Illustration by Dandy
That's pretty darn cool! <@.@> Wish we could get those kinds of gauntlets and boots in-game >.<;
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
*Tags his deviantart* Nice, I love the gauntlets, wish we had gauntlets like that ingame, the boots too, and the pads! >_<;
Ack *points at squirrel* you stole my anime frowny!
Hey, thanks to both of you! Yeah, I took a bit of artistic license with the costume pieces, but where's the fun in not doing that?
To all of you that either fav'd the pic, added me to your friends, or commented, thanks a bunch! It's so much more fun to do this kind of stuff when you get to share it! XD
love it. great design on the character and a solid piece.
*peeks around and whispers* I would love to see what you would do with skye
Thanks! I always enjoy doing pieces of other toons. It's so hard to find time for it sometimes. Someday when I'm filthy stinkin' rich, free toon pics are on the house!
Hey, thanks to both of you! Yeah, I took a bit of artistic license with the costume pieces, but where's the fun in not doing that?
To all of you that either fav'd the pic, added me to your friends, or commented, thanks a bunch! It's so much more fun to do this kind of stuff when you get to share it! XD
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NP, and welcome to our community!
Hey Turbo! I always enjoy seeing people's pics of Turbo on DA.
Thanks so much!
BTW all, I'm very open to critique, so if anyone has thoughts on how to better this piece, or my style, I'm all ears.
I think it looks fine - my only comment is that someone needs to repair that sidewalk, but fast!
My Deviant Art page link-link
CoH/V Fan Videos

I'm a big believer in "no-such-thing-as-too-much-detail".
BTW, another Missourian - woot! Makes at least 3 of us.
My Deviant Art page link-link
CoH/V Fan Videos

Really nice I also like the effects on the armor..
LvL 50's Inv/Em Tank, Katana/Regen Scrapper, Merc/Traps MM, Ninja/Dark MM, Crab
@Torell Guardian, Liberty & Freedom

How 'bout that. I was beginning to think that I just might be the only one. Glad I'm not.
...And thanks, Torrell! I thought the glowee FX made it look pretty cool.
Love teh Boots!
Love teh Vest!
Love teh Gauntlets!
Love teh Sidewalk!
Love it all!!!
Love teh Boots!
Love teh Vest!
Love teh Gauntlets!
Love teh Sidewalk!
Love it all!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
Love how pleasing your post is to the eye.
Thanks so much, Tundara!
So, I figgered it was high time I got around to posting my stuffs.
This piece is one that I did about a year ago. It was actually going to be part of a larger pic of Dandy fighting Ghost Widow, but the picture was huge (I mean really huge), and I wound up losing a lot of it when my PC got a virus.
So anyway, here ya go!