289 -
At this point in time, because this is a beta after all, it's probably safer to install Windows 7 on its own partition and leave Vista as it is for now. If you set it up to dual boot like that, then if there's a problem with Windows 7 that makes it temporarily unuseable, or when the beta finally expires, you'll still have a working OS and not need to have down time wiping your drive and starting over. Also, keep in mind that there may still be certain programs that don't work, or don't work properly, with 7. If you're set up to dual boot then you can just switch back to Vista/XP if you need to use that program, and send in feedback so that whatever's wrong can be fixed in future versions of 7. There are a ton of reasons against having Windows 7 as your only OS, especially if you only have the one computer to work with. As complete as Windows 7 looks, there are bound to still be some issues.
Small update. When I dual-box, I occasionally get very bad texture issues that are not solved without completely closing both copies of the game.
This is a shame as I have not been able to dual-box since switching to Vista. When it works, I hardly notice any drop in FPS - just like back on XP.
[/ QUOTE ]
I've noticed a couple of rare and infrequent texture issues when alt-tabbing, but i don't dual box so i wouldn't be able to comment on that. I did notice, however, that the texture issues from alt-tabbing can be corrected by using the /unloadgfx command in game. I take it you've had no luck with that command? -
Never use windows update for graphics driversbut that being said the beta drivers maybe worth a shot ya never know.
[/ QUOTE ]
If it's for an NVidia card, in this instance you do, as per the NVidia Windows 7 page. The drivers that Windows Update installs for NVidia cards are prerelease Forceware drivers from NVidia.
I got the drivers for my 9800 GTX+ from Windows Update, and I haven't had a single graphics issue with the game yet. -
Is there a list of programs that's suppose to work with Win 7?
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I've only seen the antivirus page, which can be found here. -
You probably need to wait for a newer version of Alcohol and/or Daemon Tools to be released - there were some major changes between Vista and Windows 7 in terms of the kernel, so they may need to be updated (same thing with antivirus programs).
Just curious, has anyone else experienced an issue with dual monitors and nVidia cards (I have an 8600GT) where running CoX in full-screen causes the monitors to switch randomly (e.g. the same thing is shown on both screens but only one of them actually "works")?
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AVG antivirus 8 works without any problems.
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AVG is one of 3 antivirus programs that's already been programmed to work with Windows 7. They've been working with Microsoft on it since the industry betas started apparently. -
I'm using the 64 bit version of Win 7...haven't had a single issue with it. I just dropped a shortcut to my updater on the desktop, ran it, chose the drive that it was already installed on, and it was good to go. If you've already got a copy of the game on your computer, you may want to check out the link to the guide in BillZBubba's signature.
wow first day on the job and past my question like i was standing still..
i feel so happy now.
seriously id like my question answered.
why dont you open some of the ingame items that already exsist?
[/ QUOTE ]
Sunstorm has stated that they're looking into adding new items to the base editor. I imagine that will include existing in-game items that we currently don't have access to. In most cases, I seriously doubt that they can just easily open those items up to us. A database entry that's compatible with the editor will have to be added for each and every item, and there's quite a wishlist going. And, depending on what they're planning, it may have to wait until they're finished with those changes to the base editor that Sunstorm mentioned *shrugs* Personally, just knowing that they're finally looking into this stuff gives me hope for the future, especially if they're going to be adding it as they finish it, like Sunstorm said. -
Base Repricing
1) How will the repricing of bases affect you personally?
Repricing is a change for my VG to expand onto a much larger plot, and expand our rp space by a whole lot. It will also allow us to dabble with base raids, should that interest the VG as a whole when that gets changed. Just with the money we'll get from the plot price changes alone we'll be able to expand a great deal, which is a great thing. Many of our members have had room ideas for rp spaces that we simply haven't had the prestige for.
2) Will you dismantle your base to gain the additional prestige from the repricing?
Yes. We weren't sure that we were going to at first, but the changes in pathing and stacking make it less painful (though not painless) to dismantle, and there are several rooms that I've been unable to move from our original setup because of limitations in the base editor. This is a chance to wipe the slate clean and start fresh.
3) How long would this process take you if you were to engage in this practice?
Probably several weeks. I forsee having the minimum functional pieces up and running in the first night, but rebuilding all the rp sections will take at least a couple hours a day for a few weeks (I won't spend more than a couple hours a night on it, however, because I want to be able to actually play the game with my VG mates). This will be inconvenient to many of our members, but we've already all agreed that it's worth it to be able to expand this way.
4) What are the positive and negative concerns regarding repricing?
Positive: Future expansion will be much faster with the new price structure, and some things (like secure plots and some raid pieces) will no longer be out of reach of smaller VGs like mine. Such a drastic reduction in the prices of so many things is a great thing.
Negative: The repricing itself has no real negatives, with the exception of going back to having rent be a possibility on the startup plot (though we really do need more information on the new rent structure).
5) How will this feature affect you long term and short term?
The short term will be a great inconvenience to the VG. I understand why the prices can't easily be refunded for existing bases, but that still doesn't make it any less painful of a changeover process for those groups that decide to rebuild. The long term though, there's potential for great and faster expansion, which is definitely a welcome change.
Base Salvage Exchange to Invention Salvage
1) What is the negative effect on your base for this feature implementation?
This won't change our existing pieces that need salvage to craft, but this will ultimately be the stumbling block that can hurt the growth of the VG. The base salvage system may have been more complicated, but it was also much more flexible, and no demand for the salvage pieces outside of base crafting and empowerment. It was something that the whole VG was more than willing to contribute to, because base salvage was something they could easily give up without hurting their character's development. The change to Invention salvage though will make it much, much harder to get the pieces you need. Yes, it's simpler, but there are far fewer combinations to be able to get what you need, and the demand on those pieces will also be shared by Inventions. In many cases, the base builder just isn't going to be able to get the members to contribute the pieces they need to do something, and the pieces will have to come out of their own funds. It will also discourage the use of the already under-used Empowerment Stations.
2) What is the positive effect on your base for this feature implementation?
I can see no real positive to this change, unfortunately
3) How long will it take you to adjust to learning this new system?
No time at all, this is much more simple than the old system
4) What side effects to this system do you currently see from transitioning the old to new system?
Salvage required for certain things will become difficult to get at launch because this launches simultaneously with Multi Builds. I think this will eventually even out, but this will make it extremely difficult for new VGs to get started during this adjustment period. I also think that the Empowerment stations will be even more unused after this. Many people only use them because base salvage is (or was) cheap and easy to find, but when they suddenly need to use the same salvage that is needed to flesh out their build, or can be sold for influence/infamy needed to put towards their builds, I think that will put of far too many people to make the stations of use. They were a good idea as a resource for VGs, but with the new salvage requirements for them I think they're not going to get much use.
5) What security concerns do you have regarding this change?
The security permissions for my VG will not be changing, they were already pretty high. I dislike having to restrict access to the bins on a wholesale basis, but the permission system isn't flexible enough to provide new members with some of the benefits of the bin contents without exposing it all to theft.
Additional Notes:
The only additional concern I have is the new capacity of the salvage bins. Those bins have to share the space between Halloween and Winter salvage, the reminents of the base salvage and components, and Invention salvage. A capacity of 30 pieces per bin just isn't enough for all of that, and really...it's not even enough for just the Invention salvage. Such a low number is going to make it pointless for any VG to even attempt to pool extra salvage for things like Empowerment stations, and in many cases it's not even going to be enough for a VG to use to pool event salvage to share with new members or alts. Isn't that the point of joining a VG? I think the storage for Invention salvage needs to be expanded to 50-100 per bin, and event salvage needs to be considered separately from that number. -
They have to be specially marked to not get purged in maintainance, apparently.
Event and special salvage CANNOT be put in the salvage bins. Invention salvage only. The special stuff will have to be traded character-to-character.
[/ QUOTE ]
Don't have any Halloween Costume Salvage avalable to test this out on but I was able to put Old Base Salvage and Candy Cane salvage into a new Invention Storage Bin ( Brain Storm Ideas as well can go in )
[/ QUOTE ]
I am happy to be wrong then. I'm just reporting what I've read on the open beta boards. Serves me right.
[/ QUOTE ]
I transfered a character with all types of salvage on her over to test this, and the bins can indeed take all the same types as before. You're just limited to 30 pieces period...doesn't matter if it's base, event, invention, component or brainstorms. -
((repost with new site urls))
[u]Name[u]: Swords of Anarchy
[u]Currently Recruiting[u]: Currently looking for new members. We're not interested in numbers, but would like to find active villain players who like to have a good time.
[u]RP Level[u]: RP-friendly! Many of us rp while teaming. The global channel is OOC, and we have been known to have rp nights, both spontaneous and planned.
[u]Theme/Concept[u]: Swords of Anarchy is home to many kinds of villains, with our primary focus being spreading chaos and dissension in the Isles, and getting as much enjoyment as we can out of it. Many of our members tend to be primal, driven, spur of the moment people.
[u]Activity[u]: Our active membership at the moment is very small, probably 3 or 4 people that are on every night, with 6 or 7 others joining in occasionally. We're looking to expand that. We're mostly in the eastern time zone, but not all of us keep regular hours so our active times vary.
[u]Requirements for Membership[u]: Membership on our forums is required to join. Full membership after a 2 week trial period. Required to sign in at roll call on the boards every 60 days (roll calls are announced, and more or less a reminder to log alts in. Many of us have alt-itis and need the reminder!).
[u]Leadership[u]: Terra Silva
[u]In-Game Contact(s)[u]: Global @Darkfaith for in-game contact(s)
[u]Out-of-Game Contact(s)[u]: Darkfaith on the Official forums.
[u]URL[u]: http://www.soacoh.com/
[u]Coalition(s)[u]: We have coalitions with two small groups to allow them access to our base. Always interested in discussing coalitions with other groups! We also have close association with the hero group E-Branch, with much shared storyline, rp, and writing (several of us from both groups write).
[u]Other Details[u]: Large base with teleporters to all zones, rez facilities, tons of storage for full members, empowerment stations (both tech and arcane), invention table, vault, Pillar of Ice and Flame, Oracle, significant amount of rp space (currently in redesign after the prestige grant). -
[u]Name[u]: Swords of Anarchy
[u]Currently Recruiting[u]: Currently looking for new members. We're not interested in numbers, but would like to find active villain players who like to have a good time.
[u]RP Level[u]: RP-friendly! Many of us rp while teaming. The global channel is OOC, and we have been known to have rp nights, both spontaneous and planned.
[u]Theme/Concept[u]: Swords of Anarchy is home to many kinds of villains, with our primary focus being spreading chaos and dissension in the Isles, and getting as much enjoyment as we can out of it. Many of our members tend to be primal, driven, spur of the moment people.
[u]Activity[u]: Our active membership at the moment is very small, probably 3 or 4 people that are on every night, with 6 or 7 others joining in occasionally. We're looking to expand that. We're mostly in the eastern time zone, but not all of us keep regular hours so our active times vary.
[u]Requirements for Membership[u]: Membership on our forums is required to join. Full membership after a 2 week trial period. Required to sign in at roll call on the boards every 60 days (roll calls are announced, and more or less a reminder to log alts in. Many of us have alt-itis and need the reminder!).
[u]Leadership[u]: Terra Silva
[u]In-Game Contact(s)[u]: Global @Darkfaith for in-game contact(s)
[u]Out-of-Game Contact(s)[u]: Darkfaith on the Official forums.
[u]URL[u]: http://angjel.com/SwordsofAnarchy/
[u]Coalition(s)[u]: We have coalitions with two small groups to allow them access to our base. Always interested in discussing coalitions with other groups! We also have close association with the hero group E-Branch, with much shared storyline, rp, and writing (several of us from both groups write).
[u]Other Details[u]: Large base with teleporters to all zones, rez facilities, tons of storage for full members, empowerment stations (both tech and arcane), invention table, vault, Pillar of Ice and Flame, Oracle, significant amount of rp space (currently in redesign after the prestige grant). -
[u]Name[u]: Swords of Anarchy
[u]Currently Recruiting[u]: Currently looking for new members. We're not interested in numbers, but would like to find active villain players who like to have a good time.
[u]RP Level[u]: RP-friendly! Many of us rp while teaming. The global channel is OOC, and we have been known to have rp nights, both spontaneous and planned.
[u]Theme/Concept[u]: Swords of Anarchy is home to many kinds of villains, with our primary focus being spreading chaos and dissension in the Isles, and getting as much enjoyment as we can out of it. Many of our members tend to be primal, driven, spur of the moment people.
[u]Activity[u]: Our active membership at the moment is very small, probably 3 or 4 people that are on every night, with 6 or 7 others joining in occasionally. We're looking to expand that. We're mostly in the eastern time zone, but not all of us keep regular hours so our active times vary.
[u]Requirements for Membership[u]: Membership on our forums is required to join. Full membership after a 2 week trial period. Required to sign in at roll call on the boards every 60 days (roll calls are announced, and more or less a reminder to log alts in. Many of us have alt-itis and need the reminder!).
[u]Leadership[u]: Terra Silva
[u]In-Game Contact(s)[u]: Global @Darkfaith for in-game contact(s)
[u]Out-of-Game Contact(s)[u]: Darkfaith on the Official forums.
[u]URL[u]: http://angjel.com/SwordsofAnarchy/
[u]Coalition(s)[u]: We have coalitions with two small groups to allow them access to our base. Always interested in discussing coalitions with other groups! We also have close association with the hero group E-Branch, with much shared storyline, rp, and writing (several of us from both groups write).
[u]Other Details[u]: Large base with teleporters to all zones, rez facilities, tons of storage for full members, empowerment stations (both tech and arcane), invention table, vault, Pillar of Ice and Flame, Oracle, significant amount of rp space (currently in redesign after the prestige grant). -
I'd like to see the floating stone lights from the Tree room in the villain respec trial/Statesman TF....those lights are just so cool, with the magic design under them that makes them float and everything.