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  1. Its just that one of the Devs, cant remember who stated that the costume pieces for Arachnos would only be for slot one due to the clipping issue, I recall it due to the fact i was a little bit saddened that I would not have any Arachnos pieces for my other slots well aside my Pre order helmet and Arachnos cape.

    Interesting query though, what happens to my COV collectors ed cape since it was a paid for extra. will the epics have access to it or will they have a modified version? id love a Dev to confirm this.


  2. Dark_Ebon_Spider

    VEAT video.

    I must admit that the video did indeed cement my wanting to be a Bane Spider, but also gave me hope that the crab spider longfang blades can be used on a bane spider's armour. I really hope they keep that as I have an armour idea picked out. would also be nice if we could change the helmet around for the banes and use a wolfspider one with it.... then again it would probably look silly.


  3. Dark_Ebon_Spider

    Arachnos Names!

    just go for Operative Jenkins, I wanted to pummel that idiot for telling longblow who Arachnos was breaking out. what a moron

    I will not be rolling a char like him


  4. I know its been mentioned before that alot of the Arachnos pieces only work with the primary slot but do you think there will be some that work with the secondary slot as well, to make our Epic stand out a little more when we are not in Uniform/Armour?

    Also do you think they will be keeping the ability for the bane to use the Crab Spider longfang claws on their outfit...because I really want those and they are on the video (see the green bane spider)


  5. Dark_Ebon_Spider

    Omega Maneuver

    anyone else starting to think that the crab spider is not going to be the Tank-type we thought?

    it looks like it should be the heavily armed able to take lots of damage tyoe however, with a Nuke and blaster powers he would have to trade off survivability for it.

    Im very intrigued as to precisely what these epics can do.


  6. It was semi confirmed (cant remember who though...suspect it was BABS) but they stated that the reason they went with the first char slot for armor was because alot of the arachnos pieces dont work with regular bits and clip. I do however hope for our other slots we still get some bits that can be used where applicable.


  7. ROFL Indecisive Illusionist

    someone snap up that name

    I also really want to have the arm blades that the crab spider longfangs have, in the vid it shows a Bane with them so thats a good sign but then things can change.


  8. Im sure you will see it along with bright pink Banes and huge male pink fortunatas.

    one thing im really hoping on at the moment may sound silly but, i hope that banes get to have those arm claws that the crabs do, I know the vid shows a bane with them but that may change.


  9. I think (I also hope) that we loose our old powers and have new ones to take their place, or have them alter to fit our new class. due to personal preferance (i know that matters spit) I would rather my Bane not shoot with a machine gun


  10. Just a list of little things that would be quite cool to have in the game.

    Bane Spiders: to retain their Executioner strike (maybe they will keep this) albeit not as strong...i seem to recall an NPC executioner strike is almost a oneshot and for banes Pets to not be timed and to have MM controls (probably not gonna happen)

    Fortunata: for their dom power when affected it brings up MM controls for the enslaved foes and makes them able to be controlled like a pet this would be awesome in all but pvp. imagine as a Fortunata you run in and mezz the boss and a few LTs then run around and kill the others then when that runs out kill them with a TK blast

    Also for those classes you start out as an Arachnos Soldier or Arachnos Widow but when you branch your class name changes (so you would go from Arachnos Soldier to Bane Spider)as does your class symbol (this is most definately not going to happen)

    I would love for them to have their own Origin too, Arachnos Origin with its own Enhs, temp power and whatever

    well thats four, what would you like to see for the veats


  11. Dark_Ebon_Spider

    Arachnos Names!

    I don't Plan to use Operative, Arbiter or anything even remotely like that in my character names. my characters will instead be

    Lord Ebon Spider: Bane Spider
    Dark Lord Spider: Crab Spider (dont think i will use this one)

    and my Brother has Baron Tarantulus who will be a Crab Spider

    While I dont decry anyone who utilises Arbiter or Operative in their char names I wont...


  12. I hate this, but Stalkers are good at solo rubbish, its an MMO nothing should be built SPECIFICALLY for solo


  13. I would have to say without a shadow of doubt it would be Infinitron's MoX Art his drawing of me alone makes him infinitly worthy of the award lol


  14. awwww i want a battle pic of Spider Vs Infinitron again with Spider in his latest incarnation (Armored to the nines lol)

    love the pic though, again old friend your an artist non pareille


  15. Dark_Ebon_Spider

    Soul Control

    i still say we need a Vampire powerset, with shapeshifting and mesmerising and stuff... could be an E AT for heroes or villains.

  16. Front PAge of the Rogue Isles Gazette

    Staunching the threat from these caped Vigilantes

    a known vigilante(Infinitron *pic Above*)from Paragon city tried to stop a peace treaty Lord Recluse had set up with the Rikti, the peace treaty was going without any problems till the masked madman burst in and began firing upon the aliens left and right. they tried to fight back but unfortunately they were no match for this vile indeviduals onslaught and indeed had there not been an arachnos agent (Dark Ebon Spider *Pic right*) overseeing the treaty there would have been many more Innocent deaths.

    Lord Recluse has given a no holds barred interview for the gazette. "we cannot let these masked vigilantes just do whatever they like... they are harming my city and my citizens. on a lighter note im very proud of Dark Ebon Spider who will be receiving a medal of honor for his work, indeed i am proud of all the Heroes that claim citizenship in my isles, its thanks to people like them that these vigilantes from paragon city dont overun these isles with their brand of "justice"." When asked about the heroes that inhabit his isled in actuallity being convicted villains and that there was no peace treaty Lord Recluse responded with "These vigilantes are spreading malicious lies about myself and about my citizens, I mean they even spread lies about my Agent Ebon Spider, they are the ones that fire on a peace treaty but my Agent is the villain for defending them? they even paid off some corrupt security officer to lie about the actions that occurred in the treaty, now I must go" Lord Recluse refused to comment further. The Rogue Isles Gazette has managed to find out that the vigilante that Arachnos hero Dark ebon Spider managed to subdue was admitted to hospital blinded in one eye when asked about what happened Dark Ebon Spider gave the Gazette this comment "I dont see myself as a hero i see myself as the common man using his skills for the betterment of mankind, i simply cannot allow these peace treaties to be thwarted due to Xenophobic Vigilantes thinking they are judge, jury and executioner" Chilling words indeed from the Arachnos Hero.

    Dark ebon spider
  17. Dark_Ebon_Spider

    Soul Control

    I love the idea of this set, albeit with a few subtle name and graphic changes to differentiate it from GW.

    has anyone thought of a Swarm powerset? swarm attack and swarm defence? as in a multitude of insects and arachnids?
  18. I love that picture, Im gonna have to get you to do more lol


  19. I cant wait to see what your cooking up for Spider

    GRATULA for thee

