Crooked Halo

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  1. Sad times I cannot understand why NCSoft has done this. With all the MMO's out there City of Heroes was a unique niche market. Most mmos are the same: eleves, trolls, orcs, etc... City of Heroes offered a different kind of MMO. The community made it even better. It just sickens me that even though the game was still making a profit it wasn't considered enough so it was shelved.

    I haven't been able to log in for a couple of weeks as I have been too upset. As for NCSoft. I will be boycotting them for quite awhile. Not feeling too confident in a company that is willing to shut down a popular one of a kind game.

    I will miss the community and wish everyone a great future.

  2. Best 2 years spent playing a MMO. Will miss you all. Cannot believe this has happened. A sad day indeed!
  3. sigh
    best of luck
    you are awesome
  4. Crooked Halo

    To all of you...

    Hugs back to you.

    Cannot believe that NCSoft if scrubbing this game. Very sad day indeed. To you and all the other Devs. I wish you all the best in your future. You are a talented bunch.
  5. I really enjoyed the Mako Events. I went to 3 of them. Victory, Pinnacle and lastly Freedom. Victory and Pinnacle went off without any problems that I noticed. Freedom was a bit confusing to say the least. I am thinking due to the overwhelming alts that were running. I counted 7 Talos Islands at one time. Whew!

    My only complaint would be when the pocket D thing came up. My pocket d seemed to go smoothly. Hit Streak did a great job announcing that he was there. Turned off people's powers and proceeded to say he was going to hand out random codes. My husband's pocket d on the other hand had no one show up. I believe he was in Pocket D 6. There was no one announcing anything or giving any indication that they were there. This caused a lot of negative talk in Pocket D that they were missed.

    Even if only 2 codes were given out; I believe some type of announcement in that zone should be given. That way all the people that are in that zone will think that they were included in the giveaways. I understand that it is overwhelming. Maybe just a bit of cohesiveness in announcing in each zone would be something that could be done in the future. That would eliminate all the negative chatter and make for happy subscribers.

    Anyways, I did enjoy the event. Did wish Mako showed himself though instead of hiding behind his minions! haha. Keep the events coming!
  6. Sad news! I know this is a late condolances. So sorry to hear this. Askari was fun to team with and undoubtedly be missed.
  7. Okay I have access to the Beta Server. Sweet. It is updated regularly. Thought I would be able to check out the new Staff power. It is not in the power selections. Any reason why? I am vip.
  8. I say Emperor Cole still has his minions gathering intel on us! He needs to find out our weakness so that his next attack he can win! LOL
  9. This sounds great! I am back after 6 months and like the sound of this so that I can catch up and learn all that is new! See you online!
  10. Psychic Mist
    Psychic Blade
    Psi Shield
    Psychic Bolt

    Good luck! Always fun to create and come up with a name!
  11. I know what you are talking about! And, it is getting worse! Mainly the problem exsists on the Freedom server. It will be fine if the server is in the yellow but gets worse as it goes into the red! I will get the map server repeatedly and then eventually have to restart the game. Then when I try to go back to the server i cannot get a connection. If I try another server that isn't in the red then I am fine. Must be too much congestion!
  12. Hi there! Was playing Going Rogue and each time a Halloween special would appear (zombies, banners) my system would get a map server error and eventually log me out!

    Frustrating as I would be on my way to a mish and then wham map server. Then when logging back in the lag is very bad! Lots of rubberbanding to get to the mish.

    Is there possibly a compatibility issue with Going Rogue and the Halloween stuff?

    I did play a toon on the regular coh and everything was great! No lag or anything! And, this was on Freedom when server was in the red? Go figure?