Showdown at the Litter Box




This is the moment you have all been waiting for! I am challanging Pep Cat to a duel.

Place: The Litterbox

Time: Time doesn't exist like we think it does in intradimensional pockets of space time.

Weapons: I will be using flaming atomic marshmallow kittens. Pep Cat will be using the patented peppermint deth blasts of doooooom.

The event is to be sponsered by Sleepy Kitty. CuppaKitten will watch over the event to make sure there is no funny buisness. Betting will start an hour before the appointed time. No outside interference in the fight. Other than that anything goes!

Be there or be SQUARE!



Betting will start an hour before the appointed time.

[/ QUOTE ]

Isnt this conflicting with your earlier statement?



No.. not at all.



Yeah...I don’t wanna see any funny business...'specially from you bunnies!

I know I will see you again on another game somewhere - one game can't hold all us crazies forever.

Some people just need to be on the cross at all times for the attention, I guess.




*charges up the Pep-O-Matic 9000*

Mow! Alright! Mew is ready to go! =^_^=

Mew is tough, mew is fast, mew is--

*Pep-O-Matic 9000 suddenly explodes from being overcharged*

Meeeeeewwwwww...... =>_<=

*goes off to get another weapon*

Dungeoncleaners! (ID#125715): Slay the Adventurers! Rescue the Monsters! Return the Treasure!
Peppermint Cat-- Lv50 Mewtant Ice/Eng Bls



Place your bets now while you still have the cha.. *Gets hit hit with a flying chunk of weapony*




Hey! Who threw that!

::runs off to investigate::

I know I will see you again on another game somewhere - one game can't hold all us crazies forever.

Some people just need to be on the cross at all times for the attention, I guess.



Place your bets now while you still have the cha.. *Gets hit hit with a flying chunk of weapony*


[/ QUOTE ]


If PeppermintCat can hit ya LITERALLY without even bet's on her!



Alright.. That is one soul bet on Pep Cat.

The Legion of Demonic Mallow Kittens will be glad to have you aboard when I win.



Okay, mew is really ready this time! =^_^=

*charges into the Litterbox weaing an odd backpack*

Mew brought the newest weapon from Paragon Peppermint's arsenal*.... the Peppermint Proton Pack!

*flicks a switch on the pack*

*pack begins to whine....*

Okies, Miss Kitty, mew is ready to rumble! Eat Peppermints! >_<

*fires gun*

*is blasted in the opposite direction from the force*


..... *splat*

ow! >_<

*Legal Disclaimer: Paragon Peppermints is not a licensed dealer in weapondry and therefore does not technically have an "arsenal". Void where prohibited by law.

Dungeoncleaners! (ID#125715): Slay the Adventurers! Rescue the Monsters! Return the Treasure!
Peppermint Cat-- Lv50 Mewtant Ice/Eng Bls



Okay, mew is really ready this time! =^_^=

*charges into the Litterbox weaing an odd backpack*

Mew brought the newest weapon from Paragon Peppermint's arsenal*.... the Peppermint Proton Pack!

*flicks a switch on the pack*

*pack begins to whine....*

Okies, Miss Kitty, mew is ready to rumble! Eat Peppermints! >_<

*fires gun*

*is blasted in the opposite direction from the force*


..... *splat*

ow! >_<

*Legal Disclaimer: Paragon Peppermints is not a licensed dealer in weapondry and therefore does not technically have an "arsenal". Void where prohibited by law.

[/ QUOTE ]

Although, I see, she can beat herself up quite nicely too.



*peeks bandaged head into thread*

Hey, no changing bets!

*disappears again, banging her nose on the way out*

Dungeoncleaners! (ID#125715): Slay the Adventurers! Rescue the Monsters! Return the Treasure!
Peppermint Cat-- Lv50 Mewtant Ice/Eng Bls



All of this only proves that the kitties are far too violent and barbaric for civilized society.



Hey, nothing says I cannot bet on BOTH of you!



*peeks head into thread again, this time there's a new bandage on the nose*

How can we possibly be this violent with such cute kitty avatars? =O_O= <--innocent expression

And where's our sponser, Sleepy Kitty? Not sleeping mew hopes! =>_<=

*disappears again, banging her injured nose on the way out*

Dungeoncleaners! (ID#125715): Slay the Adventurers! Rescue the Monsters! Return the Treasure!
Peppermint Cat-- Lv50 Mewtant Ice/Eng Bls



*peeks head into thread again, this time there's a new bandage on the nose*

How can we possibly be this violent with such cute kitty avatars? =O_O= <--innocent expression

And where's our sponser, Sleepy Kitty? Not sleeping mew hopes! =>_<=

*disappears again, banging her injured nose on the way out*

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, you cant get along beca*time stream interuption*nd you see, that is why.



Hey! KEEP IT DOWN IN HERE! I was trying to post to another threa but you weere making so much noise I couldn't type straight! BE CONSIDERATE OF YOU FELLOW POSTERS!



Please have your catgirls spayed or neutered.

Thank you.



*comes jogging into the thread with a box of something marked "noisemakers"*

Oops, sorries, Mantid! Mew was just testing something and--- =O_O=

*notices that a small, round object fell out of the box and rolled towards Mantid*

Mewk! >_<

*dives for cover*





*powerful scent of peppemint is in the air, centered around Mantid*

Ooops. =0_o=

*trots off again*

Dungeoncleaners! (ID#125715): Slay the Adventurers! Rescue the Monsters! Return the Treasure!
Peppermint Cat-- Lv50 Mewtant Ice/Eng Bls



Looks right ...

Looks left ...

Tosses a giant catnip soaked yarn ball into the thread and runs ...



My money's on Miss_Kitty, just because my name's on The List! Rally up against The List! Go Kitty!



Ah, the plan to pit the kitties against each other is progressing according to plan. Soon the time will be right for the Bunny Dreadnaught Army to strike!



Great! Thanks a lot!

Guess I'll have to take matters into my own hands...

*Storms off to find his flea and tick supergroup members*



*trots back into thread*

Okies, mew needs an edge for this fight!

*whips out Confiscated Beanbag Gun*

Hah! Prepare to be disoriented beyond belief!

*p-toom! p-toom! p-toom!*

.... Mew? Hey, this isn't a Beanbag gun! It's a jellybean gun! >_<

*roots through box*

Ah-ha! Mew has some goopy stuff! Mew got it from a Dark Defender. It's Instant Tar Patch! Just open and poof, instant Patch!

*runs across thread with jar*

*trips over catnip-yarn ball*

*dumps Tar Patch all over Sayer*

Mewk! Sorries, Sayer... um... is that lit bomb in your bunny hands a real bomb? =O_O=

*quickly leaves thread*

Dungeoncleaners! (ID#125715): Slay the Adventurers! Rescue the Monsters! Return the Treasure!
Peppermint Cat-- Lv50 Mewtant Ice/Eng Bls



*Look's at Sayer's and Mantid's post*
......I need a Henshin supergroup........