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  1. So because people have ONE gripe with the issue, most of whom are saying the rest of the issue is good (As I said love the new selection of Lore pets and the changes to Forcefield may actually get me playing my Bots/FF namesake again), they're now whiney cry babies.

    Yeesh you people don't do things by halves do you.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_Squid View Post
    Number 2: Seriously, all you people who seem to be emerging from the woodwork right now to say how much this game is horrible, and the dev team should feel horrible. What are you smoking?
    Nobody is saying the game is horrible.

    Just a reasonable number of people think requiring level 50 to use the costume is a really stupid idea, everything else is good (love the large selection of new lore pets, they really outdone themselves there) in my book apart from that one little gripe.

    If they made the costumes not require level 50 to be used, it'd move this half issue from 'good' to 'awesometastic' in my book.
  3. This is the call going out to Damz of Union.

    We must break this trial, we must destroy it, we must make it cry like small child trapped in Russian winter blizzard surrounded by baying wolves, just like Union did to the BAF and Lambda, so too must this trial be destroyed utterly.

    Union is Ivan Drago and you, Antimatter, are Apollo Creed.
  4. While I will admit "YAY everything else!"

    The Incarnate costume stuff, while account wide, kind of comes across as 'tier gear' if you get my drift. Only kind of because once you've unlocked it, anybody on your account can wear it but it still has that slight taint of "I'm sooo awesome I got this REALLY flashy armour set!" vibe that I'm feeling.

    It just seems really odd that the Auras and the emotes will be account wide and accessible from either A) the get go in regards the emotes or B) at Level 30 when you got all the other auras (which can usually be replicated by the booster pack auras, some even look better...Omega aura looks WAAAAYYYY cooler than the bog standard fire aura for example and these will actually get people running the Aura mission again...since it seems to be so rarely run these days thanks to the many auras now available from level 1) while the costume set is a level 50 only reward.

    I will admit as well that daymn those are some big pauldrons...someones been playing the big fantasy MMO, the fact it actually looks like some of the higher tier gear from that particular MMO is interesting, hence why I'm getting that vibe from it I guess. Heck my Incarnate character can't even use that gear because, being the RPer I am, it doesn't fit the concept (her Incarnate form is the old Greek Toga look, with glowing golden backlight glow (Alpha body aura)).

    Tell you what devs, make the armour require you to run the iTrials to unlock (you need to buy it with merits ofc) but is then available from character creation on any other character and I reckon you'd be golden on this half issue as the most awesome half issue ever.
  5. The Professor took one one look at the Lavender lizardman and then looked at Katze.

    "What did I just say?! Ranting am I?!"

    "Calm down Professor..."

    He sighed and ran his hand down his face, "we're attacking this place to bring it under the rule of the great and immortal Fuehrer, as of my plan, ha, I will not be fooled with such a simple trick as to reveal my plan in monolgue!"

    Katze growled, "now either step aside or..." unhooking a what seemed like a spiked ball from her belt, a handle shooting out from the inside, turning into a large spiked mace, "...I will make you step aside..."

    __________________________________________________ ________________________

    Meanwhile on the Blimp the only human person onboard, the pilot, noticed a rather large blade sticking into the side of the cabin.

    "You there, Roboter, deal with the boarding party...I will land this thing or die trying!"

    Three pairs of laser swords thrummed into life and the female assaultbots stood by the cabin door, waiting for whatever it was that going to be boarding...why they hadn't planned for this, or even the fact that flight was apparently a fairly common mode of transport among the metahuman population was something the Pilot had begun to wonder.

    The gunbots were leaning out of the windows, firing at any flying hero that got close, trying to repel any invaders, some bring their weapons aim toward Mirel, bullets filling their air as they fired as much lead towards her as they could muster.
  6. The Kriegroboter were having a surprisingly hard time holding ground in anywhere but Atlas and Kings Row.

    In Independence port a rather miffed Lusca seemed to be sweeping the harbour edges clean with both the Family, Tsoo and heroes banding together to fight them back to the portal. In Talos the heroes were experienced with invasions and thus went to that famous hill, holding the line there, the wave of units breaking against the condensed mass of heroes like the sea beating against an Impervium barrier.

    Professor Mechaniker sighed, "alright, close down the portals in those two locations, there is no point losing units in a fight we cannot win, reroute the reinforcements to the Atlas Park and Kings Row locations."

    Katze looked down at the angry looking old man, "Trouble Professor? You know the penalty for failing the Fuehrer is to be executed, especially since you have cost the Reich a lot of time, resources and money to build you little army, I am under orders to do so the moment this little escapade goes wrong."

    Mechaniker grinned, "Yes, I know you think this is a complete waste of time my dear Katze, you'd rather be at home enjoying the pleasures of some floozy fraulein, which I'll remind you the Reich does not approve of, however you are also not to allow this mission to fail due to your inability to act either..."

    Katze let out a growl, "fine...is it ready?"

    "Yes, opening a large portal now!"

    In the sky a huge portal opened, even above the sounds of battle the throbbing thrum of many engines could be heard as the fully armoured assault Zepplin begun to slip through.

    "Our chariot shall be through and landing in moments, once inside we can get to Peregrine Isles easily, it is designed to withstand...."

    The screeching, piercing roar of Jet engines drowned out everything else as a Lockheed Blackbird whizzed low, a barrage of missiles devastating the surrounding robots.

    "Ok...that was not in the information files, you mentioned nothing of jet fighters within the city limits Katze!"

    "Do not look to me Professor that was most certainly not here when I was scouting."

    "You foolish feline, do you not think to take into consideration what else had come through during the portal storm, next you'll be telling me there's a army of well armed, stealth suited anthropomorphic lizards and a god-like warrior from another dimension."

    "Don't be absurd Professor, now you're just ranting..."
  7. Edward was busy watching the screen, then a siren begun to sound, red lights begun to flash.

    "Oh dear, looks like we've got portal sign, lots of them...but they look too stable in order to be a second portal storm, that doesn't make any sense, who on Earth would want to create a stable portal, besides Emperor Cole but there's no signs showing these are Praetorians...oh dear...perhaps I shouldn't have been so open with the many other me's from all those different dimensions."

    In Atlas park, Independance Port, Kings Row and Talos Island, large portals rent themselves open but unlike before, simply depositing visitors from other dimensions at random, these were being held open by something else.

    The sound of heavy metal boots marching, of orders being yelled. Suddenly a squad of mechanical infantry burst through, immedietaly dealing with any trouble in the local area, some looking to set up a base camp and provide support while others set about corralling the local population.

    Stepping through the portal in Atlas park was a small, grey skinned man and then a much larger white skinned, pointy eared, blonde haired, cat-tailed woman.

    "Is everything going as you wished it Professor Mechaniker?"

    The rumbling coarse voice coming from the hulking cat person in the skull faced breather mask.

    "Perfectly my dear Unteroffizer Katze...the Kriegroboter are expendable and shall deal with the heroes in large numbers while we see about making these portals more stable, unfortunately we are quite some distance from our intended invasion point of Peregrine Isle and the Portals there...we shall have to make do though."

    Katze looked around, "you there, roboter, gather around myself and the Professor."

    The large hulking mass of one of the robots with the glowing fists turned and moved beside the Professor, the smaller gun weilding and the female blade weilding robots that were nearby also joined, forming a bodyguard unit around him with Katze, dwarfing even the larger robots, taking the lead, begining their march towards the tram station...

    ((Anybody listening to radio signals would pick up chatter about the invasion, about the PPD deploying hardsuits to stem the tide in the various locations as well as heroes answering the call to beat them back.))
  8. Subjective feedback:

    1) Can we PLEASE get a seperate version of the new assault rifle and new pistols that is completely colourable, the fact that only either the stock changes on the assault rifle version and the little decoration that's almost impossible to notice ingame on the pistols doesn't really give many options.

    Hence why I'm suggesting that you do two version, like there is a Legacy and colourable version of various weapons. Make a non-colourable legacy version and a completely colourable version which takes both primary and secondary colours like all other colourable versions of weapons do.

    Tying in with this is don't force colours on players, the wings for example have an uncolourable brass backplate that looks REALLY out of place if you're not using a brass colour scheme. Every single other thing that isn't part of this pack or a legacy wepaon item can be truly tailored to the players whims completely, why change that for these ones?

    2) Yes Jackets for females please, clock belt for males. Why on earth do you continue to do this is baffling (less workload is the obvious answer I guess).

    3) The new faces really hit the uncanny valley hard, don't ask me why but damn does something look slightly 'off' about them, the normal faces for some reason don't bother me in that regard but I think its because the new ones are just good enough that they tip the arrgh! response from me. The bug mentioned above that they seem to have odd reflective qualities in the creator might be it.

    Is this feedback going to be listened to (the subjective stuff, not the bug stuff, that REALLY needs to be listened too) probably not, prove me wrong peoples.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
    Medieval or barbaric or roman or norse
    Well pointing out we already have Roman, it just requires running the Imperious Taskforce to unlock it.

    Hmm Barbaric though, surrely for males we can already sort of pull that look off, we'd just need a furred shorts and furred boots option and you can already get furred boots from the Christmas event.

    Though I wouldn't mind, as the OP says, some big, bulk Warhammer 40,000 style power armour, big pauldrons.

    Though more along the lines of the older versions of the Space Marine power armour, something along the lines of this:
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Ditto Kall, but Diggis on the current last page of the Test Server thread mentioned a way that we can use the US one, which we should be able to access now. Thats the one we need, which I'll test when I get home
    Ah yes, my bad.

    I installed the US test an was able to access it with my EU account, which is where the confusion lays at my part.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    I'd like to be able to try them, but apparently being in the EU means I don't get to Why is this?
    As of now Dearest Techbot, the pack seems to be available to EU peeps, since I can log in to it and try it out.

    As Proof here is a picture.

    My Carnie attempt:
  12. On Union it is the same, a big fat no, it's virtually useless since all the trial runs are premade and the LFG tool won't simply just add in a few members if the trial is a few short and will only fill a trial up to minimum team size, never over that.
  13. Interestingly here in the UK the Confidentials actually air after the episode (straight after it's finished on BBC1 you'll get Confidential on BBC3), didn't realise it was the other way around for the Americans.
  14. Agreed, a 95% resist cap for AVs would be grand.

    I do get sick and tired of large numbers of AVs 100% resistance to Smashing/Lethal or atleast resisting it uber-heavily.

    As someones said above, I wouldn't mind if there was variety and some AVs were 100% resistant to fire etc. but it is ALWAYS Smashing/lethal which frankly neuters more powersets across a large number of ATs than any other resistance.

    I imagine Mother Mayhem, when we fight her, might be like a reverse Marauder, Highly resistant to Psi but weak against smashing/lethal (like Carnies).
  15. Interestingly the villainside RPers actually managed to convince the mods to have a coherent story to part of the invasion after the first waves.

    Basically that attacks in Cap Au became about the Praetorians trying to bring down the PTS to shut down any and all defensive systems forcing the villains to hold it. The Praetorians also tried to claim the fort at the entrance to St Martial for further strikes into Cap Au.
  16. They already confirmed if the server dies that the badge will be awarded to all servers anyway for that weekend since the goal of stress testing the server had been accomplished....a little too well obviously.
  17. What they seem to have started doing is hitting two different zones at the same times, whereas at the start they were hitting one zone really heavily.

    Thus spreading people out
  18. Everything alright?

    Just checking to make sure there isn't any last minute problems you guys have hit with this.
  19. Random question but does anyone know Paragon Studio's address...if so PM me

    It has something to do with the Ustream and the conversation afterwards in Pocket D.

    Not saying what.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
    If we're giving you moderation music, then this has to be for Beastyle:

    From Lemon Demon's album 'Hip to the Java Bean' - The Fancy Pants Manifesto
    I thought it would have been This for Beastyle
  21. I came over to Virtue and chatted with Beastyle.

    Sorry Leandro, I normally supply the tea and crumpets for Union but since I was on Virtue, there were none about.
  22. What amazed me was Beastyle was still about not an hour ago and chatting in Virtue Pocket D.

    Surely it's getting late in the US as well as here.

    Go Beastyle you fancy pants owning mod you.
  23. It was fun, especially your story about your bright lime green fancy party pants, it made me chuckle.

    Also doesn't Dr Aeon look slightly terrified in this picture:
  24. Well hopefully you people will have a battle royal on the Ustream around 10pm BST, Z vs Positron, the fight of the century, winner takes all.

    Can the plucky Z claim Positrons place and become lead dev for the incarnate system or will he be forced out of his Community Manager job and become just a regular mod.

    Find out soooooonn
  25. To be fair, I didn't know the EQ series were SOE games, I've always thought they were made by someone else. Just goes to show, one should research before making posts.

    Though I willl question Durraken's chart atleast to being whether it is recent or not.

    Still stand by that the month long outage of SOE based MMOs is probably going to be a game breaker for a decent chunk of their subscribers and already failing MMOs like DCUO are effectively either going to be killed stone dead by it or put on the barest of life support.