517 -
Shadow's Ghost's level 50 blaster is down for this one. He doesn't have fly but he does have a jetpack.
How do you get in contact with Solus Fondation? Just shout in LB or Broadcast?
Cool. I have a few toons that might fit that SG. 1st Class Det. Tracy for one!
HI all!
While waiting for the Cathedral of Pain trial to start my toon, Shadow's Ghost, and another toon also related the legend of the Shadow, started talking and we kicked around the idea of getting together a whole team of pulp based or inspired toons to do a task force or some such thing.
Would there be any intrest in something like this on a similar regular basis?
An SG maybe themed around this?
Anyway, thanks for reading and let me know if you are interested. -
Late to the thread as usual but I had a great time and thanks to all organizers. Good Job all!
Quote:Oh, no exploiting? How boring. Did you at least make new players fume at being unable to buy salvage because the evil flippers are driving prices into the stratosphere?
Ha! I don't think I did as I usually price at about 75-80% below what things have been selling for. But I suppose if you "ebill" marketeers had jacked the prices up, I might have exploited some newbies.
Oh wait, I gifited some rare salvage to a new player that needed a couple of pieces of rare salvage so I probably offset my ebillness. Oh well. Maybe there are some orphans I can steal from later. -
I think the rise in the price of purples is just human nature in action.
When LotG, Numina, Miracle procs were pricey or out of reach, that was the goal that many players had. (I just need 2 LotG to finish this build, etc.)
But A-merits made that more accessible, either through increased supply or straight buying with A-Merits. In esscene we all got a nice raise.
With more buying power we have raised our sights higher and purples which were never considered before for toons now become the goal. I have never slotted a purple, but I am now actively looking for places they could go without harming the goals of my builds. -
Ok, Thanks. Yeah I did try that for awhile, but in general AE doesn't draw me like the regular content does.
Thanks for the clarification -
Really, No offense meant. I probably just worded it poorly.
It seems from most of the comments on here that the marketers usually market by using the methods I listed. They are all way more efficient methods than the one I used.
Hey, however you do it as long as it isn't RMT transfers is totally cool with me. -
Thought I would just post up my main toon’s bona fides. I decided just to gather up some inf and get at least one shot of it before I start spending it again.
I didn’t market the way most of you guys do it. Didn’t exploit niches, flip salvage, ticket farm, purple or PVP I/O farm. Just crafted whatever came my way or sold whatever I couldn’t use. It took me longer than it probably had to, but I actually enjoy the crafting part.
The other thing I did to save money was to always pay as little as possible for any salvage I could.
Well, now on to another 2 billion. I have some bases on Justice and Infinity that I need to build out with ‘porters and that can get pricey. (Oh yes, I want them NAO!)
Quote:I have seen comments about specific builds for ticket farming before but i am not sure I get how you would build for that other than lots of AOEs to kill lots of critters quick....Perhaps fewer people are interested in ongoing ticket farming, or lack characters that are sufficiently good at it to spend their time on that.
Is it a question of picking the right mission to match your strengths?
(ie. If you have a high range defense pick a mission with lots of baddies who have lots of ranged single target attacks.)
Not looking for trade secrets just a general explanation of how one would go about it. -
My rolls have been pretty even. I have sold almost everything I generate at 25 and 30 (although it can take a week or so before people notice there is something to buy. But at those levels, even a pacing of the turtle proc sold very well.
At 35, it is about half and half. But I had one roll at 35 that was quite good; 2 LotG global recharge, 2 mako triples and an Oblit quad.
I don't roll at 50, I just buy specifics and if I don't need anything I let 'em build up.
But I am not sure it is really dampening demand. I haven't sold any of Luck's that I have rolled and only 1 Miracle recovery. I am sure I could sell 'em but I would rather slot them on my army of alts.
Before, I would just concentrate on one toon because of the expense of the high end stuff. Now I can spread my attention out to many alts and still make money on those things that I don't need. -
Well, when you can frame a discussion without being condescending and in engaging in ad hominem attacks you might have a point you could discuss.
I understand your arguement. I just don't accept it as fact, as you seem to. Of course a person with money has more options and some of those options could equate to more time simply because they can afford better doctors and healthcare.
I don't find anything in your response that address my post other than "I won't argue semantics"
Does isn't strike you as disingenous to argue that quality of time is what matters (as you did earlier in this thread) and then also argue the absolute passage of time (as you just did)?
Do you beleive that time spent mowing the lawn is exactly equal to making love? In an absolute sense, that you seem to be arguing, that would be the case. Perceptually, one is clearly more pleasant than the other.
So are you saying that all time is equal or are you saying that how you spend the time matters?
I repeat: No one who is dying, no matter financial status, ever wishes he had spent more time earning money. Everyone of them wishes they had more time.
BTW, Time, Wealth? More important than either is Health. If you are sick all the money and time in the world can't make that time more pleasant. -
Not all people have the some amount of time. Some people die at 40 and some at 80. The do not have the same amount of time unless you say that they each had 1 lifetime.
Nobody, when they are laying on thier deathbed ever wishes they had spent more time at work. Believe me, I have been with the dying often enough to know that they would gladly pay for more time if it were possible.
But you are arguing peceptual time vs absolute time. That introduces far too many variables to really compare. I don't know how old you are, but I can assure you, the perspective changes when you have more life behind you than ahead of you. But maybe you are the exception that proves the rule. -
Quote:You think so? If I don't have to buy thousands of pieces I might try this with a few pieces. I don't want to invest a ton of time into it, but it might be interesting to try with say 100 at a time over a couple of weeks and see if there is a net gain.The exact same thing would happen.
Players are conditioned to pay the 'going rate' for high demand stuff much more so than 'junk'.
If anything, you'd make *more* inf on the high demand stuff provided your buy point wasn't too outrageous.
Something like Buy at 60K and sell for 20K maybe? -
Show me the store where I can buy more time. There are lots of wealthy old people that would love to shop there.
Oxygen? Any good welding supply store can fix you right up. -
Quote:Not really. When I bid, I bid creep (even on cheap stuff) as a matter of principle. I simply hate having to pay more than I have to. It doesn't bother me if I have to pay 50k for spell scroll or whatever if that is the lowest price I can get it at.I was doing the exact opposite of what a flipper would do and got the same results.
Anyone else find that odd?
But most people who are willing to pay have no qualm at paying 5k or 10k no matter what the actual cost could be. They don't bother bidding lower because they feel they can count on winning the bid and being done with it. On things like spirit thorns, I can routinely bid well below the last 5 and get them plenty cheap.
As another poster pointed out, you should try this experiment with something that is in real demand like Spell Scroll or Ink or demonic blood sample. Those are both in demand items that actually are harder to acquire and often fall outside the 10k per piece range. It might be intresting to see if you still made inf. -
Hi all Justicites!
Relatively new to this server after transferring some lesser played alts from Liberty to here during the recent free transfer period. I decided that I would create a new toon DP/Mental Manipulation based on the 30's pulp Character The Spider - Master of Men calling him The Spider's Spirit.
I did all the usual stuff, tutorial, hit wents to sell big inspires, street sweep to hit 4th for Ninja Run, hit Shadow shard for jet pack, etc. I was just about to start the road to 20 (his cape is not right and needs fixing) so I was in AE (Salvage at low levels is not as valuable as tickets) to do some missions when someone sees me locally and asks if I want to join a team.
I don't power level, mainly because I feel you need those lower levels when exploring a new set or AT, but this combo is one I have played many times. Beneath the Skin asked a few questions which lead me to believe that he wanted to make sure I wasn't a new player who would end up with toon that couldn't function outside of AE (how long have I played, what kind of build do I like for my blasters, etc). And we went into a mission with level 54 enemies and proceeded to kill with abandon.
Beneath the Skin is Earth/Kin/Fire I believe and even though he was teamed with a relatively useless 4th level blaster, we did very well. Half way through I went off and leveled to 9 to get a few more attack options and we finished the map.
Overall, I made 10 levels thanks to this helpful player. He told me that he knew it was sometimes hard to find a team (it was about 12:30 Am CST, I play odd hours because of RL) I thanked him and we logged.
Now I have about 80 toons or so spread on 2 accounts and multiple servers, created and built 4 super groups and this is one of the nicest things that anyone has done for me.
Justice should be proud that it has players like this and it made me feel really welcome and renewed my faith that there are actually people on the other end of these toons, not just entitlement issue spambots!
So here's a shout out to Beneath The Skin. A true gentleman (or lady for all I know) and a credit to Justice. So if you see him on the streets or know him, then say hello and Thank You from the Spider's Spirit! -
I did my 45-50 recipes by just crafting whatever dropped so that my only real investement was salvage and the crafting. I actually broke even or made profit on most of my 45 or 50 level recipes. 10-30's I basically slotted on my army of alts. I gotta say that overall I doubt I actually lost money. (although I won't be so bold as to say that I made money. I didn't track it close enough for that.)
Got ya! Didn't know about that one.
Thanks! -
Quote:FYI, Coralax can be found blueside in The Hollows in the Red River neighborhood. But I didn't know there was badge associated with them. I assume it is a defeat badge.Here's a list of all previously villain-only badges. There are some defeat badges not on the list because Heroes could earn them, but the enemies are more abundant redside (CoT enemies only available to heroes during the Valentine's event, Tsoo Blue Ink Men, Longbow, Coralax).
PS. Just went into the zone and defeated about 25 and no defeat badge meter started so maybe this is a villian only defeat badge. -
Also anything that you craft for an sg base counts, even if you never place them.
Anything crafted from an empowerment station also counts. so basically whenever you log the character in craft as many empowerments as you can for the toon and that will help. -
Quote:Sure, you go to Options and under the Miscellanous section there is a switch for Earn Xp. Just set it to disabled and your character will no longer earn XP.I've seen "level locking" mentioned in a number of threads, but I've been unable to find out how to do it, or why to do it. Anyone with more detail?
As to why one would do it the main reason is to have a toon at a particular so that the recipes he randomly generates through merit rolls, Alignment rolls and just as drops during a mission are all that level.
Many players like to slot I/Os at level 30 or so because when they exempt down for a task force they will still have the set bonuses for the powers they have. Unfortunately, level 25 to 40 recipes are not very plentiful. So generating recipes in this range is desirable for marketing or slotting your own toons.
There are other reasons of course. Some people like to play a toon at certain level, you don't want to out level a story arc, roleplay, etc.