
Caption Champ 4/16/10
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  1. Bad Idea: Forgetting to post the next good idea after posting a bad idea. ;-)

    Good Idea: Picking up the *free* titan weapons pack when you purchase the Titan Weapons power set.
  2. On the 12th day of CoX-mas, my true love gave to me.

    12 Tillman-Sinclair wedding gifts
    11 Rikti Monkeys
    10 Cheesy dialogue lines
    9 Malta scheming
    8 Surviving Members
    7 Forces Tasking
    6 Trolls a raving
    5 Freedom Phalanx Costumes
    4 Posi battle drones
    3 of Numina's spellbooks
    2 Manticore Arrows
    And a Statesman's mask

    Next theme: Giant Monsters

    (Suggestion: include the current theme in your copy-paste so late arrivers don't have to go searching for it.)
  3. Not only is there a cow, but somewhere on the chalet there's an episode of The Price is Right being filmed. Apparently the "Cliffhangers" pricing game is very popular.
  4. (Because obvious choice is obvious.)

    On the eighth day of CoX-mas, my true love gave to me

    8 Surviving Members
    7 Forces Tasking
    6 trolls a raving
    5 Freedom Phalanx Costumes
    4 Posi battle drones
    3 of Numina's spellbooks
    2 Manticore Arrows
    And a Statesman's mask
  5. On the third day of CoX-mas, my true love gave to me:

    3 of Numina's spellbooks
    2 Manticore Arrows
    And a Statesman's mask

  6. My adventure in Cimerora continued as I fought through a rather beefy group of soldiers.
    If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
    The Paragon Store UI was designed by the offspring of a cretin and a moron, obviously. It's awful. Impulse buys are one of my things, I'm infamous for it among my friends. The paragon Store UI has cured me of that in terms of CoH it seems.

    Don't you want more of my money, NCSoft?

    Which is a very good point. Of all the issues remaining from the switch over to Freedom, the user-unfriendliness of the store UI is the one that hurts NCSoft's revenues the most directly.
  8. You of course realize you are furthering her plans for world domination by posting this, don't you? As am I by posting here...
  9. Green Lantern Corps #3: A little more is revealed out this implacable new enemy.

    Justice League #3: Kinda fun to see a younger, more impulsive Wonder Woman react to world of men.

    Wonder Woman #3: The promised big revelation actually happened last issue. So instead of the "what", we get the "how". Plus hints at how this big secret gone public will spell big trouble for Diana in the future.
  10. Young Justice - Decent action story--I enjoyed their take on the Forever People and squeed a bit at the Mazinger Z homage--interspersed with some fantastic character development through Black Canary's counseling sessions. Also loved the hints that were dropped in, especially, "Oh. You mean I'm Caucasian."

    Green Lantern - Only one complaint: WHY ARE WE NOT GETTING A NEW EPISODE NEXT WEEK!? I mean I'm still not crazy about the animation style, but much like Batman: TAS the storytelling was so good I forgot that that the animation was subpar.

    Loved the characterization of Hal Jordan as the cocky pilot who breaks all the rules for all the right reasons.

    Loved having the Red Lanterns as the main villains, and the hints that while they may be dangerous fanatics, it seems they have a good reason to hate the Guardians.

    Loved the Bruce Timm touch of creating original characters (Aya, Razer, Shyir Rev) that are such great characters that they seem bound to find their way into the comics eventually.

    I even, um, got something in my eye at the end. Fantastic start to what looks like will be an awesome series.

    Thundercats - As ShoNuff pointed out...Dang! Does this series ever take an episode off? Even when the Cats are taking these episodic bunny trails away from the main plot, it's still awesome. Best animated series on television, and given that there's a number of really good ones right now that's saying quite a lot.

  11. Sam McGee was surprised to learn that he had just won the latest Atlas Plaza superhero costume contest for "Most Original Costume", especially considering that he was just a lawyer.

    If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.
  12. Chris_Zuercher


    I've been using the web version for a while now. It's been a good service that's improved over time (mainly in better selection of back issues). The only downside would be that obviously Comixology comics don't have much collector value.
  13. Yeah, I know. It's totally like that scene from Aliens in reverse!
  14. Bad Idea: Respec-ing when you're already Blue Steel.

    Good Idea: Visiting a trainer after reaching a new level.
  15. These were fun the last go around, especially while I was stuck at stupid work away from my stupid computer that had stupid CoH installed.* Plus I discovered that every once in a great while, I'm actually funny. And that Tell A Story game sounds intriguing.

    * Only one of those three are stupid. CoH is a great game and I actually love my job.
  16. Action Comics #3: I'm enjoying seeing this different take on the character.

    Red Lanterns #3: In my opinion one of the pleasant surprises of the New 52, though it might not be everyone's cup of tea. I've enjoyed the existential musings of Atrocitus and the conflict in philosophies we now have.
  17. Dial H for Hero. Hey, got to find a way to use the characters in inactive accounts somehow.
  18. I don't have the money to waste on things I don't really need or aren't really fun. I can justify the subscription fee if I'm being entertained more than I'd be than with a premium account. But this is a video game, not a moral or religious imperative. I don't have to fork over my money if I don't want to. That being said, thus far the additional benefits of VIP status (the signature story arcs and the monthly Paragon points stipend) have been worth it.
  19. Charm Control: Bat those eyelashes, blow kisses and flaunt yourself to stun your enemies with your beauty and even charm them into doing your fighting for you.

    Depression Control (aka the "Strong Sad" power set): "Every day we die a little more," you tell your foes. Convince them of the futility of it all and convince them to just give up.

    Rap Battling: Rhyme your way to victory with this ranged attack set.
  20. There's also the issue of the competition. If you announce your plans too far in advance, you give others too much time to counter it. "City of Heroes might have Clown Summoning power set in four years, but play our game and you can command your clown armies TODAY!"
  21. Oddly enough, the fact that Shatner is singing, er, reciting these lyrics makes them make a whole lot more sense.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
    Devs said in the past they'd love to do a beast summoning set but never had the models. Now inexplicably they do. It's completely possible the models aren't ready for use yet. But this is one of those teasers the devs are so fond of doing.
    It may not be just a teaser. Complicated (i.e. time consuming i.e. money consuming) new features become easier to justify in the budget if the work is being used in several projects. One example would be the work done for creating the Cimerorans in Issue 12 being also utilized in creating the Shield Defense power set in Issue 13. Likewise work being done to create an animal training primary for masterminds becomes easier to justify to the bean counters if that work is also being used for the beast run travel power, an NPC in the Halloween event and non-combat pets.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
    D'aaawwwww! Who's a cute puppy? Who's a cute puppy? YOU ARE! Yes, you are!
    Why thank you! I've been trying to eat better lately. I'm glad someone noticed my nice shiny coat.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    Did the Transformers start out as a TV show or as a comic book?
    Toy line, actually. The comic books and the cartoon were developed about at the same time, though comic writer Bob Budiansky was instrumental in writing up a lot of the backstory and character bios.
  25. ZOMG! PUPPY! Seriously, I'm pleased with how this looks. The animation is well done and sells me on this being a wolf rather than a "four-legged rig".

    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    On UStream yesterday, Zwillinger said the 4-legged rig open up new possibilities, but he couldn't say anymore.
    Yes, *they* have to be tight-lipped for now, but that doesn't prevent the rest of us from speculating. City of My Little Pony, here we come!