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  1. Constant_Motion

    Kheldian changes

    [ QUOTE ]
    That i'm at a loss for also, as i'm unfamiliar with ws powers, i didnt mean to leave you guys out though. Basically they're going to have their hands full trying to balance the hp reduction between ws and pb. Our tanking abilities in dwarf form are going to seriously be affected by this . It was only meant as a possible suggestion since i use a pb, but sorry if i offended.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    None taken, and I too am concerned what this will mean for tanking ability in dwarf form. I don't know what they can do for warshades either as our heal power is so different from yours. Maybe an innate dull pain effect to both dwarf forms that lasts as long as you are in dwarf form? I don't know :/
  2. Constant_Motion

    Kheldian changes

    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm all for the changes to balance this challenging and fun AT, but as someone who does a lot of tanking, i wonder why they would reduce our hps to the level or below of a defender or controller/blaster? Without the hps our tanking ability will be worse. To offset that i suggest they increase (for peacebringers) essence boost hp a bit and give the duration a boost also.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And what would they do for warshades who are going to have the same problem?
  3. Constant_Motion

    Kheldian changes

    The "etc." portion included giving us blaster hp's to counter the removal of the resistance penalty.
  4. Just as a quick note: my fire/energy blaster has more than a couple of blasts slotted for damage only since she has aim and buildup.
  5. Ah, I see. And I agree that a Kheld can not do the job of a tank or a blaster as well as an AT of that type can. If they could that, they would be the end of each of those AT's.

    The Khelds I suppose are supposed to be as others have called the swiss army knife AT. Not knowing what the situation will be like before you get there the Kheld is the most capable of adapting to the situation at hand. Maybe not as good as a tank/blaster but probably good enough to see you though some rough spots. And that doesn't mean if you think you will need a blaster or tank you should stop looking for one just because you pick up a kheld.

    Again, I am not 100% satisfied with some aspects of khelds, but still find them fun enough for me to keep playing and trying to figure out. I hope some things get further attention.
  6. I think you missed a key word in there, being combination.

    I think the reason you see people loose one form or another in later levels is that after about 38 the human form with the right slotting can tank and/or blast pretty well without relying on the forms. I'm not saying this is the only way to go but it is possible.

    I'm also not suggesting that there are no problems with the epic at's. Just saying human only can certainly be viable alternatives.
  7. I've seen defenders herd. Especially wolves and monkeys (prior to issue 3). Particularly radiation defenders.
  8. So, you could say, "(A Kheldian) is like a box of chocolates: you never know what you are going to get."
  9. I sure wish my warshade could phase shift instantly
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    This poster says your numbers for stamina recovery is incorrect.

    See post by Mr Burke

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Any comment on this? Is Mr_Burke wrong?
  11. Who are you trying to help? Sings already fly, are you trying to help them fly faster?
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    This poster says your numbers for stamina recovery is incorrect.

    See post by Mr Burke

    [/ QUOTE ]
  13. Yes I was refering to the post made by mrburke, since he was the one claiming that the numbers in the links I posted (in the not so nice url versions) were not correct.

    As to the nicer version of the url if I knew how to do that I would. Care to show me how, instead of just telling me not to do it the only way I know how?
  14. This poster says your numbers for stamina recovery is incorrect.

    Nicer version of url
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    IMO they will only charge $15 per month for both games. If for some reason they charge $15 for CoH and CoV I wouldn't play either one.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I could swear that they already said that you will not have to pay another $15 per month if you have CoH and buy CoV and want to play both. Or did they go back on this?
  16. I don't see why it's taking them so long on it, but I guess we have to move on. Plus I get another respec at 34 so here's what I'm looking at for now:

    lvl 1 lunge, 3 slots
    lvl 1 dark embrace, 6 slots
    lvl 2 death shroud, 6 slots
    lvl 4 spine burst, 5 slots
    lvl 6 build up, 3 slots
    lvl 8 hasten, 6 slots
    lvl 10 impale, 4 slots
    lvl 12 obsidian shield 6 slots
    lvl 14 superspeed, 1 slot
    lvl 16 dark regeneration, 5 slots
    lvl 18 quills, 6 slots
    lvl 20 hurdle, 1 slot
    lvl 22 swift, 1 slot
    lvl 24 stamina, 6 slots
    lvl 26 cloak of darkness, 3 slots
    lvl 28 boxing, 1 slot
    lvl 30 tough, 6 slots
    lvl 32 throw spines, 6 slots
    lvl 35 oppressive gloom, 2 slots
    lvl 38 ripper, 6 slots
    lvl 41 weave, 3 slots
    lvl 44 combat jump, 1 slot
    lvl 47 superjump, 2 slots
    lvl 49 acrobatics, 2 slots

    I noticed ripper is often left out of an AoE build, but I like that move Should give me some bite when fighting bosses
  17. I understand the reasoning behind slotting tough instead of dark embrace, since at this time de and obs shld are not stackable. But I have faith that they will be someday. When that day comes my question is this: which offers better protection de or tough? My own thought is that de will be better. yes or no?
  18. How is it slotted? I have a friend with an electric/energy blaster who drains alot of endurance, and is actually quite an effective blaster.
  19. Another excellent guide!

    I just wanted to mention a couple of things:

    1) You did in fact mention that sings are targetable now. And now you can buff them, but another nifty little benifit from this was shown to me by Sidney Brewster (an accomplished grav/kinetic controller)- you can now teleport your sings! That's right if you or someone in your group has tp friend they can teleport your sings when it's time to use the elevator! How cool is that?!

    2) Another thing that I have been asked about regarding the concealment line to lure your sings into position- yes you can use phase shift to do this. You can use phase shift with stealth/invisibility on so the mobs don't notice you at all until the sings attack or you can use it without stealth/invisibility on so the mobs agro you as soon as you get in agro range then the pets arrive. I've done both at different times.
  20. Instead of "fixing" AoE's like you "fixed" fulcrum shift, why don't you just make it so mobs don't stack? That way area has more to do with the effect than stacking mobs.
  21. Yes I noticed the same bug a couple of weekends ago, please fix it dev's! I'm on Virtue so I don't think it matters what server you are on.
  22. Better hope they don't "fix" it like they "fixed" fulcrum shift