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It's only a general rule, and as mentioned already, there is also Necro/. Anything paired with /dark is a notable exception, as dark's debuffing is so much mitigation in and of itself.
I recently returned to the game after close to a year's break. My 35ish Ninja/Pain was one of the last MMs that I hopped on. I forgot just how squishy ninjas were until then. At this point I can't believe I got them as far as I did. As pain, I spend all my time healing, and always falling behind. After a few missions, I had had enough.
But, I love the look and feel of ninjas, and they do great single-target damage. So I re-rolled as a ninja/storm, and am sooooo glad I did. The added survivability from debuffs and control >>>>>>>>>>> the healing of pain. I much more enjoy putting mobs on their arses with ice storm, and de-buffing them with hurricane, and actually having time to use personal attacks (yes, I know sub-optimal) and observe the controlled chaos of my pets in action. As pain I didn't have time to enjoy the carnage, it was always a mad rush to just keep them alive.
One other minus for ninja/pain is you cannot slot recharge intensive sets, so that's another 5% def and 10% resist you cannot use. I don't consider myself a min/maxer in CoH, but I try to avoid combinations that do not allow all 4 pet aura IOs. -
My favorite teammate is somebody with a stylish costume/concept who plays their character well. Could care less about optimal builds, FotM, etc.
One of my favorite characters is a 50 Thugs/Poison. Favorite only because he is one of my best characters conceptually. The fact is the set underperforms. You bring little to a group setting, and the single target debuffs don't do squat against heroes/archvillains. Be careful what you wish for.
One of my favorite toons is a 50 Thugs/Poison. Having said that:
Dark - One of, if not THE, most powerful sets in the game for any archetype that can take it. It does everything and does it well.
Poison - Very single-target oriented, which in a game where heroes/arch-villains have strong reisstances to debuffs, is a big minus (for me anyhow).
I often feel like my secondary doesn't exist in groups. I usually do breath, then just use attack powers and spot healing.
Don't get me wrong, Poison is a fun and functional set, but it doesn't compare to the big boys for end game content or grouping. -
The obscuring effect of cloak has been one of my pet peeves since launch. My first character was a DM/DA scrapper. I hated the obscuring effect it had, and specced out of it at the first opportunity. It's a shame too, because it really is a nice power.
I see no reason why they couldn't give it a translucency effect like all other stealth powers. That I could live with. -
Quote:While the proc is indeed one way to ameliorate the problem (somewhat), I really think the devs should re-evaluate their stance on npc damage resistances. No highly common enemy group should make players of a specific damage type want to pull their hair out.This is where I'd highly recommend an achillies heel proc wherever it'll fit. Although this may not affect Ninj/, most lethal (or low DPS) reliant sets benefit from it in the long run (Crab spiders, Merc/ MMs, my DB/SR brute etc...).
Not a massive fix, but it eases the pain somewhat -
I had forgotten about the preponderance of Longbow villainside. Much like Rikti, the lieuts are moderately resistant, and bosses highly. Ballista are a particular pain in the backside. Just played my nin/nin and soloing the ballista in one of my missions was long and painful. To illustrate, my soaring dragon was hitting him for 66. On a standard non-resistant (or low resist) mob (security guard), it hits for 133.
Quote:I'm seeing the same thing today, haven't played in at least a week until now. Animations not firing, secondary effects of powers going off before damage happens, power icons not showing that they have fired even though they have. Enemies twitching all over the place, especially when under the effects of ragdoll physics. I'm not having trouble in any other games or anything.I have been having all kinds of trouble in game with rubberbanding in the last two weeks. Its like everything except my movememnt is rubberbanding. Teammates and opponents movements rubberband. Keystrokes getting missed animations not playing or the wrong animations like watching a friend running in place for 5 minutes but everyone else in the team says the person in question is not moving or running in place only i see that.
So I think its at my end and I go through the works updating my drivers, Swapping video, netcards and eventually a new cable modem.
I read the beginning of this thread and used the netgraph tools. It turns out 6 of the servers show packet loss including my main server.
I have no idea how to cure packet loss especially when its not at my end. -
My DB scrapper recently started working on RWZ content. Rikti bosses can be obnoxious, and lieuts are also moderately resistant. Crey missions have become a pain as well, as I'm at the point where minions are spawning as tanks. Fortunately you encounter Crey a lot less as a villain.
Quote:Sadly, most people don't know the truth of his demise. He didn't die on his "throne" as is popularly believed, he died (only recently) defending humanity from a threat from the grave.No, I'm pretty sure Elvis is Dead.
I've heard it is an intermittent thing that nobody has ever been able to nail down. It happened to me for the first time recently, though I didn't receive the popup message, simply nothing happened. I suspect it may have something to do with how long you take, as this respec took me MUCH longer than usual (looking things up online during the respec and such).
I find it amusing that so many people are discounting out of hand the possibility that the GM was in the wrong. Note, I'm not taking EITHER side, we only have and will only ever have one side of the story.
I've worked customer service. Yes, you're paid to be polite and courteous and helpful (within the bounds of what you're allowed to do). Guess what, the people that you are helping aren't always in the best mood. Some can be downright abusive. In time it wears you down. I've seen normally good personnel snap and yell at customers on the phone. Also, the customer isn't always right, yet you're expected, within reason, to act like they are. -
Good call on the update. I think I was at 3.1, and now at 3.5 it is working more like it used to. Still takes a few seconds to reload the page, but at least it is remembering where it was.
After cruising around a bit more, it seems that when I hit back on these forums, it isn't just going back to a snapshot of the page as I last visited (which is what the old ones and any other forums I frequent do), but it is actually refreshing the page. I have to assume this is decided by coding in the new forums. Not liking it.
Anybody else experiencing this? Most webpages, when I hit 'Back', it remembers what portion of the page I was last on. Now on the new forums, it only ever goes back to the top. Perhaps not a huge issue, but somewhat annoying. Using Firefox if it makes a difference.
First off, I'll admit that I didn't read the entire thread (I'd rather play than read for the most part). Appologies if others have already thrown in this idea:
Add a new step to damage calculation at the end:
if x > (.5 * total_hp) then x assign (.5 * total_hp), where x is equal to the damage from any given attack after all mitigation has been calculated.
In a nutshell this means that if you take more than half your hitpoints in damage from a single attack after resistances, the balance over half is eliminated. Tada, no one-shotting. Obviously the percentage can be adjusted per dev desires, and the extra calculation could be eliminated from certain scenarios. Face it, the devs might want us to be one-shotted now and then.