Ann's Art




Hi guys!

I've been playing this game since it released but I rarely go on the main boards.. I should come here more often! So much going on that I seem to miss out on. But now I'm hoping to make new friends so I can learn from them! weeee!

Anyways, some of you may know who I am, most probably do not. My main is Ms Ann (Inv/BA Tanker), my "main alt" is Sixty (kin/psi Defender) and my global is @Annx.

I use various 2d and 3d graphics applications to go about creating my art. I actually started with poser and 3d about 3 months ago (may 2007) after being inspired by douglas shuler (aka darkjedi... *worships darkjedi*) and his amazing work. Ever since then, I just find myself wanting to learn more and more about the human form, lighting, materials, modeling, and 3d in general.

Now that the introductions are all done, below are some coh related artwork I've created. (I usually provide some details on how I go about creating the final image in each page in case anyone is interested)

Jane Flame (created like 2 weeks after picking up poser7)

Gwendolyn Snow (some mix up on the City Scoop #10 said that grae was the artist booo!)

Sixty (my toon )

Draven Dresden

Any constructive criticism is always appreciated!



Nice work!!!!

And yeah, Poser can be a real [censored]. I'm still using version 6 I think, haven't gone to 7 yet (lack of $$, altho' I've probably bought enough costumes/poses/maps/etc to pay for the upgrade).

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



I tend to just pose in poser nowadays and fix materials and run my renders in vue 6. there are those times that I render from poser 7 but I do a buttload of postwork anyway. If you have the same workflow, I suggest investing in vue6 to import the poser files. its render engine is fantastic and the artist version of vue 6 is cheaper than poser7 (at $199).

And yeah, about the clothing thing... I've only purchased the bare necessities, mostly the spandex types and some costumes with nice capes, some dirt cheap basic clothing (skirt, shorts, boots, etc) that I apply own materials to. I'd like to model my own clothes one day. It would save me quite alot of money haha



You may want to try both Renderosity and Renderotica...both sites do have a substantial amount of freebies that can be downloaded for Poser. Just a suggestion if you're looking for a little more raw material.

And I really like the pictures...I especially like the one of Sixty. The shine on the clothes is beautiful.

Art (NSFW)



Thanks for the compliment! <3

And yeah, I've got all their freebies and from other sites too. I only buy something when I can't make with primitives and I absolutely need it. Hasn't happened too often yet. I'm just piss poor and can't afford anything in general.

I wish I won the lottery. haha



...after being inspired by douglas shuler (aka darkjedi... *worships darkjedi*) and his amazing work...

[/ QUOTE ]

Yay. Day = made.



Wow, those look really great!!! I especially love the perspective on Sixty!!

I'd give you advice, but I suck at anything 3D XD



aww thanks for the kind comments guys! you sure know how to make a gal feel welcomed

...after being inspired by douglas shuler (aka darkjedi... *worships darkjedi*) and his amazing work...

[/ QUOTE ]

Yay. Day = made.

[/ QUOTE ]

he answered me omg omg omg *hyperventilates*

seriously though, your work is freaking amazingtastic!!!



yeah I'd like to put in my darkjedi is awsometastic here too.

you're work is nice in positioning and posing, but I don't know how to make my critisim constructive because I have no idea what you can do with it.

It just seems that Sixty's face is kinda manly, I dont' know why and I don't know what to say to make it better it's just that kinda vibe I get off it.

I like the second one with the cowgirl.



I disagree, but perhaps the open mouth is throwing you off, as supposed to the classic sultry pout... but hey these are great, loved the Gwen Snow one, but the perspective in the Sixty is saweet!

Got you on watch! Well on DA...



I've seen that Gwen Snow one before, on her DA page I think. All of those look wonderful! Welcome to the boards and added ya to my watch list



Nice work! I especially liked the lighting in 'Jane Flame'.



I'm sorry Sixty! I'll fix the error in the issue of Scoop coming out this week. Im *soooo* sorry!!



I'm sorry Sixty! I'll fix the error in the issue of Scoop coming out this week. Im *soooo* sorry!!

[/ QUOTE ]

You better be sorry! Now you must flog yourself with a soggy noodle 1,000 times!

hehehe jk. Don't worry about it. I've already notified the two people in charge (forgot their names ) and they said they will fix the error in the upcoming issue =D

You can feature me again if you wanna.. *wink*wink*nudge*nudge*



I disagree, but perhaps the open mouth is throwing you off, as supposed to the classic sultry pout... but hey these are great, loved the Gwen Snow one, but the perspective in the Sixty is saweet!

Got you on watch! Well on DA...

[/ QUOTE ]

Her mouth looks goofy in the small version, but once you expand it, it looks as intended. Poser expressions really suck in general so I tried to tweak it a teeny bit (using liquify in PS) to make it a lil more appealing. I think I need to study faces and smiles more.

and I got you on watch too LJ! You should visit the PK forums sometime. At least I know where you've been all this time!



ok so first I love your stuff. its all very pretty and with most of them I feel I can reach out and touch them, that brings me to the last piece. dresden ... seems a little small in the picture and I spent more time looking at your wonderfull background than at the man in spandex



ok so first I love your stuff. its all very pretty and with most of them I feel I can reach out and touch them, that brings me to the last piece. dresden ... seems a little small in the picture and I spent more time looking at your wonderfull background than at the man in spandex

[/ QUOTE ]

I'll be honest with you... I kinda focused more on the background than the actual character.. just dont tell him that! lol.

The reson being is that I am really bad with backgrounds and I used this opportunity to learn a few things about backgrounds and perspectives and such. What you said is a huge confidence booster! thank you!



I think I need to study faces and smiles more...

[/ QUOTE ]

Poser has a number of 'problem spots' that I look for, and inevitably have to tweak in Photoshop to improve my pieces. Computers do a wonderful job on items such as reflections and glass, but can't seem to capture expressions, hair, or flowing material such as capes.

The first thing we look at when we see another human is the face. Oh, I'm sure there are other parts that capture our attention (*snort*), but if the face is believable, then the viewer will look for more than a few seconds. That's why I emphasize postwork on faces so much.



yes and another thing about the poser expressions is that they look sooo BAD and unrealistic. Thats why I often go for a profile of the face or if i have to do a frontal view I try to make them look "serene" or "aloof"

I can technically do the expression tweaks in Zbrush, but again, I just really need to study facial muscles because tweaking 3d faces to a believable expression is tough. The smudge/dodge/burn tools in Photoshop helps in creating the simple stuff. I do, however, focus alot of postwork attention on the eyes and it does make a difference, imo.

Anyways, its been a while. I've been busy and all that with a new job and all. but I finally have a some "new" pieces.

Version 2 of Jane Flame:

Version 2 of Gwen Snow:

She's part of a series of characters that I'm creating with a style/lighting consistency in mind.

comments/critiques welcomed!



Very well done! I like the darker shades.



Version 2 of Draven Dresden:

I had the crappy un postworked version sitting in my mailbox and finally got around to postworking it today while showing a coworker how to use photoshop cs3 with a live demonstration. Even my boss thought it was cool =D




Very cool stuff! I agree with you that you need work on poses. That stuff can be easy to find though. Everybody mentions Sports Illustrated or fitness magazines. I would add comics as well. Just remember, use them as an inspiration. Don't copy the poses or you won't get better at doing it. What helps me is I imagine what the character is doing at the moment. That helps me come up with the pose.