197 -
So are these the correct Spiritual names?
I was confused by your PM where you said "verstärkung" because I had the names from the website, and none of them had "verstärkung" in them. So these are all the names I have:
Code:Kardial-Schub Kardial-Kernschub Kardial-Radialschub Kardial-Kernteilneugestaltung Kardial-Kernvollneugestaltung Kardial-Radialteilneugestaltung Kardial-Radialvollneugestaltung Kardial-Kernvorbild Kardial-Radialvorbild Muskulatur-Schub Muskulatur-Kernschub Muskulatur-Radialschub Muskulatur-Kernteilneugestaltung Muskulatur-Kernvollneugestaltung Muskulatur-Radialteilneugestaltung Muskulatur-Radialvollneugestaltung Muskulatur-Kernvorbild Muskulatur-Radialvorbild Nervenschub Nerven-Kernschub Nerven-Radialschub Nerven-Kernteilneugestaltung Nerven-Kernvollneugestaltung Nerven-Radialteilneugestaltung Nerven-Radialvollneugestaltung Nerven-Kernvorbild Nerven-Radialvorbild Spiritueller-Schub Spiritueller-Kernschub Spiritueller-Radialschub Spirituelle-Kernteilneugestaltung Spirituelle-Kernvollneugestaltung Spirituelle-Radialteilneugestaltung Spirituelle-Radialvollneugestaltung Spirituelles-Kernvorbild Spirituelles-Radialvorbild
I also have a few more phrases I would like translated due to the GUI being a bit difficult at first, and I think the disclaimer is final:
shift+click to deselect
Click an Ability
Click to add to obtained list
Right-click to subtract from obtained list
Shift+click to craft
Quote:City of Heroes & City of Villains are (C) 2004-2011 NCsoft. City of
Heroes, City of Villains and all associated logos and designs are
trademarks of NCsoft Corporation. All other trademarks are property
of their respective owners.
Copyright (C) 2011 Titan Network
Titan Waterworks is intended for non-commercial use by players of City
of Heroes and City of Villains. -
Thanks. I've updated my file and PMed you a copy of the program for review. :P
Thanks! I'm feeling unsure about few of those translations, however.
You translated Notice of the Well as "Notiz des Brunnens", while I was told that the game calls it "Warnung des Brunnens." (I'm guessing "Warnung" doesn't translate to "Notice" very well, so you didn't recognize it as a component in-game.)
"Aktivieren Sie" sounds like "activate this", while the button ("click to select") should be clicked in order to choose an ability.
I'm not sure about the use of the word "Aufwand" where I said "with minimum crafting", as crafting fewer things may actually imply more effort in some cases.
So can I get another person to verify? -
Great! Thanks for all the help.
"Always Craft Notices" means that Notices *must* be crafted from components and shards, which isn't possible on the live servers yet. When the option is checked, each Notice of the Well will add 88 shards to the required "shards if crafting everything" number, as well as 40 shards to the "shards (with minimum crafting)" number. -
Excellent. I've got all the French ability/component names entered now, except for the Favor of the Well. It's not listed on that page, unfortunately, but I've also gotten the German names thanks to you pointing it out.
Edit: Got Favor of the Well now. -
Well, it doesn't do anything if you click it. :P It tells you how many shards you would need if you already had all of the common components and Notice of the Well components.
Merci beaucoup!
"Spare" refers to leftovers or extras--shards that you'll still have after you finish crafting.
"Minimum crafting" refers to the fact that you don't actually have to craft the Common components, because you can get them from completing task forces and things like that.
"Target ability" refers to the ability you want to craft in the end: your goal.
"Notice of the Well" is indeed intended to be singular. I should probably find the list of French names for the abilities and components, seeing as how those also need translated. -
J'ai écrit un programme relatif à Incarnates. Ce programme a un support pour plusieurs langues. Je voudrais que quelqu'un pour vérifier que j'ai bien traduit la liste ci-jointe, si vous seriez prêt à le faire. Merci.
I have written an Incarnate-related program which has support for multiple languages. I would like someone to verify that I have properly translated the attached list, if you would be willing to do so. Thanks.
Code:Traduction:Alpha Judgement Destiny Lore Interface Hybrid Genesis Mind Omega Vitae Made by DeProgrammer for the Titan Network. EULA is missing. Please re-download the program from Close Help file is missing. Please re-download the program from File New Character Select Character Save Character Save Character As... New Database Open Database Save Database Save Database As... Exit Options Always Craft Notices Help Getting Started About Notice of the Well Abilities The item you selected is not an ability. Please select an ability. Click to Select Click to Select Error loading files. Obtained Remaining Target Ability: Desired Intermediate Ability: Nothing failed to load. ChooseOne Shards Threads Spare shards Shards (with minimum crafting) Spare shards (with minimum crafting) Final item already obtained. The name you have entered is already in the database. Please give another name. Name Error Would you like to save the current character to the working database? Text files Failed to save database. ( Would you like to save the current database? Error loading database file: Character name: Please add another character before removing the last one from this database. Do you really want to delete this character? Select Character Select Cancel Delete
Code:Alpha Judgement Destiny Lore Interface Hybrid Genesis Mind Omega Vitae Fait par DeProgrammer pour Titan Network. Le CLUF est manquant. S'il vous plaît re-télécharger le programme à partir de Fermer Le fichier d'aide est manquant. S'il vous plaît re-télécharger le programme à partir de Fichier Nouveau Personnage Select Personnage Sauvegarder Personnage Sauvegarder Personnage Sous... Nouveau Base de Données Open Base de Données Sauvegarder Base de Données Sauvegarder Base de Données Sous... Sortie Options Notices bateaux toujours Assistance Mise en Route À propos Notice of the Well Capacités L'ordre du jour que vous avez sélectionné n'est pas une capacité. S'il vous plaît sélectionnez une capacité. Cliquez pour Sélectionner Cliquez pour Sélectionner Il ya eu une erreur lors du chargement des fichiers. Obtenu Autres La Capacité de l'Objectif: Capacité Souhaitée Intermédiaire: Rien n'a pas pu charger. ChoisirUn Tessons Threads Tessons de rechange Tessons (avec un minimum d'artisanat) Tessons de rechange (avec un minimum d'artisanat) La capacité de finale déjà obtenus. Le nom que vous avez entré est déjà dans la base de données. S'il vous plaît donner un autre nom. Erreur de Nom Souhaitez-vous pour sauver le personnage courant à la base de données de travail? Les fichiers texte Impossible d'enregistrer base de données. ( Souhaitez-vous pour sauver la base de données actuelle? Erreur lors du chargement du fichier base de données: Nom du Personnage: S'il vous plaît ajouter un autre personnage avant de retirer le dernier de cette base de données. Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer ce personnage? Sélectionnez Personnage Sélectionnez Annuler Supprimer
Ich schrieb ein Programm für Incarnate. Es hat Unterstützung für mehrere Sprachen. Allerdings weiß ich nicht, die deutsche Sprache. Daher würde Ich mag mir jemand bei der Übersetzung der beigefügten Liste, wenn möglich zu unterstützen. Dank.
I have written an Incarnate-related program which has support for multiple languages. However, I do not know the German language. Therefore, I would like someone to assist me in translating the attached list, if possible. Thanks.
Code:Alpha Judgement Destiny Lore Interface Hybrid Genesis Mind Omega Vitae Made by DeProgrammer for the Titan Network. EULA is missing. Please re-download the program from Close Help file is missing. Please re-download the program from File New Character Select Character Save Character Save Character As... New Database Open Database Save Database Save Database As... Exit Options Always Craft Notices Help Getting Started About Notice of the Well Abilities The item you selected is not an ability. Please select an ability. Click to Select Click to Select Error loading files. Obtained Remaining Target Ability: Desired Intermediate Ability: Nothing failed to load. ChooseOne Shards Threads Spare shards Shards (with minimum crafting) Spare shards (with minimum crafting) Final item already obtained. The name you have entered is already in the database. Please give another name. Name Error Would you like to save the current character to the working database? Text files Failed to save database. ( Would you like to save the current database? Error loading database file: Character name: Please add another character before removing the last one from this database. Do you really want to delete this character? Select Character Select Cancel Delete
Einige zusätzliche Klarstellung gebeten wurde (was ich erwartet) für die Französisch-Übersetzung, so dass hier ist eine Kopie davon.
Some additional clarification was requested (which I expected) for the French translation, so here is a copy of that.
Quote:"Spare" refers to leftovers or extras--shards that you'll still have after you finish crafting.
"Minimum crafting" refers to the fact that you don't actually have to craft the Common components, because you can get them from completing task forces and things like that. Next to the words "minimum crafting" is how many shards you would need if you already had all of the common components and Notice of the Well components.
"Target ability" refers to the ability you want to craft in the end: your goal.
"Always Craft Notices" means that Notices *must* be crafted from components and shards, which isn't possible on the live servers yet. When the option is checked, each Notice of the Well will add 88 shards to the required "shards if crafting everything" number, as well as 40 shards to the "shards (with minimum crafting)" number. -
I was part of a 8-man STF that was worse than that, in terms of deaths. It was something like 250 deaths. The tanker couldn't keep Recluse aggroed, not to mention survive for three seconds when he did manage to aggro him. I don't remember how long it was, though--maybe 3 hours.
Oh, but the topic is how our Saturdays went. Well, I spent the first six or eight hours or so of my Saturday writing up a design plan and doing a task force or two, and then I spent the evening turning part of that plan into a semi-functional GUI. It wasn't standard programming protocol, but eh, it was fun. -
I would make a 2D side-scrolling memorial fan game. I would also spend a lot more time involved in my creative hobbies like I used to.
I think it's more like the difference between using a spreadsheet and using a build planner. But analogies haven't been an accepted reasoning tool since logic was invented.
I believe you can still target the ceiling sometimes.
It kinda sounds like midsControls.dll is missing, blocked, moved, or something along those lines. See if it's in his install folder, and if it is, check its properties to see if it's blocked.
Some enemies spawn only at night, or spawn a lot more frequently at night, which occurs for 20 minutes every 40 minutes in-game:
Equinox (very easy to find in the eastern part of Striga Isle)
Banished Pantheon masks (easy to find at night in Potter's Field in Sharkhead Isle)
Ghosts and Ghost Pirates (Croatoa and Port Oakes respectively) -
Quote:In that person's case, the Listlabel controls didn't draw, but the ListLabelV2 controls did; the Power button (which does not change colors when clicked on) drew, but the others (which do change colors when clicked on) did not... It sounds like things aren't refreshing when they're supposed to. (I'm not discounting the possibility of insufficient resources.)Hmmm, winXP, so shouldn't be anything too weird there.
Sounds similar, but doesn't quite fit your situation, but it may be related, what are the system resources, and is he trying to run it while running CoH?
Edit: Oh, duh. I bet that's why the OP's friend can't get Mids' to do anything when he clicks on a power--it's probably in Level-Up mode. Try having him click the button right next to the character name text box. -
Quote:Missing buttons makes me think he's missing some of the files, so I would try re-downloading and reinstalling it first. As for clicking on a power and it doing nothing, I only have one idea. Have him try to hold control, alt, and shift while clicking on the power he wants, then click again without those keys held.Any Mid's experts out there to help me with this?
Buddy of mine wants start using Mid's to build his toons. He downloads it fine. But when he does, it doesn't work well. Buttons are missing. When he clicks on a power to add, nothing happens. Sometimes something he clicked a minute ago would just pop up.
His machine runs CoH moderately well.
He is running Windows XP.
He already updated Net Framework.
He has newest version of Mid's.
Any ideas?
Oh, and a screenshot would be nice. :P -
I have made 65 characters, and I've got a spreadsheet of all of them. 19 of them didn't make it past level 10, however. 14 are between 11 and 20 (inclusive). I have 18 50's, mostly on Triumph, but a few are on Freedom. During free server transfers, I've moved a few off of Triumph and replaced them with the more fun ones from other servers. The worst part is that I have made 8 into Incarnates; I don't want to spend that much of my time making a bunch of incarnates more powerful, so I'm going to have to whittle that number down. :P
People sometimes purposely fail the first mission by getting Penny killed, and they more frequently fail the mission (again, on purpose) that tells you to rescue Glacia and Infernia and fight Hro'Dtohz.
My friend has some characters with randomly generated builds. Beat that. :P
Rommy's stun is emitted from the Nictus Essence, so if you break LoS with Romulus but not with the Nictus Essence that resurrects him, you'll get stunned.
I'm gonna go off on a limb and guess the trial gives you something toward obtaining and/or upgrading your next Incarnate Slot.