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  1. I agree this looks BETTER than the first movie.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
    And when you say SOs, I presume you also mean lvl 30 generic IOs, which have roughly the same enhancement bonuses as SO+, but never need to be replaced.
    The OP said he has a free account, F2P acounts can not use IOs. He literally meant SOs.
  3. Statesman

    Does this mean that Recluse finally wins??
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    The Holiday Pack really should have been on sale starting today. It hurts my brain to see you not only not do something so logical as pair them, but to lose out on revenue because while waiting for the Holiday Pack to be released, people can run around the game and earn most of the same stuff for free and then say to themselves, "Meh, I really don't need to buy that Pack." <bangs head on desk>

    This isn't going to be the Zombie Survival Kit all over again when you release something season *after* the season is over, is it?

    If you're saving it for some other time, please at least announce when it will be available.
    I don't know whats crazier.. the fact that the supplier is not doing this, or the fact that the consumers are complaining about it so they can take our money faster.. Logic seems to fail on both accounts for the consumer.
  5. Yay for winter event! I wonder how many Pocket D's will spawn now between that and all the Itrials.
  6. Chrome_Family

    Remember when

    Remember when we had no SG bases.

    Remember Base Raids?
  7. 35 minute fan film
    Freddy vs Ghostbusters

    this was good!

    "Who you gonna kill!! Ghost Busters!!!" lol Freddy is epic
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
    I hadn't even heard of this one, now I'm looking forward to watching it when I have the time.

    I just wish that Fiorella had decided to go ahead and make Greyson. That would have been the ultimate fan film.
    True indeed
  9. Chrome_Family

    RIP Joe Frazier

    He lost his battle with Liver Cancer
  10. Sorry I'm late to this, Happy Birthday
  11. Yay its like a where's waldo game
  12. Chrome_Family


    V for Vendetta <-- LOVE this movie
    Demolition Man .. Who doesn't love this movie?? lol
    Analyze This
    Iron Monkey (1993)
    Van Wilder
    Rocky (all of them)
    Terminator (all of them)
    Batman 1989
    Superman II
    Space Balls
    Spider-man (all of them)
    Ip Man 1,2,3 (easily best martial arts trilogy ever)
    Zorro (Bandera's versions)
    Blade 1 & 2
    Conan the Barbaian
    Hellboy 1,2
    Matrix 1,2
    Pulp Fiction
    Broken Arrow
    Sword Fish
    Tango and Cash
    Star Trek (2009)
    Incredibles.. (so sad there isn't a sequel for this)

    anything with Donnie Yen...
  13. Here is mine caps to most stuff, decent recharge, and went with dark epic since the Tohitt debuff will help energy auras defense.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  14. She certainly looks more genuine and real than Kate Bosworth. I like it!