawl either animate via punch or kick.

    (beat me too it Tyger...damn you!)
  21. Edward doubled over in pain on the floor...his cybernetic arm had all the feeling of a normal human arm, he let out a loud shout as the casing begun to melt off, feeling like someone was stripping flesh from muscle.

    He staggered to his feet, Nanites working overtime to repair the damage being caused but unless he got out of this cloud fast even they would be overloaded...he slowly staggered to the edge of the cloud, leaning against a wall as he slumped down...
  22. Seeing the Freaks flee Edward gave a sigh, "and here I was hoping for a fight..."

    He heard the pinging of the metal canister, "EVERYBODY OUT!" he dove through one of the broken windows, rolling on the ground and making tracks to the other side of the street, he wasn't about to take a chance with high explosives, he would survive but he didn't feel like causing a scene while his charred remains regenerated.
  23. Edward saw the carnage, "is it just me or is this the Freaklympics?" he smirked and barrelled into the office, looking at the assembled freaks.

    "I would normally offer you boys the chance to repent but...I doubt you'll be wanting to take the offer...so lets just get on with it shall we?"

    He uttered a short prayer to himself, "faith be my armour, faith be my shield..." his body seemed to glow a brief second and in a flash of bright light an Angel stood before the Freakshow, "you're souls have been, judged, measured, weighed and found wanting.."

    He charged into the group, his armour of faith (Moment of Glory) would shield him for a while, time to clean up, nether energy formed a circle around him as he drained the life energy of the Freakshow around him, his muscles buldging as he begun to lay into them with all his might.
  24. He hadn't expected the Tank to move so quick, obviously he must have been on jet fuel today or something, a blow catching him completely off guard as the hammer smacked him in the face, his head flew back but then he turned back around, the unsettling sound of bones clicking back into place as his jaw reassembled itself into a big wide grin.

    "Wow...I'm sorry, was that a mosquito landing gently on my face, it distracted me for a moment...what we're you saying about getting your panties all twisted...or something like that..."
  25. not entirely sure to be brutally honest.

    Though I think Aeon university has the 'Fightin' Coralax' American football team, though that's coming from the back of my mind somewhere and there's a good chance that it's completely made up and as such should not be trusted...

    Sadly we're really not told very much about these little things with the game world, the only thing that is known is that Sally is the unofficial mascot of Croatoa Uni (hence why the activist sometimes says "Save Sally"...in answer to the US official forum rally of the same title).