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  1. Brutes, go with Dark Melee and Super Reflexes, while DM lacks high burst DPS it has probably the best (feel free to correct me) sustained DPS of the brute/scrapper/tank sets especially if you go for one of the buzzsaw builds which raises fury very quickly.

    It also has the tools in siphon life to keep you healed AND does decent damage to boot along with the Endurance drain, even with one enemy in range it still gives a lot of End back meaning you can keep up the pressure constantly.

    Not to mention the twos sets compliment each other, the -accuracy/-tohit of Dark combined with the def of SR makes them a natural pair.

    A DM/SR scrapper has solo'd AVs (videos on teh tube that is you), it wasn't quick but Brutes achieve a higher damage output at 60% or greater fury level so you probably could do it faster than said scrapper though the brute would need to be softcapped.

    Just presenting the less obvious choice than Rad/sonic or Illu/Rad.
  2. Dr_MechanoEU

    City of Cute...

    I know I'd buy a Dr Mechano fridge magnet
  3. Dr_MechanoEU

    City of Cute...

    [ QUOTE ]
    Clearly what happened here as Dr Edward Mechano stepped into the cute-o-ray is he got a shave, ahem.

    small version too!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    YAY, that's officially awesome, will begin using it as my avatar right now *hugs Psygon muchly*
  4. not be near the PC much myself this weekend either...happy birthday Pious!
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    A lot of the older high-end missions seem to covet this. I was doing a mission line with Mechano one time and he ended up with 3 hunt missions in a row.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yee-gads that story arc..."Go hunt X Crey in the Rikti Warzone" x 3 with each time the numbers doubling, went from 25 Crey to 50 Crey and then 75 Crey.

    A lot of the older high end content could do with a revamp primarily because it follows at lot of the bad rules that Kaplan lays out as being stupid but were the 'done thing' for MMOs at the time.

    Though the devs do seem incredibly reluctant to touch something once it's 'done' and say that people would get more out of having them develope new content than fix the old stuff...a bad choice when pre-20 zones/missions except the revamped Hollows and Faultine are of the same awful variety as the old high level stuff.

    The one problem WoW has now in WotLK questing is that it's filled with gimmicky quests (something Kaplan says while a few are good, overabundunce is bad) where you have to use the 'siege vehicle controls' for various things like planes, giants, gigantic Icelandic scythe-toothed worms...basically they got the siege vehicle controls and went 'we can show this off by applying it to a crapload of quests!'

    So far apart from the easy raid content, it seems to be the major complaint about WotLK at release.
  6. Dr_MechanoEU

    City of Cute...

    Lets see if you can make the elderly mad scientist cute :P
    Dr Edward Mechano

    Really do need a new avatar to replace Cossack Kirby...
  7. Dr_MechanoEU

    City of Monopoly

    50 mil at 1 mil per level does seem fair, also, before anyone pipes up about PLing for ingame inf being against the EULA, I do believe it's not against the EULA to exchange such services for ingame currency (it's all like...well..monoply money, you can't spend it at a real world bank and good luck if you want to try).

    Still it's going to take you a LOT of PLing to get the 2 billion (I think) target...and I thought 500 million for IOing out my tankers primary and secondary build was a lot of inf...
  8. Dr_MechanoEU


    shame to see you go Col. Atleast I managed to help you get the LRSF badges before you left...have fun and join us again soon when you have the funds you will be missed.
  9. Mission one would have been in Talos, you were attending a villain conference at the behest of Lord Recluse, things went horribly wrong and apparently the real culprit (a double agent) has informed Arachnos that you called the Fuzz down on it, causing Arachnos to place a bounty on your head. You've got no way back to the Isles from Talos...

    ...Apparently there's an Arachnos sub parked in Faultline that you can hijack and once back in the Isles catch the real culprit...so you've got to somehow catch the train to transfer off at Steel canyon because a fire on the tracks has blocked off the Green line tram route to skyway from Talos (que ambushes by PPD, Freakshow, Warriors, Tsoo and Arachnos!) the occasional team of heroes coming at you to take you down as you head towards the train station (stealing the ID cards off of the defeated heroes to fool the PPD drones at the station).

    Mission two would have been the big long Steel Canyon map filled with PPD, you've got to fight your way through the cops to get to a safehouse.

    Mission three would have been escaping the safehouse that you discover that unfortunately it's filled with Carnival of Shadows gunning after the bounty Arachnos has placed on your head, you've got to get out of there and get to the yellow line tram station to get off at Skyway...

    I wont go on with the rest of the ideas but it's basically this epic journey from the midsts of enemy lines with all sides coming at you till you finally get back to the Rogue Isles and pummel the heck out of a certain someone who has tricked Arachnos before...

    The entry text to the first mission was going to be 'it's gonna be a long night but you can dig it...'

    The final mission text would be 'somewhere out on that horizon, out beyond those city lights, there's some sucka that's gonna pay for causing you all this grief..."
  10. Dr_MechanoEU


    Nope Flurry damage is for real...now go check out jumpkicks damage too...
  11. awesome...also need 2 EBs for the first mission, one arriving as an ambush after you rescue (non-escort) Jill (old female veteran), Franchesca (Biker chick who hates everything), Louise (office worker) and the only male of the group, Joey (gamer guy) and then click on a Radio glowie...
  12. Hmm my own personal story arc I'm creating probably wont be original (hell there's rarely an original idea left in the world) but I plan to make it a homage of certain video games with the explanation that the games companies have become heavily invested in the Architect Entertainment as the next form of video games, players can experience their latest games as part of the game.

    You, as a hero or villain, are given the opportunity to test these out for yourself as a means of blowing off some steam and then rate the overall feel of the game demo to provide feedback to their respective corporations.

    Each mission will have a complete custom faction which will be a homage to a certain game.

    I do hope we can include 8 Unique bosses and 1 EB, I need that to work for the second mission (which features such people as Fire Baron (Damned powerset), FlashFreeze (Lead Chiller powerset), Speed Master (hmm that'll probably be custom), Necrolord (BP Death shaman powerset), Electrocutioner (Juicer Chief powerset), Claw man (Mynx minion powerset), Red Demon (SS/WP set with eye laser) and finally Dr Y Lee in his battle suit (Dr Aeons powerset)).

    Still hopefully I can get into EU closed beta and see if all this is actually possible...who knows...
  13. Hopefully we can have multiple custom Elite Bosses in a mission, have them spawn doing a set emote (kneeling emote) and actually have them do something like we have when we use /e (e.g. Soandso sobs loudly).

    Other thing I'm hoping for is that clicking a glowie can spawn multiple ambushes (say four...) but in a timed fashion, ending with a different EB to the one encountered earlier.

    Either that or make a 'rescue' NPC an object so it can have dialogue ("is there anyone out there, can you read me?" for example) upon contact and one upon 'rescue' ("reading you loud and clear survivours, I am on my way, ETA 10 minutes") followed by the afformentioned ambushes.
  14. *stares at CatAstrophy's avatar*

    damn that's one cute and fluffy kitty cat...I assume he/she is yours CatAstrophy, if so damn you for having such a cute cat!

    Now I must coerce my cat into acting cute for pictures...instead of just gnawing on the camera lense...
  15. I'll say one thing, they actually managed to nerf Assault rifle (apparently because they decided to nerf cones and AoEs (why I'll never know, considering AoEs aren't preferable to single target damage) which meant Flamethrower, Buckshot and Full auto got retardely heavily hit)...seriously you nerfed a set that had problems enough in Issue 12 PvP, way to go.
  16. prefer it is they did an Eve style big graphical overhaul of the engine than do CoH2, infact with a big enough overhaul it literally would be CoH2 because of all the stuff they could do with a brand new game engine instead of the apparently duct tapped and leaking old one we have now
  17. Dr_MechanoEU


    Reactive Armor is dirt cheap, often pick up and craft a set for less than 3 million inf (a full set that is, don't have any full sets on my invuln/ss).

    Mocking Beratement is dirt cheap, pick up the entire set already crafted at about 5mil inf or less.

    Thunderstrikes are very good for raising def and are a middle price range IO set, just shy of 10mil inf putting them in the same price range as Crushing Impacts.
  18. Once again thanks for all the Happy Birthdays...man this is why I prefer the EU forums to the American...such a closely knit community.

    Now if only I could defeat that pesky Zaprobo and then I could claim true Mad sciencedom over all (whose MM keybinds have helped me but that wont be enough to save you)!

    Edit: as a treat for myself ordered a Pizza with enough meat products ontop of it to choke Khorak, even if he is a mighty barbarian...
  19. Welcome back.

    With IO's Generic IO's they work very much like SO's BUT they never decay, level 30 or 35 is probably the best to slot them (30 gives the same bonus as an even level SO, 35 like a +1 SO) it may cost you a bit to outfit a character with generic IO's but I've always found it saved me money in the long run instead of buying SO's every 5 levels.

    When you're comfortable with generic IO's move onto set IO's, these provide bonuses depending on how many in a power your slot.

    Invention Origin Enhancements is a good thing to read up on before fiddling with IOs in general.

    Most of all Welcome back to the game
  20. damn it...now you know what my options for relaxing are...I was hoping to keep them secret...

    Still it's option D...I AM working on my victory monologue...one day I say, one day!
  21. aww thanks guys

    ingame Doctor Mechano is now 3 years away from retirement age at 62.

    IRL, it's 25.

    Just had a nice meal and plan to spend the rest of the day relaxing.
  22. Dr_MechanoEU

    Hover buffed

    well this just made a load of blasters (and my MM and Rad/Sonic defender) very happy hearing this news...finally I'll not be as slow as wandering though knee high molasses while using hover
  23. Dr_MechanoEU


    Sometimes Ghost, sometimes don't all depends on the team makeup.

    Most STF runs will ghost through the majority of the Villain Respec trial map and teleport the rest of the team into the Thorn Tree room, it saves a lot of time but also misses out the rather funny NPC villain respec trial run that you encounter on your way there (though essentially defeating people who are obviously in need of a respec thank to poor power choices does seem a little unheroic).

    The Positron TF, ghost as much as you can get away with in my opinion, the content is blander than a plate of food that tastes of nothing with a side order of bland anyway...
  24. Have to say Rom by far isn't the most challenging AV in the game with a mediocre team, the Freedom Phalanx at the end of the LRSF or just web activated buffed Lord Recluse at the end of the STF are by far harder simply due to the fact that it's the ENTIRE Freedom Phalanx (all 8 of them) or Lord Recluse is so well buffed that it takes either a stone tanker (lets face it, a well built stone tanker, there isn't much they can't tank) or another tanker using purple insps/high def build (Ice or IO'd out Shields for example) with +def buffs upto 75%.

    But even those challenges can be reduced to ease with the right amount of buffs/insps/temp powers.

    Hell during a LRSF finale we did the whole 'charge in and see how it goes' style tactic and took down 4 out of the 8 members before team wiping and dealing with the other 4 with ease simply because we had so much -res (which is hardly ever resisted by an AV/Hero) and -regen that Statesmans unstoppable actually did sweet bugger all to raise his Resistance values.

    Tonight doing a STF, Ghost Widow is normally a sticking point with any team...she fell as easily as any other AV thanks to the many buffs applied to me (hell Clarity probably didn't need to be stacked since Soul Storm didn't actually HIT thanks to all the buffs I had stacked on me as the Tank).

    Romulous actually has 3 viable tactics, if you've got a lot of -res, -regen and high DPS simply target Rommy and ignore the Nictus, he goes down like a sack of potatos and the healing Nictus simply can't keep up with the damage output (had this happen twice).

    You can seperate him from the Healing Nictus and pound him to the ground (the more common tactic).

    If you've got a lot of medium-long ranged damage then you can simply pick off the Nictus one by one by pummelling them for 10 minutes from range.

    I have failed the ITF before, it's a kick in the crotch but I find the STF/LRSF to be a damn sight harder with only one real way of handling the end challenges, there isn't as many tactical options available.
  25. Dr_MechanoEU

    50+ mil, NO TY.

    [ QUOTE ]
    steadfast protection (knockback resist) is over 20 mill its either reactive or impervium armour that has recipies for over 10 million apiece for all levels , not just the higher ones.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Reactive Armor set recipes are quite cheap because compared to Impervium Armour (which does have a good 50% of it's recipes at 10mil) the set bonuses aren't considered 'great; however they have recently doubled in price (from 100k to 200k on some and 500k on others) due to the fact people are realising that on certain builds the Reactive Armor set bonuses are actually pretty good (if your building for high Type defense for example, Reactive Armor is a cheap way of getting decent Smashing/Lethal and Fire/Cold defense).

    Reactive Armor, a full set will still only set you back 2-3 million including recipe and salvage, Imperivum Armors are stupidly expensive though, with the +Resistance IO of the set being incredibly expensive.

    It's odd when the +Psi Res IO I could pick up for 2-3 million inf but the +Res +Res/End and +End ones cost 10mil a pop.

    The Steadfast KB protection IO is not worth paying the price for, 1 Posi and 3 hours later and you've got your KB protection IO.

    The oddest thing I've seen is the positive rarity of what use to be a very common and for the large part ignored Melee set, Kinetic Crash, before Merits you could pick them up really cheaply, since merits you just don't see them anymore.