Comrade Hero

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
    Of course not... it's clearly that machine gun preacher guy.
    Hah! Nice one.
  2. I don't own an iPod, iPhone, or iPad. But the very first computer I ever used back when I was a wee lad was the venerable Apple IIe.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SenseiBlur View Post
    That art by Mark Williams is just...

    Mind. Blown.
    A pleasure to work with. Mark was great. Professional, accommodating, and kept me informed regularly on the pieces he was working on. Definitely recommended.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
    Actually fixed point in time can change...

    They can be tweaked so that the perception is unchanged, but it is still changed. For example the Doctor must die at x point. To the universal perception he does die... it's just been tweaked so that the he that is him isn't the him that we think it is.

    We saw this at Pompei as well. The city had to be destroyed in the volcano, but just because the city did doesn't mean all the people did.

    They can also be altered so that they never existed by way of changing all those wibbly wobbly points. For example at any given point in history the earth could be destroyed and because this is true it is also true that at any given point the fixed point that happens in 2011 on Earth can't happen thus it is no longer a fixed point.
    I have a wibbly wobbly headache the more I think about all this. Come back Reapers and repair all the damage the Doctor has done... is doing... will do...
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
    When has "knowing" something ever stopped someone from trying the impossible? Even a Dalek, if presented the opportunity, would IMO still attempt to kill the Doctor. Or if not the Doctor, then those the Doctor cares about.

    And given the size of all time and space, there's any number of things that could be the Doctor. Clones, alternate universe versions, etc. All of which could be killed with impunity. So, while the main Doctor could die in 2011, there could other things that resemble the Doctor that they could kill.
    This was brought up in The Waters of Mars. Even the Daleks won't willingly kill a person if said death is at a fixed point in history.

    Mars Base Commander Adelaide Brooke recounts how a Dalek didn't kill her when she was ten years old. This took place during The Stolen Earth. Despite having the opportunity to exterminate Adelaide Brooke, the Dalek doesn't and simply flies away. The Doctor explains about fixed points in history, with Base Commander Brooke's future death on Mars being one of them.

    Of course the Doctor tries to get around this, believing he has every right to do so, proclaiming himself the "Time Lord Victorious". Angered and disturbed by the Doctor's arrogance, Adelaide Brooke kills herself, undoing the changes the Doctor made to the timeline.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    @Anderson; Gerard Butler, is that you?

    Seriously though-

    Someone fetch me a new jaw! Stat! O_O
    Yes, yes it is. But any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

    And I feel very sorry for your jaw.
  7. Character Set One by Mark Williams.

    Left to right: Comrade Hero, Four Five Two, Operations and Anderson.

  8. This sounds like an excellent idea. My timezone is out of sync with the US (being ahead nearly a day here in New Zealand), so Comrade Hero can hang out in Atlas in what are offpeak times.
  9. Very, very nice and congratulations on your first commission!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    One favor,

    Let's not allow this conversation to solely revolve around possibly consolidating AT forums.

    We would like to see other suggestions for simplifying the current forum structure.
    Hi Z - non-AT Forum related post.

    With regards to the Screenshots & Fan creations Forum:

    5. Non-Constructive posts are prohibited.

    Below is a non-exhaustive list of examples of non-constructive posts.
    • ‘Thread necromancy,’ or ‘necro-posting’ is responding to a thread that has not been active (has had no posts) in at least 30 days. ‘Necro-posting’ is a form of thread ‘bumping’ and as such is prohibited. If you wish to discuss a considerably older topic, create a new post and link to the older discussion.
    If you take a gander through the Screenshots and Fan creations Forum you'll come across threads that are x number of pages long, and represent both creative content, some going back many, many months. Some of these threads are updated less frequently than every 30 days, especially those with art pieces. I hope that updating these threads with new content beyond the 30 days period isn't considered a form of necro-anything. Starting a new thread would defeat the purpose of maintaining a single maintained thread that showcases creative content that has been built up over a long period of time.

    15. Player Generated Content

    We do not host screenshots, signature images, or other images on this message board. Users are permitted to link to hosted images, as long as they are of an appropriate and non-offensive nature and do not otherwise infringe the intellectual property rights of any party, and fall within forum guidelines.
    Minor query. When linking images in the Screenshots and Fan creation section, is there any particular dimensions you would prefer users to keep within? I'm thinking of artwork links rather than signature or avatar images.
  11. A Happy Glorious Birthday to You!
  12. Comrade Hero

    DCnU [Spoilers!]

    I saw this on PencilJack and it brought a smile to my face when I think of the new Batgirl... well the old one brought back.

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by HYBRID_Z View Post
    Great stuff as always. Thaony Silas and Elton Dias delivered some amazing artwork. I especially like the action shot of Comrade Hero. Mark Williams has done 3 outstanding pieces for you and I love the textures in his work.

    I haven't checked Deviant Art in a while how is your Comrade Hero Project coming along?
    Three words - slowly, but surely.

    I'm still in the process of script rewrites and have learned a valuable lesson that providing the artist reference material upfront cuts down considerably on the amount of time spent on research if you hand over a script along. Of course that increases the amount of time I spend searching for reference material (images, diagrams, documents etc.)

    On the plus side I recently got involved with a new initiative in my town, Enterprise Taupo. The goal is to bring entrepreneurs and businesses together, so that ideas can be taken from concept to fruition, with businesses providing assistance, advice, knowledge, expertise and contacts to entrepreneurs. Very early stages yet, but already thanks to Enterprise Taupo I will be spending time with an Intellectual Property lawyer soon.

    As the Pantene hair advertisements are wont to say - 'it won't happen overnight, but it will happen.'
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
    That's another point.

    Dead Snow and Outpost, those zombies are flat out near unkillable...they're less Zombies and more 'vengeful spirits which cannot be stopped'. I swear in both those movies it shows them taking bullet after bullet, even directly to the head and they keep on walking.

    Heck, even an explosion failed to kill the 'zombies' in Dead Snow IIRC.

    Now modern actual Zombies, you've got a lot to choose from, the Infected of L4D or Dead Island or from Zombie mode of the Call of Duty series for a slightly closer to actual zombified Nazis rather than the vengeful spirits of Outpost or Dead Snow. The rage virus infected of 28 Days/Weeks later.

    There's just so many variations on both Zombies and Vampires, which do you choose to pit against which?
    I can't believe I forgot 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later, that could do just as nicely.

    The zombies in Outpost were created by pseudo-science while those in Død Snø (Dead Snow) were animated by mystical mumbo-jumbo. Pretty nasty pieces of work in both films that had no problem using melee weapons and firearms, and employing tactics and strategy. Not particularly brain-dead at all, but viscous and vengeful.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Revanchist View Post
    I also find it interesting that they went with what the called the "modern", 30 Days of Night type of vampire but used the original Romero style zombie.
    I found that kind of interesting as well. At least it wasn't the Sparkly Angst Brigade Vampires vs. the Romero style Zombies.

    Although if you use 30 Days of Night Vampires why not have them face off against the 'modern' zombies from Outpost and Død Snø (Dead Snow) for something different.

    Avoided the majority of screenshots from Outpost or Død Snø to minimize any offense caused by the uniforms that prominently display logos and insignia associated with the Third Reich.

  16. Character turnaround pieces. Pencils by Thony Silas. Inks by Elton Dias.

  17. Concept character pieces by Mark Williams. Top to bottom: Anderson, Four Five Two, and Comrade Hero. Operations to follow.

  18. Thanks to VIP login issues with the CoX Forums I haven't been able to login for a while. Finally able to do so.

    Comrade Hero by Daniel Lesiter, colors by Nei Ruffino. A long time coming, but well worth the wait.

  19. A Happy Glorious Birthday to You!
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Giant2005 View Post
    You should take a look at the New Zealand Wars. The smaller force was disadvantaged technologically and yet consistently won the battles without casualty.
    Maori did suffer casualties, but nowhere near the levels that British Colonial and Regular forces anticipated. Maori refused to engage the British in open combat wherever possible, adopting raiding and ambushing tactics, and relying on defensive fortified Pa to draw the British into pre-arranged killing fields. The British would typically shell a Pa with artillery and then send in their forces, assuming that the bombardment would have killed or wounded the majority of defenders inside the Pa.

    Much to their chagrin, not only did the shelling prove ineffective (Maori entrenched themselves in bunkers underground) but as soon as the British troops entered the defensive network of the fortified Pa, they were subjected to co-ordinated musket, rifle, and shotgun fire from trenches and hidden positions. The defending Maori would slip away at a pre-determined time (where possible) and fight another day.

    One of the major weaknesses was that Maori fought warfare on a seasonal basis. Warriors went to war for x number of months, and then were required to harvest crops, and prepare for the next season.

    The other was that a poorly prepared Pa without proper escape routes could become a death-trap for the defenders rather than the attackers.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Garielle View Post
    As a follow-up to this story. Seem's the kid's trip is already over. The Libyans did him a favor and banished him.
    I keep thinking of a quote from the Kurt Russell masterpiece 'Solider.' Truncated to fit the circumstances:

    What good is this man? All he can do is walk point, and take the first hit!"
  22. Sooner or later a bored college student would have to try this.

    Bored UCLA Student Joins Libyan Rebels was reported on

    Revolutionary Adventure Scenarios. Middle East Excursions.

    Sun, sand, and hours of death-defying malarkey in a regional conflict of your choice for the extreme tourist. Complimentary Kalashnikov Assault Rifle, ammunition, and basic gun instruction and care provided with each R.A.S package sold.

    Disclaimer: by accepting death-defying malarkey you waiver any and all liability on the part of R.A.S for any failure on your part to defy-death. R.A.S will disavow any knowledge of your actions should be captured or otherwise detained against your will. You also understand and acknowledge that you may also be subject to extraordinary rendition, enhanced interrogation techniques, and trial at the International War Crimes Tribunal.

  23. In the recent Deadpool #37, Wade Wilson gets the brilliant idea after talking with Wolverine about having the Hulk kill him so he can finally hook up with Death. Two nuclear devices get detonated on US soil because of Deadpool's latest madcap scheme.

    The first nuclear device is attached to a pickup truck that Bruce Banner is driving when Deadpool detonates it. Banner survives the nuclear explosion and turns into a rather annoyed Hulk. At the end of #37 Hulk has a second nuclear device exploded in his face. That does nothing but annoy him further, although he still refuses to play let's kill Deadpool.

    And finally in #39, Hulk has had enough and punches Deadpool's head into a pile of goo. Of course, Deadpool survives...

    Both nuclear devices were detonated within a few feet of Banner (first time) and the Hulk (the second time). And this wasn't the Worldbreaker, but standard enraged Hulk.
  24. Comrade Hero

    The Sword draft!

    Western Historical Sword
    Eastern Historical Sword
    Anime + Games Fictional Sword
    Novels + D&D + Western Fictional Sword

    I'm slightly confused by Western Historical Sword and Eastern Historical Sword. Are you using swords that have (potentially) fictional attributes attached to them, or fictional swords that have been popularized in West or East outside of games, literature, film and television etc.

    I was thinking for example that:

    Western Historical:
    British 1796 Pattern Heavy Cavalry Sabre
    Roman Gladius

    Eastern Historical:
    Ottoman Kilij Sabre
    Chinese Jian Double Edge Straight Sword