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  1. I noticed some complaints on the IGN Aion boards about ISP issues in the SW (Arizona/California) over the last few CB weekends.

    As for me, I love to bash Qwest, but their DSL service in Denver has been rock solid over the last few weeks. CoH on Freedom has been a very enjoyable experience.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tornelco View Post
    Also, as for Going Rogue killing defenders. Not going to happen, I love defenders but can never seem to enjoy a corruptor. Im sure I cant be the only person with that problem.
    I'll confirm that there are others that feel this way.

    As for defenders, I really enjoy my rad/rad. There's something inherently fun about throwing down some anchors, diving into combat and dropping a pbaoe.
  3. DarkGrave_NA

    No one loves me!

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    you have cooties

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    Sounds about right. I've done some solo'ing, but during prime time, there have been plenty of mish groups in KR and SC on Freedom.

    If I was forming a group, I wouldn't really care about the class at early levels either. I'm more concerned that the person knows how to play.

    Smart players > Ideal class composition
  4. I like Rad/Rad, but it's not really a healer.

    It's really more of an offender/blapper that can add some support aoe healing for the melee classes in the groups.

    Just be aware that with anchors, you may get frustrated with scrappers who don't understand the system and either kill the anchors or fight outside of the debuff aura.
  5. If you're not power leveling, I'd suggest looking at taking more attack powers early on and then respeccing when you get the biggies at 35/38.

    Second, I might suggest taking Jump Kick/SJ/Aerobics. The biggest problem I've found with Rad/Rad defenders is when they get knocked down/held and the debuff toggles drop.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
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    Nop, always been this way. Effects are calculated after interrupt windows, or at activation for powers without interrupts. Hold, knock back, even killing the foe wont stop the effects from landing if the to-hit was successful.

    Have been in a few double KOS due to this in the past.

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    It hasn't always been this way. I repeatedly took my Archery/Energy blaster into Brickstown and mowed down entire spawns with RoA, and on every occasion, every critter would attack before being defeated, but all of the defeated critters' attacks would deal 0 damage. The damage was removed before the attacks landed. I even pointed this out in numerous Archery and RoA threads.

    Last night I was getting shot and blasted by critters which I had defeated before their attack animations had started. That's completely opposite of how it was working previously.

    I don't know exactly what has changed, I don't know when it changed, but something has changed.

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    This sounds like a bug the way you've described it. Logically, you'd assume once an attack is initiated, especially ranged attacks with travel times, that the attack would still do damage even if the mob was defeated while the attack was in route.

    Also, I would suggest posting combat logs to support an argument. Animations are only approximations of what the game engine is doing.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Rad/Rad Defender and Cold/Ice Defender - Both good swiss army knives.
    Earth/Fire Dominator - Plays like the offspring of a controller and a brute.

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    I totally agree with Rad/Rad Offenders. Having to take Neutrino Bolt sucks. I love the toggle, anchor debuff system. You don't see that in a lot games.

    EM/Invul tankers are great too. Moderate to good damage with the ability to just super jump into a group of mobs? Check!
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    HAHA yea i have been playing a lot of WoW.

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    Sounds familiar. I think I'm up to the 12 month veteran badge, but it's an off an on experience.

    I always get to the point of missing my EM/Invul tanker. Super jumping into a group of 10+ mobs at a time is just too cool.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
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    I'm just wondering how that would even be workable. You seem to want to define a Team by the leader and how many people are in it. But both of those things can change. A team is a fluid object that can change completely over a period of time. You could start a team with members A B and C, over time gain members D E and F, then lose members A B and C. Is the current state of the team the same as the original state of the team when A first formed it? How do you organize these objects for searching? How do you organize them at all?

    I'm sorry but this doesn't make any sense to me at all.

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    I think it would be possible to make the team search window dynamic enough to handle such things. Would be up to the devs to decide how to implement it.

    EDIT: The danger that the OP overlooks with the private team option however, is if what if most team leaders start marking their team as private?

    THAT part of the suggestion could make finding teams even harder.

    [/ QUOTE ]That's probably exactly what would happen, too.

    Honestly, with how little used the team search feature is (people barely ever set their flags or search notes nowadays and the only real flag you can trust is the big red one), they definitely do NOT need to touch it.

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    I used the team flag tonight and it worked perfectly. I was solo'ing in Hollows and a radio mish group invited me from Steel.

    The LFG and group questing dynamic is one of the things I've always loved most about CoH.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    After I5, some people were saying the same thing..."the game is a ghost town"...to which my reply was, "but we're gaining customers..." Naturally, my reply was dismissed.

    And yet then good ole' SirBruce posted his MMP numbers - and City of Heroes was shown gaining subscribers. Odd, isn't it?


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    Just wanted to comment that there seems to be a ton of people around in game and it's nice having servers that can handle their current loads and have room to expand.
  11. I agree to a certain extent with you comments about the ship mishs. There's great the first coupld of times and then they start to wear a little. I only did the last 2 contacts the first time and I just started working through Peeble's mishs with a lower level friend.

    I also just want to play devil's advocate though.

    I do like how the contacts in the Hollows (5-15) and Striga (20-30) don't send you all over the place and the zones encompess a larger level range. I've done KR, SC, Sky quite a few times. I did a lot of IP, Talos and DA also. I found it nice to play through a wide level range in a pretty good zone without having to jump to 6 other zones to complete mishs. I think the small geographic area in which the Hess TF really puts the exclamation point on this design decision and it's a good one.
  12. What the Hess Tf doesn't have is a souvenir like Synapse. I'd love to have a blurb about the story to remember the TF by.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Maybe you could take what you've learned and apply it to Boom and Faultline? I'd love to see new life in those places.

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    I totally agree. Maybe not a TF, but a story arc or two from a contact located in those zones would go a long way to making them more lively. Maybe an effect like DA could be used too, like thickening the smoke in Boomtown. I always love running around the fog in DA. It's very different from any other zone.

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    I've searched for this answer, and couldn't find it...I'm dying to do this TF, and I have completed all my Striga contacts (including Lars), but I don't recall where Hess actually is. Pretty sure he's near the Council Base, but could never find him again.

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    Hess is in the lower right of the map. He's up on the corner of a concrete wall almost by the water. If you search a few minutes, you'll notice a NPC just kind of hanging out there.
  14. I just wanted to let everyone know about the Hess TF in Striga. Well, I don't want to blow anything, but you should find a way to fit it in. Doing the last 2 contacts in Striga will also add a lot to the TF.

    The beginning and end are great. The small area in which the mish doors are located make it easy to get around. The pacing is just about perfect and the destinctive maps add a ton of ambiance.

    Thanks for a great time devs! The view out of the control room window was another nice touch.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    But, Posi! PLEASE! Let me keep my SS stealth! I have more then one character who relies on this + stealth for invis.

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    It think SS stealth is meant to be a PvE game mechanic to make traveling around the game world easier since Fly, Teleport and SJ all have z axis movement abilitiy.

    Most people use SS as a stealth ability, but that's only because the game design is broken. SS wasn't intended to be used this way.

    IMO, the stealth bonus should only apply to the hero while they're moving. When the stop, they lose the stealth bonus.

    "I might not see you when you run by at 1 million bigillion miles per hour, but when you stand still 10 feet away from me, I'll realize you're there."
  16. Nice post. It's right on.

    I also want to say I really appriciate Statesmen assuming the community can handle the extra information he gives out. I love to hear what the development team is working on. It's also great knowing that we get to give feedback that is actually listened to and reviewed.

    I also agree that the arena is something that's not important to me. I'd rather see the skill system implemented first instead. Having said that, I do agree that getting the arena out the door will help make CoV a much better game.

    On a side note, I feel bad for QA people. It may be the one job that is more stressfull and tedious than helpdesk. Regression testing is a nightmare.