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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pebblebrook View Post
    There's been a few news items with The Secret World. Funcom's CEO stepped down just before it went live, their shares took 40% drop after the launch, layoffs, and sales were only a bit over 200k copies which was below expectations which cost them $35mil impairment charge.

    They said they're still going to go as planned as far as content development is concerned but i'm sure all that will somehow have some sort of impact.
    It did, I was reading about layoffs significant enough that their 2nd issue was delayed. Shame, because it is a pretty game with a nice character build system. Real promise in it.
  2. As an aside, I've mentioned a couple of times in this thread my support the Cryptic-license death theory. While it was clearly logical, it was also apparently false as the license had no expiration. Consider this a retraction of my own contribution to the rumor-mongering.

    And, on topic, I did indeed go ahead and do a short sub to SWtoR. So much like classic Bioware that the nostalgia was worth it.

    Do like The Secret World but my trial is expiring. It is probably well worth it, and I recommend you try it if you haven't. I'm just a one MMO at a time guy.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SpikyShane View Post
    Word on the street doesn't mean anything. There's numerous rumours floating around. CoH wasn't making money, GW2 is opening up and they wanted to get rid of CoH to make players join GW2 and make it successful, licensing issues with other companies (this one I hadn't read until you mentioned it)... Nobody knows the truth apart from NCsoft, and I doubt they're going to tell us the truth any time soon.
    I'll choose to believe the Dev staff that have insisted Freedom was a financial success. I'll also refer back to an observation a month or so ago that the copyright/license notice on the login screen was out of date.

    At this point I choose to believe, until something definite develops, that CO found a way to kill the superhero gorilla competition.

    For the record, I rather liked The Secret World trial. Definitely a super hero feel to some of the abilities, just a heavy dark 'goes bump in the night' feel. I would be subscribed to it, but I also tried SW:ToR and found it had a lot of what I liked from the old single player Bioware KotOR. I'll be hanging there for a least a little while.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SpikyShane View Post
    I'm pleasantly surprised. CO is turning out to be a better game than I remember it being a few years ago. It looks better, and plays better. May stick with it. Also met a few people on there that play CoH, so that's good.
    Word on the street is CoX died because of licensing issues with Cryptic. I'm not going anywhere near CO. I'd play GW2 first.
  5. Rumor mill says it is a licensing issue related to the core engine... so I think the hurdle of the petition is incredibly high. Good luck, though.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Katie V View Post
    I've been playing around with ideas for a browser-based massively zero-player game for a while. I'll probably work on actually developing it now.

    (Which setting should I go with: high fantasy, or pseudo-American Frontier?)
    That's easy.

    pseudo-fantasy frontier
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
    TSW has a three day free trial now.
    Thanks, I had no idea.

    edit: and it is a 3-day weekend. seems fated. downloading now
  8. Goodreads group for superhero discussions and recommendations, anyone?
  9. I can't decide.

    I tried Champions and couldn't get out of the tutorial area - as in didn't like it and literally, couldn't figure it out.

    I have a LotRO account, fun game but just couldn't stick with it.

    I've always liked the concepts of The Secret World, but not sure I want to plop down money "sight unseen".

    SW:TOR at least has a free option to test drive it and goes F2P in a couple of months.

    I hear good things about GW2, but also no test drive option.
  10. Well, it doesn't matter anymore...
  11. Maybe they'll just pop it into the wild as is...

    ...I was saving IOs and everything.
  12. I'm still in shock.

    I'm gonna miss quirky-cool Justice.
  13. I wouldn't worry about those name wipes anymore. ...
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
    Well, thanks a lot for posting this. Now my parrot is pining.
    He's not pining. He's bleeding demised!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
    Inspired by your comment, I promptly searched on "savage" and got...this thread and some unrelated stuff.

    I'm not going to search on "claws" to look for new powersets, heh. Or "new powerset" either.

    So can you kindly point me to these other threads on this very topic?
    Sorry, looks like the thread that was there yesterday (with link to the yucky wikia) has been deleted. (Or my own search-fu has failed me.)

    My apologies.
  16. First, search is your friend. This is not the first such thread on this very topic.

    Second, I do not understand. It isn't the same powerset, and even it is related it doesn't invalidate any existing character. If it is a thematic or asthetic thing... Re-roll. No harm, no foul.

    I have claws characters too, and I'm just plain enthused about more possible options.
  17. DA/DB tank is pretty rare.
  18. Yay. Snagged one.

    So there are still valid ones in there (about the middle of the second list on my second try).
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Live_Wyre View Post
    Now that we have the absorb mechanic, make frostwork a +absorb power instead of a +HP.
    This is not the worst idea I have seen. In fact, I like it. It makes sense.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    I think they are slowly re-releasing the original series. It's probably Martin's distractions and the adding of new material that's been slowing things down.
    They are, in collected volumes. Volume 2 came out... somewhat recently. Or at least I just found it a couple of months ago.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    Yeah as I said the choice/decision to work with Fox on that show was probably not completely up to Whedon regardless.
    Hollywood works in mysterious ways...
    That it does. I picked on your quote, but it was intended more as a general comment for the broader discussion that may not know the genesis of the show.

    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    The idea of Dollhouse done as a HBO/Showtime show was just one of those "What if?" scenarios that's fun to consider.
    It is fun to consider. It would have been a far different show,... in a lot of ways.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    I sort of think Dollhouse might have been doomed to failure from the beginning not because Whedon willingly made it a "bad" show but because he was too restricted by the network he was on. I'm not sure he really had a choice between making his show on "family friendly" Fox or "adult content" HBO - sometimes you have to work with what you get stuck with.
    Keep in mind it was designed specifically as a Dushku vehicle to provide her a contractually obligated series for Fox. There was never really another option.

    And, on topic, I am enthused about the possiblities of the SHIELD show.
  23. You never go wrong with Ice/