First Post, First Drawing & hopefully a Fun First




Hi Everyone,

I have been stalking these boards for sometime now. ^^
I enjoy reading fun conversations and watching the beautiful Art.
After researching how to make links, starting a DA account and figuring out how to do some other difficult computer stuff.
I managed to draw a bit and even had the courage to actually put it in the DA page.

This one was for hitting lvl 40 with this character.=) The background is kind of so-so, but I tried to have some sort of deadline for myself or else I'd be never done.

Now to make things interesting and hopefully Fun. =D
I'd love to do some free Fanart for people on here, but since I'm slow -read:A snail would pass me by if it could draw >.<-, I'm going to do 1 color drawing........for the first person who can create a bio under 3 lines which has the same feel as the original bio for her.
Hints: Undead/DM MM Missy Death

Please feel free to comment and critique on anything in this post. I do really hope that it's the start of something fun. =D

P.S. I have a work in progress in my DA page for one of my other characters. Any critiques or comments are welcome. =)



Ohh, nice...should we be telling her to watch out for the eyes behind her?



Good Gracious! First Post and First Art! Terrific!



you need a bio huh? I usually go far out with mine so I won't spare any randomness.

"Women often have the power to turn men into mindless zombies, clawing for her attention and taking down any viable male competition. Missy is no exception, but her powers over the male mind go beyond the mortal realm. Beware, or you too might end up following her hoping she gives your unlife meaning."

let me know if ya like it and i'll post a picture of my character.

My 50s:
Hero: Armor Assassin (scrapper), Cross Dresser (scrapper), Surly Seaman (blaster), Defensive End (Tank), Rad Rhino (Cont)
Villain: Beast Infection (Corr), Sweet Zombie Jesus (MM), Milk Weasel (Stalker), Orgullo (MM), Agent Eris (Crab)



Well I have a bio. =)

I kinda wanted to have a creative writing contest with a free colored drawing as a fun prize.-it also would help me to try to draw quicker, maybe- ^-^
So if the first person who was able to make a bio under 3 lines which comes closest to the original bio --> wins!

I thought it would be a fun way to see imaginative and creative minds at work. =D

Forgot to say this: Really like the bio there, milk_weasel. ^^



gratz on 40 and Welcome



I'm watching you now Muhahaha



Welcome... interesting toon, your style reminds me of Bruce Timm.



oh, and here's my character . let me know if you decide to choose me and i'll give ya more details about personality/backstory.

My 50s:
Hero: Armor Assassin (scrapper), Cross Dresser (scrapper), Surly Seaman (blaster), Defensive End (Tank), Rad Rhino (Cont)
Villain: Beast Infection (Corr), Sweet Zombie Jesus (MM), Milk Weasel (Stalker), Orgullo (MM), Agent Eris (Crab)



Well Iwas going to take a shot at making a creative bio, but I can't follow milk_weasel's post.

and nice work on your pic Missy Angel, it's so villainous and tasty



I'd love to read the creative bio, Gata. =)

I think most people didn't see the free colored drawing for the the creative bio bit. So if you'd like to write one, you would be the 2nd person in the running for some free Fanart. ^-^

P.S. maybe I should have underlined it or doesn't anyone want a drawing from me? =(



<nevermind I didn't fully understand the thread>



I'd love to read the creative bio, Gata. =)

I think most people didn't see the free colored drawing for the the creative bio bit. So if you'd like to write one, you would be the 2nd person in the running for some free Fanart. ^-^

P.S. maybe I should have underlined it or doesn't anyone want a drawing from me? =(

[/ QUOTE ]

Truth be known, we'd *all* like art from you. We're just trying not to be too piggish about it.

My Deviant Art page link-link

CoH/V Fan Videos



Now to make things interesting and hopefully Fun. =D
I'd love to do some free Fanart -well kinda free- for people on here, but since I'm slow. -read:A snail would pass me by if it could draw >.<-
I'm going to do 1 color drawing........for the first person who can create a bio under 3 lines which has the same feel as the original bio for her.
Hints: Undead/DM MM Missy Death

[/ QUOTE ]

Lol, everyone seems to have missed this bit. >.<
At the moment, milk_weasel is the only one who created a fun bio. ^^

Wanted to make it a fun way of doing Free fanart. I could've gone with the guess what number I'm thinking off or some other random game. =p



Cruising the Rogue Isles can be a bit of a bore but not for Missy Death. With a gleam in her eye she empties nearby graves and brings forth mindless minions to slap around the moronic surface dwellers. And when she really wants to bring some life to the party she summons dark energies to suck the life from their boring carcasses as well!

Three long sentences but there ya go! Hehe. I thought it was a great idea you had and just wanted to throw something out there if for nothing else than to get my brain thinking of something other than work.




Another contender. ^-^ Lovely bio.
Maybe I should've used a deadline?

Ooh well...*still secretly hoping more people would post some more creative writing*

And this is a work in progress. =)
Critique and comment away. ^-^



Oh I read it correctly, and I thought it was an excellent idea for a free drawing thread. I was just so amazed at milk's post that I didn't feel up for competing for the prize. But if you insist I shall give my go at it:

"As Death's Mistress this siren has learned to sever the fate string from any of whom she chooses. Missy's power of darkness will engulf the weak, and from the lives she quaffs she shall fuel her dark army. When Death comes for you, she will be so beautiful you may gasp in astonishment, but, it shall be your last gasp..."



Missy was once adored by all men for her incredible beauty, but, as she delved deeper and deeper into the dark arts, her admirers deserted her. As they left, one by one, she became enraged, killed them all, and forced them to become her undead servants. Now, her former admirers have no choice but to serve "Missy Death," as her slaves...for all eternity.

I have to say, cool idea! It was pretty fun to write too.

*Edit* Oh yeah, nice avatar btw! It moves! Did you make it??



OMG!OMG! So much fun things to read. =)

Well it was not who made the nicest bio -well that too =p-, but it was try to make a bio as close to the original bio, in that way every bio should be a different bio. =D
Someone is bound to strike gold, since the subject IS limited.

Ooh...feeling very happy, time for another hint -might be obvious though-: Anime & Manga

*Waits while trying to sketch something*

P.S. Missy Sol WIP Critique and comment =)

Edit: I wish I was able to make my own avatar, it's something I found browsing anime fansites. It kinda fits. =D



Ooh and thank you all for the warm welcome! =)

Since it's Friday -YaY-, it's time to close the contest. =(
I'm still clueless as how a forum works, so please forgive me for any slowness or not understanding stuff, or not being too clear on matters.

So this is the original bio for Missy Death:

'I awaken in my bed with a slight feverish feeling, eerie darkness is there in the corner of my eye. I feel extremely anxious and try to hide under the covers from something unseen.


Then a noise like dragging footsteps come closer, I peer through the sheets and gazing red eyes can be seen moving closer and closer, anxiety overcomes me while I firmly close my eyes and I say to myself: ’It’s just a bad dream! It’s just a bad dream!’

Then SOMETHING picks me up! I try to SCREAM and just at that moment I awaken with an anxious feeling in my heart. Cold hands gently stroke my hair, I look up and see a shadow with blue glowing eyes. The shadow starts to cry softly and with an unheard voice she starts to speak to me: ’It was only a bad dream, the corrupt heroes aren’t here. I will be always with you and aid you in fulfilling the vengeance requests from the dark innocents.’

And the winner is......*starts drum roll*

Milk_Weasel, DarkLilac, Gata and Slayerman for actually creating fun bio's to read.

Please keep in mind that I'm not very fast -read slow-.
And you can consider this thread to be the update thread for new drawings from me. ^-^

P.S. Posted some old stuff and some sketches from last week in my DA account, have a look if you like. =)



awesome! thanks a ton! they all look great!

My 50s:
Hero: Armor Assassin (scrapper), Cross Dresser (scrapper), Surly Seaman (blaster), Defensive End (Tank), Rad Rhino (Cont)
Villain: Beast Infection (Corr), Sweet Zombie Jesus (MM), Milk Weasel (Stalker), Orgullo (MM), Agent Eris (Crab)