Poker Night/Meet and Greet, Fourth Wall (Union)




Byenvenu! Your host, Jean-Luc Santeres, invites the heroes of Paragon City and the admiring public to Casino Night, running twice a month in King's Row.

We're hoping to put together a little friendly gambling session and time for people to kick back and enjoy themselves with some light banter, especially with all the rather trying times the city has seen lately. As a result, our new charming Texan, Bombshot will be assisting in the hosting of a poker night, and we invite members of the club - and even the mildly curious - to stop in and have a go.

Dates and times will be announced - bring your sack quarters and stay tuned!


The OOC bit:

There have been a considerable amount of new roleplayers around on Union, lately. I've had the pleasure of meeting a few and I've heard their frustration when it comes to trying to find rp - options are a bit slim, and as it was always the intention of Coile to have the Fourth Wall as a gathering place for roleplayers as well as a place for new roleplayers to call home for a while, I'm extending the invitation to new roleplayers to come to the Fourth and meet their fellow rpers, as well as current roleplay supergroups to potentially find new members. While I don't intend on this being a headhunting market, I'd like to see considerably more rp, as a lot of really brilliant rpers seem to be giving up and joining regular supergroups because they just don't know who is out there or can't find the roleplay type they enjoy.

The Fourth has coalition slots, and I will be going through and pruning the inactives to allow for those who are willing to use the Fourth Wall space. If you have an active rping Supergroup and you do intend on coming to use the Fourth for rp sessions, then by all means come find me and we'll sort it out.

If you do not have a supergroup and you want to attend the Fourth Wall meets, just join the Fourth Wall Supergroup itself (either as a member ic or ooc) so you may attend and rp to your hearts content. For up and coming rpers this can be a good choice, as you can group and grind as you like, but the base allows you access to storage and invention machines without having to run all over to find it all.

Bring your plots, your stories, your deeds of valour and your woeful ability to play cards. More details will be forthcoming, but you can always either contact me ingame as @LoupGarou or here in a PM.



Ah, just reminded of something actually:

For those of you who are new to the forums and Union rp, and aren't quite sure who is who in the Fourth, or if you want an invitation or care to let people know you want to rp in the Fourth Wall, there's a channel for the Fourth wall. Just /join 4th and you should be able to find me there. I actually forgot about the channel myself and was only reminded of it today *cough* sorry!



Righto people, the first poker night is on this Tuesday evening, behind hosted by Bombshot. If you're new to the Fourth, please review the rules for the space here at Fourth Wall. It is at the discretion of the hosts to remove players if they misbehave or can't keep the toolish behaviour elsewhere - these rules are strongly adhered to. Some roleplayers avoid the usual rp hotspots because they get tired of the usual attention-getting/constant-public-affection stuff and hence come to the Fourth Wall.

With that said, do enjoy and if anyone needs an invite to the Fourth for this event, please find either me or @Bombshot.



Well what a fun evening, Bombshot didnt turn up until 10:30 or so lol, by which point I had started the game as dealer, with Emily One (fanservice), summin of Battle.. Izzy (The Evils) and 'Used-to-be-sword-of-redemption' Ed playing. By the point Dave turned up, Ed was down $72.50, Emily was up $22.50 and Izzy was up $50.

It all came down to one momentus last hand, with a pot of $540. Emily had folded; Izzy had 2 pair - 10's (pocket) and 2's with jack high; Dave had a full house - 2's full of 6's; but Ed clawed it all back with a jack on the turn giving him a full house - jacks full of 2's. Taking the pot and winning the game, leaving everyone else out of pocket.

Great night.



Gah, thanks for stepping in to do the job then, mate, do appreciate it! We'll try and make this a regular thing. With the weather so nice lately I really can't be arsed to log ingame but I may try and make the meet next week.

So, next Tuesday, let's have another go! If anyone has some screenshots, go ahead and post them if you like.



Definitely be up for this weekly,it's a good way for people to meet each other and a good bit of fun too!

Even if the cards totally abandoned me, at least I pretty much broke even! Poor Bombshot played two hands and emptied his wallet. Drink for that man.



Dammit!! I was at a loose end last night wondering what to do with myself, and completely for got this was on!!

I'll try and drag Jay along at some stage, so long as the whiskey is flowing.

Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!



Aye, it's a go, whisky on (but no scotch till I rp with Powerdrive again, poor man!). There are several people who I attempted to get into the Fourth Wall SG but timing has been off and they have asked repeatedly, so that's completely my bad Radioactive Emi I'm looking right at you my dear. Bombshot, if you find her before I do, hook her up so she can get into the Fourth, mate.

And we'll see you lot next Tuesday at 8:30!



Elizabeth Thabyro has to met up with you soon... a hot club like this is a good place for her to hang out.

ps. Got youre channel invite so I will tell there when I am online.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Just a reminder, folks, this is happening again tonight at 8:30pm. Come along for some rp and come try your beginners luck! Looking forward to seeing people there.



I was all set to do just that, but I'm out seeing the Hulk tonight Definitely next week though



Hey there, it's that time again! Poker Night at the Fourth Wall. Infinitron and Bombshot have a really good system for this and so far it's working well. Come on along as you like for rp and losing/gaining pixelated cash.

See you there tonight.



When's it open?



I have an SG meeting at 8 to discuss some bits and bobs, will probably then take a quick break, so planning to be there for just before 9.




Okey doke.

Thanks, Infy



Meeting was late to start, and then went on til 10:30, sorry. Hope you coped without me



I actually had some RL to deal with, and I'm not sure Bombshot logged in either.

What we might want to do is teach a few interested parties how the poker system works so that anyone can fill the dealer role as needed as it is a fair bit of fun. I have no head for numbers or card games however, but if anyone would like a go, feel free to step up.



aye sorry about not turning up last night, completely forgot, was forcing my housemate to watch a Uwe Boll film Bloodrayne.

It's what he gets for saying "Uwe Boll can't possibly be THAT bad can he?"

By then end of it he had seen the truth. Though we had fun taking the mickey out of it for all of it's mistakes, of which there were many (such as a complete lack of any kind of character developement, the fact the swords looked liked giant butter knives complete with rounded point, someone sharpening a blade with a wetstone wrong to the point where he'd actually be grinding down the blades edge, not sharpening it, fight scenes that had about as much force and impact put into them by the actors as a wet towel).

Then we watched George A Romeros Diaries of the Dead which is such a far superior film and all was right with the world.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



i love poker but not quite sure how it would work on CoH, somebody please explain lol



I wasn't able to trot along to last night's game. I was round my mother's giving her a housewarming barbecue (bits of dead animal carcass slapped on a hot grill... Muhhuhahahahaha!)

Was fun, meat eaten. House warmed.



It does actually work, Dark, but what it requires is the dealer to deal out hands in RL, then say them privately to each person (I believe is the system). Infinitron and Bombshot have it down to a science at the moment, and it works very nicely. Keeping track of the bets takes a bit more skill, but it works pretty well.

We'll try again for next Tuesday - also, note we have actually found an AWESOME place to do the same thing on Redside at some point; the old monkey-rings in Sharkhead Isle, perfect place for some arpee. We'll see if we can get some interested parties together.



Yeah, Loup got it pretty much right, but i'll clarify how i do it:

I write down each player in order that they are sat around the table.
I deal out as if the people were there, but face up to me, to each person.
I then send a tell to each person in order informing them of their hand. Short hand i use is [Number][Suit], i.e. King of Clubs = Kc, 9 of hearts = 9h, etc.
We then play the first round of betting; this is where the fun maths starts for me. I note down the magnitude of the bet, so $5 to start, but then someone raises to $10, so i change to $10. At the end of the round i times this by the players who have called to give the pot at that point. Anyone who has folded, but betted, i will note a -$5 or whatever under their name.
Then the flop is done, out of principal i burn one (even though not necessary), and turn 3. New round of betting, same idea as before. If someone folds here, i note the cumulative bet from this round and the first and put it as - under their name. Bets are added for this round, and total added to the pot.
Same as above for the turn and the river.
Ok, so now the showdown. By this point i have already worked out (as i have the cards infront of me) who has won the hand and can get on with working out the math whilst people RP the showdown with little prompts from me.

The loser(s) obviously get -$their_total_bet below their name.
The winner gets the total pot minus their total bet ($500 pot, player bet $150, so they get +$350) - noted below their name.

Rinse and repeat for as many hands as you care to do.

At the end, add up all the +$ and all the -$ and see who is the most up, or most down (most likely Dave or Ed for this one lol)

Enjoy. IF you ain't got a head for maths, i will pray for thee, or suggest you don't deal :P



Yeah, Loup got it pretty much right, but i'll clarify how i do it:

I write down each player in order that they are sat around the table.
I deal out as if the people were there, but face up to me, to each person.
I then send a tell to each person in order informing them of their hand. Short hand i use is [Number][Suit], i.e. King of Clubs = Kc, 9 of hearts = 9h, etc.
We then play the first round of betting; this is where the fun maths starts for me. I note down the magnitude of the bet, so $5 to start, but then someone raises to $10, so i change to $10. At the end of the round i times this by the players who have called to give the pot at that point. Anyone who has folded, but betted, i will note a -$5 or whatever under their name.
Then the flop is done, out of principal i burn one (even though not necessary), and turn 3. New round of betting, same idea as before. If someone folds here, i note the cumulative bet from this round and the first and put it as - under their name. Bets are added for this round, and total added to the pot.
Same as above for the turn and the river.
Ok, so now the showdown. By this point i have already worked out (as i have the cards infront of me) who has won the hand and can get on with working out the math whilst people RP the showdown with little prompts from me.

The loser(s) obviously get -$their_total_bet below their name.
The winner gets the total pot minus their total bet ($500 pot, player bet $150, so they get +$350) - noted below their name.

Rinse and repeat for as many hands as you care to do.

At the end, add up all the +$ and all the -$ and see who is the most up, or most down (most likely Dave or Ed for this one lol)

Enjoy. IF you ain't got a head for maths, i will pray for thee, or suggest you don't deal :P

[/ QUOTE ]Carol Vorderman, eat your heart out.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Poker night is coming up again this week, Tuesday evening! The Fourth has a new member or two, and it'd be a great opportunity to get some rp going and get to know more of the community, so come along. Tis rumoured Jean-Luc has an announcement to make as well about the Fourth Wall itself.



Wont be able to make it, out Tuesday night Airsofting.