Ann's Art




Very cool stuff. Grae pointed it out to me. Love the Ladies. =)



Very cool stuff! I agree with you that you need work on poses. That stuff can be easy to find though. Everybody mentions Sports Illustrated or fitness magazines. I would add comics as well. Just remember, use them as an inspiration. Don't copy the poses or you won't get better at doing it. What helps me is I imagine what the character is doing at the moment. That helps me come up with the pose.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've actually gotten into the habit of having my sister take pictures of me in various poses. I like creating my own references despite feeling like an as5 jumping around the living room in stupid poses.

To be fair though, I didn't care too much for the "version 2" poses as long as it fit the standard of having the character face forward. The reasoning is because I'll only be using the chest up image of the character that will go into this large final group image. If anything, its more of a camera angle issue as opposed to posing really. Or even a combination of both.

The version 2 stuff is more of an exercise in post working in photoshop CS3 with a consistent theme in mind more than anything else.

The critique is much appreciated though!

PS to those asking, no I don't do free art for people I don't know, k thnx bye



Soul Train:

Commissioned by who else?

So yeah, this is like the first piece where I am 100% happy with the post work.. for now at least. I really hope ST likes it!

if you want to see the render before I edited it in photoshop:

I think the reason why I'm so happy with this piece is because I actually like the expression! Oh and if any of you poser users out there want to know a lil secret.. sometimes using the smudge tool to emphasis the expressions really makes a difference!




The first Draven you made could be made much better looking by making a little tweak.

If you "tilt" him a little in the picture by moving his feet back in the picture and move his face forward, he will look more like flying and less like being placed in the scene.




... or you could rotate the camera and the lights up just a hair, too.

And YES!! I was about to post a thread on ST... and I see Ann already got it!

She turned out amazingly good, Ann. *glomps*

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



That Soul Train piece looks fantastic Ann! I've always loved Soul Train pics. It's the hair, I just love her hair.

Congrats on having recieved another great piece of art Soul Train!





"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."




"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."




march how time flies.
looking forward to seeing the rest ~

...the sword is truth...




Thanks for the compliments guys. =D

march how time flies.
looking forward to seeing the rest ~

[/ QUOTE ]

And yeah.. I am shooting to make at least 50 characters by then... 7 down, 43 more to go lol



Nice nice nice! Great stuff Sixty! I love the shinyness of the textures on Sixty's costume.




Nice nice nice! Great stuff Sixty! I love the shinyness of the textures on Sixty's costume.


[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks =D



awesome ..

I think I might hate you



I think I might hate you

[/ QUOTE ]




Grrr...get on my watch list NOW!~



I think I might hate you

[/ QUOTE ]

Lol. Thanks