77 -
Soul drain is one of the best "build up" powers available. Obviously that comes at a price. If you can't deal with the drawback, then the set is not for you.
Quote:Origins is a bunch of capes and auras, and they are very origin-oriented, you'll hardly get to use them all at once. At least for me it is one of packs I'd rather buy per part than the whole thing at once. Steampunk, however, is a veeery different story.Of the four packs I'm missing (Origins, Party, Animal, and Steampunk), it looks like the best idea would be for me to buy the Animal and Steampunk packs from the store while they're still available, then buy the Origin and Party items as needed.
Then again, maybe I should just obey the voice of my OCD and buy whatever is left to be bought so that I can save my Paragon Points for all the fresh, new shiny stuff.... -
I've been seeing such behavior from fellow forumites quite often, and I may have expressed it in someway before as well. But yeah, everyone is reacting defensively about anything concerning freedom. No one wants to lose opportunities. It isn't that freedom is a bad thing, we just want to be secure about what we're getting here. Some people are insecure about the changes and end up turning this into worst possible scenario predictions. Maybe we really just need to chill and trust developers a bit more.
Okay, I found the list.
Quote:Remember the prices are not final. They will likely be cheaper at launch, but this should still give an idea of their relative costs in comparison to each other. Luckily I already got the most expensive ones.
Animal Pack 2280
Booster 1: Technology 1120
Booster 2: Magic 2800
Booster 3: Super Science 1640
Booster 4: Martial Arts 2520
Booster 5: Mutant 1820
Going Rogue: Basic 7940
Going Rogue: Complete 1000
Good vs Evil 1380
Origins Pack 1100
Mac/Valkyrie Pack 1620
Party/Recreation Pack 320
Steampunk Pack 2460
Vanguard Pack 1895
Wedding Pack 495
Quote:Not the point. I just want what I paid for, which is what comes with the GR box. Including the extra slots. And I don't intend to go premium, so this really has nothing to do with my post.If you're planning on playing Premium then you get to play the game for Free. There's nothing anyone can do to rip you off aside from somehow implanting viruses on your computer.
Thank you. -
Quote:Hold on, so I don't even get to keep the free character slots that came with the GR code? I haven't used them yet, but hell, this is starting to piss me off a bit, because it sounds like I am being ripped off.You may be right. The following is what the web site says about premium accounts and number of character slots:
"2 total, plus slots that were unlocked or directly purchased"
So, it's a bit ambiguous. 'Directly purchased' is straight-forward. But, what constitutes an "unlocked" character slot?
EDIT: Yes, you are correct. From the FAQ:
"One notable difference is that Free players will be limited to two character slots total, plus any character slots directly purchased or earned through Veteran Rewards. All existing characters will be saved and reenabled if a player subscribes as a VIP player." -
Terrific guide. I have a DM/SD scrapper myself, and it's lots of fun. It feels like I am playing a killing machine. Shield Charge is also a very nice bonus for a primary that lacks AoE damage. I skipped grant cover myself, but I can see how that power would be nice to have in a team with other people who use the SD power set.
Nice! I see you are from Virtue too. Do that please, I want to see the prices dropping! :P
Quote:Well, is there any point on getting GR at this point anyways? Freedom makes it quite worthless to have, as all VIPs get GR content and even free players no longer have AT per alignment restrictions. Oh, what the hell, anyone can get a CoH retail for like $5 in Amazon anyways. It just bothers me that I paid a fifteen times higher price and I'm getting pretty much the same.It's a subscription. They're going to get at least the 400 points for the first month, even if they don't renew the sub after the first month. They will be VIP as long as they continue to subscribe. If they stop subscribing, they will go to premium.
This is the way it works with all current subscriptions. This one is no different. The ONLY thing different about this one is that you can't use it to add the code on to an existing game account, thereby getting a month of paid time for $2.
Note that this does NOT include Going Rogue. Nor does it include any of the extra goodies like the GvE jumpjet, etc. -
Quote:Yes, apparently, but you can no longer create trial accounts.Nice, $2 for a full month of CoH with most of the trimmings. Once I get my current connection issues sorted out I'll definitely create a couple of these.
One question... will this work to upgrade a trial account? I assume it will, but clarifying that could be helpful. -
Having bought the Going Rogue version 17 days ago, I will be very unhappy if such people also get free VIP and 400 extra starting points in Freedom.
Quote:That's a shame. My apologies for the misinterpretation then, I should have sought and read the post I got that idea from to make sure before giving false hopes to people.You misinterpreted the post that you read.
The post stated that long-activation powers would have their effects work properly if the initial target dies during the activation time (or initial hit from the power). Powers like Transfusion and Transference, and Ionic Judgement as well as other chain-type powers.
Toggled anchor-based powers like Radiation Infection and Enervating Field? New target, retoggle. -
I am not sure about this, but I read somewhere in the beta forums that anchor debuffs are going to remain affecting the foes even after the anchor dies in i21. If that is true, it's a great thing for rad overall. I do intend on making a Ill, I am just unsure on which secondary to pick, between rad and storm.
Quote:Same thing. This really annoys me.I am having the issue that I can't log into the beta servers with the account that I actually PAY for, I can with all the trial accounts on my master account, but I get the error that the game is not yet open to the public. Meanwhile my paid account that has game time, just gets wrong username/password error
The forums are open for anyone to read, so I hardly think so. Either way, you should be free to say whatever you want if you hadn't agreed to or signed any sort of contract.
I suppose it just requires validation once after you login, is that wrong? And it's not like they will be down all of the time, you people are making a big deal out of little. This is BETA, just because they are down here it doesn't mean that they will be down after Freedom launches.
They're closing the market to work on the issues, so I suppose there isn't much point on trying to get anything from there, as whatever you get won't be recognized in 30 minutes from now.
Quote:I suppose it is here: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/forumdisplay.php?f=681How do you clone a character you have already to the beta server? Or where's the thread for it
And I can't log in there either. -