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Team-Up Teleporter
Players can now enter and remain in the Team-Up Teleporter queue while completing instanced missions or traveling to Supergroup bases. Accepting a TUT invitation on a mission will cause mid-way progress on that mission to be abandoned. Players returning from a TUT event map will return to the last non-instance map they traveled to.
Players can now queue up for all regular Task Forces, Strike Forces, and Trials via the Team-Up Teleporter. Players can queue for any TF, SF or trial they can begin based upon level range, alignment, and any additional requirements such as the Alpha Slot Unlock or completion of a pre-requisite task. Rogues and Vigilantes can queue for content for either city regardless of current location.
The TUT will assemble teams from the queue between the minimum and maximum players for the event and teleport accepting members to the Contact which starts the TF, SF, or Trial. Once players are teleported to that location and assembled into the team, the TUT is no longer involved in the process. The leader of the newly formed team can invite more players or talk to the Contact to start the content at their discretion.
Features such as Join In Progress, Event Locking, and Vote Kick do not apply to these events. They are features specific to TUT-mediated events such as Death From Below and the Incarnate Trials.
The Team Up Teleporter window now also displays an indicator for the current Weekly Strike Targets. The event will be highlighted and its tooltip will indicate the WST bonus.
Challenge Trials such as Death From Below and Incarnate Trials should no longer modify their spawns based upon the lead player's difficulty settings.
Well, that made my day! -
I missed something at some point.
Is there some kind of overview on ATOs somewhere? All I know so far is that they're archetype exclusive. I don't know anything about so much as the concept for the sets or what they theoretically offer. -
For survivability, I think I'd like to have some kind of inherent block power for that ability to resist unresistible damage/boost survivability. The problem other MMOs have with their blocking, is that you can just hold it down as long as you want. I think something more in line with a max ten second up/ten second down toggle that locks out your attacks (but not pbaoe toggles) with an unmodifiable recharge could help.
Just to throw numbers out, activating it could give you something like 20% resistance, 10-15% defense, and 33-50% defense buffing buff (that buff that some versions of Power Boost offer that makes your defense abilities stronger). I assume the lessened damage on unresistible attacks could function the same way it does for pets; just cut it in half. I would say make it unsuppressible, but I understand that would ruin the mechanics for some iTrials like the Anti-Matter fight.
This would let less survivable sets have a means of holding out for a heal, or in the case of Super Reflex/Shield/Ice throwing their defense through the roof and beyond the iTrial soft cap level. Meanwhile, more survivable sets like Stone can use it less often and continue fighting, raising their DPS to approach what the lighter, faster armors can do.
It would also help lower level Tankers survive what sometimes winds up as damage they just aren't yet prepared for.
As for damage, I think what was said about Gauntlet is absolutely right. There's no intensive for being a tank. I would say keep the damage cap where it is, but offer a damage boost for each target aggroed (or in the case of multiple Tankers, each target attempted to be aggroed). -
Wait, so what are the permissions on the Death From Below Trial supposed to be?
Quote:Crap! I missed my favorite SF!We filled up fast again this week, I like it when everyone's working on their lowbie alts!
This week there was a bit of a miscommunication on my part, but other than that it was a very smooth run.
Team Size: 8
Deaths: 9
Time: 51:49
Photo Album
I'll do what I can to make it there tomorrow. I'll be on Hero Man if I am.
If I'm not there by the start time, though, don't bother waiting. -
I suppose I could switch to the moniker I'm known as everywhere else on the internet.
But, eh. -
My main concern would be how far away from primetime that is. Forming a strike force team is probably going to be more difficult.
I wonder how I ended up so high without bribing at all.
But I agree! I hate costume contests but this was a lot more interesting! -
I'm sorry.
This shouldn't happen to good people. -
Thanks for having me!
Out of curiosity, though, can you list how everyone did on that point system? Just wondering how bad I did from not doing any bribes. -
I want to say 33 to 35 on a Dominator, and 25 to 32 on a Brute.
Of course, since I'm going to have to delete a 32 Mastermind to remake her with Time Manipulation, this doesn't even break even. -
Quote:The no-root while in Light Form was the whole reason I liked Light Form. I never expected it to be perma.No rooting while in Light Form is why we no longer have the form-shift, as that is going to be seen as too strong with the current changes. You can basically have perma light form now, and not having rooting would be ridiculous with that. Arbiter Hawk said they are looking into FX changes for this so it is more noticeable, but that is for the future. The FX and artist types are swamped.
Oh well... -
I want a James Bond car that turns into a boat when I hit the water.
Quote:I like the concept of a giant cell that you have to invade and wade through to fight. It just doesn't look like a cell to me. It looks like a bunch of light blooms floating around in a light bloom. I think if it actually looked like a cell, like eerily like a cell, it could actually be a pretty creepy enemy.Relax--no immediate plans for primal Hamidon. And even if we were going to redo it, I'm sure the giant amoeba aspect would be retained even more than we did on the Praetorian aspects of Hamidon.
But now I'm really curious--tell us more about why you like it. Essentially all the players I talk to seem to find the art on that charcter a little too plain and static, and the posts I've seen in this thread rarely mention the original Hamidon among their favorite designs. Let us know why it's awesome.That's what this thread is all about--what resonates with you and why.
I posted on the Player Questions section.
Also, of course you can repost it, or add to it as well. -
Hello! @Demon Shell here with a brief summary of Mids' Hero Designer with regards to personalizing your own character's build. It was requested that I post this here, rather than just on the server forum in which I reside.
Mids' is THE 3rd party program you want to have for CoH. It's importance ranks as high as Paragon Wiki itself, particularly with regards to balancing out any flaws in your characters as a level 50s.
The first thing you'll want to do is copy and paste the following link by highlighting the text and holding down the "Ctrl" key, then pressing the "C" key. Alternately, since we aren't in-game, you can just right click and hit copy.
Once on that website, you'll want to click the red hyperlink that reads Mids' Hero Designer, followed by a "v", a version identification number, and the date of its last update in parenthesis.
You may also need to download .NET Framework 2.0 as well, though it's more than likely that you already have it or a more updated version. That can also be found on the website as the blue link under the Mids' Hero Designer hyperlink.
Once installed, the controls can be a little complicated. The first thing you'll want to do is find where it says Archetype in the top left corner and pick the Archetype you desire.
Afterward, pick the Primary and Secondary Power Sets, found beneath the Archetype menu.
From this point forward you will choose the powers and slotting that you want by clicking on the available power names either to the left or right. The info box to the lower left will show you relevant info about the last power your mouse has passed over.
On the left are the powers you have available to choose from, either based on your Primary/Secondary, or your power Pools. Yellow text means the power is available, green means chosen, gray means unavailable.
On the right are the powers you'll have available to you, either the ones you've chosen or by default. Left clicking these powers will increase their slot number. Holding the "Shift" key and left clicking will remove a slot.
Right clicking a slot will bring up a drop-down menu where you can choose what enhancement to place in the slot. The enhancements available cover the gambit of every enhancement found in the game.
Right clicking any power name, either on the left or right side, will lock the information box to the stats found on the power in question. To unlock the info box, mouse over the red [Unlock] button on the info box and left click it.
Holding shift and right clicking a power on the right side will flip the slots to an alternate setup. Repeating the action will flip them back. This can be used for quickly comparing slotting setups for an individual power.
Powers identified as toggles, or powers with lingering effects to the player will possess a button, either gray or green, to their right.
If green, the power is considered active, and its effects can be seen in the View Totals menu. If gray, the power is considered deactivated and not providing any effect.
The View Active Sets and View Totals buttons to the right of the Archetype menu can be used to view major information about your character's stats.
For the View Totals popup menu, there will be three tabs ("Survival", "Misc Buffs", and "Status") you can press to change the information presented. It will default to "Survival" when opened.
The View Active Sets popup menu will be divided between Applied Bonus Effects and Effect Breakdown. Applied Bonus Effects will tell you the total bonus to a particular area from set bonuses while Effect Breakdown will show where it's coming from.
Regarding set bonuses, remember the "Rule of 5": once you have 5 of an identical set bonus, you will no longer gain any benefit from any further set bonuses of that identical type and magnitude.
For example, you can slot 5 Luck of the Gambler: Recharge Speed procs for a 7.5% recharge speed bonus, and you can slot 5 Basilisk's Gaze sets to its 4 slot bonus of 7.5% recharge speed, because one is a proc, and one is a set bonus.
But, if you tried to slot an additional Basilisk's Gaze set to its 4 slot bonus, or a Kinetic Crash set to its 6 slot bonus of 7.5% recharge speed, you would exceed the limit because of the previous Basilisk's Gaze sets and gain no benefit.
If you do exceed the Rule of 5, the View Active Sets popup menu will indicate so when opened with a warning below the Effect Breakdown subheader and with red text, further labeled by the '>Cap' tag.
To activate and deactivate Accolades, Incarnates, and Temp Powers, click (right or left) the labeled button in the upper right corner. To edit the contents of those buttons, double click (right or left) the button in question to display a popup menu.
Many graphics, when moused over, will bring up information windows. This is most obvious with power selection and enhancement slotting, but can also be done with all information found in the View Totals popup menu.
There are many more functions to this program and it will take some experimentation to figure it all out. But this should be enough to get you started on the path of personalizing your own character's build.
I hope you found this helpful. That is all for now.