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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starflier View Post
    Oh noes! Reynolds will ruin the franchise!!
    The franchise was already ruined. Now it's been hacked up, set on fire, locked in a steel chest and buried one hundred miles underground with a rabid cheetah.

    Definitely giving it a miss now.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zaloopa View Post
    How about smaller itrials? Maybe for a team of 4-8 players? Just like Sam was saying above, not every plot has to be about the end of the world. Have some smaller scale incarnate content that allows them to make different trials for both sides. And I mean actually different, not just replacing the longbow NPCs with Arachnos NPCs.
    I've long thought that these needed to be made a reality. In a team of 4-8, I still feel like a valuable member of the team, that I'm doing something useful. In a league sized team, I feel superfluous, un-needed, just Hero005435 punching things in faces. I'd love smaller sized Incarnate trials.

    But yes, back on topic, they should be different for both sides, not just a rehash of the same trial.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    If you can't work all three angles simultaneously, alternate. We dealt just fine with "half-Issues" being all about Incarnates and regular Issues being about the rest of the game. I'm sure "heroes" will complain if there were a whole issue devoted to just villain content, but you can't please all the people all the time. Matt Miller of all people should know this, because he pretty much coined the phrase, at least around these forums. You can't please all the people all the time, and trying to do so ends up pleasing nobody most of the time.

    Seriously, alternate. We'll survive.
    I'd be completely happy with this solution.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by docbuzzard View Post
    If this is on ScyFy, I might watch it. I'll just need several beers first.
    I may try and play this while watching it:

    Although the last time I tried that was during Sharktopus and I blacked out before the end...
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    A smart studio takes unpopular content and improves it to make it popular, rather than just tossing it in the bin and pretending it doesn't exist. A smart studio also plans ahead and does not construct three separate paths of progression when it clearly struggles to support even one. A smart studio does not toss base raids, PvP, arenas, gladiators, hazard zones and villains into a black hole and focus on just the small subsection of what it can support.
    I think you've pinpointed the problem right there. I'm still amazed that the Devs introduced four new moralities with Going Rogue (Vigilante, Rogue, Loyalist and Resistance) and then failed to incorporate their perspectives into future content. That just seems incredibly short sighted.

    I'm honestly beginning to wonder if I preferred the content when there were only 15 people working on the title...
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    That could be grand. The Dragonlance animated movie was sadly more unwatchable, IMO, than any of the D&D movies.
    I ordered and watched that because I had to as an avid fan but even I struggled. If they ever turned the Dragonlance saga into something, I'd have to be as a TV series instead of a film in my opinion.

    The trailer in question though looks like a fan made film. In fact, I've seen fan made films that looked better!
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NaoGal View Post
    Using Ouroboros to go back and do redside missions that you missed isn't an option?
    Tip missions that reinforce your alignment... which have some of the darkest, most 'villiny' content available in the game, IMO.
    Dark Astoria is all about the post-50 game... with a lead in about a guy thats threatening to kill you... Oh, and there are villain options for talking to NPCs there to...
    To say that there are /no/ options for villains after 50 is an exercise in hyperbole...
    Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt. What I'm saying is that there's no story development. What does it mean to be a villain that even Lord Recluse chooses not to touch? How did the Rogue Isles respond to the Praetorian threat? Have they been able to use the chaos to launch an offensive against Paragon? What are they doing now that Statesman is gone? Surely there's a huge opportunity there being missed. Does Von Grun know about the differences between Primal Hamidon and Praetorian Hamidon? Has he sent researchers to find out?

    There are things added to villains for sure. There were two new arc recently and even the Valentine mission advanced things a little. But if you can't see the huge disparity between villain story content and the overly heroic content we've been given recently then nothing I am going to say will convince you otherwise. Villains get access to the new zones but the best they get is a slightly darker version of the same story, one that is always about saving the world (although apparently, we're saving it for later, some vague, undisclosed time in the future when we can take it over). As I've already said, some zones don't even bother with that.

    Writing for villains is always difficult. Difficult but not impossible. And getting villains to team up with other villains is surely easier than teaming them with their sworn enemies?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NaoGal View Post
    As harsh as this sounds, the reasons people have given as to why they are unhappy about how villains are treated are nothing more then perceived slights against them.
    Nope, not really. I'm disappointed more than anything else. But the fact remains, for villains, once they reach level 50, their story stops dead. Unless they want to run the LRSF for eternity, there is nothing for them to do other than team up with heroes.

    And again, this is not to do with characters who are mindless thugs. Those ones are easy. Wind them up and point them in the direction of Bad Guy of the Month. But for any others, who want to gain money, power, influence over others, there is nothing, nowt, zilch, nada.

    All the examples you cite are good reasons to lay aside differences and work together. But when it's been employed over and over and over again, it gets dull and demonstrates lazy writing and development. Give villains something beyond 50 to do other than saving the day once again and I'll be happy. Until then, meh.

    Oh and for what it's worth, I'm not keen on co-op content of any variety even if it does make heroes do questionable things. I'd rather see shorter but multiple arcs for different alignments. Most of First and Night Ward were just padding and having different routes through the zone for heroes and villains would have been far more interesting.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zaloopa View Post
    Except in this game's co-op content.
    Where bad people get exploited by the so called heroes...

    Ooh look, looks like they're sliding already.
  10. I would disagree with chaining Dark Pit and Howling Twilight until later levels. It's a great combo and will certainly neuter a whole spawn but it requires both powers to be heavily slotted.

    Howling Twilight has a very long recharge. Even fully slotted, it's going to be up say every minute. Dark Pit has very poor accuracy and a short duration. It really will need good slotting to make it powerful. At your current level, I'd say that combo is not viable without sacrificing too many slots elsewhere.

    Certainly take them both but later when you've got more slots to play with. Dark Pit + Howling Twilight + Oppressive Gloom (if you go the full D3 route) is a joy to behold.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NaoGal View Post
    Honestly and without any snark intended, I have to ask two questions...

    1) Why are you playing villains that are so vehement against helping defend their home when their very lives and existence is on the line?
    Are they really that bat-**** crazy that they don't care of they die? (Which I suppose is a viable answer, but then I have to ask why you do any content at all... aside from just street sweeping and killing everything in sight... And also... why would you really want to play such a character anyway? o.O)
    Or, are you ignoring the limitations of the game and saying something along the lines of 'Yeah, my villain is just going to pop into his little pocket dimension and giggle like a school girl as the world burns.' or 'He would never die. He could take on the Battalion on his own with one hand tied behind his back...'
    A fair question. Slaunyeh has already offered a very good explanation too which I would wholeheartedly agree with. However, I shall quote Nalrok from earlier in the thread:

    And you know what? I did pretend that my villains were making their own plans just by helping heroes.

    I did it in the RWZ.
    Then I did it in Cimerora.
    Then I did it in the holiday events.
    Then I did it during Apex. And Tin Mage.
    Then I did it in the SSA.
    Then I did it in the BAF. And Lambda Sector. And on Keyes Island. And in the Underground. And in the Mother of Mercy hospital. And at the TPN campus. And in Mot's gullet. And in The Magisterium.
    It has been, quite frankly, overused to the point of silliness. Is there seriously any high end content where villains get to be villains? The only one I can think of the LRSF and that got added how many issues ago? It is, to me, just sheer laziness that the Devs are not even acknowledging that some players like to play villains.

    No, my villains are not so stupid to ignore high level threats but they've been forced into hero content so much now, there doesn't seem to be any point in playing them. It's tired, overused, lazy, boring. If the Devs start to write for villains again, properly, giving us the chance to actually play villains rather than heroes' shady sidekicks, I'll happily resub and pay up. That is, after all, what I paid for City of Villains for.

    Originally Posted by NaoGal View Post
    2) Why are you insisting on following the lore of the game to the point where it starts to hinder your enjoyment of it?
    Yes, there is an overall meta-story to the game. Sure, some people don't like it. But /WHY/ are you insisting that it must all apply to your character in some way, shape or form, if it's hindering your enjoyment of the game?
    Why on earth would you get so worked up about the perceived way some words are displayed by an NPC?
    CoX gives you, the player, the wonderful ability to pick and choose what story elements actually apply to your character.
    For example, you could run the Magisterium trial to unlock your Hybrid Slot, beat up Tyrant, get the badges even... But nowhere does it say you have to acknowledge that you have done it.
    That's just one example, and probably not the best one out there, but you get the idea...
    See my signature.

    I'm a roleplayer. The lore of this game is something I have loved since day one. I have enjoyed immersing myself within the world of the game for over six years now but in recent years I've seen a decline in the writing, lack of content for villains and an obsession with another dimension I care not two pips about. Night Ward was simply the final straw so I've unsubbed. Sure, I've ignored a fair amount of content on the game in order to roleplay within it. But when I'm ignoring whole zones and the Incarnate system, I'm not having fun anymore. So why pay for something I'm not enjoying?

    Some people care about the lore even if they're not roleplayers. And if the story is not up to scratch, they have as much right to complain about it as a broken mechanic.
  12. *Cracks knuckles*

    Okay, for an SO build it looks ok so far. There are a few things I would suggest changing though.

    Firstly, try to get one if not two To Hit Debuffs in Darkest Night. It's by far your most potent debuffing ability and even at your level can cripple most mobs if you get it up fast enough.

    Ditto for Fearsome Stare. Easily your best control, if you get even one To Hit Debuff enhancement in it, that and Darkest Night will floor most mobs' chances of hitting you.

    Where to get these slots from? I'd drop Moonbeam to get one, take one out of Howling Twilight and your Endurance Reduction from Dark Blast to get three at least. Although Moonbeam will become more useful with the coming snipe changes, you don't have Tactics slotted enough yet to make it fire like a normal blast (if you have more than 20% To Hit, which you will with Tactics slotted, snipes will fire with no interrupt or wind up time). Howling Twilight is a great control but you don't have the recharge yet to make it a great weapon. And Dark Blast is hardly an Endurance hog.

    As for simple IO tricks, the only ones I can think of would be to get a knockback reduction IO into Shadowfall or Combat Jumping (Steadfast Protection or Karma) or in Fly (Blessing of the Zephyr). Knockback can be annoying but just one of those may make a difference. Also, if you get a Stealth IO such as Unbounded Leap or Celerity, you can slot them into Sprint. This, with Shadowfall, will give you complete invisibility against most mobs, allowing you to position for your cones better. Anything else, I'd have to see a full build to see what you're trying to achieve. But in general, D3s benefit from Endurance Reduction and Recharge. They pack so much -To Hit that a little Defence is nice but you don't need to try and soft cap them.

    For what it's worth, my main is a D3 and I run a very cheap set IO build with no purples, PvPs or excessively expensive IOs and he's very effective.

    I hope that helps!
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
    It's also not going to result in any more proper villain content, because even if the current devs are capable of writing some, it's not as cost-effective for them as co-op content. If a shrinking minority of their playerbase has to grit their teeth while doing it, well, too bad.
    And yet by ignoring their players who enjoy playing villains, they are effectively pushing players away from the game. Those players either have to play heroes all the time or quit. I can only speak for myself but I know that a lot of my decision to drop my sub was due to villains not being catered for any more. I like playing my heroes too but I'm fed up of paying for zones that only half of my characters can use.

    Last time I saw anything official, the split between heroes and villains was 60/40. If Paragon wish to ignore that 40% then more fool them quite frankly.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    I was hoping they wouldn't go and retcon Statesman out of existence.

    Since he doesn't die until a level 40-50 arc, why would they go and remove him from every arc prior to that as well?

    Unless they are now telling us the game is NOT chronological as we level, like they always said before.

    You can consider this post as evidence that I am NOT a blind dev fanboy. (as I have been accused of being in the past)

    Claws is NOT happy about this.

    Also, the events of A Hero's Hero occurred in approximately 2006 in game history. How does killing Statesman in 2012 remove him from an event that happened 6 years ago?

    Or are they telling us that something that happened 6 years in the past is now a current event?

    Please explain to me how this retcon doesn't completely destroy the game lore and chronological history.
    What he said.

    And people wonder why I cringe whenever the Devs try to do anything lore based. Lazy, lazy, lazy lazy. It's pretty much how I regard their attitude to lore, story telling or anything to do with the history of the game world.

    It honestly made me very sad when I realised I care a lot more about the game lore than the writers do. But these days, I can't even sum up the effort to feel disappointed.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
    Dredd locked in a tower full of criminals. That's like locking a kid in a candy store.
    "None of you seem to understand. I'm not locked in here with you. You're locked in here with *ME*!"

    Okay, wrong movie but you get the point.

    I had a big smile by the end of the trailer. That's normally a good sign that I'll go see it.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
    And, as we've been saying again and again and again, it's not a problem that villains and heroes occasionally has to team up to accomplish something. It can make for a cool moment in a story. The problem is when that's the only content ever released. If you want to run your villain through content newer than Issue 7, you will have to play predominantly heroic content (some of which doesn't even try to give you a vaguely villainous excuse for being there).

    We get why the Developers prefer co-op content. We get why co-op content has to be aimed more at heroes than villains. We're just tired of it.

    Ultimately, the problem for me is that the 'perfect' hero/villain team-up opportunity is swiftly approaching: The Battalion. It makes sense for everyone to unite against this ultimate threat... but that gimmick has already been used and abused endlessly, and we're sick and tired of it before it's even begun. Personally, I find that's a dang shame.
    I couldn't have said it better myself. I have no problem with the concept of villains having to grudgingly team up with heroes every once in a while but it has been so overused, I'm sick of it. The Devs can write stories for villains, the arcs already mentioned and even some of the early SSA1 episodes were great for allowing villains to be villains for a change. Yes, we're still running around doing things for our contacts but for once, it was for our gain and not because some NPC told us to go and beat up (insert name here) for the 'greater good'.

    We've had three new zones since Going Rogue (ok, two new, one revamp) and every one of them has failed to cater to villains. Night Ward doesn't even try to be accessible to villains, it just assumes you're there to do good. There's not even an offer of money or power if we decide to help out. And that was what finally made me throw in the towel and stop my account from auto-renewing. If the writers want to ignore the alignment of 40% of my characters when developing new zones, I can't be bothered to pay for them anymore.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
    Have I been missing something awesome by not playing sonic blast this whole time >.<
    I should have mentioned that this tends to be when facing Council and teaming with gun wielding characters! Sorry, Sonic is still awesome though.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I'm with the Techbot - fix this, please. Physics did more to make the game look pretty than all of Ultra Mode combined.
    I couldn't have said it better myself. I used to love playing my Sonic Blaster and watching shell casings and all other kinds of debris flying about. It felt epic and powerful. Without them, it's a lot less fun.

    It's a small thing but it really does add to the epic feeling of a battle.
  19. This news fills me with all kinds of trepidation. Please, please, please do not screw up my favourite AT... please.

    *crosses fingers*
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    The draw that kept many people in this game used to be the ability to create, play and enjoy lots of different alts. Unlike other games it was never about having a 'main' that got all the good stuff and a few others wearing hand-me-downs.

    I don't understand the change to this endgame type grind, and the more people it drives away the worse it will be for us all. Union feels totally empty most of the time now and I rarely see any shouts for PuG TF's like I used to, and when I do there is hardly any interest because there just aren't that many people on. I entirely blame the incarnate system for that.
    I agree with you 100%. Alas, I tend to think I'm in a minority about it these days.
  21. Loving it so far. I'd forgotten how much I love this series.

    It was great to see some of Pam's backstory and I'm honestly curious to see how vamp-Tara works out. I'm actually hoping that she'll come to enjoy it and get some of her sassy, life-loving attitude back.

    Nora's a bit of a disappointment so far but the Bill and Erik interaction is great. It's nice to see them finally freed from Sookie worship. And I'm loving Chris Meloni's vampire leader so far. Very curious to see what happens with Luna's daughter now. Is she a were, or a shifter or a hybrid of both?

    Yeah, it's not perfect but I've missed it from our screens. I doubt anything will top Season 3 and Mr Edginton's over the top attitude but I have no doubt he'll spice this season up a little.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    i must be one of the few poeple who love dark assault more than dark control then lol
    You're not alone. I've played both a Dark/Dark and a Mind/Dark up to the late 30s and I know which one I prefer by miles.

    I found Dark Control a big disappointment. A lot of its controls are 'soft' and the whole set feels lacking in power. Maybe I'm spoiled by Earth or Mind but there's nothing in the set that solidly locks down a spawn and feels powerful. Its stuns and fears are strong but I found Shadow Field to be sorely lacking in its ability to pin a mob down. Fearsome Stare is still great as a linchpin of the set but outside of that, there were too many times when mobs would slip out of my control and start wailing on me. Haunt is too easily ignored by mobs and Possess, although easily the coolest looking power in the set is only single target. If you're looking for a set that controls a mob and keeps them controlled, Dark is not it. It looks pretty but it just didn't feel powerful to me. And I love my Dark sets.

    The less said about the dog the better. However, it's a noisy, mediocre pet at best and theme breaking for a lot of concepts. I still consider it plain lazy of the Devs to just jam a dog in there and try to pretend it's anything else by sticking a murky aura on it. However, even ignoring the dog, the set just isn't remarkable enough to be worth enduring. My D3 Defender locks mobs down better than my Dark/Dark any day of the week.

    Dark Assault though is just plain awesome on a stick. Ignore the old graphics and consider that you have two strong melee attacks, a great PBAoE, a self heal and a damage and effect buffing power in one and it's a great set. It does solid damage at distance and close up so it mixes nicely with all Control sets and has so many lovely toys to play with I feel spoilt for choice half the time. Its AoE is a little lacking (Nightfall is quite a narrow cone) but for single target, it's strong set.

    To be honest, I don't feel the two sets mesh that well together. Although stacking the -ToHit is good, I've found that Mind Control goes with Dark Assault a lot better, pinning mobs down then taking them out. Dark Control would probably go nicely with Assault sets that offer a little more mitigation, such as Stone, Energy or Psionic.

    Of course, your mileage may vary and clearly opinion is divided it seems. Try them out and see how you feel about them.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DreamWeaver View Post
    Guessing you've seen A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Thor's Hammer?

    "...I also have this gun..."
    I think that was the one that made me adore Coulson. Such a great little short. And while we're on the subject of all things Coulson, I am pleased to have bought this t-shirt recently. Fans of Bruce Campbell may recognise the style.

  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    Even more awesome than most people realize.
    He was an agent in Britain's 'Special Operations Executive' during WWII (an espionage and sabotage agency).
    He's in the Guinness Book of World Records for most film roles of any actor.
    This is nowhere near his first venture into singing. He started that decades ago.
    He's fluent in 5 languages and can speak a total of 8.
    It would be difficult for him to be any cooler.
    I'm not a person who follows actors as such but Mr Lee is definitely the exception. I'll pretty much watch anything he's in because he's always 24 carat gold wherever he appears. I even endured The Wicker Tree just to see him reprise his role as Lord Summerisle for five minutes.

    If you get the chance, read his autobiography, it's by far the funniest and most enthralling bio I've ever read. I loved his last album and I reckon this one will be just as awesome.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    And this whole greater good thing? I've mentioned it before. Several times, in fact.

    Sorry, couldn't resist! Totally agree with you though.