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  1. Hmm one I KNOW is a dev regret, confirmed to people at a Q&A on the EU training server by Positron (back when EU and US were still seperate, infact it was back when the EU still had their own forums).

    Positron said they regretted the way they had done the heroic Epic ATs, not in the sense of regretting ever having made Peacebringers and Warshades but regretted the way they were implemented and would have gone for something closer to the Soldiers/Widows of Arachnos given the chance (a force multiplyer kind of character, 1 of them is good, 3 of them is great, a full team is nigh unstoppable).

    Now opinions on what they do regret.

    1) Bothering with PvP at all, it was a pointless waste of time for the game, it started without PvP and the audience was never really there for it, it was always a very minor part of the game. The Gladiator system is basically pointless and hideously broken, it was the red headed step child to the already ignored subset of PvP.

    2) The Mission Architect system, despite what Captain-Electric says, I reckon they do regret having wasted so much time, money and effort into a system which eventually required major nerfing in almost every patch since it was launched. The AE buildings have gone from thriving farm central to ghost towns over the course of that program. Despite a rare few like Captain-Electric, most players who aren't farming don't bother with the AE due to the lack of rewards compared to regular content.

    It was a massive waste of dev time and effort IMO and I wouldn't be surprised if the devs now see it that way too.

    3) Praetoria 1-20, who the hells bothers with it anymore now that you can select your starting point as hero or villain for any class without needed to go through Praetoria. Now it set up a lot of stuff later on so...I doubt this is a regret from the devs really.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    Ok I have always been confused about this badge.

    Wouldn't fulfilling the first requirement fulfill all 3? If you collect all the temps and not use any of them wouldn't you get credit for the other two?
    It did use to but for some reason they decided to fix it, when the trial first came out you could get all three badges at once by collecting all the temp powers then using none of them.

    If I remember correctly now you have to run through the trial three times. One to specifically collect all the Pacification grenades (and no acid) and not use them, one to specifically collect all the Acid grenades (and no pacficiation grenades) and one to collect all of them and not use any.

    Yes...yes it is very stupid.
  3. The place: Grandville.

    Lord Recluse and the four patrons square off against Emperor Cole and all his empowered lackies.

    Cole: Bow to me and you'll live, fight and you'll die, I won't make the mistake the weaker version of me did by letting you live. I've killed you once before and I shall do it again.

    Recluse: You think me foolish to come to face you unprepared. A little history lesson for you, you lack the wisdom even this dimensions Marcus had, he never approached me, he dare not set foot into the Isles after we beat him back the first time. You wish to know why?

    Cole: Because he was a coward!

    Recluse: So very wrong, because he knew that if he did, I had an ace up my sleeve, one that he often dispatched teams of heroes to bring down. Dr Aeon, ACTIVATE THE WEB!

    Four towers come out of the ground.

    Cole: What is this, why are my powers draining away from me?!

    Recluse: You see, before you came along with your interdimensional war, distracting hero and villain alike, it drew heroes away from stopping my plan, you see Marcus frequently sent teams of heroes to bring down my Web every time it was activated but this little war allowed me the time to rebuild it, rethink it and to perfect it. Marcus could never approach me here for the very same reason you are now helpless at my feet.

    Emperor Cole: Those Paragon Heroes will not stand for this.

    Recluse: Oh but they will...for now anyway, yes no doubt they will stop me in time (alluding to the replacement of the Statesman Taskforce) but at this very moment, I am as much a friend as I can be. Now run away, I would kill you but I would not to be the one to deny the Paragon heroes the opportunity, after all bloodlust is but one of the many starts down a path of Darkness...

    Emperor Cole and his lackies teleport away.

    Hero dialogue:
    Recluse: Begone, you have played your part at this moment in time and unless you wish to see what the web can do while fully active. I suggest you retreat, [dialogue shows if have completed the Statesmans taskforce/] after all the old way of stopping it has been nullified, I have made sure that if destroyed another tower will rise to replace it. [/optional dialogue over] unless you feel the need to see if you can take me on...which you are welcome to. (player can exit the mission or go down trying to take out a fully web buffed Recluse).

    Villain dialogue:
    Recluse: Ah, you have played your part and played it well. [optional dialogue if completed the Lord Recluse Strikeforce/] You earned my respect long ago and that still holds true now, we have shown that no Marcus Cole can stand before our might [/optional dialogue ends] Now go, show this Praetoria what a true villain can be, sow your seeds of destruction and hatred among them and let them tremble in fear!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
    I think the reason Lord Recluse is freely able to assault American soil without fear of retaliation is because America is a little b@#$% in City of-verse. Being so used to never having to fight on our own country's soil, America was utterly shocked when Rikti dropped in for a quick 'hello' and proceeded to f#$% the United States a new one. Then they did it again years later and are continuing to press war on us from the inside.
    Actually, that's false.

    The 5th Column and thus by extention Nazi Germany DID invade Paragon City and thus US soil. They took out the truly Gigantic hero Atlas while they were over here too, it just so happens that Paragon City is the launching point for so many super heroes that the 5th Column and the Nazis got beaten back but only after Atlas's death.

    Right, thinking about it, Lord Recluse is pretty much safe from a killing off any time soon. Why?

    He's too pivotal to Villainside storyline. Statesman can be killed off, his taskforce given to someone else and someone step up to replace him in the Freedom Phalanx, though it will cause a retiring of the 'Save Statesman' story arc (meaning the new AND the old one will be in Oroborous for added weirdness). At most, a taskforce and two storylines need a through rewrite everything else is spring cleaning.

    Recluse though, Recluse is kind of the glue that holds the Rogue Isles together. Without him Arachnos goes into a power struggle as the four remaining heads of Arachnos duke it out to be 'top villain'. This involves a WoW Cataclysm level of rewrite for villainside, whole zones will need to be changed, masses upon masses of story arcs need to be rewritten, maps will need to be altered because I doubt that the tower in Grandville would be left standing after the four Patrons rumble throughout it.

    What little law and order would be smashed to the ground, the Islands would each become their own little state, Mercy would be even more of a dive than it is now with the city in ruins due to lack of Arachnos guarding it. The Snakes would rise once more to roam the streets.

    Port Oakes, I'm not entirely sure what would happen there.

    Sharkshead would be run by the Family and Consortium but without Arachnos backing those striking workers would see a true glimmer of hope and rise up enmasse and probably overrun the area, with only the Island mansion left as a holdout for the family. Leaving the rest of Sharkshead to be a battleground between workers and Freakshow (who would thrive in this situation, after all anarchy with a side perchant for easily accessible murder, looting and whatever else the Freakshow get upto when they're not being lolzy).

    Cap Au...well I see that as Dr Aeon run, after all he's powerful and crazy enough to employ a lot of the mad scientists who use to work for Arachnos, expect it to remain largely the same but the city guarded by robots instead of Arachnos.

    Nerva...well..Nerva would be pretty much lost to Longbow apart from the jungle area which would remain in CoT hands.

    St. Martial would remain in Family hands, they're stake is just too big here, it is their main base of operations, if the situation in Sharkshead goes badly, they'd just pull out all their guys (apart from the Mansion) and focus on making sure St. Martial is secure.

    Grandville would be in ruins, it would be the center of all the focus between the warring patrons, the once towering spires and platforms would be reduced to bloodstained rubble as the fighting continued to be proclaimed the new supervillain numero uno, with the players stepping in to demonstrate that THEY are the ones incharge now.
  5. Where's the picture for "oh my good, you like something I don't like!"

    Yes, we get it, you don't like anything not Four Colour superheroics, you've raised this point in both this and the superhero stuff thread.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quasadu View Post
    "Grant me revenge! And if you don't listen, then to Hell with you!" and on and on...
    Officially known in my friends circle now as "the most backhanded prayer ever" thanks to the Nostalgia critic.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Desi_Nova View Post
    I just want to know when BBC America is going to start rerunning some of those older ones?
    Here in good old Blighty the BBC NEVER shows any of the older Dr Who episodes so I sadly say that BBC America is just as unlikely to show them.
  8. Dr_MechanoEU

    Hey Y'all

    So...what bought you back if ya dinnae mind me askin ya?
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
    It updated for me at least once before it was offically put on sale.
    Yeah and I still hate you for managing to be quick enough to grab it early *shakes fist* even if it was all bugged to hell and back when you got it.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    The world 'entitlement' gets tossed around a lot these days, but every super strength character deserves to throw down with a T-Rex.

    Oh god yes, if there was anything we deserved...it would be that.

    Who hasn't dreamed of smacking around a T-Rex.

    You're weird if you haven't.

    Weird I say...
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    More than anything, though, I'd encourage people who go to vote to watch any of Chaos D1's recent episodes first just so they know what they're voting for. If you like that style of review and want City of Heroes done in it, then by all means - vote for it. I encourage you
    Yeah, if you haven't watched any MMO Grinder then go to the site linked in the OP and watch it.

    I'd also like to promote people that are friends of ChaosD1, namely Tyger (not related to the two Tygers (one of union and one of another server) who post on the forums) who hosts MUD2MMO, while his stuff is Warcraft centric he does address general MMO issues as well.

    Finally there's the podcast with Tyger, ChaosD1 and TWBfromTDOB called 'The MMO Underground' hosted on LordKat.com. It's a nice roundup of all your MMOs news and views. Again be warned it can be Warcraft centric but I would still recommend a listen.
  12. Another thing we noticed was the music.

    Neither of us could remember any of the music from the Modern Conan after we'd finished watching it but the themes of the 1981 version were far more memorable.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    The problem with using the term "superhero" is that it covers so many different things. Fortunately some of the people here knew what I was getting at. I'd recommend focusing on that, rather than trying to engage me in an online internet debate about semantic word meanings. (Aka "nearly every thread on the internet ever.")

    My own opinion is that there are a lot of tropes specific to classic comic-book style superheroes that just aren't in the game. Yes the spandex costume options are looking dated (the patterns and masks especially,) but that really is only the tip of the iceberg. It's not just the costumes: What about the zones? Where are the fights in space? On the moon? Under the sea? In Atlantis? In Dr. Doom's castle? In The Joker's carnival? In Gotham?
    Then don't use the generic term 'super hero'. Simple. As.

    There's a reason the Super hero genre is broken up into various sub-genres, you basically mean Four Colour super hero stuff. Sorry I know, I know, you said not to debate semantics.

    As for your suggestions, yeah, isn't Moon Zone pretty much the biggest requested zone of all time? Not sure how under the sea would work, I remember BaB saying that due to the fact they'd have to make new animations for every single power in the game that it was basically a no-no (until CoH2 if it's being made basically). Definitely wouldn't mind a medieval castle, especially if we could get the parts for Bases. Eh Joker's carnival we sort of already have, yes it's a reused mission street map with lots of big tops around in the center but we kind of have it.

    Otherwise fine with all of Johnny's suggestions too, mmm dinosaur island.
  14. Alright so today me and a friend did a Conan-athon, Conan the Barbarian modern version, Conan the Barbarian 1981 version and Conan the Destroyer.

    Now my friend has never seen any of the Conan films so I thought it would be fairly interesting to hear what he thought.

    When I asked him what he thought and to compare the two Conan the Barbarian films his response was quite interesting.

    "They're two seperate sort of films, one doesn't really compare to the other, I kind of enjoyed them both but for completely different reason."

    He enjoyed the modern Conan and the original equally while we both agreed that Conan the Destroyer was worst out of them.

    Points bought up on the modern Conan the Barbarian:
    1) The main villain was kind of rubbish, infact the Daughter of the main villain should have been a villain in her own right without the father since we both enjoyed her preformance more.

    2) The Origin story is much clearer in this modern version which he prefered, the original leaves a lot of questions unanswered.

    3) Why does Conan only ever armour his arms and shoulders, constantly leaving his chest bare (apart from the 'for the ladies' factor). At one point he's wearing arm and shoulder armour in one scene and has taken it off in the next when he gets into a fight.

    Otherwise it was a standard 'entertaining' (a term used for when a film certainly isn't a classic but it is rental worthy at the least) film.

    Points bought up on 1981 Conan the Barbarian:
    1) You can't really go wrong with James Earl Jones as the villain, he can switch from calm and reassuring to a cold insanity at a moments notice.

    2) The supporting cast was the best, Max von Sydow as King Osric and Subotai, Valeria and especially Mako's Akiro were much better characters than anything in the modern version.

    3) He made a point that the film was good enough that you could take out Conan's origin story and quest for revenge and still have a really good film.

    4) While the special effects (namely the giant snake) had dated, the use of practical effects and huge sets really helped give the film a physical sense of scale.

    5) Since the point of protection was raised in the original, he noted that it was cool seeing Conan actually dress for battle (in chainmail/Leather) when a straight fight was going to occur but then lose the armour for stealth when needed.

    6) Arnie was a surprisingly good actor in this film and he liked him more as a character, he seemed well rounded more.

    7) The film is surprisingly long (two hours and five minutes) and took a good hour to finally get going but he felt it didn't really lose anything.

    I won't go too much into Conan the Destroyer because...well...we all know it's the crappest out of all of them. He did point out that despite the story being more structured and shorter it somehow lost something, the supporting cast apart from Mako were very weak and the special effects (thanks to the two monster fights) had aged really badly.

    Of course the 1981 version is my favorite but it's nice to see someone elses point of view who'd never seen the films before.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Casual_Player View Post

    It looks like you're going for just superheroes then, or close approximates.

    I'll think about this some more, but right off the top of my head there are a couple of kid movies to add to the list:

    Zoom Academy for Superheroes
    Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl

    I can't say I'd recommend either of them. Word is that they're both awful. But they fit your criteria, so I thought I'd bring them up.
    Yes they are both bloody awful films and would suggest people try to avoid them at all costs.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cryo View Post
    Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
    OMG! There's water on Mars!
    Is it bad I groaned and then laughed at that?
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leese View Post
    I'd love to have a magical girl costume pack, got a few characters it would fit to have that kind of costume as their primary or joke costumes.

    The problem is, that old "gender equality" issue people have been talking about a lot lately. As far as I can see, there isn't really a male equivalent to magical girl costumes that is the same thing. (that is, without making them a wizard, or whatever) So we're basically never going to get it unless the devs commit to making a female-only costume pack.

    ... I was one of the people who actually liked the female Gunslinger pieces because there were a few that worked well for magical girl concepts. I'm pretty sure that's an indictment of the gunslinger pieces though.
    I will point out that most people were saying "Gender Equality where appropriate". I know at least I was. If the pack is like the Retro sci-fi pack initial designs where males got a space suit and females got 'the Jetsons' then that is a problem because the males gets something appropriate to both.

    However if we had a pack that was say 'pulp adventure' then..well..yeah kind of expect the women to be in long white dresses, scream a lot and be harrassed by big hairy Apes ("What you are a hairy Ape!" "Oh yeah") while the men are in torn shirts, muscled up and punching people...I can accept there's not going to be gender equality.

    Hmm isn't the male equivilent of magical girl basically Sentai like Karmen Rider?
  18. Ah I misunderstood your intentions then Silver Gale, my apologise.

    Chalk that up to me being very derpish today.
  19. With regards to Silver Gale's post above...

    No, it doesn't help.

    The Imperial Defense set looks pretty much like a tech suit based four colours superhero. heck switch the colours to something more four coloursish and it would be a bog standard tech suit, saying that the colours chosen make the costume look Booster Goldish. Shadow spy and Speedster look like they're only seperated by colour and the Martial Artist DEFINITELY is only seperated by colour.

    Basically all you've done is 'this is modern age looking stuff' and 'this is Four Colour bronze age looking stuff'.

    The word Superhero can be pretty much anything and there in lies the problem. Yes Mask and Cowls aren't there but that's about it as far as I can tell.

    So the question comes down to...what KIND of superhero do you mean, from the looks of things you mean Four Colours Bronze age superhero outfits which...we can do pretty well with the things we already have, the only thing missing is masks and cowls.

    As Tenzhi pointed out...all that 'yawned' at stuff is technically super heroics, especially things like Mythology, isn't Hercules (or Heracles, one is Roman the other Greek...either or is fine) considered the prototypical 'superman'? He's super strong and resiliant beyond normal mortals AND the son of a God.
  20. Bah I'd need hundreds of those little buggers to be able to unlock a new Dragon Shout...ech so the grinding begins...
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
    I see where this thread is headed.
    Indeed I've got my on this thread
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arnabas View Post
    That actually looks... pretty interesting...

    It also reminded me of a comedy I wanted to see and then forgot the name of, with a similar set-up, but the teens in the film wind up killing themselves trying to fight some hillbillies that they think are killers. Anyone remember the name of that?
    For the love of all thats holy watch Tucker and Dale vs Evil.

    Infact I was probably my 'So I just watched' thread that sparked you interest hopefully (it's called 'So I just watched: Double Feature' due to having watched the truly horrible Kevin Costner film 'The New Daughter' straight after Tucker and Dale vs Evil).
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Organica View Post
    I know one person on Virtue had a TW character that I teamed with over two weeks ago. They were nearing 50, and we were on some Task Force, I forget which.
    That would have been the first accidental leak.

    The leaked version of Titan weapons was actually even further behind the version that was on test at that particular point in time and had a lot of bugs.

    It still had Build Up instead of Gain Momentum and if used on a female character, they used the male voice clips when using the weapon set.
  24. It already been on his list with the -seen it tag next to it.
  25. Now this all started when me and a friend turned on to see Catwoman on TV. The discussion went as follows.

    "Ok so if people stop using the cream their face basically falls off right?"

    "Pretty much."

    "America does have an independant goverment body that tests these products before they give the ok to go on sale right?"

    "I'm assuming so, which means it'd never pass goverment inspection for a start."

    "Alright, lets say the independant body has been bought off and they're OKing the cream even though they know that its dangerous, I'm assuming they still want to be a successful company, they wouldn't have spent that much on marketting, social parties and generally buying off a goverment body in order not to, which is also the reason they want people to keep using it, which is more money. Wouldn't they get sued to hell and back, there's a reason America has the nickname of 'the land of litigation' right?"

    "Ok yes, the plot is particularly dumb, you know what, it's dumb enough that I think between us we can come up with atleast two better plots."

    Plots we thought up, they're both incredibly cliched but atleast they make more sense.

    1) Pure insane revenge. The cream is designed to disfigure, that is the primary goal of Ms. Supervillain. Her husband cheated on her and driven mad with revenge vowed to make every woman ugly.

    This could be expanded that the woman was scarred horrifically in a car accident, thus her using the cream constantly because it covers up this flaw, said horrific scarring led to her husband cheating on her and thus the desire for insane revenge and the want to make women ugly. She's insane to the point where she actually doesn't care about the company in the slightest, it could crash and burn around her for all she cares, just as long as she disfigures a lot of people.

    2) Desperation move and greed. Lets say the company was contracted by the military to make something that made their soldiers literally rock hard, bullet proof soldiers. The company poured so much of its earnings into this venture, thinking they would succeed, that when the military funding was pulled the head of the company realised they would go bankrupt, losing all her money and left with nothing.

    Thus she retools the cream as a beauty cream, ignoring warnings from scientists on the project that long term use resulted in problems (which is why the military ditched it). She's basically looking to make as much money as he can, embezzled it all and then go to a country with no extradition ties with the United States.

    Both of these villain plots are, as mentioned, cliched but they're STILL better than the villain plot the movie tries to foster on you.You can't be both Super Villain AND successful businessman with a product that melts peoples faces, Lex Luthor atleast hides his stuff in a draw somewhere and even the things he does release to the public don't out and out cause them to go all opening of the Arc if they stop using it.