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  1. Let's see, I made 'eh around ten million or so.

    Got a new project from 14-16.

    Was I doing it wrong or just lacking interest once APB was re-installed?

    Sadly enough, Double XP seems bland when your server is almost full up on 50's or knowing that your inventory is getting filled up with Temps, but at least going from 208-ish infamy per boss to 226-ish with my pet was a decent gain.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Antigonus View Post
    If you are relatively new to the game and PvP, please do not make a Stalker until you fully understand PvP. I don't say this to be insulting or critical, but there are just sooooooooo many bad Stalkers in the game that it makes me cringe every time I see somebody with a new forum registration date asking about Stalker builds.

    99% of Stalkers in the game right now are just frustrated Blasters. If you are going to make a Stalker, please please please understand your role and your powers and don't just spam ranged attacks from hide because that will only get you laughed at.
    I would have to disagree. I for one never touched a stalker when I first started 'stalking' in pvp. Yes, I am certainly not the greatest stalker in pvp, but I didn't get yelled at in the leagues either, which I'm still not sure if that is a bad thing or not knowing the crowd.

    Honestly any form or combo of stalker can team pvp as you rely on your basic AS, Range, and placate. The only thing I would worry about is the activation times of energy melee, but once again it is how and when you choose to use certain attacks. However, in regards to 'skill', practice makes perfect, how can one learn anything if they don't try it.

    Besides, the world needs one less Psi blaster and more frickin' sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their frickin' head..
  3. Crusherina


    Now I have not personally noticed a decline in rare/uncommon recipe drops, as I have bad luck anyway, but I did receive two purple drops in the last two weeks (worthless but still purple).

    The only problem I have is with the Windfall Temp power, after a mission run I am crammed with either rocket packs/hand grenades or if the game shows a little mercy some random uncommon recipe that sells for more at a vendor than the market.

    Honestly, and I have said this often to others, there should be a 50% increase of everything minus the temp powers especially if I am paying for this boost. Of course who doesn't like the 50% increased chance of getting a rocket pack when your character has fly?
  4. The only name similar to that is of Candy Cane Junky with the global @Trial UWFALX.
  5. LolLateResponse

    Rex, if you need someone to take the time to explain and go through with you the ground basics that would help with leading a Raid feel free to hit me up.

    My global: @Sepultura

    And once again, I will run on a Sunday if, and only if, I am reminded or it seems wanted by the populace.
  6. If you are mainly looking for a supergroup base with all the transports and everything else, I can get you into the United Villains Brigade, however I cannot promise on 'active' membership other than myself and a few others.

    I actually play red side myself when on my lowbie stalkers.

    If you need anything, let me know. Global: @Sepultura
  7. If someone reminds me and I am not into something I would be willing to run a few Raids. If someone reminds me...
  8. As with all events I run, I post my global handle if anyone has questions.

    I'm not making excuses, I'm giving reasons of why I have decided to make things easier for myself and others as well to make it an ask and you shall be served situation. I have actually advertised in channels, but after a few weeks of getting 'few' bites, updating the boards or anything else of that matter was just in the pile of things to do in the upcoming ten years or so.

    But either way, no need for a further discussion, honestly.

    I stand by my previous statement of ask and you shall receive and thanks to those that did join in on previous accounts.
  9. In regards to all events I may run under my name and to not waste a new thread post:

    Due to inactivity/ real life obligations all listed events will be on an 'ask' basis. If anyone wants something ran in regards to help/teaching/leading/information/etc.
    • Rikti Mothership Raids
    • Ouro Badge Runs
    • Hamidon Raids
    • Task Force Commander (either in one day or divided/ 2+ needed Task forces)
    • Accolade Runs (Katie Hannon/Explorations/Defeats/Etc)
    Global: @Sepultura

    I will try to respond promptly within two days.

    Do what you wish in terms of the calendar, will not bother me in any way as I rarely use it myself.
  10. I have not added the Villain Trainee Arcs, assume they are just like on Hero Side, need to do them in order.
  11. It does not matter what server trials are ran on, skill levels will be different across the board, period.

    Main point, no, Trials do not have to have +3, +2, +Etc. It is up to the leader if they wish to enforce the rule of Shifts. Yes, shifts make everything easier (especially for the newer Trials with AV shifts), but it is more/less the people following directions and paying attention that should matter. Not blaming the two or three people who are unshifted or only +1.

    If you find a team/leader that only wants +3's and you do not have that and no one else is running the current trial you want, then form your own. After running a Trial a few times, it is quite easy to grasp what should be done.
  12. Crusherina

    Thanks Champ.

    I am just thrilled to see that even the unexperienced people of the game did not ruin those Trials for you. No really, ecstatic.

  13. *Name:
    United Heroes Brigade

    *Currently Recruiting:
    Yes. Any active person may apply, as long as they are active within.

    RP Level:
    Only privately

    PvP Level:
    First Level 50 Party



    Requirements for Membership:
    Supports the group.

    @Steel Brigade
    @Heys Its Pops
    @Crash Man

    *In-Game Contact(s):
    @Heys Its Pops

    *Out-of-Game Contact(s):


    Armored Saints
    The other United Branches

    Other Details:
    If it matters, one of the Top Few Supergroups.
    A few old members do come around time to time, current membership that is active is of a small number. Although lacking in the present time with a strong number of active members, there is of no doubt experience and the welcoming of help if needed.

    SG Base Picture:
    Imagine 'Tech-Land' with a pool.
  14. Crusherina

    Global Channels

    UHB Network' Private (Free Speech/No Drama)
    Mods: @Hey Its Pops @Sepultura @Machina @Crash Man @Steel Brigade

    Champion Trials Private (Trial related chatter)
    Mods: @Scybertaz

    Hammer Nation

    Exalted Nation
    Mods: @NV's
  15. Did you really think the Nuggets would be there? Did you Really?

    I told my team good games and to leave me the hell alone after the final match against FAP, since I knew we did not make the finals. If I had known Exile was going to drop out at the last second, I would had told them to stick around.

    Eitherway, good game, -insert butt pats here-, had a BLAST (get it? No? Okay then...).

  16. Once again, would like to say thanks for the good times!

    Had a great team that could accept Artic's false sense of humor.

    Hope to stalk you next time. (Although I may need to brush up on the 'your mother' jokes for Freem Arena Chat)
  17. Dec 11th, 2011

    Note that I may start a bit earlier, so stay tuned to the regular channles that I broadcast in.

    Level 16-19

    I Lost My Daddy!
    ▬ Rescuer Badge
    ▬ Clockwork Connection (Pet Temp - Leader Only)
    Vahzilok Wasting Disease
    ▬ Plague Stopper Badge
    Level 20-24

    Ring of Peebles
    ▬ Wedding Band (Shield Temp)
    Retrieve Stolen Weapons from the Freakshow
    ▬ Pwnz Badge
    ▬ Confiscated Beanbag (Weapon Temp)
    Stop the Mystic Madmen
    ▬ Spirit Warrior Badge
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Spatch View Post
    Fire me an invite too, if you could. @Spatch
    Don't you just love late responses?

    I'll get right on that.
  19. Since Champion seems to be lacking in the Hamidon Raid field (lack of support, people, ect.) I think I will start running Hamidon Seed Raids on Friday nights, maybe perhaps around 9/10 pm eastern or somewhere within there (maybe every other night if that seems to do better).

    And, since this particular Hamidon does not need a big turn out or much organization (kill seeds until you reach the blob), I think a better turn out would be seen.

    If you have any questions or unsure of what to do, feel free to send me a tell @Sepultura

    There are badges and a specific reward bonus once you complete the Hamidon Seed:

    Germinator Terminator

    The Praetorian Hamidon should know by now that sending one colonizing Seed isn't enough to retake First Ward. You dread the day it does... You have taken down the Seed of Hamidon to earn this badge.

    Full Spectrum

    The Seedlings come in all sorts of pretty colors and make a satisfying 'pop' when squished. If they weren't murderous devastating corrupting beasts intent on your annihilation, you might consider one as a pet. You have defeated one of each variety of Seedling spawned by the Seed of Hamidon to earn this badge. (May get this without having to do the event)

    Devourer +15% XP/INF Gain

    By helping to defeat the Seed of Hamidon, you have proven yourself a Devourer of fearsome monstrosities. As you defeat more creatures, you will earn an additional 15% XP and INF for 30 minutes.

    - I will be taking note of the attendance count, if it seems to be still 'worthwhile' after this month, I will continue to do them.
  20. The new 'Trainee" Arcs have been posted.

    They are at the bottom as to be grouped up.

    Badges are not given to the whole party, Leader Only.

    Some Arcs need to be done before you may do the 'Badge' arc, although it may be listed regardless of if it is actually unlocked or not.
  21. I will be sending you an invite to Darkguard.

    Fair warning, it is a free speech channel, anything goes, language and themes are uncensored.

    If you need anything or have any questions, let me now.

  22. Stupid Artic (Arctic fix'd) bomb in 3..2..
  23. I will be sending out tells to everyone on the current roster if we did in fact make it.

    Love you guys.
