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  1. My suggestion would be to make it for Android.

  2. DLancer

    cell phones...

    at&t has a plan that charges you either $1 or $3 only on days that you actually use the phone and gives you unlimited minutes for the rest of the day.
  3. Looks disjointed.

    What is this suppose to be about again? An escape from a mental institution? Only with inexplicable meanderings into various scifi, fantasy, and comic book settings?

    I withhold judgment.
  4. When its well done its highly immersive, see Metroid Prime 1-3 and its scanning mechanic.
  5. in terms of the timeline for our characters, I tend to believe that, starting at the earliest in the time line and ending at the most recent in the time line, the rule of thumb is: Older Low Level-> Older High Level-> Newer Low Lever-> Newer High Level.

    So the older and lower level the content, the earlier in the timeline it happened, you can see this in effect with the new Maria Jenkins arc where she makes references to the original arc as happening several years ago and in the Midnighter arcs where references to developments that characters wouldn't have known about until roughly level 35 are casually mentioned as common knowledge.

    The Council/Column/Reichsman/Requiem/Center/Nictus/Time travel/god knows what else arc is of course one giant snarl of contradictions, retcons, and mishandled story developments. Which is sad because it could be a very complex and interesting storyline had it not overwritten itself several times over.
  6. DLancer

    I 19

    Election Day.
  7. DLancer


    But Praetorian Hero 1 blood would be corrupted with Teh Evilz.

    If we gave that to Rikti Hero 1 all that would happen is that he'd grow a goatee over those fangs of his!
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CaptainAmazing View Post
    So as this is turning into nothing but pot shots *ducks*
    I do have a minor question or two.

    Haven't we had parties and heart felt good byes to lighthouse and others? What was different in this case I wonder?

    Instead of "we'll mss you!" we got this stone faced "I don't know who you're talking about, -_-" Wing Commander-like response (and we all know how well it turned out ) isn't that a bit odd?

    On a side note if charles had discovered the cure for cancer wouldnt the previous employer want to highlight that during thief employment such an earth shattering discovery was made? HOW could that be bad press? @_@

    When the various community reps pursued other opportunities, there were announcements because legally they were considered public personas given that they interacted with the community as part of their job description. Those are the absolute only people who have left the company who have had any sort of announcement as to their departure. There may or may not have been others who have left in the intervening time that we didn't know about because, honestly, its none of our business. We wouldn't have known about this if there hadn't been a leak about it because, again its none of our business and contrary to privacy law for any company to actually speak about it in anything but the vaguest and broadest terms.

    BAB's interactions with the community were never a part of his job description and he ceased all communications months ago. Therefore he couldn't be considered a public figure in the company and therefore the company and BAB would be constrained in what they could say due to both company policy and privacy law.

    When Jack left, he never actually left the company he was simply moved to a different game, when Positron shifted over to a new focus, he was also still a part of the company. That's why announcements could be made for either of those. When Lighthouse, Cuppa, Ex Libris, and Nivene all left, they were public figures due to their community involvement inherent in their job descriptions. And even there there was little more than, "This person no longer works here but we hope for the best for them" which is a pretty standard message for departing spokespeople. But even then they're not required to be given a send off, especially if the employee requests that there isn't one, for example that other mod we had, I don't remember the name but I remember that it started with a K...There wasn't an announcement for him, he was simply gone with no comment. Again there are good privacy reasons that this would be the case and it is None Of Our Business.

    These privacy laws exist for a very good reason. Given the example of charles making the cure for cancer, It may not be proven or rigourously tested yet to ensure that its safe, may it be ready for the market any time soon, one of the key ingredients may be baby seals, or Charles may hold the intellectual rights to the cure and the company is contractually obligated to not say anything about it.
  9. I'd settle just for being able to change a character's costume in the character select screen
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Well, by that logic, shouldn't the boss tier henchmen get Triple Blades?

    Also sword-chuks.
  11. Fly allows me to afk and tab back to the internet or to msn chat with my friends. A character of mine needs to have a very strong story or stat based reason to have any other travel power.
  12. Personally, I think that the teir 1 ninjas should get the Katana set instead of MA, the teir 2 should be Dual Blades, and the teir 3 should be some sort of ninja master with archery/trick arrow and possibly some sort of fire bomb ability.

    They could all use their defense being buffed tremendously and also new outfits all around.
  13. All that time I spend scrapping ingredients and recipes together for generic IOs and then crafting and slotting them is time that I am not Killing Skuls. So its slotting SOs for me until 50 at which point I try to IO the character out but my rampant altitist generally catches hold before I get to that point.

    The point is, the market is a chore to use and I try to minimize my time on it.
  14. I've not been able to access Virtue or Freedom after about 20 tries, every other server seems fine though.
  15. I don't even bother slotting anything until level 22 for SOs.
  16. Option 1, please.

    The old stuff is in dire need of updating.
  17. My Dark/Dark brute, excellent concept and a primary foe in one of my hero's rogue's gallery, but just an utter chore to play.

    Also, my DB/ElA brute, Grav/Psi dom, fire/fire blaster, cold/cold def, WP/Axe tanker, Nin/Storm MM, AR/Rad corr, PB, WS, Crab Spider, Elec/NRG dom, kat/FA scrapper, and a claw/nin stalker that I played around with at level 1, realized I hated playing a stalker but never could bear to actually delete him.

    My BS/SR scrapper, ill/kin troller, bot/trap MM, DP/Ment blaster, Fortunata, and DS/Therm MM have all been fun to play and good concepts though.
  18. DLancer

    A Dark pack

    Just about every costume piece that came out with City of Villains would fulfill the Dark Gothy theme.

    Robes won't be done for tech reasons, think about how something like Martial Arts would look like with robes.

    Scythes would need an entirely new powerset to go alongside it.

    The point is, we have plenty of options for Grimdark dark grim grimish darkly dark grimmerishness.
  19. I think I've found out why i20 needs to have a signed NDA.

    Many Bothan spies died to get me this information.

    They're going to replace the game with WoW. All Hero characters will turn into Gnome Fighters and all Villain characters will turn into Troll Shamans.
  20. One can only hope that the DVD/Blu-ray sales will make up for the difference.

    Also, the video game's sales.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
    I wish we hadn't driven Lighthouse off.
  22. Revamp blueside's TFs and at the very least the 1-20 level range. Preferablly all of blueside though.

    Also, revamp Mercy Island and Port Oakes. As it stands I barely even spend any time in PO before its time to go to Cap.
  23. There should be a little button under the colors that you should be able to press to delink the colors. That will allow you to set colors on a per item basis.

    There's an Icon costume tailor in Steel Canyon on the northwestern end that you can go to change your costume, or if you have the Pocket D VIP card power you can port to the Tiki Lounge in Pocket D which has Trina the Seamstress who can change your costume as well.