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  1. 1 Vault
    2 Enhancement
    15 salvage racks
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm a house scrapper, a scrappus domesticus. >_>

    I hate soloing and mainly I tend to play one of the squishies and I team 98% of my time. So am aware of team dynamics and usually dislikes the scrappers who aren't Scrappus Domesticus, simply because they're usually running around doing their own thing, rather than work together with the rest of the team. More than once I've experienced a wipe because the scrapper felt invincible, pulled too much aggro, while the tanker was already busy in another fight.

    I think both the wild and the feral scrapper should be house trained, so their presence isn't a danger to the rest of the team.

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    Its been long said but bears repeating ....

    ... you can't turn a wild animal into a pet, deep down its still wild.

    So the best you could do with a wild scrapper is make it feral
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Confirmed... and this can be a life-or-death kind of thing, depending on where you're running your missions. Some entry points have spawns (including GM's) camped near the entrances, so coming out without your stealth/defense/resist toggles up is a shortcut to the hospital.

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    And it really sux when its a long recharge toggle
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    My big problem with run away mob AI is when they are guards.

    Seriously. If all the guards of a captive run halfway across the map... the captive should be mine! (or ally, escort, whatever)

    Having to chase down the guards several spawns away, so I can 'officially' run back and start escorting some doofus away is just incredibly immersion-breaking and gameplay-stupid.

    This is even worse with flying guards in outdoor maps, or if you have allies (who run after, generally aggro half the map and die, even when set to fight defensively).

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    I think its worse when they are Circle of Thorn ghosty types in the caves .. they not only run away but go intangible and have an annoyuing habit of poofing into walls.
  5. Just curious ... are you looking to upgrade?

    I ask because fans are *usually* easily replaced, and far cheaper than a new card
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Why not make it simple and put permission in the storage rack that allows connection to the workbench?

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    Might just be me but I have a sneaking suspicion that having an object (invention table) checking permissions of its user against permissions of up to 18 salvage racks THEN listing the contents of those that the user has permissions for is akin to tying a steak to your bare [censored] and running past a pack of coyotes ......
  7. How about an "Advanced Invention Crafting System"???

    A device that accesses all base salvage storage *regardless of permissions* (aka it ignores permissions) that has an access permission of its own. That way those that are allowed unrestricted access to all storage (which most likely covers most of the members) can simply use the advanced system.

    Of course I'd still like to see an "Advanced Salvage Storage System" ... one single device holding base max storage (which I hope will be increased) for SGs without access issues.
  8. [ QUOTE ]

    NO NO NO NO!

    Not until you've fixed the Mem leaks, html bloat bugs, and nerf AI ninjas. As it stands, it takes 2 gigs of ram to make a 50Kb file (which becomes a 100 kb file due to html bugs) just to make a minion that can take down an AV.*

    Please please PLEASE do not ship it like this. I beg you! I'd hate to sound demanding, but there are still some serious bugs with this system that directly hamper ones ability to use and enjoy it, thus negating the entire reason for having it in the first place. Take another week at least to do something about these bugs.


    *: disclaimer, I'm exaggerating, but the problems are pretty serious.

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    And why would this release be any different than the rest? After all .. schedules must be kept.
  9. Guess I was right ... these "Live Feedback" threads are just complaint trash bins aka black hole threads
  10. Need to bump this up by noting that after all these years (I'm posted on page one) I'm still a die hard Wild Scrapper with a server list full of them, no matter how many times I try the other ATs I'm just a scrapper at heart
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    So let's wait out for a response from the Devs before we pull out our stakes and hammers and crucify them before they have a chance meet, discuss, decide and reply.

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    A response from the devs?

    About the game itself?

    *Dev started* feedback, discussion, and other types of "player response" threads go on for weeks (or longer) the die a silent death or be closed without ever seeing a whiff of "dev response" or input of any kind. Training room builds are bugged to death and dozens of posts about said bugs are written, just to have the build go live with the bug(s) in place, followed by a patch and a "whoops we didn't notice that bug".

    You are kidding aren't you?
  12. I was going to comment again on the timers for day job accolades but after looking through the entire thread it seems that this is (like most of these thread it seems) just another dev trash can thread
  13. [ QUOTE ]

    If you are loath to create such things for fear that they will be an exploit, then add advanced storage devices that must be crafted.

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    Thats what I was saying too ....

    .... unfortunately it seems that this is a black hole thread
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    Looks towards dev door

    *cricket chirps*

    [/ QUOTE ]

  15. Already said it but I gotta say it again ... salvage rack system needs work ... lots of work ... by the time you add the cost of a workshop and 9 racks @15k ea for a whopping total 270 pieces of salvage its cheaper to buy what you need at wentworths when you need it ......

    ..... or is that the idea?
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Positron once made a statement against players racing thru missions to only kill the boss at the end.
    Many day job effects make me want to run thru missions to only kill the boss at the end because I feel the need to finish a mission while the buff power is still active.

    A related problem is that I often log in and get no benefit whatsoever from some day job effects because I can't actually complete a mission within the timeframe. This is particularly noticable on lower level characters, but also seen often with characters who play better on teams.

    These buffs should not be based on a timer. They should accumulate charges that fire when you complete a mission.

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    I dunno if *charges* will fly but they could at least make it active until one mission completes before logoff
  17. A suggestion ... if any dev is actually reading this thread ... for the salvage rack issue, presuming that a change will be considered.

    A base item that must be built, like a teleport pad is, for salvage storage, a "salvage organization system".
    Give it a larger base storage capacity (ie more than 30) and have buildable expansion devices to attach to auxilary device ports that expand the device total capacity.
    This would give us the storage we need in *one* place, you could count the storage aux units as storage devices for room and rent purposes.
  18. Hmm ... is this another black hole thread or did I miss a dev comment somewheres?
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    As a recent returnee post-13 I have only one issue with base changes ...

    ... 15k plus 100 rent for a 30 space salvage rack? 500 per slot?

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    Really not sure from where you are getting the "15k". You only get charged rent now (100 prestige) per bin and empowerment stations. I'm on the largest secure plot maxed out on storage and my rent is 2700 prestige.

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    15k is the cost of a salvage rack that only holds 30 pieces PLUS costs 100 per month rent.
  20. As a recent returnee post-13 I have only one issue with base changes ...

    ... 15k plus 100 rent for a 30 space salvage rack? 500 per slot?

    I can *carry* more free than a huge rack can store?

    I can fit more in a *free* safe deposit box than aforementioned huge rack?

    This seems to be a bit out of whack IMHO.

    At the very least a rack should hold X number of stacks of salvage items, rack "bins" as it were. I wouldn't have as much of an issue with paying that kind of danegeld if a rack held say 12-16 "bins" capable of holding stacks of 10 ... as it stands now it seems like someone is regretting having storage at all and is using ED methods to kill it off.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    I find it shocking and offensive that Jack Emmert has time to post about this but does not have time to address the issue of ED which is obviously the most pressing thing on the playerbase colective mind now. Way to through up some more smokescreen, Mr. Emmert. Now care to explain how ED is going to improve our gameplay?

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    This is a classic political spin .. misdirection .. toss a bone over *there* to distract people from the large object heaing towards their ********.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    With Enhancement Diversification comes a benefit for ALL City of Heroes powers.

    Every power, across the board, is getting a 13.33% reduction in its Endurance cost.

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    See this kills me why didnt he put that in his original notes. Not that by any means does this make me less angry at how the devs have handled this whole situation, but it would have soften the blow a tad bit.

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    Because the original post was for the City of Villains forums and was just cut and pasted by CuppaJo?

    Because it slipped his mind?

    Because it was a recent change due to their internal testing?

    Because he hates us and wants to drive us all away, thus depriving him of his income?

    Because everything is the fault of the Japanese Yakuza who buy weather sattelites from the Ruskies and uses them to create hurricanes, natural disasters, Ale 8 One, and other horrible events?

    Take your pick.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Because they're frantically attempting to cool down a runaway reactor before it melts down?

    Sorry ... this "token buff" is like they're wizzing in their pants in a dark room ... it may give them a warm feeling but nobody will notice.
  23. Ooooooo Ahhhhhh


    Thats like saying:

    "Oh .. the 20 pound club we are going to hit you with is a little much so we are going to wrap it with 1 pound of cotton"

  24. [ QUOTE ]
    That is true, he is an [censored] in the comic. Why can't he be cool like synapse or Manticore? And speaking of the comic, where are the glowly regen's?

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    Regens don't exist in in the comics ... coming to servers near you soon!