517 -
I know it has been done before, but I added a new wrinkle or two on starting from scratch and hitting the cap.
First, I started this guy in Praetoria during the great Monkey Massacre so when I went to sell my big inspires, expecting to get my usual 100,000 or so, I got a measly 10,000 inf!
I begain by buying all the level 48-53 SO’s I could find and vendored them to get to around 700,000. Started flipping salvage and got to around 200,000.000 and decided that I should start crafting some shinies.
Then it occurred to me; Wouldn’t it be cool if I could hit the cap and get fieldcrafter while I was in Praetoria?
There were benefits to this plan even though I usually have an SG to help make this task easier. First, memorizing the 45-50 would increase my recipe storage. Second memorizing 25-30 would increase salvage storage. Both of these would make my plan easier. So I started crafting and selling and using another level 11 toon I have in Preatoria to sell a few for me. Even so, I had to blow these out at cost or even outright delete a few. Overall I lost only a couple of million or so because I was selling during all those respecs and did pretty well on my level 40+ I/Os. I paid a lot more for salvage than I like to for this project but with patience it wasn’t too bad.
In the meantime, I was crafting Reactive Armor, Thunderstrikes, Crushing blows etc. This took me to around 700 million. Then I started crafting risker items, Like Numina’s Heal, Kinteic Combat, Oblit Triples and Quads, Mako’s Quads and the like. For while I was paying very little for rare salvage and a lot for common and uncommon salvage (remember no AE tickets). Now things are more normal. I just sold 2 Kinetic Combat Acc/Dam and hit the cap or pretty close to it. Took about a month.
PS. I know there is supposed to be a monocle and a top hat, but he isn't my first toon to hit the cap and I only have the one costume slot. -
Did I mention that I would REALLY like free server transfers during the event?
Boomtown is hard to badge in anyway. This pile of rubble vs, that pile of rubble. It's the only zone where I have to use the coordinates.
Still... More badges = GOOD!
PS. MUCH thanks for the updated map sites and info. You guys RAWK!!! -
They might extend the event like they did with free server transfers last year (although I believe that was to accomadate a Double XP Weekend).
Yeah, It seems too short for me as well. I have about 50 dozen cookies to bake, 3 gallons of Jam, 2 gallons of Barbeque sauce and 2 gallons of Salsa to can. As well as a party to prepare, house to decorate, presents to buy, wrap amd mail. The normal cooking and cleaning and laundry. Oh yeah, work as well. I am only getting about 5 hours of sleep now, I can't cut anymore out.
An extra week tacked on to the end would certainly help.
ALSO - please, please, please ---> FREE SERVER TRANSFERS <---- please, please, please!
PS. Please. Really. I would like this.
PPS. I'm not kidding. I would really like this. Please. -
The only reason I would slot it in build up is to complete the set for the defense bonuses that Gaussian's provides. A bump to all three positional defenses from one set is pretty nice.
Well, I can testify to the warm feeling I got when I burned all the inf and oufitted Ultraprotectors with some much needed Teleporters.
With Fulmens urging me on, we burned a total of 400,000 inf. A nice little fire! I immediately went into base design frenzy and promptly spent most of it.
But even more suprising was when I discovered an additional 200,000 inf awaiting the pyre from _23x_! Into the flames with all of it! Can an empowerment station be far behind?
BTW, _23x_ trusted me to do this on my word and if he does the same for you, then act with honor and burn the inf into prestige. -
I am also down for 200 Million, Infinity Blueside. You can reach me in game at @mwruger
You can save me for last and take as long as you like. I really appreciate what you are doing. -
I need this on my main badger. I will be there!
Another option to help keep cost down is having access to someone with fieldcrafter. I know that many can't take advantage of that, but if you are in a largeish SG, you can save on crafting costs.
I try to have one toon in each SG with so that I can equip my lowbies with them via an enhancement table. You can use gleemail but mailing that many IO's can be a pain in the rear. -
I have all these on the three accounts that are in our house. I would try the emote pack if it was on sale. And, I still need the origin pack on my second account. So sadly, no money from me for NCsoft.
Oh well.
Nice idea tho' -
Yeah, I just bought 3 level 10 accuracies for far less than I could craft them. The Luck charm alone would have cost 10 times that.
Some good deals out there! -
So when people change what they believe are they adjusting the filters or are they making a conscious decision to accept a position contrary to what they initially believed unconsciously?
Gotta say, this is fascinating stuff. Any chance you might have a book recommendation that details this stuff?
Not doubting what you are saying, but I would like a more in depth study to read. This strikes at the very heart of perception and truth. -
It's actually a little scary to think that we are programmed for group think. But it does seem to fit. I've argued with both democrats and republicans and they are both absolutely certain they are right.
If this is so and a logical structure is built only to confirm what we already believe then how do arrive at that belief in the first place? What mechanism do we use for deciding what's true? -
It's interesting to me that I have heard marketers defend and descibe the market as a kind of pvp minigame and that is what the developers want.
Obviously, you don't agree.
I call it bid sniping when I can see that another flipper is bidding 1001 for an item and I slide in and bid 1010. I am keeping his bid from filling (for a little while anyway).
I also recall discussions where marketers talk about attacking a niche that another player is working.
That seems pvp like to me. If not to you, then cool. -
I can see your point that the game system rewards a more in depth knowledge, I agree. The difference in my view is that the market is not a pure interaction between individuals and an automated program. It is a mild sort of PvP.
Unlike PvP zones there is no warning that other players are going to attack your wealth when you enter the auction house. The tutorial doesn't mention the adversarial nature of the market. It doesn't mention that people are going to undercut your offers and snipe your bids or that players are going to over pay to set a higher price or try to corner the market or any number of other things that occur.
Certainly if a new player wondered into a PvP zone and was killed dozens of times because he doesn't know the slightest thing about PvP he is unlikely to want to keep trying to PvP.
The tutorial basically tells you about the listing fees and the most basic functions. The market is daunting for new players and many of them opt out and that's a shame. -
It has obviously been a long time since you guys have been new to the game. While I agree that the premise is pretty simple, (Put stuff on market sell for what you think you can get) it is more complicated than that.
I have been playing 18 months and for the first year or so I tried to use the market, wondering why I could never get my stuff to sell or if it did why I didn't seem to make much money when I did.
There is a layer of complexity involved in reading the last 5 sales, trying to determine the flippers from the buyitNAOs, calculating the price based not on just the last five but number of bidders, items for sale, and how fast items sell and lastly having some idea of what an item should be worth regardless of what the last 5 sold for. Add into that market craziness caused by in game events and players doing counter profit activities and you have quite a few factors that the Went's NPCs don't brief you on.
I'm not saying it's impossible to learn it. It isn't. But you can't learn it from the tutorials. You either trial and error you way through until you figure it out or come to the forums and read the guides. (The guides are much quicker)
If the market is so simple, why in the world do you guys write all these guides? -
It does seem odd that a player hitting 50 would have such a problem. It seems more likely that they would run in to problems at 22 than 47.
After all, 3 or 4 pieces of rare salvage, just selling at the last 5 price would cover this amount currently. Before I started using the market I had a toon hit 22 on a double XP weekend and he literally did not have enough money to slot. I bought what I could and then got on a 50 team andsome rare salvage dropped, imprevium I think. That was the end of his money troubles.
By the time he was in danger again, I was doing ok just selling drops and the like. Not the point of the thread I know, so I will kick some funds if you need it as well. -
I actually believe that this limit is a because of programming with an "unsigned integer?". I think I remember reading that somewhere. could be wrong.
I'll have to check. The last praetorian I was using for this has left for Primal and I can't remember if he has spent any time at went's. I will update as soon as I can get someone in there.
Update: OK, I checked the guy I was using and he had zero badge credit. So that means it doesn't award progress and he has spent no time at wents. I will fix the list. -
Thanks for all the help Justice! I am squared away, thanks to PhillyGirl!
I appreciate your reply as well Blkfalcon -
No takers huh?
I can't say I'm shocked. It seems pretty hard to find a group that wants to coaltion with a small SG. No real incentive.
While I guess I'll just load the beacons on the far wall and swap them out using the base editor. Kinda of a pain in the rear but workable for now.
Thanks for looking. -
I have done a ton of missions with doubles and while they copy your outfit they don't copy your power selections.
I play a lot of Dual pistol toons and always skip empty clips, for a number of reasons, and yet my doubles almost always have it and use it.
So it's possible that another team member had the option of Fiery Aura and didn’t take it. Or it was just a bug. -
Hmm. what level? I have been thinking about starting a stalker Heroside which means trekking trough Praetoria. That takes me about a week.
or is this envisioned as a primarily redside event? -
Hey all, I have a small SG that I use for mainly my alts on Justice. Now I am slowly building it up and it has 3 teleporters already but as I am sure many of you know the next jump can take awhile with power and control issues as well as plot upgrades.
So I am looking for an SG that I can coalition (with 'porters of course) with. I will even contribute 20 million in Inf to your SG or Leader or have a toon join and convert 20 million into prestige for your SG.
Any takers?
PS. If you wish, as soon as I finish my teleporters I will leave the coaltion to make room for a more active SG than mine.