So you want to learn how to draw?




(I don't mean any of this to sound presumptous are like I myself am an expert or anything like that)
I was talking to a friend on AIM earlier today, and he was saying he didn't know how to draw so went out and got a couple of 'how to draw manga' books to teach him. I think this is a mistake alot of people make who just get into drawing and try to jump right into the cartoony simple looking stuff (which really isn't as simple as you'd think once you do it, typically), and the advice I give him as I give anyone who wants to learn how to draw is;

Take life drawing classes.

Cartoons and all that are awesome, but they're a response to real life. You take a life drawing class and you got an instructor who usually knows what he's doing guiding you along the way and teaching you how to see the right kind of shadows and lighting and all that great stuff you never really could pick up watching Ranma 1/2.
And I think most artists out there will tell you the same thing. Animaters themselves (I hear) take a life drawing class once a year as a refresher to keep sharp. I took a bunch a while back and have been to take a bunch more, and it really helps your drawing out a ton. For reals!




Seriously though, drawing in a particular style is more knowing about real anatomy and how to push those proportions in wacky ways than it is just "feeling" where the lines should go. You wouldn't build a fancy tower on a bad foundation, but when you try to do some crazy stylized art without the fundamental skills in place, that's exactly what's happening. At some point, you'll run into a wall where you cannot proceed without learning the proper proportions and real structure of things first. -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



Do you know of any sites that have links to these drawing classes? I've searched online before, but find none They're all like young adult classes at Universities..

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



I have found that Andrew Loomis is a good starting point.

Also, I always suggest that people get magazines like Swimwear Illustrated and Body Building magazines and draw the people in them. This is good for seeing muscle tones and how the muscles look in real life.

There are also some good anatomy books, like Artistic Anatomy, by Paul Richer.

Also, the web has lots of little tutorials, like This one for learning to draw and understand the human body.

Me, I just take classes at school. I am taking a figure structure class this semester, and while I am still not great at it, it is helping me see where my problems are and work to correct them. This is one of the reasons why I have started doing my quick sketches, because they help me work on structure.

Anyway, hopefully some of that helps.

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I got no idea where you would look localy for it, I just took alot of community college courses Any of the above suggestions are good too.



Yeah I took one at a community college, it worked out pretty well!



I took art classes in college, but am still not tops at anatomy. After taking life drawing classes, etc, I bought some books on anatomy.

BattleWraith has been my mentor too. Sometimes I struggle on something and can't get it right and he'll critique it, give me an idea of how to fix it, etc.

I totally agree that real life anatomy should be what one learns first. 'Style' can come later.



...real life anatomy should be what one learns first. 'Style' can come later.

[/ QUOTE ]


Nothing can beat a good life drawing or figure drawing class. If that's not an option for you, then SlaveDawg's suggestion is also a good idea.
The point is, you want to have a well developed understanding of the structure and mechanics of the human body before moving too deeply into any one style. That way, even in the most "cartoony" of pieces, the underlying physics are still there. The eyes recognize that, and the brain interprets it as more "real", and lifelike.