2661 -
That headstone was granite or a granite-lookalike. It didn't show a date of death, iirc, only an age at death. Given the appearance of the headstone, it could've been there for 100 years without showing appreciable wear. Had it been a limestone headstone and still had such crisp lines in the carving, I would agree with you, since that stuff wears away fairly quickly.
Quote:I hate endings like that. It reminds me far too much of Serenity and the punk move done to Wash.It wasn't bad. Definitely leaves room for a steampunk Amy and Rory series. And despite what the doctor said there is no reason they can't show up again. After all, Rose couldn't possibly show up again because she was in a parallel universe and there was no way to ever again open a portal to it. Until there was.
Did love one exchange though.
Amy: Do you think you're just going to come back to life?
Rory: Don't I always? -
Quote:What's the alternative? Rush off before being ready and get yourself killed? As much as it pains me to say, sometimes the few have to be sacrificed for the many. Thousands die now such that trillions can be saved later. It's not just Earth that's in jeopardy, it's the entire galaxy.You're just making excuses for crappy writing.
The "time frame" thing has zero to do with the aliens' overall attitude and everything to do with the fact that Earth is being invaded NOW. Every minute they waste playing poker or fetching weeds is another minute where thousands of humans get killed or zombified.
And so long as there are some humans left in the galaxy, we can rebuild. It's what we do. We face down crises and come back stronger for it.
Quote:And that is BAD WRITING. You don't start off with the sense of urgency by wrecking our planet and then completely undermine that by having characters chillax at the club. Imagine a war movie where Pearl Harbor gets bombed and in response the protagonists go to Maui and hang out on the beach, then go into the jungle to find some sugar cane. You'd be yelling, "WTF? Get in the airplanes and go after the them!"
You're also confusing a human war with a war against creatures that are old enough (presumably) to have been around with the dinosaurs. You don't just charge them like a berserker and hope for the best.
Quote:That's why the fetch missions are retarded. You have to do them in order to ramp up your assets, but it doesn't *matter* what state your assets are in. I know, because I had the glitch where nothing would get me over 50% and I got the exact same endings as everyone else. It literally didn't matter what choices I made. That is completely antithetical to the other games. At the end of ME2, I lost crew members before I ever got to the finale simply by not upgrading the Normandy. I did that on purpose to create my Suicide Squad. It was a completely different experience than my first play-through. You just don't get that from ME3, because the story is on rails.
BioWare also had a sterling reputation of delivering on what they promised, which they seriously fell down on.
Also, did you play the multiplayer? If not, then that is why you wouldn't get over 50%. You needed a very high, something like over 4-5000 to get the "best" endings. Look 'em up on Youtube because I know my Destroy ending was different than what is shown there for a low EMS. I had something like over 7000 EMS once I got my Galactic Readiness up to 98 or so percent.
Finally, there is only so much one can program for before they have to round things off. There is no conceivable way they could program for every permutation of what a person did. Maybe if I played it before the Extended Cut, I'd feel different, but I didn't.
Is the ending what I wanted? Nope, not by a long shot. I wanted the chance at an actual happy ending without having to sacrifice either myself, or EDI & the geth. THAT is the only thing that truly irks me about it. -
That was a pretty ******* lame ending.
Quote:The autodrive would be perfect for the drive home from Vegas...if one has spent their time in Vegas correctly...As I have my annual drive to Vegas for my vacation coming up, I'll say I'd love to have a self driving car. The ability to hop in my car and say "Get me to Las Vegas" would be great. I could admire the scenery, read a book, or watch a movie (or a few) on my iPad. While I don't particularly dislike the drive out there, it is somewhat tedious.
The downside to a self driving car would be that I have the fun windy road sequences taken away. However on balance I would consider it worth it. -
Quote:Any time a game developer promises something, you need to take what they say with a massive grain of salt. As far as I'm concerned, I judge a game based on what it presents, not what one of the dev staff (or marketing or whoever, I don't know who Casey Hudson is) says will be in it. Expecting everything to turn out like a dev promises is no better than believing when a guy or girl says they're going to rock your world, IMO.Here are my main issues with ME3:
1) We were promised for years that there wouldn't be an "A-B-C ending" by Casey Hudson, yet that's exactly what he delivered.
Quote:2) We were also promised for years over multiple interviews that the choices we made mattered. But they did not. I played through ME2 multiple times to get different endings, including a "Suicide Squad" one, just to see what effect that would have on the story. Turns out that effect was: Zero. If someone didn't make it through the ME2 finale, they were simply replaced by their sister/uncle/roommate/cat in ME3. It was just "replace character A with character B" laziness.
Quote:3) We experience the invasion of Earth in the opening sequence and then spend a good 50% of the game faffing off doing stupid fetch missions that are better suited for grunts, not the Hero Savior of All Creation. "Say, get some ointment for this random guy on that planet way over there."
Quote:3a) And this is related to the above for pacing: why do crew members play poker, or stare off into space, or go to a dance club? It's the END OF EVERYTHING and they're goofing off? WTF? They blather on about how driven they are, how much hatred they have for the Reapers, how much they want to save the galaxy... but after I finish this hand, esse. Come on, that's terrible writing, plain and simple. There was no sense of urgency.
Also, keep in mind the timeframes involved. For the Protheans, it was a matter of centuries before they were wiped out. The Reapers have no need to hurry because they've never really had to in the past. There's also the amount of time spent in travel that we don't really see. I prefer a game that moves on my schedule as opposed to stuff like Dead Rising. -
Quote:Vega wasn't that good, true, and I found it funny that Samantha showers with her underwear on, but I did like the bit with Kasumi and her reaction to being asked to join.I disagree. Except for a few missions, I hated almost all of ME3. Badly paced and clumsily written with uninteresting new characters, and the broken promise that the choices we made in the previous games would matter.
It doesn't matter to me that BioWare is dead; they were already dead to me.
In regards to choices...think about this...they did matter, in a sense. It mattered who showed up at the end, who was there, and what support you had. To the end of those choices actually MATTERING in the bigger sense of the finale, does eating a donut or a bowl of cereal matter in the overall scheme of things to your day?
As for whatever promises were broken, well, one has to take that with a grain of salt. How many things have been "promised", but end up not happening the way one thinks they will? There's no way that the ending could have lived up to everyone's expectations. Maybe it's just because I wasn't invested as much in the series, but the Extended Cut (can't speak to the original as I never saw it) was a nice wrap up.
Also, there is a comic series on DeviantArt that is a really good alternate ending to the game. Finally, this. -
Quote:There's something to be said for playing the originals. I mean, sure, I joined the Kickstarter for the remake of Leisure Suit Larry 1, but it wouldn't mean as much to me if I didn't play the original.You might want to wait until November 30 when Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition comes out.
www.baldursgate.com -
How about making it quad or eight times xp. Or as previously suggested, just giving a level bump to 50 for all existing characters ala Test.
Quote:Heck, I thought it got cancelled. Don't recall anything of a season-ending nature.I do hate the utterly random nature of TV seasons these days.
And yet, it's another 6 months or so till new Venture Brothers. Over 2 years for new episodes of that show. At that point, why even bother? -
I think the uncle is a believable killing machine. There's a difference psychopathic killing, ala the insurance adjuster, and the guy who does it to survive and has probably done a LOT of it up close and personal. Howell's character, sprinting for the door, strikes me as the opposite. The kind of guy who'll only do it if he's got overwhelming odds on his side and preferably from a distance. I mean, how many people have doddering ol' granddads that they think couldn't have hurt a fly, but find out at some point that were in some of the bloodiest battles of WWII? Looks can be deceiving after all.
The bit with him and Howell in the beginning was probably just his way of showing her that he's right and not to question it further on. It's much easier to show rather than tell.
As for the dollop of eye candy, well, what type of person has a better chance at being an undercover agent or saboteur? Stick in a bit of eye candy that the guards/soldiers wouldn't take for being capable of such things. After all, guys see an attractive face with a nice rack and logical thought goes out the window. -
Second episode and the daughter gets stupider and stupider. It's like she WANTS to die. I've seen lemmings with more survival sense than her.
Also, that insurance adjuster looks crazier and crazier. The eye twitch is a nice touch. -
They are coming out with a bundle of all 3 Mass Effect games in November, iirc. Don't think it includes DLC, but it will include ME1 for the PS3.
XBox 360:
Warhammer 40k: Space Marine
Transformers: War For Cybertron & Fall of Cybertron
Dante's Inferno
Tales of Vesperia
Lollipop Chainsaw
Afro Samurai
Batman: Arkham Asylum & Arkham City
Red Faction: Guerilla
Check out gog.com if you are interested in older games and DRM free ones. -
Quote:No, no. I have high standards. I would've went for the Ashley/Miranda/Liara/Tali/Kelly/Samara combo platter. Having all squad members available (including same-sex pairings) would make for some rather hilarious dialogue trees and responses. I, personally, don't get the whole Shepard/Garrus thing, but apparently fangirls squee over that for some reason.
Mordin alone would be worth it. -
Eh, I thought it was alright. I only really had problems with the fact that they didn't at least give the option for a happy ending. If you had finished every game's achievements, did all possible side missions throughout, had full Paragon or Renegade, had full galactic readiness, did all DLC, etc., there should've been a difference to allow for a happy ending.
And no, I didn't play it before the Extended Cut came out. Maybe I just wasn't as emotionally invested in seeing what happened. *shrug* I do think they should've made every squad NPC romanceable in the second instead of bowing down to the soccer mom crowd screaming about sexboxing and the like. Because come on, who wouldn't want to see a FemShep/Ashley or FemShep/Miranda pairing? -
Dunno, but I'd guess "no".
MMOs, anymore IMO, have far too much of a lead time and are trying to compete in an already saturated environment. Granted, the scifi/spacey type doesn't have much competition, but I don't think they'd try to do another one. -
Quote:Well, you know that they're making another Mass Effect, right?Well that's it for them, I guess.
Will the last person with a soul at Bioware turn out the lights before you leave the building? -
Hate when they do that crap of spacing it out over multiple pages when there's only a paragraph of actual text.
Some of the bigger online comics retailers buy collections, but that would be a last resort, IMO. If you go the eBay route, try to offer story arc runs. Don't bother with trying to sell individual books unless they are signed and/or have special significance.
Quote:I think part of it is how they are just dragging out the inevitable leaving of the two. Either leave or not, don't do this half-***** trying to have both lives.Oddly enough I've felt the same way. And I say oddly enough because I've been a huge Amy and Rory fan. To me their screen time was much more important than that of the Doctor because it was only when interacting with them that he became really interesting. And as far as I'm concerned they are the best companions yet. But this season I've been completely meh about them. The characters do absolutely nothing for me. I don't even find Amy as attractive as before. Sure she is still physically cute but her personality vanished.
That's just my personal feeling of course. Others are fully entitled to love the season. -
Eh, this whole season has been pretty blah to me. Well, by "season" the paltry sum of episodes that has been put out. It feels like they've taken a play from SciFi with BSG episodes.
The only thing that was any good was the episode with the Dalek looney bin planet. And that, really, because of the character in it. -
Quote:Eh, I was going for %age and my fingers got away from me.You mean accelerate to 0.99999999c, then just skip over 1c to 1.0000001c and continue accelerating.
You figured out the main reason for space exploration. To explore hot alien babes. Was going to go for the whole Star Trek quote, but that would probably be too crude for the forums.
But yes, hot alien babeage would be a driving motivator for a good number of people. There's always the possibility that said alien babeage would consider pudgy nerds to be the epitome of smexy! -
Quote:I'd like to think I'd survive for at least a bit, but I think at some point I'd take the easy way out. I mean, what's the point of continuing on in such a situation?Sigh... your probably right, moreso than I would like to admit on an individual basis
We'd never get back to what we were and there'd always be that thought of everything that was lost. What would there to be to look forward to? Another year of backbreaking labor just to be able to eat? Telling our kids that humans used to be able to peer back to the beginning of time? That we could talk to anyone on the planet instantaneously? That the accumulated knowledge of humanity was at our fingertips on a daily basis? That our machines could harvest in a day, with little actual labor (comparatively), the same amount of land it would take the entire village a week to do?
I mean, sure, there's always the possibility that the power will turn back on, but it's not something that'll put food on the table. -