Quickest AV soloing AT ?




A random thought occuring to me this evening.

What would people consider to be the fastest AV soloing toon?

i.e. if someone lined all the AV's up in a row ( excluding Rommy for arguments sake ), what could plough through them the quickest ? GW comes last in the line.

Quantifiers :
No temp powers or vet powers.
As much IO sets as you like.
No insps other than what you start with.
Assuming lvl 50 for the toon and the AV's.
No other mobs, and no aggro from the next AV till you defeat the previous.

OK, so it's a fairly pointless questions as far as real-in-game experiences go, but I'm just interested wrt the speed of such an endeavour.
For example, fully aware ill/rad troller is a great soloing build, but it's hardly quick.




How fast an at would go in a survivability challenge? Anyway /traps



Hero side for most AV's I'd still probably say Fire/Kin (beats Fire/Rad if played properly with ease).

As for actual time, that's an abstract number - you can get unlucky and get one/two shotted by a lot of AV's pretty easily.




Fire/Rad is capable to reach around at least 250 dps. I would like to see a kin get anyway near that number without a shivan.

Rad also grants more survivability than kin.



As for actual time, that's an abstract number - you can get unlucky and get one/two shotted by a lot of AV's pretty easily.

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Absolutely. However, I'm looking for a *rough* idea here, let's ignore the 25th percentile





Fire/Rad is capable to reach around at least 250 dps. I would like to see a kin get anyway near that number without a shivan.

Rad also grants more survivability than kin.

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I would have to agree.
/rad is more survivable and given that this is single target, you aren't going to get rolling FS's at 300%





Fire/Rad is capable to reach around at least 250 dps. I would like to see a kin get anyway near that number without a shivan.

Rad also grants more survivability than kin.

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I would have to agree.
/rad is more survivable and given that this is single target, you aren't going to get rolling FS's at 300%


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Of my ill/rad, fire/rad and fire/kin I can say without a doubt my fire/kins the fastest. Granted that both rads (especially the ill) are somewhat safer there's no denying the /kins a lot faster.

"Extremists LOVE to fish to get us annoyed so we break the forum rules."
"The origin of life wasn't planned either, should all life be declared a bug and wiped out?"
"You know me.Ever the realist"



Rad's safer on set-up but I (generally speaking) have an easier time on a /kin once I've got Siphon Speed/Power's rolling.



Of my ill/rad, fire/rad and fire/kin I can say without a doubt my fire/kins the fastest. Granted that both rads (especially the ill) are somewhat safer there's no denying the /kins a lot faster.

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Against a single target ?
I'll agree that fire/kin is a LOT quicker for normal maps ( hell, we used fire/kins for our record 50 run ) but against a single AV I would have said /rad. You get the debuffs and -regen in, and FS has negligable bonus when you only have one target.

What am I missing ?




May i check your builds? I´m curious.
Fire/Rad should be just under Ill/Rad in sustainable dps.
closely followed by fire/storm and ill/storm(prei14)

How long would it take you two(solo that is) to solo chimera or marauder?( or any easy accesible 50 av?)

I´m not doubting you, just things doesnt add up for meq. The -regen on transfusion is subpar. No mez protection, no -res.
Just pure damage and some minor restiance on the fire pimps. And that damage have to be saturated from multiple targets before it is effective.

How are your fire/rads slotted?

rof/rof/iceblast(rof/char/iceblast is a wee bit more dps but rof/rof is safer with the double stacked immob) is about 118 dps with am and assault running. add 70 dps from lingering. double stack bonfire on top of that(squese in some procs).
Then your am´d firepimps, enervating, achilles in ri.
then realise you havent calculated containment.

...Then the rad/sonic comes up to you after soloing every av besides lvl 54 recluse:
"Hai gais whats going on?"



Of my ill/rad, fire/rad and fire/kin I can say without a doubt my fire/kins the fastest. Granted that both rads (especially the ill) are somewhat safer there's no denying the /kins a lot faster.

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Against a single target ?
I'll agree that fire/kin is a LOT quicker for normal maps ( hell, we used fire/kins for our record 50 run ) but against a single AV I would have said /rad. You get the debuffs and -regen in, and FS has negligable bonus when you only have one target.

What am I missing ?


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Siphon Power maybe? Combined damagebuff/debuff quickly stacks up with both siphon power and FS.

Transfusion -regen stacks quickly.

Not sure why people think fire/kins singletarget damage is bad. Hotfeet + Ring of Fire + Fire blast + Fireball + imps does some nice damage...especially taking into account your increased speed + endless endurance.

Note that I'm in no way saying ?/rads are bad. If I want to do a quick AV I use my fire/kin. If I wanna do easymode and do it a bit more laidback I use my Ill/Rad

"Extremists LOVE to fish to get us annoyed so we break the forum rules."
"The origin of life wasn't planned either, should all life be declared a bug and wiped out?"
"You know me.Ever the realist"



On villian side i would say brute. Wich exactly would be testing, but my granite would have sufficient defence and as we can have enough IO's, bunch of LotG's and doctor's to get enough +recharge.

On hero side, either they lack damage (tanker), they may be on defence issues (scrapper), i dont see defender or blaster viable doing so.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Defender certainly could.

Blaster trickier, trying to think of a build that would work without insps.

Possibly elec/nrg/nrg
So for defence/resist tough, weave, temp invuln, CJ, FoN

powerboosted SC's for end-drain then go for fast damage.

May try it as my elec/nrg is just about to hit epics. Don't fancy my chances too much though




Brutes, go with Dark Melee and Super Reflexes, while DM lacks high burst DPS it has probably the best (feel free to correct me) sustained DPS of the brute/scrapper/tank sets especially if you go for one of the buzzsaw builds which raises fury very quickly.

It also has the tools in siphon life to keep you healed AND does decent damage to boot along with the Endurance drain, even with one enemy in range it still gives a lot of End back meaning you can keep up the pressure constantly.

Not to mention the twos sets compliment each other, the -accuracy/-tohit of Dark combined with the def of SR makes them a natural pair.

A DM/SR scrapper has solo'd AVs (videos on teh tube that is you), it wasn't quick but Brutes achieve a higher damage output at 60% or greater fury level so you probably could do it faster than said scrapper though the brute would need to be softcapped.

Just presenting the less obvious choice than Rad/sonic or Illu/Rad.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



dm/sr cant solo every av though. I dont think theres one at or powerset combo that could solo every av. Maybe robo/traps but i´m not sure of that.

Also the -tohit output from dm is nothing agianst a 50 av.
Same for endrains.

EDIT: And yes its a boring day at work :V



DM/Shields is a little faster and safer than a DM/SR, due to shields' extra damage and resistances. Fire/Shields with Aid Self could also be a contender. Or possibly even a well-built "Fire Armor" toon (for "Burn" abuse).

Heroside, an Ill/Rad with Perma PA can solo pretty much anything short of Hamidon. A few /Thermal builds and Rad/ Defender builds will come close to that too. But there are a few builds that'll solo much faster depending on the AV in question (Burn in particular is quite handy versus AVs if you can leverage it properly, and -regen is much better against GMs than AVs so raw DPS builds will find it easier to compete against debuffing builds).

Redside, a few of the /Stone Brute builds or softcapped /Traps MMs are tough to beat. The Smart money'd probably be on a Bot/Traps for the extra Regeneration debuffs and the spammable immobilise.



"i dont see defender " wait what?

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Viable in terms of 'quickest'. Surely some AV's can be done by blaster/defender, but _any_ AV is very very unlikely

Added, MA AV's, new challenges.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!




Heroside, an Ill/Rad with Perma PA can solo pretty much anything short of Hamidon.

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I'll have you know I've solo'd Hamidon!

(granted it was when Touch of Lady Grey dmg proc was bugged )

"Extremists LOVE to fish to get us annoyed so we break the forum rules."
"The origin of life wasn't planned either, should all life be declared a bug and wiped out?"
"You know me.Ever the realist"




Heroside, an Ill/Rad with Perma PA can solo pretty much anything short of Hamidon.

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I'll have you know I've solo'd Hamidon!

(granted it was when Touch of Lady Grey dmg proc was bugged )

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I solo'd it with my Kat/DA Scrapper on Test.



I'd like to hear more on people's thoughts as far as villain-side. I don't solo much, and even more rarely solo AVs, as I have a near permanent team mate.

That said, I did recently solo an unexpected AV on my Fire/Rad Corr, despite it stunning if I got into melee for Power Sink, and the fact that my Corr is very much built for teams. Fire/Rad, Ice/Rad, and Sonic/Rad all seem good bets.

On a non-Corruptor front, DM/Willpower Brutes rock. Not got mine to 50 set but a duo of them handles most things. We've had a few problems with specific AVs that hit some weak spots - any -recharge makes self-healing impossible, for instance, and -regen is bad too, so Positron was a bit painful. I'm sure once levelled and actually slotted up with IOs, it'd be able to solo a fair bit, but I have a hard time seeing it being faster than a /Rad Corr. This is my first high-levelled melee toon though, so I may be way off the mark.

Have to wonder about a Robots/Dark MM. Would be safer than a Corr, not sure how quick though. I have seen one tear through AVs solo, but having checked, it was exemped down, so not at 50.



Robots/Dark has a very healthy lot of -Regen which always makes things easier, along with -Res and a Slow from Tar Patch, and of course Darkest Night offering a bit of -Dmg too.

I'd imagine they're one of the safest/faster combo's as long as you can keep your bot's alive.



And Fluffy. Spam heal + pets works well. Certainly has survivability, and a ton of -regen.