Dark One

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ebon3 View Post
    Just taking this at face value but are you suggesting we have evolved ina relatively short time to the point where humans are completely reliant on technology to survive?
    Some are, some aren't. Let's face facts. There are some people on this planet that would have absolutely NO idea on how to actually survive if they were bereft of technology. If they couldn't google how to build a campfire, they would freeze and even if they could google it, if they didn't have magnesium firestarters and matches, would still freeze.

    Conversely, for the less developed nations on the planet, not much would change.
  2. The dad probably worked on the project that caused the black out. It was most likely. IMO, a military project designed to remove an opponent's major defenses and got out of hand/did more damage than was theorized.

    The 'nullifier' wasn't so much a nullifier as it was (apparently) a data repository. He was downloading a bunch of data into a usb stick and then putting the stick into the pendant. He was just barely able to finish before the lights went out.
  3. Muskets, or at least muzzle loader rifles, make a good amount of sense. Primers for reloading modern-day bullets are going to be hard to come by after a while so it makes sense to save the 'good' rifles/guns for conflicts rather than day-to-day operations, unless you're a higher ranking guy like that captain or whatever he was.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    We done it before but you're right as that was waaaaay back in the day and wonder if modern man actualy can survive like that.
    Lotsa people do without the stuff that we deem "necessary" to life. What it would do is cause a rather drastic initial die-off as those who are literally dependent on modern technology (medical devices like pacemakers and dialysis) along with those who are living in major metropolitan areas that need modern tech to provide food and water.

    Then there will be the rather drastic changes in diet that we'd have to go through. Vegans will be in for one helluva rude shock when they find out they can't get their fair trade, organic, free range tofu.

    Then there will be areas like Las Vegas that are simply not sustainable without modern tech. Nature will reclaim those places.

    I do wonder though, how 15 years of agrarian-type living can still leave someone like that fat guy still being fat and out of shape. It's not like Lost where they can explain Hurley still being fat by having Dharma food drops.
  5. I just realized that this show is probably the closest that we'll get to a Fallout-esque tv series.
  6. I liked it, but much like The River and Terra Nova, I don't think it's going to last more than a season at most.

    One massive WTF...you have guys who mark themselves with a brand, but you don't think to check any potential party members for said brand? That should be a no brainer.
  7. Well, I played through the entirety of the Mass Effect series recently. Actual gameplay/storywise, it was meh.

    However, I <3 Liara & Tali...
  8. Quote:
    I think it's technically, "nothing can accelerate past 1c in normal space-time."
    Accelerate to 99.999999c, then just skip over 1c to 1.0000001c and continue accelerating.

    Also, I call dibs on any asari that are found...giggity...
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    My answer to that is "yes." As Arcana states, I* (like everyone else in the world) am pretty sure that I'm a much better than average driver. But as long as it means no more drunk drivers, grandmas driving 20 miles under the speed limit in the left lane and jackasses in Camaros who cut in between cars with less than a foot of leeway, I'll happily let Johnny 5 drive.

    I hate driving anyway (again, paranoia). If my car drives itself, then I can just play Gameboy or take a nap or something while commuting to and from work. It's a win-win.

    *Though in my case, I'd say that it comes from paranoia after surviving a collision as a child. (No, I was not driving.) I get VERY tense while driving because I'm constantly anticipating what every other car on the road MIGHT do and plan appropriate avoidance maneuvers.
    Don't forget the ******** on motorcycles that love to ride the center line!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post

    Not "humans".


    In the event of an accident, which would you RATHER be in charge of a 1-2 ton chunk of steel, aluminum and plastic? A computer or you?
    Computer. Without question. I know that I would panic and just make things worse. I would be second-guessing myself after the fact and wondering if I had done things just a little bit differently, would things have been better. Especially if said accident resulted in injury or fatality to myself or others.

    Also, if having the computer operator would reduce/eliminate my liability and insurance costs, it would be in my car in a heartbeat. I probably wouldn't be a first-adopter, since it would take a while for those cost reductions to make their way to the end-user.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    But do you trust a robot car, with unspecified programming, more than your own skill behind the wheel in an potential accident?
    That depends. Humans tend to get panicky in such situations. They may accidently hit the gas rather than the brake or turn wrong or just flat out not know what to do. If a robot car can analyze the information fast enough, it could make the proper decisions on what to do.
  12. At this point, I just want my hover/flying car. Of course, those will never be allowed within the U.S. due to paranoia concerns and the sheer amount of paperwork involved in just going to the grocery store for some milk.
  13. What's next, the Verbal Morality Statute and Taco Bells as far as the eye can see?
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    Seems potentially like a 'Hooked on Phonics' failure. Some of the accents on the show make it sound like there could be an 'r' in there.
    That's why you need to spring for Hooked on Oragutan Phonics rather than Hooked on Monkey Phonics.
  15. Every time I hear the words Captain Planet, my mind immediately goes to that Robot Chicken sketch of Ted Turner running around yelling CAPTAIN PLANET!
  16. That Korean style aesthetic is a big turn off to me, aside from the NCSoft fact.

    That picture of the chick with her boobs hanging out is just wrong. The head is WAY too small for the rest of the body.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    I disagree, he knew exactly what kind of man Solomon was. Giving him so many 'chances' was just leading him. The doctor is experienced enough to know Solomon was going to betray him and never turn the other cheek. It was pretty guaranteed there was never going to be a bargain, the Doctor basically just gave himself -more- excuses to kill the guy. Even asks "Did the Silurians beg you to stop?" and that's pretty dark for the Doctor, that basically says this was going to happen from the beginning.

    I dunno like I said, to me, it seemed more like a 10th doctor moment than an 11th. 11 has his 'darker side' but it usually takes a lot of pushing (like threatening his loved ones). As I said though, I just think the whole villain bit was poorly done, the guy is just a mustache twirler we're supposed to not feel bad for when he dies because he was a bad guy. It's basically grade school villainy.
    He may have known what kind of person he was, that was pretty obvious. The Doctor has, to me, always been about giving people the chance to reconsider their actions and back down. If they choose to go ahead with their plans, then it's their own suicide they are committing.

    Maybe he was leading him, maybe he wasn't. He did give Solomon the chance to cut his losses and leave. Solomon chose not to, so on his head be the consequences.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    The end was a bit shocking too. That's something I'd expect out of the 10th doctor, it just seemed a bit vindictive. I mean, yes, he deserved it. But the Doctor just so rarely openly murders someone (that's neither Cyberman nor Dalek) >> Was also a bit disappointed that Solomon's ship had no defensive systems, you'd think as a pirate he might have had something. It would've been a nice twist if, hey, villain got away but the day was still saved. But oh well.
    He gave the guy a chance to save himself. Multiple chances to save himself. He gave him every opportunity to walk away. That was not murder, it was assisted suicide.

    That also doesn't take into account the fact that the Doctor told him, "This is what they are tracking." such that he could conceivably jettison the locator beacon and save himself. He didn't. As far as I'm concerned, the Doc's hands are clean.
  19. Dunno. He just kinda disappeared one day. Didn't see any advance warning. Same with BafflingBeerMan.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kentor1701C View Post
    I would like to play another Super Hero game. I have played both Champions and DC Universe just a little mostly I do not like them, but without COH what choice do I have. This is probably the first and last MMO that will hold my attention.
    Most of these games you meantion I don't know. I know what WOW is but most others I don't. Could be someone clarify the abreviations you use so I can look them up?
    SWTOR - Star Wars: The Old Republic
    GW2 - Guild Wars 2 (another NCSoft title)
    TSW - The Secret (Second?) World
    UO - Ultima Online (really old, like 14 years)
    FFXI/XIV - Final Fantasy 11 or 14
    DDO - Dungeons & Dragons Online
    LOTRO - Lord of the Rings Online

    If you are looking for other superhero games, there are a few, but they are all offline. Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1&2, Superhero League of Hoboken, Freedom Force, Freedom Force vs the Third Reich, Lego Batman 1 & 2, Batman Arkham Asylum and Arkham City, and a few other random Marvel games.
  21. I think she means the character that was intro'd in the New 52. As in, the vapid, emotionless sex puppet that she was turned into. Has there been any change to her character? I wouldn't know as the local grocery store doesn't get that particular title.
  22. Well, you don't have the printing, shipping, and middleman fees so a digital-only version could do with less subscribers.

    I don't buy those anthologies since I get the tankobon volumes anyways. It would just be wasted paper/space, IMO.
  23. The only problem with pony cosplayers is the potential, "Won't you have a seat right over there...".

  24. Mass Effect 2 on Insanity is horrible. Just...horrible. Be sure to look up some of the buggy areas/glitches for dealing with stuff like the YMIR mechs or the Scions.

    For DCUO on PC, can you manage to work an xbox controller into it?
  25. Westly (Philotic Knight) runs the Paragon Unleashed forums. Lotsa CoXers there.
