Random Role-Playing question




Right im a fan of American football, and college football at that, and was wondering, since Paragon City has its own University system. Do they have an American football team?
Or even their own ice-hockey, baseball, lacross team?

Or can I just make it up on the spot, like say, the Paragon City Puma's or such?



not entirely sure to be brutally honest.

Though I think Aeon university has the 'Fightin' Coralax' American football team, though that's coming from the back of my mind somewhere and there's a good chance that it's completely made up and as such should not be trusted...

Sadly we're really not told very much about these little things with the game world, the only thing that is known is that Sally is the unofficial mascot of Croatoa Uni (hence why the activist sometimes says "Save Sally"...in answer to the US official forum rally of the same title).

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A real showstopper!



The only reference I can dig out is one to Paragon City University having a football team. One of the first heroes to emerge in the 1950's, Vambrace aka Brandon Warfield, played as their star quarterback IIRC. Other than that I can't find any other reference so I don't think there's anything to prevent you from creating one. Most cities have some form of team.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



Right oh! I claim Paragon city's American football team to be called the Paragon Lucius's...!