Gatekeeper Turboski costumes
I think I saw you on earlier with that character...musta been in Icon.
I like the looks alot. The first one looks like you have clawed gloves, which is neat.
The only thing I wish was that it were possible to have the materials looking similar enough to keep the colors looking the same. I have that issue alot with my costumes and always have to tweak them to get as close as I can.
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I think they look pretty good. I can see the transition in them and it works well. I absolutely adore the last one!!! Also the new face with the scarred eye is really neat because it makes me wonder what happened(??)
I think they look pretty good. I can see the transition in them and it works well. I absolutely adore the last one!!! Also the new face with the scarred eye is really neat because it makes me wonder what happened(??)
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expect to see the Hero version GK Turboski (claw/dark scrapper) have the early look and the Villain version be the corrupted GK Turbo-Ski (dark/cold corr). Both are currently already made on Liberty and between lvl 10-15. As for what happened to her eye, you'll just have to wait and see.
EDIT: Also expect Jade Beast (rad/rad defender) to have one of the Tarock tech suits, since she is a member of Tarock as well. As for why a good-willed hero would side with a shady personality as Turbo-Ski is a mystery yet to be revealed. But remember that all 3 of the women were children of the Soviet radiation poisoning experiment, and there are two others (both male) who have yet to be revealed yet too but I have the character and power descriptions almost complete.
Turboski is just dead sexy, in any costume
but those are pretty cool =)
Those I really good, as much as I like a good costume, I love a good costume with a good story! Excellent work.
I shouldn't have to tell you Ms.Ski, but your colors are running a little dark there...
I do like the first version quite a bit. But I don't particularly like the mech suit. Specifically the boots. Enforcer stuff is nice and all, but the boots just don't mesh well with most hero(ine) outfits. I think that the Vanguard boots and gloves would likely work better overall. -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN
I shouldn't have to tell you Ms.Ski, but your colors are running a little dark there...
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yes it's unfortunate I can't put patterns on that leather jacket I like. Most of the patterns on the pant made it either too busy or just didn't fit. as for the Black it's more for (death) theme and to differ her from the original Turbo-ski, and the shine of the leather top doesn't make it too bad in most cases.
I do like the first version quite a bit. But I don't particularly like the mech suit. Specifically the boots. Enforcer stuff is nice and all, but the boots just don't mesh well with most hero(ine) outfits. I think that the Vanguard boots and gloves would likely work better overall.
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well when I went about designing the tech suit, I had to keep as close as possible to the original concept design in my head. Pretty much I wanted the boots to accelerator wheels and to be kind of bulky, vanguard boots weren't thick or techish so I went with enforcer instead. It really ticks me off how you can't color the border on enforcer pieces much, I really wanted them to be primarily blue with a black border but they always end up looking solid blue.
Maybe look at one of the invention boots then? They might look better for what you want.
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CoH/V Fan Videos

Wow, you are deep into concept, there. Me likee. I like the way you've created stages for her twisting and thought it all out, very nice.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
I like the first 2 the best but it's really neat to see the progression through her costumes.
Maybe look at one of the invention boots then? They might look better for what you want.
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Oh good advice, I hadn't thought about trying piston or winged boots.
I have a future story arc that takes place about 20 years after the normal story arc surrounding my characters. So long story short, Turbo-Ski gains the powers of the Gatekeeper of the Netherworld by accident as a result of being reunited with her dead husband's soul. Her logic following these events begans as a heroic "Save the world from corruption" point of view but over the years her new powers and the events twisted that ideal. She formed an organization called Tarock with Red Kite in order to achieve her initial ideal but her ideal was eventually warped into "Destroy corruption" and set her sights on instilling global anarchy to create a clean slate for her "righteous" order.
Gatekeeper Turboski (early Tarock years)
Gatekeeper Turboski (Later Tarock years after its corruption)
alternate GK Turboski costume
Tarock heat transfer enhancement suit - custom made suit that significantly enhances her cold abilities by monitoring her heat intake and adjusting the suit's coolant system to maintain a solid body heat. Red Kite also has one of these suits but it has more heat control mechanisms installed to increase her fire output.
tell me what you guys think and I would appreciate any suggestions towards the theme and colors.