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  1. In the hopes of keeping this thread back in line of what I was originally asking, this is not a thread about which will be the "better" film (pointless, as that's a completely subjective thing anyway)

    This thread was asking, which of the 2 (3 if you want to include Spiderman) will be the more successful movie at the box office.

    On the one hand you have Batman, which has the track record of 2 VERY well received movies already, the second of which took an astonishing amount of money.

    On the other, you have a "sequel" of sorts to five popular movies with slightly mixed reviews, although generally favorable, but with an astonishing amount of fan-buzz around it atm.

    I just think it's an interesting thing to discuss, especially as we're the target audience for both.

    I honestly can't call it. I LOVE the Batman movies and can't wait for the third, but there's something about the Avengers movie that has me all giddy-fanboy! Personally, I think it's Joss Whedon that makes me look forward to this movie so much
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StarCrusader View Post
    Batman hahaha....I find Batman offensive and all the stories written about him since the dark knight to the present is rubbish with a few exceptions like when they killed Jason Todd.

    Anyone who support this Batman junk is illogical and offensive to a rational mind.

    BATMAN IS A RUNT, written by and for morons !!!
    Wow.......fastest ever.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NovaFactor View Post
    The whole debate is tiresome and futile .
    I think tiresome and futile is a little harsh, it's no worse than 90% of the bedates on these forums, to be fair

    I think both movies will do amazingly well, I just found it an interesting question. It all boils down to which will do better, the big action summer blockbuster, or the more cerebral movie, but both aimed at the same core audience.
  4. No, not the characters, that would be a stupid question (Batman, obviously )

    No, I mean the movies. Who will win the battle.

    There's an excellent article about it on ComicMix site here

    that I'll copy here for people who can't access it through work and the like

    This past week on my podcast (which you’re not listening to, but totally should), a debate sparked that was left largely unresolved. Since I have this digital soapbox, might as well use it to bring said debate to you.

    In a few weeks, the mega-multiplexes of America will be screening the culmination of years of work by the House funded by the Mouse. The Avengers will see the fruition of Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, Thor, and Captain America: The First Avenger in one massively multiplayer action adventure flick. About a month or so later, Warner Bros. unleashes the end to Christopher Nolan’s bat-child, The Dark Knight Rises. There’s no doubt in my mind that both of these movies will be amazingly profitable. But the debate is this: which will bank more bucks? Which will be a better movie? Let’s look at the tail of the tape.

    First up? Marvel’s Mightiest Heroes. Behind the scenes, we have the consummate king of the nerds… Joss Whedon as director. His writer team? Well… Whedon wrote with Zak Penn. Penn you’ll note wrote the successes such as The Incredible Hulk and X2, and the failures such as X-Men: The Last Stand and Electra. On the screen itself, the cast is of course a veritable galaxy of stars. Samuel L. Jackson, Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Scartlet Johansson, and Gwyneth Paltrow will all be in the film. Unlike any other franchise in history, The Avengers will coalesce four franchises into a single picture. From here? It’s all but a given that the there will be a sequel, as corresponding sub-sequels for all the individual characters. Can you hear that? It’s the sound of money growing on trees. Trees that became paper. Paper that became comic books.

    The Dark Knight Rises, as previously mentioned, is helmed by Christopher Nolan. Nolan’s career has been nothing short of a meteoric ascent to directorial gold. Nolan also helped pen this end to his triptych with his brother Jonathan, and David S. Goyer – who, as you will recall, helped pen Batman Begins and Blade 2. And Ghost Rider: Spirit of Bad Acting. But you can’t win them all, can you?

    Under the cape and cowl will once again be Christian Bale, joined by series stalwarts Michael Caine, and Morgan Freeman. The villain this go-around will be played by Tom Hardy. You’ll recognize Hardy as the mildly funny Brit in Inception. While not as big in scope as Marvel’s upcoming blockbuster, The Dark Knight Rises is the follow up to the single most profitable comic book inspired movie of all time. For those who don’t recall, The Dark Knight did so well in the movie theaters, comic retailers reported sales of The Watchmen had gone up in response (which is nothing short of amazing, if you ask any retailer these days). With TDKR, Nolan puts his series to an end. Speculation on the plot, and how things will resolve has most everyone around in a tizzy.

    The question then to ask: Which movie will make more money? Needless to say, both will bank boku bucks. For the sake of this argument, I’ll remove revenue from merchandise. Why? Because face it: Nolan’s Bat-Flicks haven’t spawned successful lines of toys; Marvel’s has. Specifically speaking on ticket sales? This is quite the toss up, is it not? On one hand you have the obvious ultimate popcorn movie in The Avengers. From the trailers we can safely assume there’s going to be wall to wall action, explosions, the Hulk, fighting, one liners, and boobs. Opposing that mentality, Nolan will nab those looking for a bit more substance. Whereas Marvel’s flicks were squarely targeting tweens and teens (with a side of general comic nerds and action geeks to boot…), DC’s Bat-Franchise has been nothing if adult in its complexity.

    Gun to my head… if you asked me to choose, I’d end up with the nod to the Avengers making more moolah at the end of the day. The Dark Knight had the death of Heath Ledger, on top of the oscar buzz for his performance, on top of previous audience gained from Batman Begins. But TDKR features a villain most people aren’t familiar with (Bane ain’t exactly a household name now, is he?), and a star whose potential is only just now being noticed. And if other comic book trilogies are to be looked at (Spider-Man, X-Men, and previous Bat-Incarnations), the end of an era does not always translate into positive earnings. With The Avengers, we simply have too many stars to not draw an amazing crowd. Fans of any of those feeder movies no doubt want to see a team up. It’s the whole reason books like The Avengers and Justice League always sell so well!

    Now, I would give The Dark Knight Rises the edge ultimately in terms of potential film quality. Not a knock on The Avengers mind you… I think from what we’ve seen, Whedon will deliver the goods. But The Avengers has more chance to pratfall than ascend to nerdvana. With so many stars on screen, there’s a real chance too much time will be spent assembling, mocking, and joking. And we can tell much of the movie will be dealing with a Loki-lead invasion fight scene. And just how much CGI action can we effectively sit through? Given the spectacle (and disappointment) of the last Matrix movie, suffice to say I’m fretful.

    With Batman, Nolan seems to have been methodically building a dramatic arc. Bruce Wayne by way of Batman Begins and The Dark Knight has been an evolving force of nature. But Nolan’s best job has been grounding that force in reality. He’s delivered where so many others have failed: comic book movies without heroic quips and a knowing wink to the camera. When that theme of the dissonant chords let us know the Joker was at work, it was truly chilling. To think that Nolan is ending this series, one must postulate he’s had an ending in mind since the start. On that knowledge, I give the edge over to DC. Simply put, I’m more excited for their flick because I genuinely do not know what will happen.

    In The Avengers? I’m almost certain we’ll have the following: Loki attacks. Avengers assemble by way of initial in-fighting. Disaster. True assembling. Fighting. Explosions. Boobs. Victory. Open ending for more sequels. Not that it’s a bad formula… but it’s just that: a formula.

    So, plenty of points to discuss. Flame me, Internet, for I have opinions. Will Bats take more money? Will Avengers be the Return of the King for Comic Book movies? Discuss!
    It's an interesting question and one that will be fascinating to see the winner of. I'm genuinely excated as all hellout for both movies, I really am, mostly for the reasons stated above, they are two very different beasts, but I think I have to agree that in terms of blockbuster ticket sales, I think Avengers might well have the edge on this one.

    The obvious answer as to who wins though? We do, the fans
  5. I know he doesn't have the red pants in the comics nowadays, but he still needs them! It helps break up all the blue!

    It just looks..........wrong!

    Still hopeful for the film though.
  6. Aren't we all missiing the comic book point here?

    They're both heroes, so would fight for a while before realising they were on the same team and then working together to defeat The Master and Doctor Doom who have teamed up to end the world

    I'd still put my money on Buffy in a fist fight though.
  7. Ye gods, there's a name not seen in a while!

    Heya Khorak
  8. Given that this weeks Young Justice was written by one of my favourite comic book and novel writers, Peter David, it's no surprise I loved it, but I was thrilled by the number of in-jokes in there as well!

    Amazed no one has mentioned the blue police box entrance to the YJ base yet!!
  9. So, it's that special time of the year, when we all get a little silly, including the big companies and websites.

    Thought it might be good if we listed the ones we see here for all to enjoy!

    Anyone seen any good ones yet?
  10. Man, I would KILL (zobies, obviously) to have a go at this!

    the actual site shows more about it here

    Be warned, NSFW images on there!

    But I don't think it's that bad a price! The one in the mansion is only £80 a person, I think that's about $100. For 3 or 4 hours of zombie mayhem, that's excellent, and not something that can be done any other way either.

    Great idea
  11. Ok, round 3 is up, down to just a few left now!

    Sad to see PVP and Ctrl=Alt-Del go out, but my two faves are still in there.

    Unfortunately, if they win.....they go up against each other!!
  12. Funny, I still think Donna was the best companion since Sarah Jane.

    Rose started ok but the whole love storyline drove me to distraction by the end.
    Martha was even worse, again a great character but the unrequited love thing was even worse.

    Donna actually challenged the Doctor, rather than just simpered over him, and loved just travelling with him, seeing the universe as a friend.

    Saying that, love Amy and Rory, especially the king of the badasses
  13. Round two has started, get your votes in!

    Pleased to see all my regular reads going through to the next round! Come on LICD!
  14. Oi you, which part of "not arguing with Arcanaville" did you not understand?

    No way am I taking on the CoH forums answer to Batman
  15. Pfft, no way am I arguing with Arcanaville, I'm nowhere near that kind of level!

    I agree with a lot of what's been said, tbf, just amuses me that people will nitpick stuff like this when a giant green man is smashing buildings.

    If we wanted to, there's no doubt a stack of things we could get in all the movies and TV series we love
  16. 128 comics, 64 battles in the first round. Who will you vote for and who will win it?

    I hope for Least I Could Do, still the most consistenly amusing webcomic for me, but XKCD takes the surreal cake as well
  17. Gotta love the logic of people happily accepting living Norse Gods, amazing technical armour beyond modern capabilities, a guy who was frozen in ice for 50 odd years and a man who turns in to a massive green guy when he's annoyed about something.....but that man with the bow and arrow? He's doing it wrong!!

    Love it
  18. Well......fancy posting them in the wrong forums! :P
  19. Really??

    Where else is it threaded? I did check in here beforehand!
  20. ....on the most recent episode!

    Yeah, I know, the focus of the show was one of the other big MMO's set in space released recently, but it was nice to even hear the words mentioned on air for City of Heroes. I know the show often has posters in the background, particularly in the comic book shop, but even so, just to hear it's name on one of the top rated shows on TV atm can only be good news for the show!

    I would LOVE to know which of the show's makers plays this game! There must be one of them play it, to get so much love! I can understand the other taking the focus, it's a more well known name to talk about for the general public, but the more mentions we get, the better

    Out of interest, I've seen the boxes for CoH on Chuck in the past, has it ever appeared on anything else?
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
    Talk to me when BBC America officially produces Doctor Who. The Beeb gets almost three-quarters of its funding from the license fee, nearly 80% when government grants are included.

    Thanks for the tip, sunshine, but actually, I try not to watch the episodes that look like crap - Victory of the Daleks slipped in, to my regret, since I watched it with less discerning friends - and I buy the ones on DVD that are good.
    Haven't you just proven my point then?? They still need to make 25% of their money somehow and merchandising is the main way, especially with a family and kid-oriented show like Doctor Who, they make a change in the show that may or not be for that reason and yet you keep on watching it?

    Makes no sense to me, but hey, each to their own.

    And thanks for the condescending tone, helps me decide what I was leaning towards as the thread went on
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
    You are aware that the BBC is a chartered public service broadcasting corporation, and that's not an aesthetic defense. It tends to get trotted out whenever there isn't one, though.
    Dude, please, the BBC hasn't been a public interest company for decades, at least in anything but name. It might be officially funded by the licence, but they are still out there make money, especially worldwide where they sure aren't funded by a licence! They want the money, ideally to make more TV shows but also to make a profit and to think otherwise is naive at best.

    This is why the likes of Top Gear get away with so much, they know the controversey is one of the things that makes people watch it and sell so well, especially abroad.

    If they weren't out to make a profit, all the DVD, books etc based on the channels shows would be sold at cost.

    And the same point still stands. Yes, they probably did change the Daleks for better toy sales, I dunno, I don't write it, but what I said earlier still applies. If you don't like the show, don't watch it, vote with your feet, it's the single thing that the BBC will take notice of.