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  1. All I wanted from Battleship was one thing. Liam Neeson to say "You sank my battleship."

    I was disappointed.

    Hell, the battleship was only in the last 15 minutes of the movie.
  2. We'll just go to the Winchester till it all blows over.
  3. The answer is to nuke Miami from orbit.
  4. So we find out that Tony Stark's parents are dead and that he's retreated to a small cave, painted his armor black and put little pointed ears on it. He's not very happy and speaks with a gravelly voice.

    Captain America discovers that the Super Soldier Serum was actually extracted from an alien who crash landed in Kansas, who died shortly thereafter, and has discovered that he can fly, shoot lasers out of his eyes and is nearly indistrucable.

    Thor's hammer is destroyed and he replaces it this a magical ring that lets him form anything he can imagine with his thoughts. He mostly uses it to hit things.

    The Hulk undergoes a secondary mutation, instead of getting stronger when angry, he gets faster, to the point where he can run around the world in 10 minutes.

    Black Widow gets a magic lasso that forces people to tell the truth and an invisible jet.

    Hawkeye starts dressing in green with a hood and sports a ridiculous beard.
  5. Power Pool and Epic Pool Customization, additional Epic Pools for every AT.

    Boomtown Revamp.

    MM pet customization.

    All available maps, enemy groups, and powersets available in AE.

    Alternate Animations for Broadsword/Axe/War Mace.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
    The answer is obvious then.

    What would Don Draper do?
    I don't see how sleeping with you and drinking all of your brandy would help this.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    Does the movie contain the classic line from the commercials: "YOU SANK MY BATTLESHIP" ?
    Liam Neeson must say this.
  8. Dress a Terminator up as Tony's dad and send him back to when Tony is a kid, get up close then blast him. Another Terminator dresses up like Jane Foster, lets Thor get close then explodes in nuclear fire and then the final one would replace the assassin at the Super Soldier Serum demostration with Steve Rogers. That terminator would destroy the whole place before it could inject Rogers with the serum. This would have the cascade effect of preventing Banner from turning into the Hulk, so long as we're going by the movies as the movie Hulk was born from an attempt to recreate the serum.

    Of course the Red Skull and Hydra would have won WW2 then and the Terminators may not have even been created, but eh.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    1) During this timeframe, Statesman is dead? If so, how come Sister Psyche is in the Diabolique Trial? Was she revived somehow?
    She is being replaced by Penelope Yin in i23, along with her TF.
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    2) So the entire reason Ouroboros is to be feared is because Nemesis went back in time to change a dagger that instead of killing Rularru, sent him to the Shadow Shard? I don't see this as too bad of a thing. Essentially, Nemesis calculated that humans wouldn't be enough to save the world and they needed the help of an external being? Or was he planning on wiping the Earth anyways?
    We'll probably find out later.
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    3) After completing the Diabolique Trial, what is the fate of Dominatrix? It was left unclear as she was just standing there next to the Dream Doctor. Is she "good" now? Also, where does Dominatrix stand in terms of power? I know we encounter her in the First Ward arcs as an enemy, is she meant to be only around 35 meaning she is fairly weak?
    Diabolique is dead, killed by the Dream Doctor using the Dagger of Jocas. Dominatrix is now basically Catwoman to Primal Earth's Batman. She's not exactly good, but she's ambitious and highly intelligent.
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    4) I believe the Dream Doctor makes mention of defeating Tyrant, but what about Hamidon? Is there anything to do about him since he is a super version in Praetoria?
    Prometheus says that the Hamidon will probably leave well enough alone now that it has all of Praetorian Earth to itself after the Mags trial.
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    5) In some of the arcs in Dark Astoria, your character is made out to be super powerful. IE, when fighting the 5th Column you pretty much wipe the floor with both Requiem and Reichsman. Is this enemy group no longer considered a threat because we have grown so powerful?
    In that same arc you find that several groups have gained more power through various means in order to remain a threat to Incarnate level heroes.
  10. I agree with Dug.

    The Hollows has barely any story, is long, and is extremely tedious.

    Frankly, almost all of the content from before issue 7 or so is kinda terrible.
  11. Mutants work better in their own universe anyway, they don't really fit with the greater Marvel universe.

    I mean, getingt born with spider powers and getting shunned or getting them from a lab accident and getting famous doesn't really make any sense.
  12. Only you can stop Captain Laxative from spewing his filth all over Steel Canyon.
  13. Well the idea was to have more female cast members, though I suppose the two Marvels could come as a package deal.
  14. They should introduce Ms. Marvel with the next movie, if only to make the Avengers less of a sausagefest. Give her the scarf thing that she got in Avengers: EMH. As she's got a cosmic origin, it'd be fairly easy to tie her into the Thanos arc.

  15. DLancer


    Note to self: Do not play poker with Reed Richards, he is a dick.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Oh I dunno.

    I'm betting that as long as they didn't get TOO explicit, they could get away with a sight gag.

    Ok, now I have to ask where that's from?
  17. I see nothing wrong with this list, more options are always good.
  18. if you check buff bar you'll see a XP icon there, if you don't, then make sure that you aren't hiding auto-powers then check again. as the blurb that pops up when you claim it says, it activates for your character immediately.

    You then also get a power to give 50% XP to someone else as well.
  19. DLancer


    Just putting Magento and Lex Luthor in the same room would be a bad idea.
  20. Masks are not very expressive, hence superheroes in movies tend to loose them whenever they need to emote and/or feel angst when their parents inevitably die. Why do you think that the Iron Man movies keep cutting to a inside the helmet view whenever Tony says anything?
  21. DLancer


    A supervillain group with that many massive egos in it would implode into violence long before it could threaten anyone but themselves.
  22. seems like it might be better than I thought...maybe.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
    Kingdom, Golden Girl, Primal Earth Kingdom. The Lady Grey is not some bare-*****, savage from some far off 'empire', she's a proper English Rose.
    I thought the Brits were proud of their British Empire?
  24. Primal fired the first shot in that Portal Corp was the one to discover Praetoria, which caused the Praetorians to overreact and bring down the hammer.
  25. You know, I wouldn't mind Marvel making a Heroes for Hire movie staring Luke Cage and Iron Fist with an eye towards making the Secret Avengers or something.