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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gemini_2099 View Post
    Assault Rifle?

    Ignite, Full auto.
    It took me 6 mins to complete the TF on my AR blaster
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LadyGrimrose View Post
    The incarnate system is not listed on the box
    That makes no difference

    Going Rogue Pre Purchase was announced March 02, 2010. It included the Alpha Slot

    In July the Alpha Slot got moved back because of the beta tests

    One of our Favourite Posters from the boards, Golden Girl stated...Almost certainly - it's one of the big selling features of GR.

    and check this video :

    At 6.34 Positron himself states that the first Incarnate Level is included in GR...
  3. When GR was announced the Alpha Slot was included with it. However during the beta (after people had pre-ordered) they removed the Alpha slot because it wasn't doing anything significant.

    Therefore the Alpha Slot was advertised and sold as part of GR, but fell to issue 19 due to it being changed. I would contend that the slots past Alpha are nothing to do with GR though.

    It is a bit rich that GR included Demon Summoning, yet no automatic access to even just that powerset, and Electric Control, yet again no access even to thos epreems who have bought it, unless they have the premium rewards.
  4. When I play my BS scrapper I want to Disembowel and Headsplitter mobs, they are fun. The earlier attacks are not my reason for liking Broadsword.

    That said I have run the arc on most of my 50s and it generally takes between 6-12 minutes depending on how much I gimped them at low level. I've yet to die.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
    My only reasoning is that their schedule is very tight w/ Freedom/i21 as we're only really in the head start/live beta testing phase.

    NOBODY wants to do that amount of work on the weekend, and they're actually work for this guy...
    And that's the crux of the matter. We are paying to beta test a product so that people can play it for free...

    (It also wouldn't be the first time that time has been given out on this game. Issue 4 or 5 the release was so bad and laggy in the EU that they credited all accounts with a couple of days extra time)
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
    I'm guessing that 20-30 is a sweet spot for pay for content. That is, not everyone has a level 50, but most everyone, and probably most new players, are going to be able to level a toon to 20 and will be looking for more content.

    High quality content for new comers, new stuff for old timers who have done it all already. That's what I'm thinking.
    However if someone is playing for free then they have Second half of Faultline, Striga, Croatoa, IP, Talos, the newish hero arcs, Moonfire TF, Sis P TF , Sutter TF, Hess TF, Citadel TF, (and thats ignoring tips/radios). So it's not like the content dries up at that level range. (unlike other hybrid games which sell mission packs because there is nothing to do at a level range). So I can't see it being a particularly great seller unless they lead freebies by the nose to that content, and neglect to mention the free stuff.
  7. Whilst it is quite a fun play through I hate missions where you have some npc tagging along, which seems to happen an awful lot as a plot device to lead you to your next contact within these arcs.

    I also can't understand why they released more content for the 20-30 range which is already saturated, when the 30-40 range is still suffering from a lack of 'proper' content.
  8. I always thought a hotfix was applied to software that was still running.

    Anyway world won't end with a bit of downtime, luckily we are paying for the privilege of using buggy software so that the non payers can come in to a smooth service.
  9. Death_Badger

    End Game Content

    I'm surprised people seem to have missed BADGES

    they are like achievements from other popular MMOs (except they were here first)

    Some open up nice extra powers or bonuses.
  10. I presume you mean rung up the ladder rather than latter.
  11. I just can't decide what to pair it with as a scrapper though. Got too many /shield and willpowers, and fiery aura, maybe electric or invuln...
  12. I have one thats pretty effective on a very cheap IO build without having to use parry sitting at around 50% def to all plus absolutely no end problems.
  13. Death_Badger

    ???/energy aura

    I would have gone War Mace, but I have a few too many alts using that set so I went claws. Seems pretty good so far (mid 20s)
  14. Death_Badger

    Barbarian Set

    I like the set but wish that the male-glove-ring option could be multi coloured like the belt or shoulders can.
  15. I bought 1200 points, if the various inventory size increases were 600 instead of 800 then they may have got more money from me. I also don't like the wording on some items, it makes it unclear whether it's an account wide unlock or individual characters (things such as Aura Unlocks) Some stuff states explicitly it is account wide, some states implicitly its is a single character and some stuff is worded ambiguously.
  16. I want to make

    something/poison corruptor
    something/time corruptor
    beam/sonic corruptor (though not guaranteeing I will actually buy beam yet, depends how the other 2 go)

    Yes I21 is making me feel very corrupt

    Once Street Justice is out then either a StJ/EA scrapper or StJ/Regen Brute
  17. Death_Badger

    Freedom? Hardly

    Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post
    I disagree.

    The relevance of that "excuse" is bound up in the fact that it underlies the entire design of Freedom.

    Freedom was designed to be a vast improvement in every way over the I20 world and it succeeds at that. Let me repeat: it does what it was designed to do.

    What is less clear is whether it was designed to be an improvement over a certain Tolkien-inspired games' design, and if so, whether it succeeds at that.
    The design of Freedom isn't to benefit the players. It's to benefit the developers by increasing profits. We don't know if it does what it is designed to do unless the game closes down or the developers are open with profit figures.

    I personally think the profit from new/returning player traffic will be relatively low but that the current subscribers will make up for that by spending in the store. Basically the whole model seems designed to make people subscribers and then get them spending extra in the store, in effect increasing your subscription without actually increasing it.
  18. Death_Badger

    Freedom? Hardly

    Originally Posted by LadyGrimrose View Post
    I just did a little research and if a Player were to spend a small pittance, enough to get through Tier 2, then they will have access to Tells. MOST returning players will likely already have Tier 2 filled which negates the problem.

    Again, I'm fine if they can Reply, but not send at the truely free level. Sorry, it's a two way street. I prefer to keep my Tells open so I can help on TFs, groups, etc. I don't want to have to turn it on and off because X amount of RMTers are waiting to spam me. Getting through the second Tier is not hard or very difficult. And, again, for most returning players it is a moot point.
    The only people to blame if there is RMT spam is those people who are currently in game/previously subscribed who have purchased inf. If there was no market for the services the spammers would have moved on as they are around for profit pure and simple.

    It's a little naive to think people who are basically playing a trial will quite happily pay out anything in good faith that it is worthwhile. The game needs to convince people to part with their cash, not with restrictions that force them to , but with the incentive of being a good game. It's only $5 or whatever isn't the greatest argument in the world when there are numerous games out there that allow the things that CoH restrict with no cash outlay.

    I can see Freedom being successful but only in managing to increase the amount that current subscribers are paying. Many of the items in the shop are aimed at the people who will continue to subscribe. Basically it seems that the developers are trying to increase subscription fees via the store, and it will work as most people out there subscribing are addicted to the game and have to have every powerset, costume piece and other little bits and pieces. The points per month allocation simply will get people used to using the store after that its just a small step to them spending points and then real cash on the inevitable sale items. the reason most games use points rather than an actual cash value is so that people don't think in terms of dollars and it works. Its only 400 points sounds much better than its only $5.
  19. Death_Badger

    Freedom? Hardly

    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    My god, I prefer to solo thru the low levels and I never have less than a million inf by level 10 from just selling drops on the market. Heck I usually get between 100k and 500k by selling the two inspirations that dropped in the old tutorial.

    I plan ahead and place some cheap bids on IO's at the market and when I reach the appropriate level I slot them and don't worry about reslotting until I hit the 30's
    You are talking about a completely different scenario. As Arcanaville says it used to be impossible to keep fully SO slotted. And as I stated that was pre the auction house. Nowadays I'm disappointed if a character doesn't have 100 million by L20

    Free/Premium players will presumably be in this situation again where they will struggle to keep fully slotted (Though I don't know exactly how hampered they are going to be in terms of drops)
  20. Death_Badger

    Freedom? Hardly

    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Actually there is truth to what he says, especially for the powerlevelers. They would level faster than they could earn inf to afford enhancements. But that was the trade off for that style of gameplay. Players that ran regular content didn't find themselves out of funds as often as people like Badger.
    Why do you assume I Powerleveled? My first character took 400 hours to reach L50 after spending most of the 30s/40s in perma debt (good old blasters)
  21. Death_Badger

    Freedom? Hardly

    Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
    I've been playing since the game came out and I very rarely had any issues making the money to SO out my characters every three levels, through normal legacy game play. And I never relied on drops, because almost all my characters are Magic origin and fighting legacy CoT always sucked :P
    That's a load of rubbish.

    Prior to the auction house and salvage/recipe drops there was no way that a character could afford DO's at 12 never mind SO's at 22 without financial assistance from an alt/friend/whatever.
  22. Death_Badger

    Freedom? Hardly

    Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
    LOTRO and DDO are branded in the exact same way, and have almost the exact same mechanics in place with regard to gating content behind $$ - except they gate MORE content - and having an item shop in place to nickle and dime both subscribers and non-subs with a bunch of gotta-have-its.

    Freedom's NOT going to fail because people are like "Oh my god, an endless free trial with an item shop and a sub that lets me have everything - that's not like any of the F2P games marketing right now!!!"

    Seriously, I'm tired of that argument. Freedom's hybrid structure is EXACTLY like the two biggest success F2Ps on the market right now. Anyone who wants to act shocked about it is a poor actor and should be laughed off the stage.
    Except that LOTRO and DDO both let you earn the points to buy stuff in the shop while playing the game.

    And neither LOTRO or DDO is the biggest success F2P at the minute. In fact they are nowhere near the top of the list. Maple Story has in excess of 95 million accounts.
  23. Death_Badger

    Freedom? Hardly

    Originally Posted by TerraDraconis View Post
    And because they were not released with GR they are not part of it.

    MMO's which use expansions regularly use the expansion as a gateway on newer content that is released after the expansion. Ie you must have the expansion to use the content but the content is not part of the expansion.

    Sorry this entire battle is a lost cause and good riddence it should not be something that Premium ever has access to.
    Oh no the Alpha slot was nothing to do with Going Rogue
  24. Death_Badger

    Freedom? Hardly

    Originally Posted by LadyGrimrose View Post
    Yay! More assuming the Premium status was meant to be a substitute for a Lifetime subscription. Nope.

    Just looked over my Going Rogue box. Nope, no Incarnate info. Sorry, just because you need Going Rogue to utilize the Incarnate System does not mean it is part of the expansion.

    Again, Premium was never meant to be a substitue for your subscription.

    ((Manoa snuck one in ahead of me. This was being typed as she posted.))

    Edit: Good idea Manoa, but I would amend it to mean they can run the weekly Task/Strike Forces and get Shards only. No, absolutely, no access to iTrials.
    Incarnates were advertised as part of Going Rogue, they removed them after the original design of the Alpha slot proved to be rubbish

    The fact that they are currently linked to the purchase of GR clearly shows that they are a part of GR
  25. Death_Badger

    Freedom? Hardly

    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    When CoV launched, even if you already had CoH you still needed a CoV retail code to be able to play Villain content and access bases. Somewhere around a year later, the games were merged so that even if as a subscriber you had only applied a retail CoH code, you had access to CoV content.

    Similarly, when I21 launches, GR is being merged into the game for subscribers. A retail code of GR was required to access Incarnate content. Now that expansion is being merged into CoH for subscribers just as CoV was. Technically, the requirement for GR is now met since it is part of the game for subscribers. GR access is purchasable for Premium and Free players.
    I understand that.

    I just find it amusing that Incarnate access is part of GR when it suits the Devs. Post Freedom, it is no longer considered part of GR, as if it were then surely non subscribers who had bought GR would have access.