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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    not much in the way in the lvl 35++ content but it looks good

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Keep in mind this is only the first preview. Usually we get 2 or 3 "expanded" previews before it hits test. So who knows what else they have in store.
  2. CuppaKitten

    More answers....

    ::Sees "More Answers....." thread on the ground::

    CHARGE TO 300!!


  3. 'The One We Don’t Speak Of"

  4. Aaron1234567 I'm very upset with could you betray us!
  5. CuppaKitten

    The Kudos Thread

    They also can come back from the dead, and throw sharpened gears at you, and fire bombs, and slice you with razor sharp extremities.
  6. Hey! Who threw that!

    ::runs off to investigate::
  7. Yeah...I don’t wanna see any funny business...'specially from you bunnies!
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    Seriously...where did this come from? Seems like once a month they purge the old stuff out of here.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    A dev must have posted in there at some point thus this thread is saved from The Langoliers via RedName Eminant Domain
  9. Did I leave my car keys in here?

    ::looks around::

    ::wanders off::

    Oooh lol Cuppa posted in here, thus this thread is saved from The Langoliers via RedName Eminant Domain
  10. Having storm as my secondary has helped close the “control gap” immensely, and now with the addition of wormhole's AoE storm is going to come to my aide again. Wormhole+ Crushing field+ Thunderclap works very well to augment the disorient time. Now I realize this doesn’t help any non grav/storm, and I really do feel that I shouldn’t need to augment a primary with a secondary just to make it useful…

    So to restates again what I’m sure has been said a thousand times over, increasing the base duration of the disorient effect will lead to this power being useful to more then just a hand full of people assuming the modified version goes through.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    THe most I could get in a group was 4, and they were all right next to one another

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I was playing around with wormhole in Boomtown just to get a feel for the utility of the changes. I was able to grab the large groups of Council which leads me to believe the AoE is around the same size as GDF.
  12. Geko,

    If one wished to implement this power as a toggle, would it be possible to change the way in which the power actually effects the foes? For example, while the toggle is activate foes would gain 100% resistance to all forms of damage, would be immune to knock down/back, and would have protection from mez powers, however their damage output would be reduced to zero. That would more or less emulate intangibility but would allow the server to reapply the buff/debuff ever server tick.

    -Just a thought

    -P.S: For Dimension Shift, do enhancers cause increased duration, or an increased +MAG to the intangibility?

  13. [ QUOTE ]
    BUT remove their inherent damage resistance de-buff. And we'd also give a slight psi resistance when a Controller is in a group.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This sounds like a step in the right direction. I am however a bit worried about decreasing the HP as this could lead to problems while attempting to use the dwarf form, but I understand were playing the give and take game

    A question though:

    [ QUOTE ]
    … decrease the group damage…

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If I read this correctly you are planning on reducing the damage buff associated with the I-Link. Will you also then be increasing the base damage for the human form?

    -Thx for your continuing work in this area.
  14. A bit off the topic, Cuppa now that you are using a kitty avatar…does this mean you are now part of the ASQ (Ask a Stupid Question) Empire, and if so are you now, or have you ever been aligned with the Moogle faction?

    Inquiring minds want to know