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  1. Question regarding the Chainsaw: Right now it's listed for Titan Weapons. Will it be made available also for other edged weapons, like broadsword, katana, and dual blades?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Netphenix5 View Post
    Totally aside from the Rikti lore thing, I think you're overreading the whole "Angels = Battalion" thing.

    From what we learn in First Ward and especially Night Ward, it appears that the Talons of Vengeance were likely at some point locked in the same Eternal Prison they are trying to open throughout the Night Ward storyline. (Source : Mistress Nadia in the Ward Arc. See? Some of us can quote sources ! ). This possibility is strenghtened by the fact that Lamashtu, the daemon goddess imprisonned therein, is refered by the ToV as their All-Mother, indicating a strong link. (Source : Magician Arc in NW)

    My take on all this is that the Angels are linked to the Prison (possibly its custodians, or the entities responsible for establishing it and setting up the Black Knights as the custodians - the BKs are named as said guardians in Ward's arc) and the "heretics" they are chasing to Night Ward are the ToV - their view on Vengeance certainly is a travesty of what the original Greco-Roman Furies stood for. If the ToV escaped the Eternal Prison as is suggested, the angels could very well be chasing them - but humans defeating both Lamashtu and the Mother Keres in the Dream Doctor arc makes their intervention unneeded.

    Note, I have no SOLID proof of that, but it seems less far-fetched to me than saying those guys are Battalion forerunners.
    That's my speculation as well. They've got more in common with the Talons, perhaps being their opposite number. Where the Talons are about Vengeance, the Angels are about Justice. Rightousness instead of Revenge.

    Or who knows?

    I am wary of them bringing angelic imagery into the game, especially since that tends to mean we have to fight them. And while I am well aware that angelic imagery is extremely old, and has similarities to imagery in other ancient Middle Eastern mythologies... in the back of my head there's a little voice going "We're going to have to fight these guys some day, aren't we?"

    I find it rather distasteful, not to mention bad storytelling, if we're forced to list the Celestial Host and God as just another AV. I don't think we should go anywhere near stuff like Heaven, the angels, God, or saying "Oh well, here's the reality behind MAJOR REAL WORLD RELIGION WITH BILLIONS OF FOLLOWERS."

    It's bad storytelling because you can't go up from there. Kind of hard to top beating up the infinite armies of Heaven and the souls of everyone there as you storm the Pearly Gates for farming iXP.

    It's also just a very bad idea. People get worked up over religion. Taking a stance one way or another on a religious thing in the game? Like, oh, the existence of God, the nature of God or His messengers, etc? That's going to be ugly.

    Now these angels being the wardens of the Eternal Prison, or something like that, who use angelic imagery? Fine. "Are you angels?" "We've been called a lot of things. We'll let you make up your own mind."

    That or just say that they use the angelic form because that was the closest cultural analog appearance they could find. Like the Vorlons in Babylon 5.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    Well, the SSA happened, Imperious and Romulus are dead. So they should be removed under the same thinking.
    Technically, they've been dead for nearly two thousand years. Their revelation as "dead" should come as no surprise at all. Cimerora is a lost civilization. Presumably, even before the details of their death were revealed, it is a natural assumption that Imperious and Romulus died at some point in the far distant past. After all, so has everyone else (yes, shocker, everyone and everything that ever existed will die eventually).

    Their deaths occur in the future, relative to the position of time that players are active in Cimerora. The Sister Solaris arc takes place after the ITF, and Imperious and Romulus die somewhere after the Sister Solaris. I felt it was implied that Cimerora was already falling even as they died, with their deaths being an attempt - perhaps a misguided one - by Sister Airilia to stave off destruction.

    In other words... they die in the future. Just their future is our past.

    Time travel can be confusing, can't it?
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
    Interesting and fun news!

    Aside from the uses of this in geekdom for things like making action figures, I can also see applications of this kind of technology in things like the development of prosthetics, as well as a variety of artistic uses.
    The technology is already being explored for that. For example, it's been used to develop a lightweight powered exoskeleton for a crippled little girl.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    Not really. The rest of the planet is bombed or overrun by Devouring Earth. Praetoria was the last remaining civilization on on the planet.
    Actually, it's mentioned several times in the Praetorian arcs that Praetoria City is not the only bastion of humanity. There are other enclaves and areas free of the Hamidon's power. Praetoria is simply the most advanced, powerful, and most populus.

    Cole himself does not hold absolute dominion, and must still deal with other leaders. This is mentioned in the Praetorian arcs and badges as well.

    Yin Corporation itself is repeatedly referred to as a multi-national corporation. For it to be multi, there must be other powers on Praetorian Earth.
  6. I saw this article earlier today and thought the same thing. I'd love to be able to buy little 6-8" plastic action figures of my CoH characters.

    Actually, I thought of something else too:

    No sir, I didn't see you playing with your dolls again!
  7. I kinda want the new Throw Shurikens animation for Martial Assault as an alternative animation for regular old Shurikens on Scrappers and stuff. Something better than the regular old Razor Frisbee.

    But damnit, you guys are going to make me play Blasters! D:
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
    ...Isn't she just wearing the Resistance suit and it got... um... kinda distorted by her... figure?
    Resistance with bits of what looks like Carnival of Light, Celestial, and a cape I don't recognize with blue tights underlayer. It's just very... busy, and isn't really a coherent look so much as a bunch of things slapped on. They don't really mesh well.
  9. I could buy Marauder ending up redside. He's a lot smarter than he looks and has some pretty impressive organizational skills and an eye for talent. He's also a violent mass murdering psychopath in the same vein as the Humungous from Mad Max. He'd work out well in the Rogue Isles. Him ending up blueside... yeeeeah, not so much.

    Do think Aurora Borealis's costume needs work. It's kind of all over the place.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I don't know if this is real, but if it is... Marauder never struck me as a truly evil, guy. He's just a really really... Really really really rough bruiser with muscle where his brain should be. I'm thinking he can be salvaged if there's someone sufficiently strong enough to kick his *** a few times until the new status quo sinks in.
    Actually, he's pretty evil. He wiped out a good chunk of the survivors in the American Midwest and Rocky Mountains, including several surviving Army units when he was able to get his hands on heavy weapons, and was running more or less a ****** Horde style operation. Guy's a mass murderer who's responsible for thousands of deaths and a lot of people not surviving the war.

    This comes up I think in the Responsibility arcs where you're up against the Destroyers. The guy's an animal.

    But I could see him ending up redside and working for Recluse or in the Rogue Isles. That'd fit him. Him working blueside... can't buy that so much.

    Really not a fan of Praetorian Aurora Borealis's costume. It's kind of all over the place.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Generally, it's around the time when you get your friend, his daughter and your own wife killed, attack a hero who's trying to help you, fail repeatedly to accomplish anything at all and nearly get the world destroyed that you start resembling a chump, however. There "failure is part of the game" and there's "Woody Allen's Z becomes a war hero because everyone better than him died." I get that super heroes sometimes need help, but super heroes also sometimes succeed at some things, and I've yet to see that from the Freedom Phalanx. At least SSA2 hasn't KILLED any of them so far, but you never know.
    Wasn't discussing SSA1 in this case though. I was talking about Dark Astoria, Night Ward, SSA2, Dean MacArthur, and some others that some here seem to also hate. Which I find... rather peculiar.

    SSA1 has... issues, I'll agree to that, and I'm a fairly positive person. I thought SSAs 1, 2 and 7 were decent enough. Kinda liked 4. 5 was okay. 6 was... yeah, that one was weak.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
    I take it you haven't read this thread past the title.

    People aren't simply complaining that they're being praised, they're complaining because instead of making your hero do deeds worth being praised, they made the signature heroes retards, and then praised you for being the least retarded of them.

    There's a difference.
    So far, didn't see that. The praise or lack there of seemed in-character for the contact. A former Freedom Phalanxer who sees her former group on black days and still struggling to figure out how to handle itself after some heavy blows. People bicker. They have trouble with things. Positron is not, and has not, ever been portrayed as much of a natural leader. He's a scientist, and by nature prefers to stay behind and play with the tech.

    Acting "retarded"? They got blindsided. And being able to hurt Numina. Ever go and think "Wait, no, that's not lampshading. That's a good question."

    But people see what they want to see here.
  13. So you're complaining about stuff you didn't read and mostly about the imaginary story that is in your head and doesn't exist in the game. Gotcha. Good to know.

    To quote a Rikti guard, "Profound realization: You complain."
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by M_I_Abrahms View Post
    Or it could be that folks are asking for the point in the middle where the players are the equals of the NPCs. Why does either side of the story need to be a chump? Especially when they're ON THE SAME SIDE! The players have asked to be brought up to the same level as the NPCs were presented, not to have the NPCs brought down to the players.
    So far, haven't felt that. Asking for help when times are tough doesn't make you a chump. Not winning every single fight doesn't make you a chump. Being less powerful than someone doesn't make you a chump. Sometimes superheroes need help.
  15. Just no pleasing some people...

    "Stop making me a lackey!"

    "... I'm being praised? DAMN YOU, DEVS! YOU SUCK! MAKE ME LICK THEIR BOOTS!"

    Really now, make up your minds now. Would you be happy with getting Arbiter Daos his laundry, or giving Positron your lunch money? Because that seems to be your idea now.
  16. Pretty sure Second Measure was a player too.
  17. I've actually always found Hurricane really useful as a defensive tool on my controller. It's a great power for when you're getting swamped and you need to push some of that heat off your back. A good example is during a big AV fight when reinforcements come in. Often, everyone is so focused on the AV they don't notice the bunch of mobs coming in after their squishy little me. Hurricane keeps them off me.

    I admit a certain fondness for Tornado as well, especially when used in similar situations. It's a great defensive tool, and great for disrupting large numbers of enemies. It's a large part of why I'm hemming and hawing over whether or not I want to remove Tornado's knockback. That and the sheer joy of so much chaos.
  18. 1. SyrusB / Liz
    2. Tartyrsause
    3. Leaf-nin

    The scrapperlock one just... that's how it is. As I often put it on teams: "I'll take the company on the left."
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snowzone View Post
    Bonfire is a 100% chance knockback power in a huge radius, probably 60ft. The proc simply changes that to knockdown. The enemies are knocked down continuously without being able to even stand up.
    So it turns Bonfire into Earthquake.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snowzone View Post
    I just got the kb to kd proc and slotted it into Bonfire... Wow... It needs to be nerfed somehow. I've gone from x2 to x8 with no challenge because it's pretty much a perma-hold. Only level 36 too.
    Huh. I'm finding it doesn't work with Lightning Field at the moment though. Seriously, it's firing according to my combat logs, but nothing falls down.
  21. I wouldn't necessarily call the other five enhancements garbage. I've had more than a few times when I needed something to slot in where I only had two or three slots free on a power, and nothing that I could fit in really had much oomph to it. An extra 12% regen or 3% damage isn't too shabby for two or three slots. Nothing to write home about or a game changer, sure, but it doesn't hurt to have either.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Which makes the correct Grifter text choices all the more weird.
    Hey, it's the 21st Century.
  23. Solo'd on a Dual Blades/WP scrapper and a titan/elec brute. Was a lot of fun to do.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Yogi_Bare View Post
    I think someone else mentioned a similar problem. I would recommend /bugging it.
    Already done so. Hoping it's just something easily fixed.
  25. Question about how Overwhelming Force works. I slotted it into Lightning Field, and the results... well, I'm not sure if it's working. The proc is firing, because the combat logs tell me it is, but there's no effect. Nobody falls down or is knocked down or anything when the logs say "Overwhelming Force knocks Frost Sorceress from their feet!"