371 -
Perhaps I missed it, but did you account for animation csting times? Transfusion, transference, siphon speed/power and fulcrum shift have decent animation times, combined with the fact that they need to eb reapplied slows down your overall attack chain. Also, what level spawns are we fighting? How often are we missing? A missed buff can have a huge impact on the damage chain.
...so was fury. (though there's still some debate over who got the better deal)
Vigilance however, was NOT an idea from the forums and proves the difference between a player suggested inherent and a "developer compensated" one.
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actually i believe vigilance was as well. At least I can remember suggesting something similar. Though i would have made the defenders own lifebar effect it as well... -
* * The upcoming rebuilding of Boomtown (previewed in CoV)
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wait, WHAT? where can i find out about this? -
Any backwater hole the company resides in (apparantly this one is in texas)
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This comment and another one further up the thread has pushed me to comment.
Austin is not a backwater hole, and it certainly isn't hicksville, as someone called it earlier. Sure, it's not a huge [censored] city like Boston, New York, or LA by any stretch, but it's a city of roughly 550-750K in population, and it's a damn fine place to reside. Unlike the rest of Texas, which is a pretty conservative place, Austin is a very laid back, liberal, and polygot place. It also has a HUGE number of tech firms here (Dell is here, for one thing), so it's not just farms and hayseeds.
Anyway, I just had to get that off my chest. Thank you for your time.
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*shifty eyes*
Aww c'mon, I was just teasin! Theres actually a lot of good stuff in texas, for one the guy who des PVP is from there. Its also one of the central areas for game companies i think. -
They should have one in central New Jersey.
Just saying.
But knowing my luck, the closest place they'd have one is in NYC. And NYC is a hellhole.
And you know how I feel about hellholes.
Currently listening to the Ramones' Loco Live
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I could see them having one in Philly. After all states was from this area at one point... -
I had a great time as well, meeting people, and rousing all the Virtueites and helping to persuade a few people to come to Virtue!
We even got together for an in-game screenshot (which will be posted by Shutterbug in the Virtue boards, since obviously none of us could save screenies ourselves), and then gathered for a RL pic of the same. Angel you missed out
Was a lot of fun, got some cool stuff, found out some INTERESTING QoL things that will be coming "Tsoooon" (to quote CuppaJo!) but I'm tired and I'm gonna go to bed. I'll post my report tomorrow
And CuppaJo, definitely rocks.
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NOOO post now please! do it for all those who dont live in hicksville, aka texas. -
Interesting sub-note: Clearly, from the rest of the paper, Virtue is the One True Server, as Tsetse and the rest from Evo were also in the article.
Yep. Evo, kicking tail, taking names, defining reality. Way to go, guys!
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iirc virtue is the original server, renamed virtue at theend of beta. I could be remembering it wrong though, been awhile. -
Why are controllers better using some powers that are from a defender powerset regardless of their actual effects? Ther DEFENDER primaries, NOT controller primaries. im not sure, but i dont think any other at runs intot his problem like we do. With blasters their main funcion is to do damage. So the sets we share with them do less damage than theirs. For tankers their main purpose is to take damage, so scrappers shared sets are weaker than the tanks versions. But with defenders, we dont ahve any one specific abiltiy. Sure you could say buff/debuff, but our powersets are so much mroe varied than that. Its not about the specific effects in the sets, but the sets as a whole. And the whole knockback thing is complete bull, especially when you think about a set like ff where kb is so heavy a feature. SUre its not a debuff in the technical sense, but it is very much a defender ability in that its a "soft" control power. Keep the mobs occupied and they do less damage. Thats debuff-like!
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points to his reg date.
*smirk* -
Well.....an April release date may actually be good news for the CoH fans...
Perhaps the "perceived lack" of content in I7 will be balanced by a kick-[censored] 2nd Anniversary event
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yeah the villians will hold a party that has a statesman pinata. the heros will be jealous they dont get a statesman pinata. -
I remember talk of a vertical zone in Beta... but I can't remember from which end it came from, (Devs or players - I think it was mentioned in the same breath as mayhem missions...).
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yes, but i suggested this waaaaay back before cov was even on the radar. I would say....august 2004? something like That. -
I just wanna know a few things personally, not to be overly vain but....
Grandville: I suggested maybe a year and a half ago(maybe the august or september after the game was released) that we should have a vertical zone that is kinda like a cross between steel canyon, skyway and gotham city. It seems were now getting this.... So did they listen to my suggestion(Gleeee!!!!!) or was this preplanned? I mean...a good year and a half before they release it...they wouldnt have had it planned yet surely....
Honestly i dont want any new zones in Coh yet. I want the existing zones to rock so much that it makes your eyes bleed. I want multilevel story archs similar to striga/croatoa/the hollows to explain such things as:
-how DA became DA, and things of that nature.
-How eden became eden and things of that nature
-connect the hive to edens story, as there connected im sure.
Plus just decent story lines for zones such as:
-kings row
-skyway city
-the sewers
hmmm... it may be time to updaye my wishlist.... -
The shard needs storyu archs.
And a GIANT(maybe 3x the size of the blimp in atals or bigger) skywhale monster
Skywhale! -
If you, your wife, your kids, everyone you know, your whole society is going to die anyway, how many people do you know that would just roll over and say <shrug> oh well, we gave it a good try? Their *entire* society was being wiped out. They had to do what they could to survive. Maybe they did a cost / benefit analysis and thought they could actually put one over on the demons and break the pact in some way. Who knows? The CoT still around today might be a bad issue that we are left to deal withÂ… but would there even be a Paragon City if the original fanatic Muvians had not been destroyed? Perhaps not. Certainly not one with non-Muvian magic origin Heroes.
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Actually had the orebegans kept their pact with the demons they would have been fine. Their pact changed as the war got worse, ultimately having the demons fight alongside them, in exchange the demons would get to slaughter every man, woman and child of mu, and i think keep their souls or somesuch. THe Orenbegans tried to pull a fast one at the last minute, sparing the beaten muvians, but ultimately daming themselvs, as they had to take their own lives becoming incorporeal spirits to keep teh demons from killing them.
I guess several thousand years reflecting how their generosity twoard their would be killers ended them up in the bowels of the earth as casper wanna-bes caused some ill will. Not to mention they were still chillen with demons, and thats never a good influence.
As a side note, I would like to see the portal missions where you go to peaceful orenbega to be updated graphically. Make it outdoors and clean, like it is supposed to be. -
if your not looking into the flight set, can you at least ell us why you think group fly is fine as is? Also is there any possibility of more flying mobs around the citys skies?
Well, while the movie still just plain old sucks, the fact remains it has nothing to do with Starship Troopers the book...did you know there even was a book? Of course, they rely on the fact that people that would enjoy that movie dont generally read books, so they are in the clear.
How can you take a ground breaking book for its time and reduce it to utterly brainless sci-fi crap? Call it something else like "Trooping Starshippers" or "The Twit Movie", but no they had to latch onto a known book cause the movie story was soooo bad.
Well, as long as people will buy that tripe, Hollywood will continue to churn it out.
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umm... I liked the movie, I thought it was entertaining, had a neat directorial style(the web news thing) and it had boobies
I also read a good bit. Granted ive never read starship troopers the book, and maybe if i did then i would hate the movie, but i can say, that while the plot wasnt spectacular, it also didnt have anything in particular wrong with it. So please, if your going to make a blanket statement be more specific. Maybe like "who ever saw the movie and liked it must not have read the book" as Opposed to "whoever liked it must not read" -
ya he did, i read it way back at the end of beta.
i had the robot mission repeat several weeks ago
Why can't I get a cape till lvl 20?
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A: because the dry cleaner lost your order
q: if im a level 12 scrapper playing with a lev 31 player, i should turn off sk without telling them to get teh uber xp right? -
A; no you can use the option of putting them in the time out corner
q: scrappers and tankers will appreciate my gale spamming and other massive knockback powers right? -
i asscociate "purpes" with purple mobs, ie ones a good bit over your level and a tough fight, especially if theres multiple ones