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  1. Please, for the love of all that's holy (or unholy if you prefer):

    I've played this game for seven years. I've leveled dozens of characters to at least the mid levels. I do NOT need to be introduced to:

    The Hollows
    Siren's Call

    on every single character!

    Make these once per account, or at least make them one of the mission CHOICES, and not be forced to go there for the nth time whether or not I am interested in actually going there.
  2. Realistic (and easy): Allow all pets to slot recharge intensive.

    Pie in the sky: Pet customization.
  3. Just throwing in my .02, since that's what the intarwebs is for.

    I'm a very casual player that plays in streaks. I'm by nature an introvert, and solo much of my play time. I have one character with alpha unlocked, but not slotted. I've never run an i-trial.

    I started DA content last night and had a lot of fun. Picked up something like 30% of the experience needed to unlock the first two slots after alpha, and haven't started Max yet. Picked up a handful of threads, no idea what to do with all these thingamajiggies. Picked up a comman and uncommon component, didn't feel like taking the time to figure out which ones would be best for me (god this system is confusing if you don't stay on top of things). Hopefully the ones I picked at random will benefit me if I ever get serious about building powers.

    On the one hand; uncertainty about how to proceed (even with wiki help it's hard to figure out what rewards to take).

    On the other hand, more progress in one night than I've made since the incarnate system went live. Of course that doesn't mean much.


  4. Dark_Impact

    Pairing beasts

    Until they come to their senses and allow all pet powers to be slotted with recharge intensive pet sets, /storm.
  5. You, kind sir (or ma'am), are a scholar and a gentleman(woman). I wasn't looking forward to tweaking them myself. Laziness justified!
  6. I was one of the advocates for a bear as T3 from the start when the leak happened, and believe me I'd still love it if it could be made to happen, but the fact is it won't at this point.

    Synapse has flat out said we're getting the wolf, and that nothing will change that. Time to move on and just sigh wistfully to ourselves.

    It's still a fun and thematic set, just not as satisfying as rarrbear.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darej View Post
    Hows energy aura new? I heard/read it changed but whats made it better?
    They stuck it on a stick, dipped it in a vat of awesome-sauce, and served it to us with a smile.

    It's serviceable in the low - mid levels. It's a monster once you have drain energy and energize.
  8. Dark_Impact


    Sounds like it would be a fun and thematic combination. I'd expect great damage with stacking debuffs from you (poison and whip attacks) and your pets. Survivability would probably be middle of the road. I'd definitely do some hefty frankenslotting in the lieuts to make the most out of the resist shield and the ember demon's healing.
  9. Do NOT take the advice of rerolling unless you really just are not finding the character enjoyable.

    DO make sure you slot all 4 pet uniques. They add up to +10% defense to all and +20% resist to all. These are important to slot on any mastermind (though not all combinations can use the recharge intensive ones).

    Target the most troublesome enemy with weaken right off the bat.

    Use paralytic poison on troublesom lieuts/minions.

    At 32 your zombies and grave knights get siphon life. They don't always use it in the most tactical of ways, but it's still a boost.

    At 38 noxious gas is a huge boost to survival for tough encounters, though it won't be up 100% of the time unless you go all out crazy with recharge bonuses (and even then I don't think you can truly get to 100%, but pretty close).

    I recomend taking the alpha in many cases as /poison, but personally don't recommend the full on tankermind route (confront and holding as much aggro as you can). /poison has no innate self-healing, status protection, or defenses.
  10. For anybody that doesn't have beta forum access, I'll note that as soon as the set was leaked there were multiple threads on it, with much support for replacing the dire wolf with something non-wolfy (most common request is bear). To be fair, not everybody agrees, but it seems that more do than not. If we're lucky, Beast Mastery is far enough away that they can, and more importantly will, act on this feedback.
  11. It is now known that Dark Control's T9 is a wolf, err, sorry, Umbral Beast. This makes the dire wolf even less unique and desirable for me.
  12. Dark_Impact

    Dark Assault?

    Echoing my dissapointment in the lack of synergy between nightfall and deathshroud (powers I quite like when separate).

    Also dissapointed that we ended up with moonbeam; I've never liked snipes. Figured it was a 50/50 chance we'd get it, guess we lost the toss.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
    This is like the first MM set that no matter how bad the personnel attacks they gonna be so awesome it's gonna be impossible to skip them.
    Going to have to disagree, citing whips and dual pistols. But yes, should be awesome.

    I also agree that bear would have been a better choice than dire-wolf, but I'll cope. I imagine the choice was made so that they didn't have to make a third (or second?) skeleton. God, please tell me they won't use the same skeleton for the lions as the wolves...

    Edit: And they really need to reconsider the name of Tame Beasts. I mean, the whole point is you're calling these beasts that you've already tamed/befriended. Call of the Wild, Roar of Command, something besides Tame Beasts.
  14. Welcome to the game, it's good to see new blood finding the game to their liking and really getting into things.

    Don't sweat missing things too much. There is a flashback system in game generally referred to as Ouroboros (which is actually the place you access the flashbacks, but it has other content as well). You can play through any arcs you miss the first time around even at level 50.


    If you prefer experiencing things the first time around, there's always the option to turn of xp gain as well.

    I'll second that Seer Marino's arc is very fun, I still make sure to do it on most of my villains even after doing it at least a dozen times. Note that you don't have to go to her to get the arc, one of your contacts will send you to her as a mission when you reach the right level.

    Some of my favorites are Doc Buzzsaw's arcs, she's probably my favorite contact. She's so polite and cheerful, it's easy to forget she's a bit deranged. You open her up by earning a certain amount of influence and being level 25, so just hit her when you can (you should get a popup message when she's unlocked).

    In general there are no stinkers villain-side imo. The writers had learned a lot and stepped up their game by the time CoV was released.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Spiritchaser View Post
    Bottom line, there are two other powersets with a single AoE, both have ranges of 15.
    The kicker for me is that the dominator version of whirling hands is also 15'. Ah crap, now they're gonna nerf my dominator.
  16. To the best of my knowledge, none of the pet summon powers accept range enhancements, so they shouldn't be affected by it. Plus what Zbron said about the bad AI.
  17. Dark_Impact

    Energy Armor

    Originally Posted by MaHaBone23 View Post
    I've noticed My StJ/EnA brute getting stunned on occasion. I usually chalk that up to a toggle drop, but it was always a Stun.
    Likely just a case of stacking; no status protection is foolproof. The biggest culprit is when you're in the level range to encounter Tsoo Green-Ink Men. If you've upped the number of enemies, it's not uncommon for them to break through status protection as most of their attacks have a stun component.
  18. With the german shephard noncombat pet, and rumors of a wolf transformation travel power, I think it's time to get hopeful for an animal summoning set.

    At best we get awesomesauce on a stick.

    At worst our dreams are horribly crushed.
  19. Dark_Impact

    Energy Armor

    Originally Posted by MaHaBone23 View Post
    Also- the Stun protection hole... ugh.
    The whatnow? Like most defensive sets, EA has robust status protection, in this case via Entropic Aura.

    The set is great now as others have stated, though things only really start rolling when you get Energy Drain and Energize. After that point you will laugh in the face of danger (as long as you're careful around psi-using foes).

    My SJ/EA brute has become one of my favorite toons.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JuliusSeizure View Post
    Do they ever... Didn't it take took over two and a half months for them to get around to fixing Poison Trap?
    Actually, it took 6 years. :/
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
    Has anyone tried using Thunder Strike or Knockout Blow from epics? Are they good?
    I took KO Blow for thematic reasons on my thug/poison. It hits reasonably hard, and the extra hold can come in handy, but the recharge is awfully long. It also has shorter range than the SS version, which can be annoying if you're used to it.
  22. Dark_Impact

    Mercs, again.

    Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
    It can solo +4x8 barely using your secondary faster than a majority of AT combos.
    I see comments like this thrown about too often. I'm not a powergamer when it comes to CoH. I choose my powersets based mostly on concept and aesthetics. That said, I have been playing video games of some flavor for around 30 years, and don't feel that I fall into the "n00b" category. Not a single one of my MMs is capable of +4 x8 without constantly refilling the tray with purples (if then). Inspirations shouldn't be the criteria of performance.

    Unless you're running /traps, /forcefield, or /time (or some other combinations with bots/ and maybe thugs/), the average player isn't getting even remotely close to +4 x8. Let alone "barely using your secondary".
  23. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he never came back, considering the original "owner" of the character is no longer with the company, and I've gotten the impression that not everybody on the team was a Statesman fan, if you know what I mean.
  24. Also check for commuter day job.