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  1. This is one of my favorite threads too. I love seeing how these briefs turn out and I really like the Kai and LJ pieces.
  2. DarkLilac

    Thanks you guys

    Very nice gallery. I like the elemental pieces as well and Drowning. Look forward to seeing more
  3. That's a great piece. One of my favorites from you.
  4. Ohhhhh boy, this round is harder to vote than the last! I want to vote for like 5 people!

    Crimson Jim
    Turkey Lurkey
  5. I think the Luptonius piece looks great and I think this is a great way to see new art. I love seeing how the interpretation of what we write is visualized, good fun!

    I found writing a brief was a bit of a challenge so I gave it a go if you keep on with the project:

    Music plays in Lauren's head...some 80's new wave and her body falls into the rythm. She deftly pulls long thin blades from the hanger around her waist and raises her arms. She pirouette's with grace, the pirouette only years of practice could bring. As the rich burgandy and bright white of her body hugging costume allow this freedom of movement she then stabs forward pinning the hulking thug to the wall. His partner runs not wanting to be a victim of her skill. Luckily for the horrified pinned thug, the blade pierces only his clothes, by her choice, for she is not a killer but a protector of the innocent.
  6. Hey Rowr, I don't think you can with most pieces. With the skirts you should be ok since you can do the tiger pattern under the skirt with tights but the tops I think is where your issue is, we can't overlay these on anything.

    You can wear the tux jacket tho without a problem I believe

    And there is a veil, it's not quite right but it's there. Right now it is a solid white with a black interior so it looks like a big old cape hanging off your hair. One hairstyle is attached to the veil and there is no crown portion like in the piece with Psyche.
  7. DarkLilac

    I am returned!

    Good to see you back
  8. Those are some fine men. *nod*
  9. I'd say hold off before buying if you are unsure. *curses the impulse buy*

    I did buy it but I am disappointed in the overall application of the pieces. For one... they are mostly just skin options, you can't overlay them like their plain counterpart patterns. Big mistake in my opinion. That takes away a lot of versatility in using these pieces for every day costumes, which would have been grand.

    So I'd say if you can wait...wait and see what shows up and if things people do spark some ideas then go for it. As nice as it might be for people to run around in Fredericks of Hollywood gear....it isn't really for me.

    I did make this one costume because I liked the way the tails of the coat seemed like extensions of the wings...but looking at it today I feel it is both hideous and strangely cute. I don't know if I will keep it.

    Laugh if you will: Slashdancer - Magical Fairy style but then I will have to cut you up into a million tiny pieces.
  10. I remember when you first started these, that looks so cool!
  11. Thanks Missy! They all look great and I got me my first Slashdancer art
  12. Wow, that is truly an epic piece! Totally super
  13. You have a great style. Love the poses in all the sketches. Great stuff!
  14. Love reading these. *waits for more*
  15. I like the first 2 the best but it's really neat to see the progression through her costumes.
  16. That's really nice, love the spirit shark!
  17. Cruising the Rogue Isles can be a bit of a bore but not for Missy Death. With a gleam in her eye she empties nearby graves and brings forth mindless minions to slap around the moronic surface dwellers. And when she really wants to bring some life to the party she summons dark energies to suck the life from their boring carcasses as well!

    Three long sentences but there ya go! Hehe. I thought it was a great idea you had and just wanted to throw something out there if for nothing else than to get my brain thinking of something other than work.
  18. Congrats on the Graver! Awesome piece, love the memory seen in the globe.
  19. Awesome sketches! And I'm jealous of Alex and his wife too, for getting to go to London and Paris! Sounds like you had a nice time
  20. There are 3 pieces I would love to vote for here that I think really captured my understanding of the art war...my vote is for Tacky Tricky. Everyone did amazing work
  21. DarkLilac

    Help please :)

    It sure does, it gets cooler the higher the level, more effects. It's pretty nifty!

    This is the only shot of leveling up I can find tho I did think I had a wider shot...oh well, maybe it will help!

  22. DarkLilac

    Orage by me

    Very nice! And welcome back.
  23. Hope you have a wonderful birthday!