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  1. It is pretty cool, Dirtwolf.
  2. Thank you. I'm sure you can all appreciate that feeling of "exorcising those drawing demons". Sometimes, there's simply nothing better than getting an idea out of your head, and onto paper.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Very nice inking style...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thank you especially, LJ. I inked both of these in Illustrator CS3, and I'm, admittedly, fairly new to it. Up till now, most of my pieces were either inked by hand, and then scanned, and had their levels adjusted, or they were inked in PS. At any rate, hopefully I'll be able to refine my inking style a bit as I become more accustomed to Illustrator.
  3. ...or something like that.

    Here's a couple of new pieces that I just did. Neither of them are directly related to CoX, but I keep trying to think of a way to create them in game. (so if anyone has any ideas...)

    Anyway, here ya go.


  4. Dandy1

    Pagan Priest Wip

    [ QUOTE ]
    Here is the final version:
    Pagan Priest

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's really nice. The shading is excellent!
  5. Dandy1

    After sabbatical

    That's perty darn good. Keep up the good work!
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    ...real life anatomy should be what one learns first. 'Style' can come later.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Nothing can beat a good life drawing or figure drawing class. If that's not an option for you, then SlaveDawg's suggestion is also a good idea.
    The point is, you want to have a well developed understanding of the structure and mechanics of the human body before moving too deeply into any one style. That way, even in the most "cartoony" of pieces, the underlying physics are still there. The eyes recognize that, and the brain interprets it as more "real", and lifelike.
  7. Alright, I'm gonna go ahead and offer up this piece, done by me.


    And I'd also like to suggest this piece of Shard Warrior done by Shard_Warrior. (cause I loves it!)

    Shard Warrior
  8. Dandy1

    Ann's Art

    [ QUOTE ]
    I think I might hate you

    [/ QUOTE ]

  9. Dandy1

    New arts!

    Very nice! It has a very soft, almost dreamlike quality to it, that's pleasing to the eyes.
  10. Dandy1

    Mah new Avi!

    Heh, thanks Mist! But I like yours too. It's really got a lot of character.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Honestly for some pro's in the comic world I have heard of wait times going over 2 years. I also know other artists not in the gaming world that have VERY long queues for their work. Someone mentioned Graver, dude I would wait one year, two years, or as long as it took to own a Graver original.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Personally, I usually try not to make my clients wait more than a month or two at the most. I'm pretty much with DarkJedi on this one, I'd rather not accept payment until I know that I can deliver in a timely fashion.

    On a side note Gill, I glanced at your DA, not having seen it before, and I must say, your work is positively devine!
  12. Thanks so much, Tundara!
  13. How 'bout that. I was beginning to think that I just might be the only one. Glad I'm not.

    ...And thanks, Torrell! I thought the glowee FX made it look pretty cool.
  14. Dandy1

    Bop Gun

    I so love that video. First saw it a couple of months ago, and thought it was just awesome.
  15. Heh.
    I'm a big believer in "no-such-thing-as-too-much-detail".
  16. Thanks so much!

    BTW all, I'm very open to critique, so if anyone has thoughts on how to better this piece, or my style, I'm all ears.
  17. Dandy1

    Art by DA

    Very cool pics, Dark! I especially like the one of Phantasm. Lotsa character!
  18. Hey Turbo! I always enjoy seeing people's pics of Turbo on DA.
  19. Thanks! I always enjoy doing pieces of other toons. It's so hard to find time for it sometimes. Someday when I'm filthy stinkin' rich, free toon pics are on the house!