517 -
I usually ran any TF at least 1 per toon to help maintain the fiction in my mind that he is actually a hero really solving problems than just grinding his way to 50.
That said if I was running around doing missions and arcs and someone sent a tell asking if I am interested in a TF I will try and switch to someone who hasn't run it UNLESS they are looking for a specific AT (healer, tank, etc) in which I play what's needed.
But I certainly wouldn't say no to a team just because I already had ran it. Teaming can be fun and so sign me up! -
I certainly understand about a mood so dark that you don't want to see or talk to anyone. Hope your friend works through the trauma and is able to rejoin the world cuz it will still be here doing its thing.
Is it some kind of faux paux to go to Vanguard in Atlas, go to RWZ exit and Perigine and swim around the cape to the portal to the Shadow Shard and buy a 2 hour pack for 10000 Inf?
Not being snarky, just don't know why anyone wouldn't do this since you can do it at a really low level. I do it at 4 beacuse of Ninja Run.
I gotta admit that envenomed dagger does sound sweet. Might it be possible to solo other GM's with this? -
I don't consider myself rich by your standards, (Yes I have a billion influence on character), but I always look at what things cost.
The jetpack will never get made. (luck charm? are you kidding) Anything that takes a bunch of rare salvage is on a case by case basis because you don't have to have it to play the game.
Actually the endurance drain rarely bothers me because I don't use/take haste until I get through the fitness pool and slot for End Redux. So recovery serum is unlikely to get crafted either.
The only one I have used is Plasmatic Taser for characters with no real mitigation.
Although Medkit does sound useful for almost any character. I have never gotten one as a drop so I might buy one just to see how it plays.
I suspect that my "MEH" reaction to temp powers is based mainly on the fact that my style of play is unsubtle. My first thought is almost never mob control but rather attack. Maybe if I level a controller I would modify my play style.
All that said, I am glad they added them. More options = GOOD! -
Unfortunately, the cookout is clear across town so probably not.
But I did run this taskforce a month or so ago. Lots of circle. But fun! I recommend it highly. Maybe I will try and run it before the weekend is over just to do it. -
Gots a barbeque for this day. Wish I could make it but grilled meat is good too!
As someone who generally ran the old posi, and the new for that matter, around level 10 to 12, The merits were nice but the 8 to 9 levels I got for doing more than made up for the time spent.
Maybe the Dev's thought it was going to run by people with characters between 10 and 15 mostly or they want to encourage that kind of behavior.
It was great fun, but I liked the old too for the merits and the levels. -
Fulmens, that is the exact strategy that I use for outfitting my toons with level 35 and 40 IO's and it works very well. For example, I decided that I wanted to slot Guassian's Syncronized Fire Control into Build Up for the defense bonuses at lvl 40.
I bid on all six and over the course of 2 days four dropped and the other two are still waiting to be filled.
But that's fine because the toon only has 4 slots right now anyway.
I did the same with crushing impact and Sirocco's wind and they are slowly filling.
Reactive Armor filled almost immediately, but that was because I wanted it for a Task Force I wanted to do so I bid NAO prices. The recipes still cost about 1/2 of what the finished shinies would have.
The reason I like to slot at 40 is because of my playstyle. I don't really play my level 50 very much and the hardest and most tedious grind levels are 40 to 50. I like the benefit of the set bonuses when I am actually playing the character not when he or she is sitting around collecting day job badges and marketing. +10 regeneration bonus is pretty useless at Wents. -
Task Force Emerald a very balanced team of 8 and we completed our goal of all 6 Freedom Phalanx task forces! Two heroes earned the Task force Commander accolades today!
1. Mariko Blackthorne
2. Fathom
3. Glacial Freezer
4. Sy Tran
5. Thermogenic
6. San Min
7. King Richard II
8. Nikki Mercury
Hope everyone who particpated in this project had as much fun as I did. Thinking that maybe Enerst Hess might have something for us to do next week! -
The sad thing is I do see blasters who just blast away before the controller or tank has them locked. Luckily they fall over pretty quick. Some of them even learn a little patience after the 4th face plant in a mission.
Well, I will be glad to do the non Master tasks forces and get familar with the material.
I would love to do this but I am simply not ready yet. My toon isn't right and I haven't ran all this TF regular yet. Maybe sometime in the future. Good luck everyone!
No, it was porbably something that makes her think its a great idea to close to melee range as a blaster and aggro every Lost she can find with AoE.
It's obvious she is a protege of Doc Deliah, the tank that won't hold aggro or jump out of a crack in the flow when she is being beat on. -
So far we haven't had a single team that wasn't more or less balanced. So far we have a scrapper, defender and a tank so I suspect that whatever you would like to play will be fine and welcome!
Honestly, I have never had a really bad interaction here or in game. I haven't seen anything like the kind of mean-spiritedness that I have on so many forums. Really, this is all pretty tame stuff in my experience.
Everybody has been very friendly and helpful. I've learned a lot and I try and pass along what I can when I can do it without sounding like a lecture.
We just need to remember what it is we like about the game and the people that play it. Be patient and don't assume that someone is being snarky when they aren't. Remember that not everyone sees things the way you do. They might be right and you might be too.
And remember...Game ON! -
Look, as someone who just celebrated his 1st year in the City of Heroes all I can say is that I have never done a Hamidon raid, but I would like to.
So whoever leads it is fine with me. I had never done a Mothership raid and I was lucky enough to be invited to one of AV's teams and a had great time. I have been on 4 more since then. (I have a buddy who has been playing for nearly 4 years and has never been on a successful one so it isn't totally a cakewalk).
Sure there will be new players who don't know what to do. You should be glad and happy of that. Some will be awful and some will be new players who are willing to learn.
The server needs new people willing to take part. If you make a vet only event then over time you will find that you will not have enough people. Training larger pools of potential raiders is not only a good idea, but an essential one.
Who should lead? The best leader is the one willing to lead. So whoever is wlling, Lead ON! -
I didn't get that he was asking with attitude just curious about the pricing.
But YMMV. I am actually very pleased with this pricing. My sister and I both bought a prepurchase and I was expecting (and willing) to pay 9.95 for the item pack.
I still have one account that has'nt bought yet and I will just get the complete pack for that on1 and have the best of both worlds.
Thank you NCSoft for the reasonable price! -
Sign Up Sheet:
1. Mariko Charbonnet*
2. Fathom*
3. Angus The Red
*Will receive Task Force Commander Badge -
Well we are down to the final part of our quest to run all the parts of the Task forces needed for the Task Force Commander allocade. We have saved the best for last though with a really great TF with some interesting mechnics and foes from just about every enemy group in the game, Numina's Task Force. So join us this Sunday for the final part of our journey.
You must be level 35 to participate and will be exampled down to 40 if you are over the mark.
Towards the end of the task force, the team will be required to visit most of the zones of Paragon City to hunt after a wide range of enemy factions. Since many of the hunts are for enemies that will con grey and can easily be handled by one or two heroes, access to a fully equipped SG base is helpful. Everyone who joins can use or base as it is fully stocked with Teleporters.
Where to meet: Founder's Falls in front of Numina
When: 12:00 Noon CST on May 23rd, that's 1:00 PM to you guys on the East Coast!
Who: Vets, Returnees, Novitiates are all welcome.
Length: Plan on 2 hours
How: Sign up Below or send me a tell @mwruger or a PM
Enemies: Crey, Freakshow, Nemesis, Circle of Thorns & Devouring Earth
Reward: Fun and 36 merits
Please note that this is NSTF event. That means a Non Speed run Task Force. Everybody gets a chance to read the mission notes and clues. We won't be ghosting, but stealthy characters are welcome to scout the path out.
We experience the content at a pace that allows those who have never done the Task Force to get a handle on it. This means that we will fight our way to our objectives and help anyone who needs it. Joking and in game chat welcome.
Sign Up Sheet Below: -
Your reckless courage makes that hard but it is more than worth the effort!
The long delayed Manticore task force was run sucessfully and everyone seemed to have a good time! On to Numina!
Task Fore Alpha:
1. Mariko Charbonnet
2. Fathom
3. Angus the Read
4. LeTree
5. Invierno
6. Raisalin
7. Miss Wonderful Lady
8. Neveah Lea -
Welcome back indeed! I also will be glad to offer any thing I can do to help you get back into the game. PM here or send a tell in game to @mwruger and I will be glad to hlep.
I only have 1 50 but I am definitly in for this I also have a buddy who is really into PVP on virture. He would be glad to join in with his toons on liberty.
Ive never done one as stated before so a dry run would be great. The only toon I have is lvl 50 scrapper do I cause I am on the assault team, if possible.