Arachnos pieces in second slot
I dont think the Arachnos parts will be available in other slots.
Most likely...ALL the normal parts that doesnt have lots of clipping issues will be available in the 1'st slot with the Arachnos outfit.
You can still look pretty "epic" outside of the uniform...just need to be creative with the costume editor
As for the Crab Spider longfanf claws !?!
You're thinking of the bladed forearm parts the "neon" green Bane Spider have in the video !?
I guess those blades will be available for Banes...seems stupid if they would show a Bane with them in the video, but not allow them in the game.
On the NPC's Crab Spiders are the ONLY ones with them...unless Ive missed something.
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Its just that one of the Devs, cant remember who stated that the costume pieces for Arachnos would only be for slot one due to the clipping issue, I recall it due to the fact i was a little bit saddened that I would not have any Arachnos pieces for my other slots well aside my Pre order helmet and Arachnos cape.
Interesting query though, what happens to my COV collectors ed cape since it was a paid for extra. will the epics have access to it or will they have a modified version? id love a Dev to confirm this.
wot i think he meant by "only arachnos parts for slot 1" was that u cant add other regular items, as these are costume items unlocked specifically for soldiers of arachnos i think u can use them in any of the slots.....just a theory
@Infurnus Mech
My honoured bretheren. We come together, to unite as one, against those that are damned, we show no mercy, for we have none, our enemies shall fall, as we uprise, to claim our fate, now and forever, we'll be together, in love and hate - Jason "Shyboy" Arnold
I really hope your right (not that it matters as i will be wearing my armour most of the time and the rest of the time i will be wearing my Main chars outfit) but I suppose theres nothing we can do till it hits open beta which should be Soon(TM)
I hope he's right too.. But Crab Spiders will need their backpacks ALL the time so we sorta need the oher pieces.. All though it will ruin Operative Jerico's cossy
I hope he's right too.. But Crab Spiders will need their backpacks ALL the time so we sorta need the oher pieces.. All though it will ruin Operative Jerico's cossy
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The Devs have already said they have two models for the backpack, the traditional NPC one and a more slimline one they said would go better with non-arachnos costume pieces. Therefore, even crab spiders will get non-arachnos cossie slots, but they will always have some form of backpack.
"You should come inside the box... Then you'll know what I mean."
I know its been mentioned before that alot of the Arachnos pieces only work with the primary slot but do you think there will be some that work with the secondary slot as well, to make our Epic stand out a little more when we are not in Uniform/Armour?
and they are on the video (see the green bane spider)
Also do you think they will be keeping the ability for the bane to use the Crab Spider longfang claws on their outfit...because I really want those