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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bright View Post
    IIRC, the dimension itself already existed as yet another "alternate Earth"... The Midnighters just used that reality to trap Rularuu, they didn't create a whole new one for that purpose. (Something they did it without any particular consideration to what would happen TO that universe, it should be noted. It sounds like it never occurred to them that that dimension would have people of its own, or that tossing an angry, fractured god in there might just turn out to be a Very Bad Thing for them.)

    Primal Midnighters: "Yay! We saved the world!"

    Shard Humans: "Heh. Yeah... By shirking these monsters off on us. Thanks a lot guys. We're going to have Such Fun with all these floating eyeballs. <_<"

    Primal Midnighters: " ... Crap."
    I thought it was something like a bubble dimension created from primal earth to trick rularuu into thinking it was the dimension he came to destroy. It might have been a post by staatesman back in the day I am remembering because I cont find any info on the shadow shards origins that are that definitive.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
    This makes me think that the Battalion is simply the Rikti Dimension counterpart to the Nemesis Army. The difference is, the Warrior Caste Rikti not only defeated "their" Lord Nemesis, but also managed to kill him (it sounds like) ... meaning that the Battalion has not been a problem since (unlike the situation on Primal Earth).
    The bataliion were originally envisioned as a enemy group that would require temp powers to fight, as per an old issue of PC gamer.
  3. That badge doesnt make sense.... Lorewise isnt the shadowshard a pocket dimension created in the 60's when rularuu invaded primal earth as a way to contain rularuu?
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ModernMyth View Post
    ED opened the path to the Invention System, IOs, and eventually the Incarnate System. It brought some semblance of balance where previously there was none. It wasn't a change we wanted, but it was a change we needed. I don't know if the Cities would have survived this long without it.
    I never said I didnt agree with ED, only that it originated with a player. In fact the only thing I didnt like about ED is that it made my defenders already anemic damage worse, But the devs finally addressed that with the changes to vigilance.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
    Really? Really? People are still saying this? Oh. My. God. The teleporter sent me back in time.
    Laser Jesus came up with the idea initially. Seriously. Though his original idea also coupled it with increasing the secondary effects of powers so other stuff was worth slotting for.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    Player-suggested (and sometimes created) things that were implemented into the game:

    Epic ATs
    Dual Blades
    Street Fighting (coming soon)
    Ouroboros (the ability to do stuff you've missed)
    Player-created missions (AE)
    Empyrean Michael
    Astral Christy
    A Wider Expansion of Lore Pets
    Weapon Customization
    Power Color Customization
    Alternate Animations

    Note: This list is not all-inclusive. These are just a few.

    Great, the one guy who actually got this post was dissuaded. Good job forums.

    You forgot Enhancement diversification
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cosmic_Herald View Post
    It is their game and we only subscribe.
    Their game is nothing without players. A major change to the games looks should be presented to the playerbase ahead of time. A short week long vote would save alot of time in the long run over having to scrap a whole redesign.
  8. CommunistPenguin

    Rocket Boards?

    Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
    Seeing as how there was pages and pages praising BaBs when he said he found the spare time to get it done?

    I'd say plenty.
    Praise /= actual use. Its easy to say "thanks! his is the best ever" only to have the player never actually use the power.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    You know, I had in game ads turned on, and never saw one.

    I even went to one where a SG friend was looking at one, and I didn't see it at all.
    IIRC, wasnt it region encoded? So if you were in the UK you wouldnt see them no matter what? Something like that.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
    My tank is off to see Detective Westbrush, so I'm cruisin' Skyway City and what do I see on my way there:

    As Seen On TV! Truly epic win.

    ... Would it be so wrong to ask for /em clanket?
    The devs should sell a clanket as a real world item. Have a version for the major groups. Im sure people would buy them.
  11. CommunistPenguin

    Rocket Boards?

    Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
    I think there is room for BOTH simply aesthetics powers and REAL travel powers. I also think MANY folks would not mind the aesthetics powers.

    See how many people clamored for and were happen when WALK finally came into existence.
    How many people outside of RP centered areas USE walk?
  12. CommunistPenguin

    Rocket Boards?

    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    A travel power that's fully functional released once a year is better than a hamstrung aesthetic power released once a month, IMO.

    Travel powers that grey out other abilities are useless and a waste of time to make.
  13. CommunistPenguin

    Rocket Boards?

    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Why? People don't take fly for combat, they take it so they can avoid combat while they travel between missions.
    Because I wanted it for a few specific inventor characters. People may not use flight for combat, but we do use hover.
  14. A quick and dirty fix would be to just add it to the tram locations
  15. CommunistPenguin

    Rocket Boards?

    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    It's a purchasable premium power, as I understand it. And it would be awesome, if you could use powers while riding it. However, sources say it grays out all your powers like the Walk toggle does.
    Wow that sucks... Probably wont get it now =(
  16. Id rather have CoH's Mitten hands rather than that other games sausage fingers.
  17. CommunistPenguin

    Laser rifle set

    So Im sure its a bit pre-mature to ask this.... But with the upcoming Laser Rifle set, It would be really nice to have a option of either a Rifle or a Pistol. Preferably for each power. Personally I would live with redraw time to do this.
  18. I would be happy with a bald option for hats as well, Especially the tin crown hat.
  19. CommunistPenguin

    Hazard Pool

    I think about this every time I play my energy blaster. I took the entire leadership pool, save the last power, because I am more likely to die before my teammates.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
    But assumedly at some point it was, before it got swallowed up by an expanding New York. The name simply stuck from there.
    Center City Philadelphia, Old City Philadelphia
  21. CommunistPenguin

    Base Lovin

    So, awhile ago the devs changed the base rules and allowed us to overlap stuff, and made it so pathing was no longer an issue. I have one additional suggestion.... Let us place stuff in hallways.
  22. they should make a mm set that is a bunch of guys in goofy outfits like the mighty morphin power rangers kinda thing. You can even have the final power in the set make all the minions "combine" into some sort of mek that the player controls.

    :edit: beaten to the punch!
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_Apocalypse View Post
    IMO they should have never let prestige be purchased in the first place. If anything the ratio needs to be made more steep to discourage marketeers from buying their SG to the top. Right now its 500:1 need to make it 50,000:1 which would be 100,000,000 for 2000 at the SG recruiter

    Instead they will just hire lowbies to be in their sg and run in sg mode and get a much better return on their money than they currently have.
  24. CommunistPenguin

    Defenders Damage

    Originally Posted by Syntax42 View Post
    Defenders do debuff better, last time I checked. Sonic attacks debuff 20% for Defenders and only 15% for Corrupters. The difference adds up fast when you start stacking those debuffs. The Defender primary powers are the same way and work better on Defenders than any other AT. This includes buffing powers as well as debuffs.
    Buff or Debuff powers work better for defenders, but any power that is not a buff of debuff is fair game. Consider storm for example. Thunderous clap, Tornado's damage, Lightning storms damage, Gale, the slow from snowstorm, and the knockdown and slows from freezing rain all work equally if not better for controllers IIRC.

    IMO the whole "controllers are the king of controls "defenders are the king of buff/debuff" etc is stupid. They should have just stuck with Primary >secondary for any set and made power pools equal across all at's.

    Also, should we really be judging defenders power as acceptable based on a pet you have to grind for post 50? What about the first 50 levels and the time it takes to grind out that pet? You know, the bulk of the game?